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Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
1986 | Comedy
Ok, I get that it's a teen classic.

I get that it's one of John Hughes 1980s movies.

I get that it was Matthew Broderick's break-out role, and that the 4th-wall breaking nature of the movie helped lay the groundwork for 'Deadpool' all those years later.

I DON'T get the appeal of the movie: for me, this was forgettable, with the lead character an annoying jerk (who, admittedly, does have one good line about how life is pretty short) only out for himself, and who pulls his girlfriend and his best friend Cameron along for no reason other than to show off to - he doesn't even have the gumption to check how Cameron is at the tail end of the movie.

I've heard about people saying how it is, essentially, a wish-fulfilment movie. My only wish is that I hadn't wasted my time watching it.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Breadcrumbs in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Anne Ursu | 2011
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was an okay read. I went into it with really no expectations so I guess an okay is pretty good.
The story telss of 2 5th grade best friends, Hazel and Jack. Jack made Hazel feel like she had a place in the world until one day he just up and changed on her. Her turnd into a jerk in the blink of an eye. The interesting part comes when reality turns to fantasy as Jack takes off into the woods on a sleigh pulled by white wolves. And of course no one sees it except Tyler, Hazel's archenemy when it comes to matters involving Jack.
The best writing comes as Hazel takes off into the woods to bring Jack home. The real world part of the story tends to drag a bit and the writing is much more simplistic. The fantasy part is the real meat of the stoey in terms of writing quality and plot.
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed Vamps & the City more than the first book in the series, How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire. Only a few things bothered me in this book; one being that Austin was being a judgmental jerk about vamps, (2) how easily Darcy forgave him, and (3) the whole vamps don't have a shadow thing. I know that last one has been used in other medias, but I have never gotten it - that or no reflections. Especially because I'm sure if you hold a corpse up to a mirror, you'd see their reflection. How can something solid not have a shadow anyway? In the book they are technically alive at night so they could have a shadow and reflection. Illogical, but I guess so are vampires (or are they? LoL), but I'm just nitpicking. :P

I did think that the whole flow to this book was so much better than in the first. So overall, I thought it was a fast, fun, and interesting read.
Athena College is playing host to the Southern Academic Libraries Association convention and Charlie Harris’s old grad school classmate Gavin Fong is giving the keynote address. Charlie doesn’t have fond memories of Gavin, and an encounter opening night proves that Gavin is still as arrogant as ever. But when Gavin collapses and dies in the middle of his speech, Charlie is surprised. Yes, Gavin was a jerk, but who hated him enough to kill him?

As always, this is a strong mystery, with conflict and tension set up from the very first chapter. We have several strong motives and suspects before Gavin dies, and we get some nice twists before the logical solution. The suspects are all believable, and the returning characters continue to be strong. Charlie’s cat Diesel charms like always as well.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.