The Racehorse Who Disappeared
Clare Balding's second brilliant adventure for Charlie Bass and her funny family of humans and...

Gigli (2003)
Movie Watch
Gigli (Ben Affleck) is ordered to kidnap the psychologically challenged younger brother of a...

Empire's End
Death stalks Emperor Palpatine! The Emperor's aging process is rapidly accelerating and his doom is...

Daughter of The Wolf (2019)
An ex-military specialist comes home when her father passes away. But after getting news that she...
Wolves Mother Kidnapping Kidnapped Kidnap Wolf

The Tunnel - Season 2
TV Season
Following the events of the first series, Karl Roebuck joins the Public Protection Unit (PPU) to...

Polterheist (2018)
Two gangsters are given 72 hours to discover the whereabouts of a stash of drug money stolen by...

ashezbookz (32 KP) rated Christmas from Hell (Neighbor from Hell, #7) in Books
Jul 5, 2018
I like the accident prone Necie and cute little Duncan and the infamous kidnapping .. which I mean <spoiler> did he technically kidnap her for the wedding, or was it kidnapping her to decide he wanted to marry her, because I don't think he actually kidnapped her for the wedding, are they DOOMED!!!!!!!!!! </spoiler>
I may just continue rereading all the rest now.............

Dark Corners
When Carl sells a box of slimming pills to his close friend Stacey, inadvertently causing her death,...

Clash Of The Titans (1981)
Movie Watch
Perseus (Harry Hamlin), son of the Greek god Zeus (Laurence Olivier), grows up on a deserted island....

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Live Ghost (1934) in Movies
Feb 23, 2019
About as close to over-plotted as you can get with a L&H movie; some good stuff near the start but it gets a bit busy as it goes on - too much story, not enough slapstick. Concludes by recycling the (slightly gruesome) closing gag from the same year's Going Bye-Bye! Has its moments, but not as many as some other films from the boys.