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2001: A Space Odyssey
2001: A Space Odyssey
Arthur C. Clarke | 1968 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
The godfather of science fiction
Arthur C. Clarke's vision of a dystopian world, where technology has advanced to frightening levels, is how science fiction was really born in my opinion. Writing this book whilst working with Stanley Kubrick on the film makes it a good accompaniment, if not even better, because of the amount of detail into each facet.

But the main element is the eeriness which HAL brings to the book. At times you think the isolation is making the protagonist Dr Bowman hallucinate, and at times you think the machine really has become self-aware. No one can forget that epic monolith, and the symbolism that it brings - is it a metaphor for God or something much larger than oneself? The final chapter haunts me to this day.

There are a few obvious changes such as when Bowman visits Saturn rather than Jupiter, which Clarke explains is because of what could be feasibly built on set. So for fans of the film, definitely read the book.

Lewis Capaldi recommended track Keep Lying by Donna Missal in This Time by Donna Missal in Music (curated)

This Time by Donna Missal
This Time by Donna Missal
2018 | Alternative, Indie
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Keep Lying by Donna Missal

(0 Ratings)


"I first came across Donna about four months ago through this live session I found online. It’s just her, a guitar player and a drummer and it just fucking went off in my mind when I saw it. It’s been a while since I’d heard a voice that made me think ""Fuck me..."" and there's something about the way she performs that you can't help but be enamoured by. “She’s absolutely wild. I went hunting through her live sessions because I couldn't believe how good it was, but she's note perfect every time. Her album This Time came out last year and all the songs are incredible. There's another song of hers called ‘Jupiter’ that's almost got a Drive soundtrack vibe to it. “You can't take your eyes off her when she performs because she's overflowing with passion. She's got a voice that’s like being punched in the face in the best possible way, it's so powerful and it knocks you back. The whole album is incredible but ‘Keep Lying’ just does something to me. She’s one of the best voices around at the moment, 100 per cent. There's something to be said about a song that hits so hard every time you listen to it."
