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The Art of Escaping
The Art of Escaping
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh, how I do NOT miss high school!

I really enjoyed this book - It is so fun, and kept me entertained throughout the whole thing! There were some seriously nail-biting moments with daredevil Mattie, and I can totally see this becoming a movie that I would go see in a second!

Mattie is a high school junior who has some pretty quirky aspirations of becoming an escapologist. She's obsessed with Houdini and the like, but especially Akiko - an elite escapologist gone way before her time. But Mattie is determined to find Akiko's daughter and find out as much as she can. All the while, no-0ne in her life knows her secrets or desires to become this really cool performance artist. Not her parents or her family, or even her best, closest friend.

The story also has some snippets of Akikos past, the life she led, and the birth of her daughter, giving you some insight of the life of this mysterious performer and her equally closed-off daughter. We also meet Will, another one with some secrets, and several other really cool high school kids who are so well-developed, mature but fun. It pains me to think of how tough high school was, and how hard it is for kids just t be themselves.

The art of escapology is front and center, through training and Mattie's stage performances that literally have you holding your breath! But the art of escape is evident is other ways, with a lot of hiding from reality and fear of being found out.

This book is such a delight and hope it gets the attention it deserves.
The Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in the Rye
J.D. Salinger | 2016 | Essays
6.8 (85 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I honestly really enjoyed reading this book in my junior year of high school. My teacher let everyone in my class pick a classic and I decided to read this by chance. At first, I was annoyed with how Holden was acting and was truly confused on how this book became a classic. He basically hires a prostitute to just talk to her? It made no sense to me, he was just in some kind of haze. But then, everything clicked for me and Holden became extremely relatable. In high school, I suffered from depression but didn't realize until much later that that was indeed the reason I was acting so off, much like Holden during the book. He definitely was on a downward spiral and he didn't himself understand why he was the way he was. I think this is a good book for kids to read in school because it's honest and it's interesting. It's one of the only classics I've read that I can get through without yawning! This was always be a book that holds a deep meaning to me!

Gary Giddins recommended Mr. Arkadin (1962) in Movies (curated)

Mr. Arkadin (1962)
Mr. Arkadin (1962)
1962 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Criterion’s comprehensive edition of this long-undervalued film is a major DVD event, though it may not enlarge the film’s fan base. The problems, beyond a few incomprehensible plot points, include a dreadful lead performance by Nixon look-alike Robert Arden, who is surrounded by terrific actors in the margins (Akim Tamiroff, Michael Redgrave, Mischa Auer, Katina Paxinou), plus gorgeous Paola Mori; the result feels a bit like Hamlet without Hamlet. Then there is Welles’s wig and beard, evidently borrowed from a junior high school performance of Faust. Never mind: there are many, many unforgettable moments, and the plot is so good—detective as inadvertent Judas goat—that a fine, conventional film could still be made from the same material. Criterion includes the surprisingly good novel, which Welles variously took and denied credit for. In my hearing, he took credit."

The Perfect Prescription by Spacemen 3
The Perfect Prescription by Spacemen 3
1987 | Psychedelic
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I found out about them from a friend in high school between my junior and senior year. He didn't know how to describe them except it sort of sounded like The Rolling Stones. I listened and I didn't hear that. It had that rootsiness to it maybe and that slight psychedelicness to it. I've listened to this album thousands of times but I don't have all of their records and I don't know what came before or after, but I do love this one. It's just a vibe the entire time. I remember being with that guy who told me about them on our way to high school one day. We were supposed to be at school at 8:30 in the morning and we met at 7:30 in the morning under some bridge to drink beer before we went to school. This is what we were listening to. I only did that once and it wasn't as fun as it sounded. But it was definitely a moment and it always stuck with me. It was a sunny day, cool out, probably a Thursday or Friday, long day of school ahead of us and we're kicking back drinking stolen beer in someone's car under bridge listing to The Perfect Prescription."
