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Greenland (2020)
Greenland (2020)
2020 | Action, Thriller
Predictable but entertaining.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I love disaster films. 2012, Day After Tomorrow, San Andreas, I can't get enough. So of course I had to watch this film. Gérard Butler? Yes please!
The thing I liked about this one in particular was how believable it was. Of course in a global disaster, governments weren't going to save everyone. Of course they are going to pick the strongest most useful bunch. And obviously they would turn away the sick because why save someone who could die in a week when you could save a healthy teen that was probably going to solve world hunger? I also liked that they added the kidnapping. Not going to lie, if it was my one shot at survival, I would probably try too.
Now what I didnt love. If you know your husband has gone to the car, and would more than likely go back to the car if he found out you had left. Stay at the car!!! If you also know you are very likely to end up at the same destination, does it really matter that he's not on your plane? Its all her fault they got kicked out the facility. Its also his fault the plane got blew up and everyone had lost their chance. Also if one random guy knew there was a plane in Canada going to the bunker, how did nobody else know? And also, everyone knew if you had a wristband, you had a code. Of course you couldn't steal someone elses...

And then towards the end when they had wormed their way to the safety of the Canadian plane, I said to my sister 'I bet they get there, and even though they shouldn't they are let in, and in probably 6 weeks or soemthing, they will open the doors and a bird will fly past or soemthing and everything is happy.' Low and behold, I was right about everything except the time. They spent 9 month in a bunker they didn't think they would use? Yeah right.

But overall, an okay film. I am just really good at guessing movie twists and endings!
Decimation: Son of M
Decimation: Son of M
David Hine | 2006
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the voice of a goth-wannabe, darkly-attired conductor's voice: <i>"All aboard, the Angst Express is now departing..!</i>

I was quite pleased with David Hine's "Rebirth" storyline on Top Cow's THE DARKNESS. During my extended read of most of what made of HOUSE OF M, and the subsequent M-DAY stuff, I learned that Hine helmed DECIMATION: SON OF M, a 2006 mini-series that dealt with Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) and how he comes to terms with being de-powered. I was anticipating a great read, one that would make sense, as well as leaving me satisfied as I said goodbye to HOUSE OF M and all that followed it. Sadly, that was not the case at all!

The story itself seemed to be written well enough. However, I felt Pietro's almost nihilistic mood was too much to bear! Yes, losing your super-quickness was something that would take time to fully settle into, it was not the end of the world! Nor was it worth kidnapping your daughter Luna from her mother, the Inhuman Crystal, or stealing terrigen crystals from Attilan!

While the mini-series title, SON OF M, made sense, the story should have been titled THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL! Seriously, this was probably one of the most depressing mini-series (next to Morrison's WE3, which I loved, but, sadly, will not re-read as my depression is staring to rear its unwelcome head in my life again!) I have ever read! it probably should have a warning or something, especially if you are someone who is trying to keep their depression in check!

I am giving this mini 2 Stars out of 5, simply because a I think Hine is talented, even I did not like this story, and b) Roy Allen Martinez turned in some super-tight art! Mind you, I was not really pleased with Medusa's visual reworking, nor the "porn star-esque" figures given to Medusa and Crystal! However, that aside, I quite liked Martinez's art!

In conclusion, all I can say is don't read this if you are having a bad day/week, SON OF M will only make the bad day worse! 'Nuff said!
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery
It is 1934, and our moustachioed detective has just solved a theft in Jerusalem. He looks forward to resting in Istanbul, but his break is interrupted with the news that he must return to London for a case. It seems like Poirot's luck is in, having just met his friend who is director of the Orient Express.

Once on board Poirot catches the attention of the businessman, Samuel Ratchett. Ratchett has received threatening letters, and wishes to hire the detective as his bodyguard during their journey, but the offer is politely declined.

That night an avalanche derails he train and the passengers are stranded. In the morning Ratchett is found dead, stabbed a dozen times. Poirot and Bouc, the train director, investigate the passengers as repairs begin. Poirot discovers a partially destroyed note connecting Ratchett to the kidnapping of Daisy Armstrong, a child who was abducted from her bedroom and held for ransom. After the ransom was paid, Daisy was found murdered. Ratchett is identified as John Cassetti, Daisy’s kidnapper and murderer.

First off, let me address the elephant in the room... that'll be Kenneth Branagh as Poirot. David Suchet will always be my Poirot, he's perfect. Branagh, for me, has an overacting issue. And that moustache, it's just ridiculous. That's not even taking into account the scene where Poirot is laying in bed and he doesn't have his night-time moustache cosy on. Crazy.

Agatha Christie's tale has definitely been given the Hollywood treatment. It's gone from the quite dark Suchet version, to something quite farcical in comparison. I can understand remaking some things, but when you have such a definitive portrayal of a character why would you recast them?

Having just rewatched the 2010 version I will say that the story line in the movie is probably easier to understand. It's also more suitable for a younger audience.

As a passing comment to everyone who was surprised to hear they were going to do Death On The Nile next... no shit, Poirot! It was dropped in at the end of the film.
Survivor&#039;s Guilt (DCI Matilda Darke #8)
Survivor's Guilt (DCI Matilda Darke #8)
Michael Wood | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having just finished Time is Running Out, the 7th in this series, and being absolutely blown away by it, I couldn't wait to get my grubby little mitts on this, the 8th in the brilliant Matilda Darke series and I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. What I will say is that I think it would be preferable to have read the 7th book before reading this one as this one picks the story up 9 months later and will provide an explanation as to why Matilda and other characters are acting as they are.

This book follows 3 themes; the aftermath of the massacre that occurred in the previous book, the murder of prostitutes in Sheffield and the long-running theme of the kidnapping of Carl Meagan.

Once again, Michael writes a gripping story that moves at pace. There is violence and edge-of-the-seat moments; I took at sharp intake of breath when the murderer was revealed - I am usually quite good at figuring out who it is but this one absolutely blind-sided me and I actually gasped and said a few choice words that are not repeatable here as I try to avoid profanity in my reviews!

There is also compassion and tenderness and an authentic-feeling description of how grief and tragedy can affect people differently; it can bring you together or completely tear you apart and destroy you and those around you. Everyone is struggling to manage their grief but can they work together to catch the killer or are they too broken?

The characters are just brilliant and I particularly liked how Michael portrayed the prostitutes as "people" rather than the usual stereotypes which made a nice change; I absolutely loved Bev and Sarah. Matilda is, I admit, a difficult person to like in this book but given what she has endured, she is forgiven ... just this once!

Full of tension, suspense and emotion, this book and the series, is one that shouldn't be missed ... roll on number 9!

I am grateful to HarperCollins UK / One More Chapter via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
A Lonely Place to Die (2011)
A Lonely Place to Die (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: A Lonely Place to Die starts as we three climbers Rob (Newman), Ed (Speleers) and Alison (George) showing just how extreme their love for climber is when we see them avoid disaster following an accident. Returning to their holiday trip the friends meet up with fellow climbers Jenny (Magowan) and Alex (Sweeney) to prepare for the biggest climb of their trip.

Heading out on the next day of climbing the friends find a mysterious breathing pipe where they discover a young girl Anna (Boyd) locked in a hole in the ground. Deciding to do the right thing they split up to get help with Alison and Rob heading to Devil’s Drop to get to the village quicker while the rest take Anna for a safe place to wait for rescue.

When one of their own is killed the remaining friends find themselves being hunted down by Mr Kidd (Harris) & Mr Mcrae (McCole) who are after Anna, the friends have to use all their climbing and survival skills to escape this deadly situation.

A Lonely Place to Die is a thriller that goes on to keep the storyline twists coming, the idea of finding a girl trapped in the woods and being hunted down is an easy story and would easily have been enough but adding in the idea of kidnapping hand over works really well. This does mean the introduction too all of the original characters comes off almost pointless because most of them are just disposable but it does get saved with the final act tension. This is one I do feel people will enjoy and with this many twists it never actually gets confusing.


Actor Review


Melissa George: Allison is the experienced climber on a climbing holiday with friends, we see how she can handle herself in the extreme conditions early on but when we see her and her friends find a young girl in the middle of the forest she must find a way out of the mountain range to save the girl. Melissa is always a strong lead in film but I was never sure of her accent in this one.

Ed Speleers: Ed is the least experienced member of the friends that Allison has bought along on the trip, he is reckless but we see how he will do the right thing when needed. Ed is a solid supporting choice but lacks that final moment.

Sean Harris: Mr Kidd is one of the two men hunting the friends down, he is very psychotic as we see him happily watch people die. This is a very good villain because we see his greed and complete lack of care showing through. Sean is good in this role where we see just how twisted his character gets.

Karel Roden: Darko is dealing with Mr Kidd, he is a victim as it is Anna that has been kidnapped for a ransom. He has come prepared to get revenge on the people involved. Karel is good in this role as we see his change as we learn his real position in the situation.

Support Cast: A Lonely Place to Die has a good supporting cast that all do their jobs to make this an edge of your seat ride.

Director Review: Julian Gilbey –


Action: A Lonely Place to Die has a lot of survival action with chasing, climbing and gun fights happening.

Crime: A Lonely Place to Die puts us in the middle of the kidnapping so we actually feel like the one of the climbers stuck in the middle.

Thriller: A Lonely Place to Die keeps us on edge through the whole film as we wonder who will make it out alive.

Settings: A Lonely Place to Die has the first half in the middle of the Scottish Highlands with no means on communication while being chased really does work and the festival finale is a good close for the chaos.
Special Effects: A Lonely Place to Die has good effects when needed but isn’t a film that turns to them.

Suggestion: A Lonely Place to Die is one I think people should watch, I think it is intense thriller with nicely handled twists. (Watch)


Best Part: The twists.

Worst Part: A few loose ends at the end.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Budget: $4 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 39 Minutes

Tagline: Out there, there’s nowhere to hide


Overall: Enjoyable thriller that keeps us on edge throughout.
Trigger Warnings: violent threats, kidnapping, murder, death, violence

I received a physical ARC from Smith Publicity to read and review for my honest opinion. I would firstly like to thank the author and publisher for the ARC. I would secondly like to say that everything stated down below is my own honest opinion and is no way skewed to be positive just for the sake of the free ARC.

When I first started Travels with Sushi in the Land of the Mind, I was absolutely intrigued with the story and the characters. This story was basically an Alice in Wonderland inspired novel about Quantum Mechanics and Morals. It was an instant love kind of thing and I started holding a higher expectation for the story right then and there. And the story held my interest for the first couple of chapters, wowing me as I wasn’t expecting the turn the story took. But things soon turned and I started dragging through the reading, not wanting to even pick it up to finish.

As I grew further into the book and closer to the end, the story lost a bit of it’s lackluster. I just felt like the story dragged on and was adding far too many details than what was needed. There was also the fact that parts of the plot grew confusing. What really threw me for a loop were the specific scenes and topics that were shown / talked about. These scenes and topics were defiantly not something that I would have expected to see in a children’s middle grade novel. Especially when the audience was perceived to be a younger age group.

The one positive thing that really drew my interest into the story and actually kept me reading, were all of the Quantum Mechanics and Moral lessons that were littered throughout the text. These lessons really shone brighter than the negatives and I am thankful that they were included. And honestly, this was a nice touch to this story.

Overall, this was an entertaining read but the author seemed to want to include far too much in such a small book. Resulting in an overwhelming world where each element was overlooked more than what was needed. Leaving these elements to seem like a bore.