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The Lodgers (2017)
The Lodgers (2017)
2017 | Horror
This movie was on Netflix. It's about twin siblings cursed by an incestual family curse. The sister is trying to break it and get free of it and their old house. It's an Irish tale(at least, it takes place in Ireland). The acting was good and the imagery was pretty creepy. Overall it was a decent "creepy" movie. It's listed as horror but it's not really scary. It's kind of slow moving, but keeps the interest. Between the subject content and the little bit of nudity I'd say it's not for kids. It's worth a watch if you're bored and/or into these kind of creepy, "old style" movies.
The Incredibles (2004)
The Incredibles (2004)
2004 | Animation, Comedy, Family
The fantastic 4 (& a half)
The incredibles follows a family of heroes, mr and mrs incredible and their 3 children.
Dash, violet & jack jack.
After bob (Mr I) breaks a marriage agreement of retirement, he is contacted by a mysterious client who seeks help after a rogue machine starts terrorizing his private island, which is a test to attempt to catch mr incredible and permanently eliminate him, concocted by syndrome, a former mr incredible fanboy. (Enter the angry wife & kids)

(So a family of four heroes, working for a secret evil genius, who they personally know? Are we sure this isn't a MARVEL movie?)
Meddling Kids: A Novel
Meddling Kids: A Novel
Edgar Cantero | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scooby Doo for the modern era.
After struggling to find a book for a while, Meddling Kids cleansed the pallet for me. With whitty one-liners and wonderful character development, this book contains what young adults (and adults) would see as an ideal scooby doo experience.

We are treated with a team of five (one being a dog and one being a ghost) who return to a childhood island in which a mystery has been left unsolved. The book ties up many ongoing plots throughout and leaves no stone left unturned, not to mention the wonderful addition of seeing a rather wonderful dog solve a few of them.
We're Not from Here
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I really, really loved this book. I have a thing for kids books that don't treat their audience like they need to be spoon-fed.

The story starts with Lan and their family going to the planet Choom after being in a sleep for decades.
Unfortunately the government has changed and the Hunan's are no longer welcome.
What happens next is an very well written story of xenophobia and the friendships with the aliens.

There's some pretty dark humor which I'm all about. I really enjoyed Lan and Marfs relationship!
Summer of 84 (2018)
Summer of 84 (2018)
2018 | Horror
In June of 1984 two huge events occured. One being my birth, but the other not quite as great, as there was a serial killer on the loose in Cape May. Four 15 year old boys, who were like The Monster Squad meets The Hardy Boys, know that every serial killer is someone's neighbor, and they think their neighbor fits the bill. Unlike the kids on the milk cartons, Summer of 84 is not to be missed. Just as every 15 year old boy is excited about spying on the hot girl across the street and seeing her change clothes, you should be just as excited to see Summer of 84.
Loopin' Louie
Loopin' Louie
1992 | Action, Animals, Flight / Aviation, Kids Game, Electronic
Easy to set up. And easy to play. (1 more)
Build quality is very good.
When built it doesn't fit in its box. Not really an issue. (0 more)
Fun family/kids game
Loopin' Louie was bought for our boys from an avid board game player. The idea is to knock each other's chickens off the roof tops of their coupe's, you knock them off using Louis's airplane that spins in the centre of the game. You have to defend your chickens by flipping Louis in the air making him do some terrific aerial manoeuvres, and hopefully knocking off chickens from an opponent roof top. A great giggle of a game.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
2019 | Drama
Wonderful, heartwarming movie
Just finished watching and had to write a review. This was so beautifully done. It was about the man who interviewed Mr.Rodgers for a magazine article and the lessons he learned from him. Tom Hanks was amazing as Mr. Rodgers. It also made me remember my childhood and the things I loved about Mr.Rodgers. I had a tough time as a kid, i had seizures and kids made fun of me. I remember Mr. Rodgers having children on the show with disabilities and it made me not feel alone. I really loved this movie. It had a good lesson to it too.
    Loopy the Cook

    Loopy the Cook

    Education and Games

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    Pororo is finally in Loopy’s home to play with! Touch the cooking utensils in the home and play...