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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Golden Gate in Books

Apr 19, 2021 (Updated Apr 19, 2021)  
Golden Gate
Golden Gate
James Ponti | 2021 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The City Spies Cross the Pond
As this book opens, Brooklyn and Sydney, two of the team of City Spies, are on board a ship for a week of marine biology targeted at young women. While they certainly do appreciate the science they are getting, they are really there to covertly guard two of the other teens on the ship. And it’s a good thing, too, when Umbra agents show up trying to kidnap the girls. Meanwhile, there is a new lead on a mole inside MI-6 and a lead in a secret project for Mother, the spy in charge of all the City Spies. Might it tie into the kidnapping?

Last year, I fell in love with these characters with the first book in the series, and I’m delighted to say that this book was just as good as the first one. The story kept me engaged the entire way, and there were times I was turning pages as quickly as I could to find out what would happen next. While all of the characters get their moments to shine, this is really Sydney’s book since she sees the most growth. One thing I love is how much the characters care for each other, so we see them working through conflicts they have. I might have even teared up a time or two as I read. We also get plenty of laughs along the way. I especially enjoyed the scenes in San Francisco since I recognized so many of the places they went. Kids will love this book. I know I’m already anxious to find out what happens next.
Die Trying (Jack Reacher Book#2)
Die Trying (Jack Reacher Book#2)
Lee Child | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another action-packed outing for the lone star.
This is just the book I needed to be reading by the side of the pool this summer, hard to put down; an easy enjoyable read.

In Die Trying we meet up again with ex-military police Major Jack reacher, who accidentally gets swept up in the kidnapping of an FBI special agent (no surprises she happens to be hot!?!) While following the attempts of the FBI to get their agent back and Jack’s attempts to free her, an ever-larger plot unfolds raising the stakes.

Ok, you are going to have to be ready to suspend belief a lot in this book, which I usually struggle with (I love a good eye-roll) but it is fairly easy to do with this book thanks to fast pacing and great characters. I do recommend you just go along for the ride. I have very little in the way of military, combat or arms knowledge and no idea how accurate the details in this book are but they are written in such a commanding and interesting way I was more than happy to nod along and go with it.

It does slow a bit in the early to middle stages but the last quarter is full in your face action.

Reacher is just what you want from a hero no-nonsense and a lot of great walking through his thought processes. He's not an overcomplicated character and that feels nice and fresh to me. There is the all too predictable romance angle but its fairly concise and not too in your face.

This is just a fun read.
A Dangerous Man
A Dangerous Man
Robert Crais | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“We Know Your Secret.”
Joe Pike’s trip to the bank for a routine deposit ends when he witnesses two men try to kidnap his teller, Isabel Roland. Joe being Joe, he jumps into action and rescues her. However, when the kidnappers are released from jail, they are both murdered. Was kidnapping Isabel a crime of opportunity, or was she a target? Is she safe? Why would someone target her?

Those familiar with the series will notice a similar set up to a previous entry, but that’s where the similarity ends. This book takes off in some unexpected places, and author Robert Crais uses multiple viewpoints well to hook us as events unfold. This is a thriller that kept me glued the entire time. While we don’t learn much new about PI partners Elvis Cole or Joe Pike, it is wonderful to spend time with them and see them in action again. Most of the new characters are wonderful and fully developed, but a few very minor characters are very annoying. Likewise, I don’t find John Chen, a recurring character in the series, that funny. I’m sure the characters who annoy me are supposed to be comic relief, but I just don’t get it. While the book certainly has more language and violence than the cozies I normally read, I didn’t feel it was excessive here. Elvis and Joe have a huge following, and I’m sure there many fans will be thrilled with this book. Pick it up and hang on because it is going to be a very wild ride you won’t want to put down.
The Deception (The Secret Tales #2)
The Deception (The Secret Tales #2)
Sanna Brand | 2024 | Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE DECEPTION is the second book in The Secret Tales and follows Charlotte and Patrick. Charlotte is Rose's sister and an artist, providing for the family by providing art in her father's style and forging his signature on them. Patrick is a fan of her father's work and a Captain in the Navy. When they are discovered in a compromising situation, Patrick saves Charlotte's reputation by saying they are engaged; the plan being that Charlotte will break the engagement while he is at sea. For one reason and another, this doesn't happen.

This was a great addition to the series, and I loved how Rhys and Rose continued to play their part in the story. There is a lot that happens in this story, with blackmail, kidnapping, and a slavery ring. This definitely impacted the connection between our two characters for me, as the time they spend together didn't seem long enough before they were reacting to one threat or another. One thing I liked, as with Rose, is that Charlotte isn't just a damsel in distress. Yes, she's in a very dodgy situation, but she uses her mind and doesn't just wait to be rescued.

I am thoroughly enjoying these books by Sanna Brand. There is a snippet from Claire's book that had me wanting that immediately! Thoroughly enjoyed and definitely recommended.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 14, 2024
Kill the Father
Kill the Father
Sandrone Dazieri | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Filled with Twists and Turns
This was one of the better thriller/mystery novels I have read so far this year. Wow. It was well written, filled with lots of twists and turns and the way everything is tied together is fantastic and makes the writing flow to keep you engaged and the pages turning.

The characters speak for themselves. They’re heavily flawed and are dealing with horrible pasts. I like both of them and Dante and Colomba do make a great team. Dante certainly has his quirks and his mannerisms due to his being a previous kidnapping victim. It feels like they certainly complement each other and they have an amazing chemistry when working together. They’re both very strong characters, no doubt.

If any of you have read The Monster’s Daughter by Michelle Pretorius I found some similarities between Colomba and Alet in the fact they both don’t take crap and go beyond their limits to solve things and they’re certainly not afraid to take a swing or kick to make their point across (Colomba has a good share of that throughout the book)

The plot was really good and what I really enjoyed reading the most was the way everything was seamless and how it was put together. Everything that happened to Colomba and Dante was related and well explained. The explanation as to the origins of Colomba’s situation was very well done! I enjoyed that aspect of the plot. The only thing is, the book is rather long and the plot a bit on the slow side but it’s nevertheless a great read and going through the twists and turns was completely worth it.

And yes, there’s a cliffhanger ending. I can’t wait to read the second one.
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2)
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2)
Angela S. Stone | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2) by Angela S. Stone
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice is the second book in the Toronto's Elite series, and whilst we focus on a different pair, the characters from book one also play a big part in it. It is for this reason that I would recommend that you read this as a series, rather than standalones.

Chris and Logan have had an on-again/off-again relationship for approximately three years, and both of them want more, but neither of them are prepared to say anything. Mixed up with this is the job that they do, with Logan currently searching for someone involved with child porn/kidnapping. They get pulled onto another case though, with Jaden appearing to be targeted by a media leak within the department. This means that they work more closely with Jaden and Cam than they have previously, learning more about those two and themselves at the same time.

Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed this book and found it to be a brilliant carry on from book one, there were parts where I was a bit confused. This was simply because the story is told from both the main males' perspectives, and sometimes it wasn't clear just who was talking. It was "he said, he moved, he thought," whereas a name might have been a bit more helpful at times. I must point out that I received an ARC of this, so I'm sure that this will be picked up and sorted before the book is released.

On the whole, this is an exciting, action-packed book that I can highly recommend. Looking forward to book three now.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Caffeinated Fae (464 KP) rated Owned in Books

Apr 4, 2019  
M. Never | 2014 | Erotica, Romance
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn't quite sure what to read so I turned to my extremely large Kindle library to find a book that would hold my attention. I've never read a book by M. Never so I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised.

Owned deals with various dark and twisted themes. Readers should know that it deals with the following: Coercion, Kidnapping, Rape, & Abuse. If those themes are instant turn-offs, this book isn't for you. Personally, I love a good dark romance so this book was right up my alley.

I cannot give up too much of the plot but I will say that the characters were well written and the plot was intriguing. I was going to give it 4 1/2 caffeinated stars but I felt that at points the book lost track of the plot & sometimes things were divulged in too obvious of ways. I would have loved it if it flowed better and didn't feel forced at times.

The shining stars of the book were the main characters. Ellie & Kayne were so much fun to read about. I loved Ellie & her snark. The snarkiness was fun and made her more relatable. Kayne was interesting and kept my attention as well. I would have loved to learn more about him. I also LOVED Jett. He was such a fun character and I really can't wait to read more of this series.

All in all, the book was good and anyone that enjoys a good dark romance is sure to enjoy this one. It would also be a decent beginner book for people who want to dip their toes into dark romances. It wasn't too dark though it dealt with darker themes.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Hunted in Books

Apr 9, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to the author for a copy of this book in exchange for my review.

Detective Scarlett Fry is taking a much needed vacation with her husband in Spain, but she just can't seem to escape work. When two dead bodies are discovered in the room across from hers, she has to find out what happened. But this isn't her jurisdiction, so she continues her vacation, but it's hard to get it out of her mind. Upon returning home, she gets a case of a murdered man and a missing family. Ironically her case at home and the murders in Spain are connected. Will she be able to find the killer or killers and will she be able to find the missing family?

This is the first book I have read by Dominique L. Watson, but I will definitely read more. I'm really looking forward to reading Murder for Justice, which is the first Scarlett Fry book. I devoured this book in a few days.

Detective Scarlett Fry can't seem to get a break. Even on vacation, as a homicide detective, work seem to fall at her feet. Or right across the hall from her hotel room in Spain. She could never imagine that thousands of miles away in her jurisdiction, a murder was taking place there as well. And a kidnapping. I was on the edge of my seat as Fry traveled the southwest part of the country from San Diego, California to small town Arizona hunting the killer. Twists and turns all along the way make this book very hard to put down. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a great fast paced thriller.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Geostorm (2017) in Movies

Feb 7, 2018 (Updated Feb 7, 2018)  
Geostorm (2017)
Geostorm (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Gerard Butles With The Elements
It's a movie directed by the producer of The Day After Tomorrow and 2012, in which Gerard Butler is shot into space to have a fight with bad weather. If the description alone does not make you engage in fairly serious expectation-management, you must be new to this whole going-to-the-movies business.

Um, yeah: Gerard Butler plays a brilliant but maverick meteorologist (stay with me) who invents a global weather control system codenamed 'Dutch Boy' (possibly because the satellites are really high all the time), then gets sacked for being a pain in the neck. Years later, the system starts to go wrong (unimportant people like Afghans and Chinese meet spectacular weather-related deaths) and Butler is recruited by his brother (don't ask) to figure out the problem.

There is a lot of chasing about and a conspiracy and the world's most oddly designed self-destruct system, and the villain turns out to be the person you thought it was all the time. Butler spends most of the movie in space, which at least means Abbie Cornish can do more as a member of the Secret Service who ends up kidnapping the President (it's that kind of movie). Geostorm hasn't quite figured out how to handle having the President as a character in a movie in the current situation: Andy Garcia plays him in a very sensible, nondescript manner, quite divorced from reality.

I have to say a friend of mine said Geostorm was so bad it made London Has Fallen look like a Christopher Nolan movie, but it's not so much flat-out awful as simply very silly, obvious, and predictable, not to mention very much like all the other movies Dean Devlin produced for Roland Emmerich. I suppose the moral should be 'stick to what you're (reasonably) good at'.
When your future, your life, is on the line, who would you turn to for strength?

London, 1807. Emily Payne is caught up with thoughts about the upcoming ball and securing a husband. Little does she know that the security of her future is as obtainable as the distant stars. Nicholas Brentwood, a Bow Street Officer, has been hired to protect Emily during her father’s absence. His only goal is to complete the job and receive the payment so that he can take care of his sister, Jenny. When their lives collide with murder, kidnapping and scandal, they must rely on God to save and protect them. “God’s the One in control, not you.” There have been many times in my life that I have had to remind myself of these very words. When your life begins to spin uncontrollably, you can rest assure that God will be with you every step of the way.

Brentwood’s Ward is a very unique story. Giving us a glimpse into the lives of the very first police officers. I had no knowledge of how the police came to be until I read this book. Michelle Griep has captured 1800s London in a way that I have not read before. I could not put this book down! I was on the edge of my seat (quite literally) for a good portion of the time. The depth of emotion is tangible in our leading characters. I believe that almost anyone can relate to the people in this story. For they have seen it all. “No one escapes this life without scars. Not even God.” A true reminder that everyone in this life faces trials and heartache, even God.

I received a free digital edition of Brentwood’s Ward from Barbour Publishing Inc. through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.