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Shadow Bound (Shadow #1)
Shadow Bound (Shadow #1)
Erin Kellison | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SHADOW BOUND is the first book in the Shadow series, starting off with the Daughter of Death, Talia. Not only that, but you get a nice prologue that tells you about the love between her father and mother, and just what their situation was. I really liked that.

After the prologue, you move forward twenty-six years to find Talia packing for a new job after successfully defending her dissertation. All that changes when two Wraiths force their way into her home and kill her flatmate. Talia goes on the run, successfully hiding for a few months until her luck seems to run out. While this has been going on, Adam has been searching for her. She is the only one so far he has found that mentions 'Shadowman' and he is desperate to find her. He does, in the nick of time, and that's when the fun really starts.

Talia doesn't simply turn into a kick-ass bad-ass b!tch. Nope, she claws her way through her instincts to run and hide, only really coming into her own during the last part of the book. Adam is a bitter, arrogant jerk (with reason) who wants to use Talia at the beginning and, by the end, will do anything to protect her.

This is a fast-paced story that will keep you turning the pages. The world-building was great and really helped to set the scene, not only for this book but also for the others in the series. Talia and Adam are ably supported by a fascinating group of characters that I hope will be in later books. I found it to be a great start to the series and look forward to Custo's story, which is next.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 20, 2023
Smith's Corner: Faith & Fox (The Heartwood Series #4)
Smith's Corner: Faith & Fox (The Heartwood Series #4)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
SMITH'S CORNER: FAITH & FOX is the fourth book in the Heartwood series. Fox has been the strong, silent one throughout the story so far, but now we find out why, and how it has affected him. We also learn more about Faith and what she had to deal with. Let's just say, it hasn't been easy for either of them.

Kingsley, I knew was going to turn up. After all, he did in Ash and Alora's story so there's no way he wasn't going to show here. But then, we find out just how much of a sadistic jerk he is, and I really REALLY disliked him. And it was so true what Faith experienced. You can train and train, but when confronted by someone like that, sometimes you do freeze. That's where extra training comes in, to try and stop that reaction from happening.

The romance between Faith and Fox is hot and sweet. She has her concerns, to be fair, none of which have anything to do with Fox. And I loved how she could read him, giving him a voice when he didn't have one.

The thing I love about these books is the heartache you get. Because you know that it will be followed by all the love and romance you could ask for. Now, in true Jayne Paton style, although I thought it was Faith and Fox I wanted, she's moved me along, and now my heart is aching for Storm and Stone, and Hunter and Holden. So much pain!!!! I can't wait.

This is a brilliant series that now has an extra jewel in its crown. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 3, 2021
Covered (Gold Hockey Season 2, #7)
Covered (Gold Hockey Season 2, #7)
Elise Faber | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Best one so far...
COVERED is the seventh book in the Gold Hockey Season Two series but you can read it as a standalone. Jess and Josh from book six do feature here as supporting characters, but you don't need to have read their story.

Jordyn's world exploded when she caught her husband and best friend together. She packed up her sons and their lives and moved to be near her brother. Ben can see she is hurting, but also sees the strength inside, the strength she doesn't feel. With his confidence in her, Jordyn is able to find her feet. The connection works both ways, and she is able to help him when his family issues get too big for him to contain.

This was a brilliant read! Ben and Jordyn know what they want and go for it. No messing around, no unnecessary angst, just feelings and the ability to show them in small ways. That's what got me about this book. There are no big flashy 'look at how good I am' moments. Just kind, caring, simple, and oh-so-effective times that burrow under your skin and make you yearn!

I read this book in one sitting as I simply couldn't put it down. I loved Ben and Jordyn's story, not forgetting Sammy and Marcus. The pacing is perfect, the story flowing without any hitches or jerks. Well, maybe Daniel is a jerk, but he's supposed to be!

This was a great addition to the series, the best one so far in my opinion. Now, I just need to wait for Will and Lily. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Krinar Experiment
The Krinar Experiment
Charmaine Pauls | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Krinar Experiment (Krinar Kindle World) by Charmaine Pauls
The Krinar Experiment is the first book in the Krinar Kindle World that I have tried, simply because I am a big fan of Charmaine Pauls. It is a complete standalone, you do not have to have any prior knowledge of the Krinar before you start reading this book.

Drako is a Krina, entering Earth's atmosphere for the first time, and his pod wasn't up to dealing with earth's atmosphere. He loses his invisibility, and then crash-lands in the middle of a sports stadium in South Africa. He is captured by the Secret Service and tortured. They call Ilse in to heal him, as they have plans that don't include him dying. The attraction between Drako and Ilse is instantaneous, but there is a big (read MASSIVE) misunderstanding between Ilse and Drako. This eventually leads him to kidnapping her... and I'll let you read the rest for yourself.

Now, I'm going to be perfectly honest here - I love Sci-Fi Romances, and I love Charmaine Pauls, but I didn't love this book. I enjoyed it, yes, but I didn't love it. Why? Well, for a start, that misunderstanding I mentioned? Yep, it's a biggie, but Drako acts like a jerk about it, and refuses to hear anything that Ilse has to say. Also, the things that he does is borderline dub-con, but is given the approval because she gets wet, and then asks for it. I've read dub-con before and never had an issue with it, but something about this just sat wrong with me.

There is an amazing amount of detail in this book, but you are never overloaded. With good characters, and bad, there is someone for everyone. There are no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I did thoroughly enjoy this story. I would be happy to read more in this series, and definitely recommend it for those who want more from this world.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Seize the Night (Dark-Hunter, #5)
Sherrilyn Kenyon | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another absolutely wonderful addition to the Dark-Hunter series - I loved it! Tabitha was way better than I expected (I was worried she would be too much) and Valerius was as great as I had hoped. What can I say? I love tortured heroes, and he's one of the best. I felt so much for him and hated how horrid the others treated him for no good reason - other than being judgmental @$$es anyway, especially Kyrian. Now I don't remember much about <i>Night Pleasures</i> for some reason, probably because it is my least favorite in the series, but I thought Kyrian was such a you-know-what with how he treated Valerius. I mean, come on, he was just a five-year-old for crying out loud. Jerk. Same goes with Zarek, but I understand that a bit more. But really, couldn't these idiots have gotten over something that happened 2,000 years ago, instead of acting like children? Grow up already and face facts, he was just a kid who didn't do anything to Kyrian, tried to help Zarek, and was born a Roman. Poor guy. He never knew kindness until Tabitha.

Closer to the end there were some real shockers and since Nick was featured in <i>Night Pleasures</i>, I need to get my hands on that book to re-read it, so I can reacquaint myself to him and the story. Maybe then I'd like it better and be able to remember more from it. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who has not read it yet, but this is one well-paced and plotted book! :)

As much as I loved the book, I was rather disappointed with the ending. It was rushed and was a good thirty or more pages shorter than other Dark-Hunter books. I felt that there needed to be more. The truce was rather lame and anti-climatic and so was the soul thing (or whatever it should be called) with Tabitha and Valerius. However, I loved the epilogue, and overall it is one of my faves of the series, I just wish more justice could have been done to the end of Valerius's story.
Paddington 2 (2017)
Paddington 2 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Great Fun
I'm hoping this review doesn't turn into a lovefest, but Paddington 2, like its predecessor, had a way of pushing all of my right buttons. The gang is back with a few new faces to add, like Hugh Grant playing the role of antagonist Phoenix Buchanan. Grant excels in the role as you hate him and love him at the same time. He's smug, playful, and just a downright jerk. The film wouldn't have been the same without him.

The film's humor packs a powerful punch in a number of ways. It's hilariousness comes not just in the things that hit you directly, but the side things happening at the same time. In one scene the Brown family is talking amongst themselves with their usual funny banter while Paddington destroys an entire candy apple in one bite. I'm excited to go back again and revisit some of the things I may have missed.

Paddington's Aunt Lucy has her hundredth birthday coming up and Paddington finds something extremely special to give to her. He decides to get a job and scrounge up his cash to buy the item, but someone else has their sights on the item as well and is willing to stop at nothing to get it.

It's the perfect film to start 2018 off with a bang. While Paddington 2 does have a few extreme moments, those moments are forgivable when looking at the film as a whole. Every kids movie has its extreme moments, but not every kids movies can successfully pass on a positive message without making it look preachy. This is where Paddington 2 shines and sets itself apart.

The message is simple: We get further in life when we help each other and love each other. Now's as good a time as any to reinforce that statement. Paddington reminds us of who we should all strive to be as people. He goes through life without a care in the world and always puts his family and friends first.

A fun and heartwarming ride, you'll find yourself rooting for Paddington the whole way through. I give Paddington 2 a 98. Talk about setting the bar high for 2018! It's gonna be a great year.
Hunting for Spring (Philadelphia Coven Chronicles #1) by Katherine McIntyre
Hunting for Spring is the first book in the Philadelphia Coven Chronicles and we have the world building that will enable us to read the rest of the series, knowing who is who and who does what. Hunter is a human Hunter - usually of the Fae - but he understands that just as not all humans are nice, not all Fae are 'bad'. Unfortunately, it's an opinion that is unpopular with his father and the man who was brought up as his brother. When he meets Brenna, he thinks she is a normal fae, which is also the opinion Brenna wants him to have as most people don't seem to think that highly of half-breeds. With Unseelie causing chaos and half-breeds disappearing Connor and Brenna work together to put things back to normal - or as normal as they possibly could be.

This was a great introduction to a new world, where casters and hunters work to the same end, without working together as much as possible. I have to say, whatever his reasons, Connor's dad was a first-class jerk, with Liam not far behind. I loved how Connor was, and am thankful he turned out that way! Brenna is a sweet and sassy character, fully capable of standing on her own two feet but also willing to stand back when necessary. There is also a bunch of characters I want to know more about, as well as this world as a whole.

This was an exciting read, with plenty of action and adventure. With smooth transitions from one scene to the next, there were also no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The world building was on point, and all the characters had depth, with their own quirks and foibles. An excellent start to the series that leaves me wanting more. Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Shiver (Unbreakable Bonds #1)
Shiver (Unbreakable Bonds #1)
Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shiver (Unbreakable Bonds #1) by Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott
Shiver is the first book in the Unbreakable Bonds series, and I have just found myself a whole new series that I would like. No, actually, scrap that. I don't want this series, I NEED it!!!

This story is about Lucas and Andrei, self-made millionaire and bodyguard. This book is serious and yet also amusing. They both make a comment about how corny their relationship is, a film was even made about it. This made me chuckle out loud, even as I was concerned about what was going to happen next. I love Lucas - his strength, his friendships, and how he isn't prepared to let others do things for him that he isn't prepared to do himself. He is also an arrogant, high-handed jerk at times, but will admit to when he's wrong. As for Andrei, he is a sweetie. Okay, so that may be the wrong word to describe an underground fighter/bodyguard, but he is. These two have a rocky relationship with a HFN ending, but their relationship is very strong and I can't wait to see where it goes.

The mystery side was enough to keep me guessing (although I'm happy to report my instincts were correct lol). There was plenty of action, as well as action between the sheets. Although the main focus of this book was Lucas, you also get a good glimpse of the others and potential partners for them. As for Rowe, I both want to and don't want to read his, because I think my heart might get broken before I get a HEA!

Excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I adored this book. The dialogue flowed and felt completely natural whilst reading. I was intrigued and enthralled, and thoroughly loved every word. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!