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Merissa (11800 KP) rated Lone Wolf in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Lone Wolf
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lone Wolf kicks off with Jackson being a reluctant saviour and helping someone get to the hospital. He literally crashes into his soulmate, causing the heart bump and tunnel vision he has been told about. Of course, the heart bumps could be because his soulmate is a male, which throws Jackson completely. Leo has heard of the soulmate bond, but doesn't really know much about it. He doesn't have a problem with wolves, and lives with one in a purely platonic manner. Leo is gay, and has no issues with being so. These two have a number of hurdles to jump before they can get their HEA.

This story brings a new twist to the soulmate bond, in that although both sides know when it happens, the human side of the bond is harder to feel, and BOTH parties can walk away if they decide they don't want to follow through with the bond for whatever reason.

There is angst in this book as Jackson tries to deal with having a male soulmate, and he does act like a massive jerk for part of the book. I personally think Leo is too forgiving, but I understand the bond is there. There isn't much of a connection between Jackson and Leo for most of the book, because of issues, but once it happens, it's all good. Not only do they have their relationship problems to contend with, but they also have to deal with arson and the Human Protection League, who are fervently against wolves, and especially human-wolf bonding.

Not everything is answered in this book, and I would say Jackson and Leo get a HFN ending, so I'm wondering if there will be a second book to this one?

On the whole, even though it didn't blow me out of the water, I enjoyed this book and would be interested to see where it's going next. I would still recommend Lone Wolf.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Krinar Experiment
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Krinar Experiment is the first book in the Krinar Kindle World that I have tried, simply because I am a big fan of Charmaine Pauls. It is a complete standalone, you do not have to have any prior knowledge of the Krinar before you start reading this book.

Drako is a Krina, entering Earth's atmosphere for the first time, and his pod wasn't up to dealing with earth's atmosphere. He loses his invisibility, and then crash-lands in the middle of a sports stadium in South Africa. He is captured by the Secret Service and tortured. They call Ilse in to heal him, as they have plans that don't include him dying. The attraction between Drako and Ilse is instantaneous, but there is a big (read MASSIVE) misunderstanding between Ilse and Drako. This eventually leads him to kidnapping her... and I'll let you read the rest for yourself.

Now, I'm going to be perfectly honest here - I love Sci-Fi Romances, and I love Charmaine Pauls, but I didn't love this book. I enjoyed it, yes, but I didn't love it. Why? Well, for a start, that misunderstanding I mentioned? Yep, it's a biggie, but Drako acts like a jerk about it, and refuses to hear anything that Ilse has to say. Also, the things that he does is borderline dub-con, but is given the approval because she gets wet, and then asks for it. I've read dub-con before and never had an issue with it, but something about this just sat wrong with me.

There is an amazing amount of detail in this book, but you are never overloaded. With good characters, and bad, there is someone for everyone. There are no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I did thoroughly enjoy this story. I would be happy to read more in this series, and definitely recommend it for those who want more from this world.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Horror Stories: A Memoir by Liz Phair
Horror Stories: A Memoir by Liz Phair
Liz Phair | 2019 | Biography
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wanted so badly to like this book, I really did. I've loved Liz Phair's music since the 90s, and I was pretty excited when I heard she'd written a memoir. But this.....this is not great.

It's a memoir, I KNOW it's a memoir, but there's no cohesive narrative and it kind of drives me nuts. It reads more like a collection of essays detailing specific pieces of her life, and it jumps all over the place. More disappointing, however, is that she comes across as kind of an asshole. I could forgive that, because hey, listen, we were all kind of assholes in our youth, no? But she seems so completely self-centered, self-involved, and spoiled that it rendered some of this very hard to get through, especially as I'd been fangirling about this book for a long time. I wanted to read about a bad ass indie rock queen, not a jerk who cheats on her husband for no discernible reason, thinks that throwing money at a cultural misunderstanding (that she caused) will make it go away, and whines about how the cute stock boy she's flirting with at Trader Joe's is actually engaged.

That being said, one of the final stories in the book very much got to me: she's at a lecture with her aging parents, and she's noticing how many of the attendees have trouble getting around due to their age and mobility issues. One of the older gentlemen attempts to get up to go outside, and he ends up falling in front of everyone, repeating over and over (with tears in his eyes) how embarrassed he is. She sees this, and once the gentlemen is seated next to her, she goes out of her way to bolster him (tells him he "fell like an athlete," then asks if he ever was an athlete), and holds a conversation with him throughout the remainder of the lecture to get his mind off of the entire incident. This act struck me as so kind that it almost redeems her for everything else in the book. And that is how Liz Phair was nearly able to bring me to tears at the tail end of a fairly lackluster memoir.
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)
2013 | Action, Comedy, Drama
7.9 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
To say that I was blown away by this movie might be a bit of an understatement. To be honest, this movie snuck under my radar, slid into a Christmas release, and absolutely amazed me.


The Secret Life of Walter MItty is about a man who daydreams. But that doesn’t quite cut it. He is constantly thinking out, imagining, scenarios in his head of how things could play out. Often ludicrous, but sometimes realistic, he imagines what things would be like if he were a different man in the situation he’s in. From handling a jerk boss, to the girl he likes, he plays out a scenario in his head that he wishes would happen.


Mitty is a negative assets manager for Life magazine. Life is getting ready to close down the physical publication and are about to publish the last issue. Their best reporter, Sean O’Connell (Sean Penn), sent in his final roll of film indicating that frame 25 was his best shot ever and should be used for the final cover. The only problem is that frame 25 is missing. After a frantic search he is unable to find it in the lab, and with some urging from Cheryl Melhoff (Kristen Wiig) in Accounts at Life, and Mitty’s love interest, Mitty stops living in his head and sets out on a journey to find the frame, and himself.


Directed and starring Ben Stiller, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was a delight every step of the way. The humor in the film was very well blended so as not to distract from this incredible journey, and the visuals were absolutely amazing. I am not sure that I would change much about this movie. Casting was excellent, the score was great, and the cinematography was superb. There was a whole side bit about was a bit annoying at first, but it paid off in the end.


I would definitely recommend seeing this movie to any of my friends. So go check it out on opening day (Christmas Day) if you are looking for something to do that day.
Avenged by Fire (Between Ruin and Salvation #3)
Avenged by Fire (Between Ruin and Salvation #3)
V.J. Silvey | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
AVENGED BY FIRE is the third book in the Between Ruin and Salvation series and you must read these books in order, as one follows on from the other.

I won't rehash the storyline - you've got the blurb for that. Suffice it to say it is full-on action once again. Now Ava has beaten Alpha Thomas, she has set her sights on the Council. After all, they do have her parents, child, and mother-in-law! Together with Makaii, they set off around America to form alliances in a bid to take them down. While doing that, the full horror of what the council is doing comes to light - and there is no way that Protector Ava or her associates are going to stand for that!!!

Ava is just as kick-ass as in the other stories and I am finally warming up to Makaii. In fact, I actually felt for him in this book as he tries his best to go against his instincts to wrap Ava up in cotton wool to keep her safe. I may not have been that keen on him but I love their relationship. There are mistakes being made, give and take between two very strong individuals. They haven't just immediately fallen into this perfect life.

Ava also gets to meet more of her family - together with a Fae Prince who is a bit of a jerk, if I'm honest. Mind you, Ava does manage to bring him into line in spectacular fashion. That may be my favourite scene out of the whole book.

Oh, and Bailey sniffs out her mate but avoids him like the plague. I know which one I want for her but I will have to wait and see.

One helluva cliffhanger wraps up one helluva book! I really can't wait for the conclusion and to see Ava in action again. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 12, 2023
Changed (Gold Hockey #19)
Changed (Gold Hockey #19)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CHANGED is part of the Gold Hockey series and we finally get Mads and Lucas' story. Mads is Ben's sister, and we have met her in previous stories, where we found out she was a drug addict, and then a recovering addict. Now, she is fighting hard to make amends to those she has hurt in the past. Most people accept her recovery and help her make amends. Not Lucas though. Oh, no! He's been a hard-ass from the beginning but we find out why. Lucas has been on the receiving end of addicts who say they are quitting but don't. THAT is why his trust in Mads is non-existent. He is constantly doubting her word and waiting for her to mess up. When he makes the realisation that Mads is trying, and he has been a jerk, he will do anything he can to make up for his past behaviour.

This was an emotional story, with plenty here about how the actions of family can have an effect on a child/young adult/whatever, especially when drugs and abuse are in the mix. Lucas is self-aware enough to realise he is letting his own past affect his current views and tries to amend that.

Along with Mads and Lucas, there is a whole side story going on with Brit and Stefan, although they don't overshadow the main story. And then there is a final moment with Rome that I did not see coming! I knew he was being mentioned but simply thought it was because his was the next book in this series.

This was a great addition to the series, full of emotions and feelings, where life doesn't always run smoothly or as expected, but where family can be found to either make up for the one you have or to enhance the one you already have.

A fantastic read that I definitely recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 28, 2023
Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)
Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)
Melissa Marr | 2008 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't like Keenan right from the start. I get that he's in this political struggle and the only way he can be free is by effectively trapping a mortal to be his queen, but he fails completely in effectively getting anyone with any sense to actually like him. He's a jerk! The book makes little attempt at hiding the fact that he sleeps around with all of the "Summer Girls," and he knows how good-looking he is and uses that to such extremes that I kind of think that the Winter Girl is in the better position here. On the other hand, Seth is like the perfect guy in many ways - if you don't mind the tattoos and piercings. He's incredibly attentive to Aislinn's moods and needs, waiting months and months for her to even notice that he had feelings for her when he apparently could have had lots of other girls and chose not to. Chivalrous is how I would describe him, something that is not a common trait among young men nowadays.
Now as for the sexual conduct in this book, I would not want my girls to read this as teenagers simply because of how casually it is treated. The only reason this book would fit in the genre of Young Adult is because the characters are all "young adults." But the thing is, there are so many people my age and older who read this genre that this book would be more appropriately marketed as a YA for the "young at heart." Okay, off my soap-box now.
I really did love this book, I don't remember the last time I read a novel that so effectively put the fairy tales of old in the modern era. And making the fey both frightening and untrustworthy is much more realistic, instead of the Disney-fied literature that is common for young children. The romantic aspect also has some elements that deviate from the norm, since Aislinn prefers the mortal to the gorgeous, powerful fey. She also believes in saving herself instead of just being the "damsel in distress," which boosts her image even more with me. While this book revolved around the Summer and Winter Courts, the next book, Ink Exchange, is about the Dark Court, so that should be interesting.
A Hope Undaunted (Winds of Change, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*This review is from my blog and originally published in 2010*

Okay. Let me start this review with SHAME ON ME! Why? Because, sweet saints, I haven’t ever read a Julie Lessman novel until this one and I most definitely should have been reading her books already! She is absolutely FANTABULOUS! The power that Julie has over her readers when they open the first page is mind-blowingly INCREDIBLE!

In A Hope Undaunted, Julie combines tenderness and passion with wit and God’s love, to create a romance story set in the 1920’s that will carry you away and leave you utterly breathless. Katie O’Connor was such an amazing young woman….thinking she had her life all planned out for herself. That is until she encounters a very handsome “soda jerk” by the name of Luke. Luke “Cluny” McGee, the boy she hated as a child, has been chiseled into a stunningly remarkable character. (Julie, can you send him my way, please?!) So, that leaves Katie with a choice….to follow HER hopes and choices, or God’s hopes and choices for her life. A beautifully created plot line!

For years, I’ve collected The Queen of Christian Fiction, Karen Kingsbury’s books, including true crime novels she wrote prior to her Christian work, and the ones that are under her pen name, but after reading this breathtaking, passionate story of a hope undaunted and a love that’s pure, Julie Lessman has earned a spot on my favorite authors list at the very top, pushing Karen Kingsbury down one. It takes an absolutely fantastic author to do that because I’ve held Karen Kingsbury at the top of my list for years! I’m still in awe and savoring this unforgettable story and it’s characters!

So, what you waiting for?! Don’t be a ninny like myself , who waited TOO long to read her work. GO GET A COPY OF A HOPE UNDAUNTED RIGHT NOW! You will instantly fall in love with the people in this book as they crawl in and take over your heart. Worthy of 1,005 stars, this 5 star book is a MUST read for everyone! Thank you, Julie, for creating a story full of passion, history and a breathtaking plot….it’s what I was needing and looking for! Now, I anxiously await the release of book 2, A Heart Revealed, in the Winds of Change series!