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Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
A different Pokemon movie
If you're expecting this film to be about a Pokemon trainer, who battles other trainers, then let me say, you're gonna be surprised. This film is a different kind of Pokemon film. There are a couple of Pokemon fights, but otherwise, since the movie takes place in a city where Pokemon fights and pokeballs are not allowed, there are no fights. In fact, all of the Pokemon roam free. Well, free with their trainers.

Truth be told, the story is not that deep or original. But the main characters hold the movie together. Ryan Reynold's Pikachu is great. He's a bit sarcastic, but not a jerk. And the human characters are performed very well, especially Justice Smith as Tim. And you can never beat Bill Nighy. There are many funny parts. The Mr. Mime scene is absolutely hilarious.

The movie is a Pokemon fan's dream. There are some scenes where there are so many Pokemon on the screen, it's like over-load! Can't wait until I'm able to pause these scenes to see if I can name them all. Gotta name them alllll!!!!

The world is a wonder to see & it makes you think how great it would be, as well as how terrifying it would be, to have a world full of Pokemon. Every single Pokemon is adorable.

Naturally, there is a bad guy. He tries to do something bad, and the good guys try to stop them. Can they do it?

My bottom line, if you like Pokemon, you'll like this. If you don't, you'll probably still like it, but not as much. As for myself, I can't wait to see more movies set in this world.
Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding, #1)
Avoiding Commitment (Avoiding, #1)
K.A. Linde | 2012
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
When I first heard about this book, I was extremely interested. There's nothing better than watching a man who refuses to commit be roped in. However, I most certainly did not care for this story. First of, Alexa is really annoying. I understand her infatuation at first, because well make mistakes, but it didn't take me nearly as long as it did her that Jack would never choose to be with her unless there was another person involved. The only times he slept with her were when one, or both, of them were unavailable - this tells me what a jerk Jack is. Also, in the beginning, I thought maybe Jack had called Alexa to come down because he was actually having second thoughts and wanted to see if he still had feelings for her before he got married. Then she meets Ramsey. I liked him immediately and quickly threw Jack aside, because nothing he did convinced me he would treat her better. Each past story of their reunions left me cringing and wishing she would just tell Jack to F off - no such luck. By the end of the book, I was praying that Jack would get hit by a bus and that Alexa would realize that Ramsey could be a good match for her. It was hard to keep up with the writing and, occasionally, the view would change for a sentence or two and reveal what either Jack or Ramsey were thinking; this was confusing. The ending was perfect, though. She finally tells Jack to shove it and, though I liked Ramsey, she tells him there's no room for him. I thought, "Good for you. You've been too obsessed with Jack for too long to start up a relationship this soon." I loved that it ended with Alexa being alone, it's what she needed.
Betwixt (Betwixt and Between #1)
Betwixt (Betwixt and Between #1)
Darynda Jones | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
14 of 250
Betwixt (Bitwixt&Between book 1)
By Darynda Jones

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Divorced, desperate, and destitute, former restaurateur Defiance Dayne finds out she has been bequeathed a house by a complete stranger. She is surprised, to say the least, and her curiosity gets the better of her. She leaves her beloved Phoenix and heads to one of the most infamous towns in America: Salem, Massachusetts.

She’s only there to find out why a woman she’s never met would leave her a house. A veritable castle that has seen better days. She couldn’t possibly accept it, but the lawyer assigned to the case practically begs her to take it off her hands, mostly because she’s scared of it. The house. The inanimate structure that, as far as Dephne can tell, has never hurt a fly.

Though it does come with some baggage. A pesky neighbor who wants her gone. A scruffy cat who’s a bit of a jerk. And a handyman bathed in ink who could moonlight as a supermodel for GQ.

She decides to give it three days, and not because of the model. She feels at home in Salem. Safe. But even that comes to a screeching halt when people begin knocking on her door day and night, begging for her help to locate their lost objects.

Come to find out, they think she’s a witch. And after a few mysterious mishaps, Dephne is beginning to wonder if they’re right.

It wasn’t a bad book it was very middle of the road compared to her other books. It’s got a decent story some good characters hoping we see the ex get his comeuppance a little more! I do love her little quotes at the start of each chapter it wouldn’t be a Darynda book without them!
The Elusive Sun (Etherya's Earth #2)
The Elusive Sun (Etherya's Earth #2)
Rebecca Hefner | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE ELUSIVE SUN is the second full-length novel in the Etherya's Earth series. Sathan and Miranda are happy as can be, so now it's turn for Lila and Latimus to work out their issues. And, boy, do they have a few!!!

It is so easy to return to this world as it has been described and built with such detail as to make it incredibly easy to believe in. My heart broke for Lila at the same time as my respect for her and her abilities rose sky-high. She may be polite and well-mannered but don't ever mistake her for being weak-willed. She can hold her own against Latimus, so that tells you something!

As for Latimus, well, he's a jerk. Always has been, always will be... or will he? Is Lila actually going to be able to work her magic on his stubbornness? These two really are a match made in heaven, and I loved reading every single word. There is one other word I need to say - Jack. So adorable and rounds out his little family. What a warrior.

This book is now without losses, and my eyes definitely leaked when Takel was so heroic. I won't say anything else because of spoilers but ALL. THE. FEELS.

A fantastic addition to the series that I have loved - although I will admit to not thinking much of Etherya herself. I look forward to seeing how she manipulates things in the future. Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Under a Wicked Moon (The Crown's Wolves #2)
Under a Wicked Moon (The Crown's Wolves #2)
Zoe Forward | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
UNDER A WICKED MOON is the second book in The Crown's Wolves series. Roman and Nova started the series; Vivi and Ky continue it. We start off with Ky going undercover - alone. He knows his brothers will be slightly miffed as they've always agreed to never go it alone. However, when the douchebag - sorry, I mean, the monarch - gives an order, Ky has no option but to do as he is told. There, he meets Vivi. The attraction is instantaneous but, being as the humans appear to want them to breed, both Vivi and Ky are determined to fight it every step of the way. It gets more complicated once they escape, moving the story along in leaps and bounds.

I thoroughly enjoyed book one, and book two is no different. I love these brothers, how they are so different in so many ways, and yet loyalty runs strong and true amongst them all. You get more hints at another brother, which I am also loving. Of course, you know it's not going to be easy for Vivi and Ky but I never realised just how hard. Oh, my poor heart got pummelled!

However, it was a brilliant read, keeping my attention from the first word to the last. I am loving how this story is moving and changing, even though the monarch doesn't appear to change at all. Jerk! I'm guessing it will be Shane's turn next, but whether it's him or Flynn, I'll be happy either way.

A great addition to the series that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
197 of 230
Vicious Royals ( Nocturnal Academy book 3)
By Margo Ryerkerk and Holly Hook

A sadistic vamp lord. A rebellious fae. A vicious hunt.

The first term of Nocturnal Academy is over. Majors have been assigned.

I've made choices that brought me closer to the guillotine. But the fight isn't over, not yet.

I must get through the spring term. Not an easy feat when the vamp students are planning a sacrifice and have a bone to pick with me.

But even if I survive the prison academy, someone will be buying my contract after school is out, and rumor has it that the king of sadists is interested in me.

Whatever he wants, he gets.

But if he thinks I'll go down without a fight, he has another thing coming.

I'll even ally myself with Thorsten, the vamp guard whose family the sadist has wronged.

But working together with Thorsten brings new problems. The handsome jerk seems to hate me, yet keeps putting his head on the line for me.

My mind is growing more and more confused with him while my body craves him.

If I'm not careful, I'm going to leave Nocturnal Academy not just with a slavery contract, but also a broken heart.

Dive into a world where vampires rule over fae, and one girl is determined to change it all!

This world is a hard one if you’re Fae. It’s pretty brutal the way these vampires behave towards the fae especially the female. This is the best one so far it’s fully packed with action and drama. Also the bombshell at the end I didn’t see coming. Well worth a read if you like fantasy but it may need a trigger warning for some scenes. I do really like these two authors they are becoming firm favourites.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Carrillo's Cowboy in Books

Mar 25, 2021 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
Carrillo's Cowboy
Carrillo's Cowboy
Tee Smith | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CARRILLO'S COWBOY is a quick read that still manages to give you a full story. Now, I'm not saying that everything is there. You know how I always want more! What I can say is within the pages you are given, you get more than enough to make your own mind up about the characters.

Callie is trying hard, so hard, to keep her father's ranch alive. She has some good friends to help, plus a rodeo to organise, but she could always use more help. Luckily for her, that appears in the shape of Cody, a drifter who wants to find a reason to stay. And luckily for him (!) those reasons are Callie and her children.

Oh, did my heart break for Austin. Poor lad. He wanted so much to be loved by his dad (who was a first-class jerk, can I just say!). Grace is the other child, and she is the one who doesn't seem fazed by the move to the country, or the lack of contact from her dad. All of the characters are written brilliantly, giving you insight into their world.

With a smooth pace and storyline to keep me turning the pages, Carrillo's Cowboy was just what I needed. Of course, now I need more in this world. I need to know Wal survives for another rodeo for a start!

A great novella that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 25, 2021
Smoke on the Water (Mystic Beach, #3)
Smoke on the Water (Mystic Beach, #3)
Aislinn Archer | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SMOKE ON THE WATER is the third book in the Mystic Beach series and features the quiet bass player, David, and sound engineer, Piper. These two are a match made in heaven, but the devil is in the details. Those details being someone who thinks he has a claim over Piper already.

Man, everywhere you turn in this book there is a misogynistic jerk just waiting to be put in his place. Luckily for me, Ms Archer does that with aplomb. All in her own good time, of course, but it did happen.

The sparks between David and Piper are apparent from the very beginning but, for varying reasons, Piper asks they keep things on the down low. David isn't too happy about that but - for Piper - he agrees.

The thing I loved about this story is how the focus is on Piper and David. You could read this as a standalone. If you don't though, like me, you get all the little snippets of things that happened in books one and two, but from a different angle. I love that!

The other part I loved was that their social awkwardness disappeared when it was the two of them. They may say the wrong thing to others, but not really to each other. They were understanding of each other and gave encouragement whenever needed.

Hunter and Brighid are a favourite couple, and they now have company in David and Piper. Declan is next and I can't wait. I'm just hoping Rory gets her HEA because her backstory just about killed me! Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Professional Distance (Thorne and Dash #1)
Professional Distance (Thorne and Dash #1)
Silvia Violet | 2015 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first story of Thorne and 'Dash', and I will tell you now that I can't wait for book 2! That being said, this book is complete in and of itself, so it will be interesting to see where their story takes them next.

Thorne is 42 years old and a workaholic. Everything is scheduled, even sex, and he has distanced himself from emotion since being badly hurt, and unable to show it. Dash is 22 years old and is working as an escort in order to pay his way through cooking school and become a chef. There is nothing unusual or extraordinary about the basis of this story, but something about how it was written, grabbed me and wouldn't let go!

Thorne can act like an arrogant jerk, and he knows it. Not only will Dash not put up with this behaviour, but he also understands why Thorne is acting this way and knows how to make the situation better. Of course, things aren't plain sailing, and there is the issue of Dash being an escort, as well as twenty years younger than Thorne, to contend with.

What brought this to a 5-star read for me, was the way in which Thorne dealt with his loss and turned his life around. By taking control of his life in a way he wasn't expecting, and laying himself on the line for the one he loves, this is what gave the fifth star from me. I loved the interactions between Dash and Thorne, hot in every sense.

Absolutely recommended by me, and I can't wait for more from Silvia Violet.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 24, 2016