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Gene Simmons recommended Truth by The Jeff Beck Group in Music (curated)

Truth by The Jeff Beck Group
Truth by The Jeff Beck Group
2011 | Blues, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The mythology is that Jimmy Page played on that, but it's clearly Jeff Beck all the way - that personality. The interesting way they recorded the tracks is that the entire band were in the studio at the same time. And Ronnie Wood on bass. I think Ronnie Wood is actually a better bass player than he is a guitar player. The bass playing on that record is just great! You can hear mistakes, but listen to what the bass does in 'Rock My Plimsoul', it goes completely against the drums, but it gives it like a slinky snake-like feel. From beginning to end you have this kind of jamming, drunken-keyboard-player-in-a-New-Orleans-whorehouse-upright-piano feel. It's the best vocal that Rod Stewart has ever done on that first record, I don't think he's ever equalled it. He ran out of songs to do, so he covered 'Greensleeves' instrumental, he just didn't have any more songs! 'Shapes Of Things' was a cover that he originally did with The Yardbirds and then did a version here, and tore. It. Up. Such a heavy, heavy band. I remember seeing them live in New York City. The rest of the kids didn't understand, but I was just blown away. I remember it well, the opening band was the Crazy [World of] Arthur Brown. He came out in a mask with his head lit on fire. That was actually connected later to by fire-spitting in the band. I just thought, 'Well that's a good idea'. The thing you noticed that while everyone was drinking, flirting, talking or whatever, when Arthur Brown walked onstage with his head on fire, everyone stopped!"

The Hunt (2020)
The Hunt (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Thriller
In short, The Hunt is an action heavy, Battle Royale inspired semi-horror that attempts to satire political leanings, conspiracy theorists, keyboard warriors, and the rich elite.

The main issue I had was that all of the satire is very on the nose, possibly a purposeful choice? Either way, it gives the impression that The Hunt thinks it's cleverer than it actually is. This is constantly present within the unbalanced dialogue. Some of it is genuinely funny, some of it comes across as try hard, attempting to cram in as many messages as possible resulting in none of these commentaries being particularly clear cut.
Then again, it's not a film to be taken seriously and this could actually be a non-point - hard to tell!

It would be a an altogether worse movie if it wasn't for lead actress Betty Gilpin. Her character Crystal is the picture perfect no bullshit, badass final girl, and her performance elevates The Hunt as a whole.
I could be wrong, but it also seems like she did her own stunts, which is particularly badass considering the ridiculous fight scene near the films end. Same can be said for the always reliable Hilary Swank. Pretty sure the two of them were just going at it, and it's easily the films best scene.
The whole film is actually a more gory experience than I expected, and is pretty effective, even if a lot of it is obvious CGI.

The Hunt is a loud and obnoxious experience that is frequently muddied by it's own smugness, but the stand out performance from Gilpin, and some genuinely great set pieces ensure that it's an entertaining action-horror that's worth a watch.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Fallout in Books

Dec 19, 2019  
The Fallout
The Fallout
Rebecca Thornton | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Fallout is a thriller that looks at whether it is ever acceptable to keep secrets from, and lie to, your friends. I think you can probably guess the answer to that one before you even open the front page, but there are those who would do just that.

Sarah and Liza are best friends. Their eldest children are the same age, at the same London school, and they met at NCT classes before they had the babies. They both go to a local gym together, and their children go to classes and play there whilst their mothers chat and socialise. Liza has a small baby as well, and is very tired. So she asks Sarah if she’ll check on her older son, Jack, as he’s playing outside and out of sight. However, Sarah is distracted by the appearance of one of the NCT mums that they haven’t seen in a while. And she forgets. Jack has an accident. He falls from a high post and is seriously injured. Sarah then starts the lie that she can’t seem to get herself out of: that she saw Jack playing, and that he was nowhere near the post.

I have to admit that this was a supremely frustrating book. The other school mums and their WhatsApp group would have had me reaching for the ‘Leave Group’ button. Social media isn’t put in a very good light, and accurately portrays the ‘keyboard warriors’ that always come out of the woodwork when something bad happens.

I enjoyed this, whilst at the same time wanting to throw my iPad at the wall. I wanted to tell these women to find something better to do with their time! Gossip and rumour are rife. It’s a great look at human nature and it held my attention throughout - I was desperate to know what was going to happen each day in my Pigeonhole instalment.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole, HarperCollins and the author, Rebecca Thornton for reading along. It was a great experience!
Antichrist (2009)
Antichrist (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror
5.4 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great script (1 more)
Amazing lead performances
Not a lot... Besides the cutting off of a penis... That was awesomely disgusting (0 more)
Lars Von Trier you magnificent BASTARD you!!!
When you sit down to watch a Lars Von Trier film... You have to be prepared for a lengthy trip into the unknown.
Willem Defoe and Charlotte Gainsborough star as a pair of parents who's child dies because... and lets be honest here... They were too busy fucking to realize they left a window open... And the kid plummets to a violently horrible end...
What we see is the slow regression of emotional damage. A decent into insanity that holds no bounds.
Von Trier is a master of dread... A story teller that knows no bounds... No topic is too much for this man's keyboard.
I've often thought how his mastery of the genre could've been better served as a novelist.
His vision would translate well onto the pages of a 40000 page novel :)
This film holds together by the brilliant performances of Gainsborough and Defoe... Following the direction of one of the greatest minds horror has ever known.
The descent into madness is documented perfectly as Gainsborough's grief takes over her everyday life in a fashion that only she could translate onto the screen. She really is a magnificent actress.
Willem Defoe does his best to hold her together, but soon he becomes a victim to her insanity in a third act that will leave the viewer's head spinning with an awesome helping of WTF!!!!
Von Trier is a master of his craft. Leaving the watcher satisfied with the end result. Not a lot of movies can say that...
If this were a Thai Massage Parlour... You'd definitely leave with a happy ending...ish...
Enjoy this one weirdos... Its in my top 20 of all time great horror films...
Sure it's artsy fartsy type stuff... But its also brilliant in its imagery... No one shoots madness like Lars Von Trier...

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018) in Movies

Jun 29, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Musical
Be still my beating vagina indeed... I think that every time I see Andy Garcia, and this time was no exception. But no more of that or I'll start drooling on the keyboard.

One thing that made me click with the movie is that we all know a Harry, Bill and Sam in their younger forms. In fact it gave me a few little traumatising flashbacks, but luckily I was soon moved on by the singing.

I'm very pleased that Pierce's singing was hidden within group pieces or as mildly rhythmic speaking. Pierce, I love you, but no! The singing is amazing throughout and listening to Cher, well, wonderful. The songs were all lovely, toe tapping and smile inducing. If nothing else, then this movie is just a brilliant chance for some karaoke.

I think that my favourite thing is Christine Baranski and Julie Walters together. They're just perfect, and how I see myself being in the future... hell, I'm almost there right now.

For a moment I really wanted to give this five stars as it was immensely enjoyable but the flaws just leave me cold on that last star. Howard Stark feels to me like the weakest out of the cast, I wasn't overly keen on him in the first one either. At several times in the movie I felt like I was watching people standing in front of a green screen, I don't know if they were or if it was just the way it was shot, but it certainly felt distracting. Lastly, if you turned the singing and dancing back into normal dialogue scenes I don't feel like you're left with much of a film, the story is just padded out with what everyone is there to see.

But like I say, it's a good watch. It is emotional and it does instil you with a warm feeling. At one point I thought I was going to actually audibly cry. There are definitely enough good moments in it to make it a must watch.
The Overnight (2015)
The Overnight (2015)
2015 | Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the mood for a quickie? Patrick Brice’s “The Overnight” is just that – a short in length, long in substance cinematic romp.

The film follows a laid back, somewhat boring Seattle couple, Alex (Adam Scott) and Emily (Taylor Schilling), who have just relocated to LA. As young parents they seem to be doing everything the “normal” way. They work hard, dote on their little boy, and their love life is rushed.

One afternoon while taking their son to the park, they have a chance meeting with, Kurt (Jason Schwartzman) and Charlotte (Judith Godrèche), an eccentric LA couple who have a son about the same age.

The two couples decide to get together again for a play date at Kurt and Charlotte’s house. Once the kids are put to bed by Kurt’s unique method of melodic keyboard playing, the adults decide to have a play date of their own.

At first the film seems to center on the mundane expectation of how life should be. A strategic starting point for the plot, as it develops into a raw and titillating experience.

Increasingly throughout the evening their blood alcohol levels rise and inhibitions wane, until the night turns into somewhat of a kinky party. Far from smooth and seductive, the interplay between the characters is uncomfortable and ridiculously funny.

The comedic style is unabashedly salacious. For example, at one point Kurt shares his unique paintings. They are the type one would expect to find somewhere like LA’s art scene. If you stare long enough into one, you realize they are all portraits of anuses – beautiful, colorful ass portraits.

The short length of the film in combination with a quick witted comedic style makes for a great date movie. It is both sensual and awkward, much like first dates can be. It will be an effective ice breaker, because it is sure to be the most awkward thing occurring in that moment.

People tend to lock themselves into boundaries which may not serve their best interest, simply because they believe that is how society works. This film pushes & explores those boundaries in a brilliantly humorous way without turning into a cheesy romantic comedy.

I give “The Overnight” 4.5 out of 5 stars

Butch Vig recommended track Virginia Plain by Roxy Music in Early Years by Roxy Music in Music (curated)

Early Years by Roxy Music
Early Years by Roxy Music
1989 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Virginia Plain by Roxy Music

(0 Ratings)


"The first heard time I heard Roxy Music I was smitten. I was in a record store and I asked the guy ‘What are you playing?’ They used to put the record jackets on the front desk, I picked it up and they looked like a band from outer space. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, but I loved everything about it, ‘Virginia Plain’ was just an incredible sounding song. It’s the way the synthesiser bends at the start, then the songs kicks in and Bryan Ferry’s singing is so over the top and melodramatic, I’m not even sure what he’s singing about. There’s those breaks where they jam in the middle, the keyboard and synth solos. It was the sonic template, it sounded completely otherworldly to me. I felt a kinship with Roxy Music. I grew up listening to The Who and The Beatles and they were rock stars, but I felt Roxy Music were sort of my peers. With a lot of the new wave and punk bands I thought ‘I can do this, I can be in bands and do what they’re doing.’ It didn’t sound anything like the classic rock records I’d been listening to, it was arty, very flamboyant and kind of crude in a way. It was a bit pretentious but I liked that, I found it really fresh at the time that they had an art-school approach to the music and yet the music was very DIY, it wasn’t slick. They were great musicians but didn’t sound like virtuoso bands like Yes or Emerson, Lake and Palmer, though I did have some ELP records too! I fell in love with Roxy Music, I bought all their records, their solo records and live bootlegs. I was the self-appointed president of the Roxy Music fan club in Madison, there were only seven members. For a couple of years, once every two months we’d have a ‘Roxython’ on a Saturday night until the sun came up, we’d play their albums and dress up in very flamboyant clothes. It was great."

Playstation 4
Playstation 4
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
Software (2 more)
Easy to use
Controller battery charge is poor (2 more)
Overheat easily
Playstation Plus expensive
Sleek design, great software
The playstation 4 was not cheap when it first appeared on the shelves, but it was a must have for most people, including me. The fashionable sleek design with the black panels against the blue light and touchpad controllers made it look incredibly stylish for a games console. Playstation Plus membership is unfortunately quite expensive, and the memory is poor on the console... having to download the game software to be able to play it.. not many different games can be played, depending on your memory. Simple to navigate and also the choice of installing applications. The touchpad controllers made it much easier to navigate on a keyboard, with quicker typing. The playstation allows you to connect with fellow players all around the world, and make new friends. The fact that there is an option for headphones and microphones is both positive and negative. It's great to communicate with others, however can lead to verbal abuse which is quite unsettling when gaming with trolls. The playstation consoles have always been my favourite and never will I change to an XBox, which is lumpy, ugly etc. The use of other applications such as YouTube and netflix on the playstation is amazing for people who do not have smart TVs or access to streaming sticks. Recently Playstation allowed players to change their username (a long and very much awaited change for users! Breathing a sigh of relief to get rid of cringy usernames, or usernames that included their ex lovers). However again, Playstation want to make money however they can... if you messed up the opportunity with the game tag change, you were only allowed one free opportunity so you had to consider wisely. Otherwise Playstation would charge you to change your game tag once more (slightly unfair I think!) A year ago I bought the PS4 VR headset.. exciting at first but a lumpy headset which is connected via cable (would have been much more effective to have had this wireless! Such as the controllers).. at first there is motion sickness, but you soon get the hang of it. Again a great selection of games, however quite pricey!
Ethiopiques 21: Piano Solo by Emahoy Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Those Éthiopiques reissues were so amazing. This was the 21st one of those - it was a collection of some of her recordings. She was known as ""The Singing Nun"". The reissues introduced me to Ethiopian music. I'd never heard any before then, and I think that's probably true for most people. I was so bewitched by it. When I heard the Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou album I was totally blown away. The first thing I thought of when I heard it was Thelonious Monk. He was an obsession of mine when I was a piano-playing teenager. It also made me think of Debussy and Satie and stuff - the way the harmony just hangs there in suspension. Her playing - the manual element of it, like the way you can hear her fingers moving around the keyboard, reminds me of Monk and Mingus and those more idiosyncratic jazz musicians. It's so beautiful. This was the beginning of me thinking that Ethiopia was a really interesting culture that I knew absolutely nothing about. My wife and I moved to London into a little flat on Caledonian Road and there were lots of Ethiopian restaurants around there - it was a little hub for the Ethiopian community. Getenesh, the owner of this restaurant Kokeb, we were there so much that she took us in and adopted us. We still get phone calls from her if we haven't been there for a long time. I think it was the music and that, and right before Swim came out, my wife and I were basically not going to see each other for a year because I was going to be away so much, so we decided to go on a trip and do something special together. So we went to Ethiopia and I fell in love with this record all over again. It's such a distinctive place with a distinctive musical culture. When you're there all you hear is Ethiopian music. There's no Bieber or Western music. I thought the album was a totally undiscovered gem, a rare thing, but I heard two people that had my favourite track on the record as their ringtone! That blew me away. Imagine if somebody over here had Benjamin Britten on their phone. It gave me a sense of what a deep-rooted and proud musical culture it is."

Amazon Fire TV Stick
Amazon Fire TV Stick
TV & Video > Streaming Media Players
Perfect if you have an amazing prime subscription (3 more)
Can sideload many apps not in store
Good price, there are often discounts if you look around
Easy to use remote and the device itself is easy
OS can feel clunky and slow at times (1 more)
Lack of ports
Great for the price
I have had this device for a while now and it's a decent little piece of tech. I say little because it is.

It's portable and is just a dongle that plugs into your HDMI port. It has 1 port for the plug and that's it and that's where I found myself a little disappointed almost immediately. There are no usb ports whatsoever. If you want usb your going to have to find an accessory somewhere to add them. This means no external hard drive, no mouse or keyboard and I was disappointed in that considering the stick has very small storage space.

The stick uses Amazon's fire OS and if you don't have Amazon prime the home screen will be just pointless as it advertises all the movies and TV you can watch through it. I don't have a subscription so it all just felt in the way. I'd have loved the Android TV OS more which is a lot more snappier but can't blame Amazon for using their own. It's just a shame their OS feels clunk and slow and times when trying to navigate.

This has all the apps you need for your streaming wether it be Netflix or prime. However I didn't see a good YouTube app on the Amazon store which was weird. But if you download the downloader app you can sideload different apps not in the store like Kodi.

The remote feels good. It's Bluetooth so doesn't need to be pointed at the device. It is easy to use, it's simple and I have the 2nd gen which includes voice control but without prime I find no use for this.

I do complain about the clunkiness of the OS and I've had a few apps restart but streaming feels smooth. For the money which I paid about £25 for in a sale, i can't really argue. This isn't the best device you can get. In no way does it compete with a device like Nvidia Shield but it is worth getting if you just want a couple of simple apps to stream. I basically mainly use 1 which makes the whole thing worthwhile.

If you want a capable device for good price then I can recommend this. Don't expect the greatest thing ever. There are loads of better devices out there but if you get this cheap in a sale then pick it up especially if your not too bothered about 4k.