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Saoirse Ronan recommended Three Amigos! (1986) in Movies (curated)

Three Amigos! (1986)
Three Amigos! (1986)
1986 | Comedy, Western

"And then just, even like comedies of the 1980s, I mean the Three Amigos, I grew up with… It’s such a great movie. I was just talking to someone about it actually and I haven’t seen The Jerk before and we were both saying… she’s a director I just worked with and she grew up watching Three Amigos and loved, obviously, Steve Martin and Martin Short and Chevy Chase. It’s such a simple and ridiculous storyline that it just works. It’s like from the off, you’re just in on this little joke, you know. It’s so great. So I loved that when I was growing up. She was telling me The Jerk, I’d never seen The Jerk before, and I watched it a couple of weeks ago for the first time and it was, again, just really great, kind of like, SNL humor that I really love."
