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Dishonour ( The Hallowed Crows 2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
20 of 220
Dishonour (The Hallowed Crows MC 2)
By G.N. Wright

Death. Distraction. Destruction.

That’s all my life consists of now.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this, but everything went wrong. I knew the game, the rules, the consequences, yet still I chose to play. And now he's dead. He killed him. I killed him, and nothing will ever be the same again.

I thought I could survive, that I could beat him, that I could turn to my best friend and everything would be okay, but I was wrong. Now I have blood on my hands and death in my heart.

I thought I had to fight before, that I had to watch my back, but that is nothing compared to now. Any chance of ever getting them on my side again faded the moment that bullet was fired.

My saviors

My tormentors

My salvation.

Now nothing but my enemies. I had their love, then their hate, now I have nothing but their rage.

It’s said that Crows won’t attack unless you give them a reason.

Guess I gave them one.

This is exactly as the author describes and has plenty of potential trigger warnings. It was a quick read and I did like it. Like the first it was a bit repetitive in parts and it’s the only thing that annoyed me. But make sure you read her warning’s first this is a dark reverse harem romance.
46 of 220
Plague of the Shattered ( The Gateway Trackers 2)
By E.E. Holmes

When a spirit Shatters, no one is safe...
Once every five years, the Northern Clans of the Durupinen gather at Fairhaven Hall. There at the ancient castle, surrounded by the very spirits they are bound to protect and serve, the clans settle disputes and shape the laws that govern the Gateways to the spirit world. For the first time, Jess and Hannah Ballard have to represent their clan. It is an awesome responsibility—a great honor… and they are sure it’s going to be the most boring week of their lives.
Oh, how very wrong they are.
For something dangerous is stalking the halls of Fairhaven. It lies in wait, striking down victim after victim, undetectable and inescapable. No one knows what it is, or what it wants, but one thing is clear: no one is safe until it is captured.
As their fellow Durupinen fall victim one by one, it will be up to Jess and Hannah, the newest members of the Trackers, to solve the mystery before the entirety of the castle is possessed.

I’m so happy she decided to write this follow on series. I really enjoyed this one. Was great catching up with characters even those I grew to hate. Looking forward to more. Jess and Hannah are set to prove those that doubt them wrong again.
Sweet Dreams (The Kihn #2)
Sweet Dreams (The Kihn #2)
Rivi Jacks | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
read the damn book, but brace yourself!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

SO!!! Do you know how long I've waited for this book?? do ya, huh, huh?? FOUR YEARS! It's been four years since I read Sweetwater so I was awaiting this one. Oh yes, waiting and waiting!

And it did not disappoint!

It picks up right where Sweetwater left off, so you cannot read this without that one first, so, go back and get it!

Sofie has discovered Lucas' secret, he's a Vampire. Not just any Vampire, either, he is head of the Guard who keep the Kihn at bay. And they are getting restless. The Kihn are pushing as the date for the gate opening gets ever closer, but they still don't know WHERE it will open. Sofie has her own secret, one that might push Lucas away.

I have to say this, being all honest, like, cos that's what this is about: being honest. I don't remember only Sofie having a say in Sweetwater. I mean, 4 years folks! But she does here. AND it's in the first. AND it's in the present tense! So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it! Yes, me! Likes a first person, present tense book! Truthfully, I knew that, cos I mentioned it in my review for Sweetwater, that it's present tense. But yeah. Loved this one!

Of course I would have loved Lucas to have a say, really I would, but I'm just greedy!

Or I was loving it! Til Ms Jacks does her thing and throws you off the bloody cliff hanger of all cliff hangers!

There we were, Lucas and Sofie all loved up, doing their things to keep the Kihn away. Things are moving against the Kihn, the supes have found a way to disrupt their communications, so gaining a upper hand. Plans are a-foot. Great plans, amazing plans.

Then poof! You're off that cliff and hurtling down the ravine and you have no idea, NOT A SINGLE clue, when you can get back up again! Because, while Sweetwater was a great cliff hanger, this one?? OH. DEAR. LORD!!! I did not see that one coming, and my poor kindle, my new-at-Christmas kindle, had it's introduction to the wardrobe door! It's already been introduced to the wall, but the wardrobe was closer!

OH!!! It just occurred to me! While Lucas is a Vampire, and he and Sofie do get lots *fans herself* of sexy time *fans some more* there was no biting! He doesn't bite her, or feed, not once! HUH! A Vampire that doesn't bite! The randomest things come to you when writing reviews!

SO! Summing up?? Read the damn book, but brace yourself folks!

Hurry, Ms Jacks, I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book three. I need to know, not only if the Kihn are dealt with, but that things for Lucas and Sofie get sorted too.

5 full stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Not My Daughter
Not My Daughter
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am so happy to have the opportunity to be part of the blog tour for Not My Daughter by Suzy K. Quinn. Thank you to the team at HQ, for sending me an e-copy in exchange for an honest review. Have a look at the Blog Tour Banner below and check out the other bloggers.

Suzy K Quinn is a British fiction author, and writes in three different genres: psychological thriller, comedy and romance. She was first published by Hachette in 2010 with her debut novel Glass Geishas (now Night Girls), then self-published a romance series, the Ivy Lessons, which became an international bestseller and a #1 Kindle romance bestseller in the US and UK.

After her second daughter was born in 2013, she self-published the Bad Mother’s Diary series, which also went on to become a #1 Kindle romantic comedy bestseller. Suzy K Quinn’s novels have been translated into 7 languages and her books have sold over ¾ million copies worldwide.

She lives in Wivenhoe, Essex, with her husband Demi and two daughters, and travels to Mexico every year to write and study Mayan story telling. Suzy loves her family, friends and readers, but when pushed to add more to the list, she also loves travelling, food and alcohol.

Lorna has been trying to protect her daughter Liberty for sixteen years. There are dark secrets from her past about her father that Lorna wishes her daughter never finds out. Liberty’s father is a monster, and the best solution is to hide. Forever.

But Liberty has other plans. One day, Liberty decides to find her father, no matter the cost. And Lorna can’t protect her if she doesn’t know where she went…

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed Not My Daughter. It was a novel that kept me on my toes throughout the whole book and I was eager to know what happens in the end and who the true villain is.

We begin the story in one way, where we have an idea of who the bad person is, and how Lorna is the protector. But once we start reading more, this story becomes more twisted, and we don’t know who to trust anymore. This is something I see in books quite often, but it is not usually as well-written. Suzy did an amazing job writing this part, and making us switch sides as she wanted us to.

The ending was not predictable at all, although, it was a bit unrealistic. However, it really fit nicely with the whole story and I cannot be disappointed.

It is interesting to see how the mother-daughter relationship develops. But more so, how a relationship forms when a daughter wants to get to know her father, no matter what. You meet this person that you share genes with, and you want them to like you. You want them to accept you, like nothing happened. We could see this wish in Liberty as she meets her father – the need to be accepted as a daughter.

I would recommend this book to everyone that loves mystery thrillers. It is a one of a kind, and a very well-written one too.
Blood King (Heart Stones #1)
Blood King (Heart Stones #1)
JP Sayle | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Left with so many questions but so bloody good!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm not gonna write a bit about this book. I'm not gonna rehash any sort of plot line, but what I am gonna say is this:


Sayle has a particular way of messing with my head, she leaves me with question after question. Mostly, questions I cannot voice, but my head knows it has questions and Sayle drives me freaking nuts about it!

So, once I got over my spit-your-dummy-out, throw-your-toys-out-the-pram and I'll-scream-and-scream-and-scream-until-I'm-sick kind of tantrum, here's what I thought about this book.

So good, this first book in a new series, a very different book than of late for Sayle and I read this and flung my kindle at the wall and my partner looked at me like I grew a third head!

Why, you ask? Because questions, people, I have a lot, A LOT of freaking questions about this book and it's taken me 3 days to manage to write something about this book that actually makes sense!

I am, however, fairly certain that I will not be the only one why has questions, hell, I'm not even sure if Sayle has all the questions, let alone the answers to everything that was NOT said here.

Because while you get everything you need about Aion and Shiesha NOW, there is much, so (I really wanna use the Fword here but some sites don't like that, but I need to stress the point!) freaking MUCH, that is not said. About who Aion and Shiesha are running from, about what happened to Aion's family, about who Shiesha really is, about WHAT he is! And those bloody monks? Cryptic or what! But those monks, I understood. They are bound by a higher power and sworn to secrecy. Aion and Shiesha have all the answers, they just need to listen to their hearts to find them.

And then we get to the ending! A cliff hanger, people, of massive proportions! I knew this was coming, the blurb says so, but still. I had 10 minutes left in the book and then it was finished and sheesh, I was not happy! There is a teeny tiny bit that happens next, a bit of an epilogue slash sneak peak but I would rather have not had that, to be honest! I think it would have had a bigger reaction from people to not have that sneak peak, and I am left a little . . .annoyed . . .maybe. . . by it! I don't know WHY, but book feelings, people, I'm sharing my book feelings!


Because I have questions;
because I read it in one sitting;
because I threw my kindle at the wall (and it's been a long ass time since I did that!)
because of that freaking cliff hanger;
because, even, of that sneak peek;
because it's my review and I can. . .

5 freaking amazing stars!

But write quicker, Ms Sayle.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Lesley (60 KP) rated Lying in Wait in Books

Aug 11, 2018  
Lying in Wait
Lying in Wait
Liz Nugent | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twisty, fun read!
Oh boy. Strap yourself in for this one.

I kept seeing this book everywhere, and couldn't WAIT to read it. So when it landed on a Kindle sale for $3.99, I snapped it right up. The first night I started reading it, it kept me up until around 2 AM. I couldn't stop.

I don't like to write book reviews that include any sort of synopsis. Not only because I personally prefer to go in blind, or semi-blind, but it's easy enough to glance at the description on the Goodreads, Amazon, or whatever page and I feel it to be quite redundant. So I will just say that, like most books I read, this is a murder story that doesn't really go the way you think it will. It's not a MYSTERY, because the opening detail reveals what happened and who did it. The interesting part of this story is how things spiral out of control from there, and how many peoples lives this very huge mistake shapes and changes.

I finished the book this morning and I feel...weird. Disturbed. Dirty. What a great book. There is some serious creepy Oedipal vibes happening between Lydia and her son, Laurence. I got kind of a V.C. Andrews sense from the writing style. I am haunted - the subject matter could have been spun very badly. It could have been trite, or oversexed, or cliche. Instead, Liz Nugent has struck a perfect macabre balance and woven a tale that will make you feel unsettled, fascinated, and shaken.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Amazon Prime Membership Kindle First book - August 2016.

This month I chose the Psychological Suspense “Interference” written by Amélie Antoine and flawlessly translated from French to English by Maren Baudet-Lackner.

The book is set in current times and told from the view of the three main characters.

Chloé and Gabriel are a young married couple, who appear to be living the perfect life until Chloé drowns while swimming in the ocean early one morning. Heartbroken Gabriel feels Chloé’s presence wherever he goes and whatever he does and finds it extremely difficult to move on until he joins a support group for the recently bereaved.

This is where Gabriel meets Emma a photographer who has joined the support group to offer to create memory-books for the bereaved to remember their loved ones. The two are drawn to each other but Gabriel finds it very difficult let go of Chloé and feels her presence everywhere.

There is a point, about halfway, where the story twists, almost unbelievably so. I won’t give anything away but I will say that some of the reviews I have read suggest that this storyline is just too far fetched. I am not so sure, I worry that in these times we are living in today if this could actually happen somewhere to someone… The tone of the book switched at this point and I found I wasn’t enjoying it quite so much. I continued to read and I am glad I did as it was well written and kept me wondering until the very end…
Slaughter and Forgetting (Josef Slonsky Investigations #2)
Slaughter and Forgetting (Josef Slonsky Investigations #2)
Graham Brack | 2018 | Crime, Mystery
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another great Slonsky book!!
In my opinion, Slonsky just seems to get better and better. He’s lazy, sarcastic and constantly drinking beer and eating anything that isn’t regarded as healthy.
This time, he’s solving a thirty year old murder, after an elderly ex-policeman asks him to reopen the case. This appears unlikely to happen, until Holoubek (the elderly policeman) is killed in a hit and run.
We’re introduced to a new character, Peiperova, a female police officer, who Navratil certainly has a soft spot for. I think she is going to feature a lot in the books that follow!
There’s a lot of humour in this book, especially the darker variety. We are given an insight in to the communist past of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and it isn’t all nice. Some is quite amusing though: a trade deal with Hungary that involved trading Hi-Fi’s for toasters!!
For all Slonsky’s apparent laziness, he is actually very good at what he does. He has a moral code - he hates to see people get hurt, and a lot of thought goes into this case (even if it is done whilst sat in a bar, beer in hand!).
I’m a big fan of Slonsky. I love his fast wit, and the way that he tries to cover up a razor sharp mind - with a camouflage of pastries, beer and sausage!
I’ll be adding the next Slonsky book to my kindle ASAP!
Many thanks to Sapere books for my copy of this great book.

LaBMaC (116 KP) rated Amazon in Apps

Jul 21, 2019  
Lifestyle, Shopping
8.9 (262 Ratings)
App Rating
Prime free delivery (5 more)
Prime Now
Ease of use
Can see the item price increase or decrease
Don't always believe the star ratings (3 more)
One day delivery isn't always one day
'Sale' prices that are more than the original price
Crazy large packaging for tiny items
It annoys me but I love it?!
I have Amazon Prime Student which is £39 a year.
For that I get
-expediated delivery
-early access to deals
-prime music and video access
- Prime drive unlimited photo storage
-kindle borrowing library and
- extra student discounts (about the usual 10%)
I mostly use the music and delivery and for the student price I definitely make my money back on the postage reduction alone. In saying that I would probably not spend a o much in the first place if postage wasn't free.
I've never had any problem with the app which I find easier to use than the website. Payment is so easy once you set up PayPal and swipe to pay (almost too easy).
A tip is to leave items in your basket and wait for the price to drop before buying as you get alerts when the price point changes if the item is in your shopping basket.

Amazon is innovative and has so many different aspects. Prime now lists items in your area which they can deliver to you in a few hours. They have a pantry food branch and a fresh delivery option in some areas. They also have an app selection, warehouse deals and baby lists.

Keeps bankrupting yourself interesting anyway.
Winter Renshaw | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I'll be honest. With how this started I was expecting it to be erotica. That prologue with how "Absinthe" walks into the principles office, sucking on that lollipop, and how they recognise each other from their voices alone. I expected it to be a bit...kinky with them going on to have sex in his office. But then we go back three months and see how their relationship started with the Karma dating app.

I was really rather enjoying this. It had the angst of love that couldn't really happen but them being unable to fight their feelings or stop seeing each other. But then their secret got out and things fell apart around them both. And then years passed. YEARS! I began to get a little fed up with the characters after five years had passed and they hadn't found each other. Yeah, one of them was looking for the other wasn't really going anywhere.

They did eventually find each other but it wasn't great between them for quite a while and my initial enjoyment of the story had waned a little by then. I did like the epilogue and how their love of classic literature worked its way into their lives. That bit was cute.

It was those five years with the travels and the trying to find each other and despising each knocked it down a star for me. It just seemed too long.