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Devil's Due
Devil's Due
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
86 of 230
Devil’s Due ( Red Letter Days book 2)
By Rachel Caine


The money Lucia and her new partner received to open their detective agency had come with strings: any assignment delivered via red envelope had to be top priority. No sweat. No one could make Lucia do something she didn't believe in--right?

Wrong. Lucia soon learned that every choice she made meant life or death for innocent people. No one could be trusted, not even the ex-cop she'd hired--and fallen for. In fact, Ben might be her fatal weakness, if the powers warring to control the future used him to control Lucia....

So this was the second in a duology and this time it’s more from Lucia’s point of view and her journey where book one followed Jazz. I enjoyed but got a little bored in the middle which is so unlike me with a Caine book. It was good to get to know Lucia though and figure out maybe she’s not so rigid Overall it was a good read but just not past a 3 star.
Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart
Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart
1969 | Experimental, Jazz, Rock
6.7 (7 Ratings)
Album Rating
It’s fucking nuts!!! (0 more)
It’s a hot mess of an album (0 more)
After deciding to embrace my inner hippy and introduce myself to new musical experiences I had started with Frank Zappa and the natural progression was Captain Beefheart.

After doing extensive research as to where to start, I was intrigued to read about Trout Mask Replica, especially when it was classed on several sites as unlistenable.

I like a challenge so I bought it. I have to say that it’s the weirdest album I’ve EVER listened to! Captain Beefy does a lot of bellowing and, to be honest, I found it hard to distinguish one song for the other. However! I don’t know if it’s cos I’m on the autistic spectrum and generally like weird things, but... I liked it! I think the key to enjoying it is not to overthink it while listening, just do with it. I concentrated more on the beat of the music (if you can call it that?????!!!) than the lyrics.

Normally I hate jazz but I did enjoy it. I think I’d have to listen to it more times to feel comfortable with it. I would say, if you’re a bit nervous of investing in this, listen to the whole album before you purchase - it’s not for everyone, you may decide it’s just a cacophonous mess
The Haden Triplets by The Haden Triplets
The Haden Triplets by The Haden Triplets
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I’m cautious of musical dynasties. It seems to treat musical ability as some kind of spiritual magic, passed from soul to soul. I don’t get “Only Giles Martin can mix the Beatles because only he has the aura”. Nevertheless, everyone in the Haden family has such a gentle, intelligent, soulful talent that I find it hard to pull out a favourite. Father Charlie Haden is a beautiful, sensitive bass player who has played alongside Ornette Colman, Keith Jarrett and Pat Metheny. He created political, instrumental, jazz with Carla Bley and Don Cherry in the Liberation Music Orchestra. His parents were also singers and performed on the radio as The Haden Family. His son Josh is a bass player and singer with the band Spain and writes the tensest, poised, songs of heartbreak. Petra, Tanya and Rachel are Josh’s sisters and Charlie’s daughters, and although they have been singing for years, it took until 2014 to record their debut album of country songs. Previously Petra and Rachel had been That Dog and Petra had made an acapella version of ‘The Who Sell Out’. They have that synchronicity and intonation that only siblings can have. The three voices move as one. It’s the most straightforward, emotional music. There is no re-inventing of the wheel. It’s just music that lifts the spirits."

The Dirty Streets Of Heaven (Bobby Dollar #1)
The Dirty Streets Of Heaven (Bobby Dollar #1)
Tad Williams | 2012 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (0 more)
Bobby Dollar AKA Doloriel is a snarky, stubborn, cynical, jazz loving, wiseass of an angel. As an angel of the Third Circle his job is that of an Advocate Angel. He's on your side to argue for your soul to get into heaven. When souls start disappearing Bobby is on the hook and finds himself in the middle of a conspiracy that has Heaven and Hell in a tizzy.
This book is a supernatural noir type, Set in Heaven and San Judas, California-named after the patron saint of the hopeless, the unloved, and other lost causes. Told in a first person narrator pov. (Think similar to Brust. The narrator is talking to 'you personally'). The characters are phenomenal and the descriptions are great. As this is not his normal writing style it shows and can be a bit rough at some places.
This fast paced mystery is a delight with its unique show of how heaven and hell could work it makes you think. Even though it is about angels it isn't overly religious it also isn't anti-God. There is drinking, cussing, and violence. Yep the angels drink, some even to the point of drinking their Earthly bodies to death.
Heaven's most problematic angel is figuring out how he can survive being stuck in the middle of this ancient battle.

Vince Clarke recommended Bookends by Simon & Garfunkel in Music (curated)

Bookends by Simon & Garfunkel
Bookends by Simon & Garfunkel
1968 | Folk
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I saw the film The Graduate when I was 15 and heard the track 'The Sound Of Silence' and I immediately went out and bought the songbook and learned every song. Hearing Simon & Garfunkel was the thing that made me decide I would really like to make music for a living. I could play the songs, and suddenly music seemed much less foreign to me. Before that it was watching people on Top Of The Pops doing their thing, and it was just another world to me, it didn't seem like something that could be homegrown or that I could possibly achieve. At the time I'd just started going to the school guitar club and learning basic chords, and this music came along and I thought, ""Ah, I can learn that"". I like the simplicity of the lyrics, and there's a naivety to the songwriting, and when they write about New York and that, now I live here and have been visiting for years, I can see where their inspirations came from. You can't deliberately be naive, you write simple songs I guess, and hopefully something that you do happens in the writing process. I'm really into melody, I couldn't listen to a jazz fusion record for instance, I'm the opposite end of the scale, that's all."


Moby recommended What's This For? by Killing Joke in Music (curated)

What's This For? by Killing Joke
What's This For? by Killing Joke
2005 | Alternative, Pop, Punk, Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember hearing 'Requiem' on college radio, and it really combined all of my favourite things - it had synths on it, really heavy distorted guitars, tribal drums, this crazy jazz drummer and punk rock vocals. The first album is great, but What's This For is one of those rare albums where the second is actually better. I remember when it came out I went to the record store the week of release, though I couldn't afford to buy it, and looking at the cover and how beautiful it was. It was this collage, with these psychedelic, apocalyptic colours, and the title is one of those great titles where it meant nothing but it was captivating. What are they asking, I don't understand. Standing in the record store, holding this piece of vinyl, hoping that one day I'd be able to buy it... when I finally got it home, the sound quality was even better than the first album, and it just had this sinewy darkness to it that was really amazing. Everything about them from the basslines to the drumming to the way they approach guitar and lyrics... it was the first time I'd ever heard really heavy distorted guitar that the way they were mixed they didn't dominate the music, the fit perfectly within the framework of the song."

Jeepers Creepers (2001)
Jeepers Creepers (2001)
2001 | Horror, Mystery
Subhuman dumpsterscum Victor Salva adds absolutely nothing to this as an auteur let alone as a basic director: he shoots it mostly in the most unengaging, dated way possible and the writing - which can at best be described as semi-coherent - feels like a Quibi's worth of material thinly stretched into feature length. Overall a very haphazard, spotty experience that doesn't deliver nearly as much of the goods as it should... but definitely still weird, gross, and funny enough to suffice. That Sistine Chapel-esque lair of mutilated bodies, cobwebs, dirt, and vials of various mysterious liquids is almost worth the price of admission alone (in fact just in general the production is A-class when Salva can actually shoot it right), and Justin Long's one continuous panic attack of a performance is so tremendous. And come on, JC is one *hell* of a killer - running on moving cars, foully scarfing down innards, pulling 180s with his swiss army knife collection of bodily contortions, and whistling jazz tunes like some sort of crowd-pleasing merger of Predator and Freddy Krueger. Shame there isn't enough of him, but I just have to admire how that ending takes zero prisoners. It's fun, nowhere near the classic it should have been though even if there are hints of what it could have been sprinkled throughout.
Cocktails & Casualties (Crooked Cove Mysteries #1)
Cocktails & Casualties (Crooked Cove Mysteries #1)
Carly Wayne | 2023 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
COCKTAILS & CASUALTIES is the first book in the Crooked Cove Mysteries and we are introduced to Teddy, a wandering bartender who decides to go exploring by herself when the cruise ship she is on docks at an island. Unfortunately, time gets away from her and she ends up stranded. Luckily for her, she is found by a nice couple who take her to 'civilisation' where she can at least eat and sleep in a bed for the night. Then her adventures really begin.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story as Teddy becomes good friends with Jazz, and learns all about the other members of the community. Hawk is a great character and I hated what happened, although he still managed to hit me in the feels near the end of the book. There is a slight triangle here with Nate and Santi, which I'm hoping doesn't become a thing. Santi, all the way!

The pacing was wonderful and all the characters well fleshed out. I enjoyed my time in Crooked Cove and look forward to returning, where (hopefully) I'll see more of Santi! Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 17, 2023
The Alpha's Daughter (The Wolvers #3)
The Alpha's Daughter (The Wolvers #3)
Jacqueline Rhoades | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will start by saying that I was unaware that this was book 3 in the series. It in no way affected my enjoyment of the book (as you can see by the 5-star rating), and at no point did I feel like I had missed out on anything.

This is a perfectly sized book - not too long, but certainly long enough to get your teeth into. One of the things that I loved is that you get everything here - the beginning, middle, climax and epilogue of their story. How fantastic is that? I was not left wanting, indeed, I was completely satisfied by the story of Jazz and Griz.

I won't go into a breakdown of the story, you have the synopsis and other reviews for that. What I will say is that this is exceptionally well-written, with a fast and flowing pace that kept my attention on every word. I connected with all the characters and certainly wept more than a few tears for them. This is the first book I have read by this author, but it certainly won't be the last. Highly recommended!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 9, 2016
Love Me or Grieve Me
Love Me or Grieve Me
Diane Vallere | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Obituary Error Puts Madison in Danger
It all starts with a mix up in the paper. Addison Nigh, a once famous jazz singer, has died, but a small paper in town mixes it up with Madison Night, and other papers pick up on the error. Naturally, this creates problems for Madison since banks freeze her accounts and clients cancel appointments, or don’t show up at all.

But Madison can’t help but be curious about Addison. As she begins to meet the woman’s friends and family, she stumbles over a dead body. Can Madison figure out what is really going on?

I always love it when an author comes up with a creative premise for a mystery, and this is one of those. It leads to so much happening that it is hard to put down. I couldn’t figure out which thread was important until Madison figured it out at the end. The premise also allows us to see real growth in Madison and her relationship with her boyfriend, which I enjoyed. There are some great comic moments as well. Fans of Doris Day movies will not only recognize the title but also some of the details in Addison’s life, but that’s only a jumping off point. Anyone who enjoys a great mystery will be glad they picked this one up.