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Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved, #1)
Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved, #1)
Cate Tiernan | 2010 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another of those books where I've had it for years on my Kindle and just never had the urge to read it. So, yes, this is being used for another challenge on Goodreads. This one is another A-Z challenge but for Paranormal Romances and Urban Fantasy books.

I think one thing that put me off is this books lack of a proper description on Goodreads as seen above. You really do have no idea what it's going to be about. I have done a bit of searching and found a better more evolved description.

I assumed this would be about vampires with the name but it's not. Just people who live a really long time that call themselves Immortals. Nastasya - Nasty to her friends - comes to realise that she's hanging out with a bad crowd after her best friend of hundreds of years breaks a mans back for no reason. She seeks out a fellow Immortal she met about 50 years ago who offered to take her in and spends time at her sanctuary.

Nasty goes from being a careless party girl to someone who actually doesn't mind working and likes being busy. She begins to have proper friends and people who care about her and who she cares about. She feels like she has a purpose in life again.

I'll admit I liked this more than I thought I would. It dragged me in and I was intrigued by how Nasty and a certain blond Viking type Immortal, Reyn, knew each other. It took about 80% of the book to figure it out and then, though they knew they should hate each other, they were still drawn to each other. I am VERY interested in seeing what happens next with this lot.

I cannot wait to continue this series.
Summers wolf ( Westervelt wolves books 2)
Summers wolf ( Westervelt wolves books 2)
Rebecca Royce | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
131 200
Summers wolf (westervelt wolves book2)
By Rebecca Royce

Three years ago, Summer Morrison's happy, normal life was thrown into upheaval. Forced to discover, before she was ready, that she was half-wolf shifter and mated to the pack's enforcer has left Summer moody, shaken, and resentful. When tragedy strikes her family, Summer is forced to come back to the world of the Westervelt Wolves...and into the arms of Cullen Murphy.

Cullen has waited three years for Summer, having promised her mother he would give her time to grow up. But he's never forgotten his mate and craved her presence since he first saw her on the battlefield three years earlier. The trouble is, now that Cullen has Summer, he has no idea what to do with her. Three hundred years of being alone has left Cullen socially inept and more lonesome than he would ever admit. He lives with the guilt and shame of his deeds, while knowing his role is pivotal to the pack's survival.

Together, Cullen and Summer will heal each other's wounds and discover that life is worth living as long as they are together. Now there's just the little matter of Kendrick and Claudius, their evil henchmen, the army of miscreant wolves, and the demons that keep attacking. If they can survive, their love will be everlasting. But failure will mean not only their destruction, but the end of the Westervelt Wolves.

When love is eternal, failure is not an option

I actually enjoyed this one more than the first book Her Wolf! Summer was more my kinda girl taking no shit from anyone especially her mate, who by the way is the better wolf! I do enjoy Rebecca Royces books she has a certain way of writing that’s fast paced but doesn’t feel rushed! I recommend to all wolf shifter fans!
Like Candy (Candy #1)
Like Candy (Candy #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*A copy of this book was received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The thing that drew me in with this book was the cover, and then the description. Note that I haven't been on Netgalley in some time, as I've been trying to wittle down my slowly increasing list of books and then just decided to get rid of the ones I got as freebies back when I first got my kindle and would never read.

So back to Like Candy. I was a little wary to start with. I'm a bit picky with genre's at the minute. I'm liking YA, but not really NA. I'm liking Romance but not in the mood for Erotica. Luckily this was more YA than NA to me and the romance aspect of this story drew me in quickly. Just the chance of something happening with Candy after her last failed relationship and the silent-but-really-nice guy that is Jonah...well *sigh* And when it finally did, I was so happy for them. They were so good for each other!

It read as a normal girl-meets-boy story, a nice slow progression, and then we see Candy in her home life and I was a little stumped with that part of the storyline. Her wanting to do what her dad did. It wasn't something I was expecting, especially with all the mystery surrounding what he does. That was the other plot that was threaded through the story, though I wont spoil it by going into much detail.

But for me, it was all about that emotional connection between Candy and Jonah. I loved it. And that bit near the end with them at school almost killed me. But the actual ending? Cliff-hanger worthy!

I definitely need the second book in the series now.<br/>
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

It has been 8 years - possibly more since I joined Goodreads in 2012 - since I read books five and six in this series - and I should point out, they were the only two books I DID read in this series after getting them free one Christmas from AllRomanceeBooks before the website shut down

 did fall in love with Adrien and Jake despite not knowing all the stuff they had been through in the previous books so when I saw this, I had to read it. They do rehash a lot of what happened in the past and god, I was getting emotional reading it - so in a way I'm glad I didn't - but they are such a good couple.

Well this wouldn't be an Adrien English mystery without a mystery and this one involves an old acquaintance whose boyfriend has gone missing after visiting his family for the holidays. His old fashioned, well off family. Both sides are saying the other had something to do with his disappearance and Adrien is tasked with helping to track him down, while Jake is hired by the family to do the same.

There's some other drama going on at Cloak & Dagger, the bookshop Adrien owns and we see some sweet moments and sometimes some hot moments between Jake and Adrien. It had me laughing at times with Adrien's humour.

I do like this series and quite a few of this authors other series like Holmes and Moriarity - of which Moriarity got a mention in this as an ex cop turned author and I will be reading more of his books at a later date.
Fire Inside (Chaos, #2)
Fire Inside (Chaos, #2)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

I really, really, really liked this book! The only problem I had was it’s length (I seem to have a thing about really long books where I cant read them all at once and have to break them up with other books). There was something about it that just dragged me in and kept me reading. Maybe it was the way Hopper treated Lanie like a lady, simply because she came from a better background than him but still treated everyone fairly. Or his way of talking and thinking because he talked a lot of sense and did a lot of nice things for Lanie.

He was so easy to fall for.

There were two quotes I really liked: “Honey,” I called and his head came up. “You have a monster too.”
“I did. My woman just slayed it.”


He lifted his head and looked down at me. “Have it all now, I made a baby outta love.”
He was killing me.
“Stop making me cry and kiss me.”

Both show Hop’s sweeter side and made me all awwwww…

The only downside for me was that this was my first book by Kristen Ashley, even though I have two other books by her on my Kindle, and I hadn’t read the others to understand the back story of Lanie and her relationship with her previous fiancé Elliott.

Please note: It doesn’t take away from the story at all if you haven’t read it, as it is explained throughout Fire Inside but I personally would have liked to read Lanie’s back story first.

Nevertheless, this was an amazing insight into a motorcycle club and a really nice love story. I love it!
The Kiss Thief
L.J. Shen | 2019
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library.

The Kiss Thief starts with a party - one almost from the 1800's, as Francesca points out - with waltzes and masquerade masks. She wants to kiss her childhood sweetheart Angelo that night but after spilling that secret during a dance with Senator Wolfe Keaton when he goads her, he steals her first kiss by wearing Angelo's mask.

What follows is a lot of political posturing and violence as Wolfe threatens to bring down Francesca's mob father unless he can marry Francesca. It's not a romantic gesture, it's a power play.

Of course, things start to change as they begin to know each other. Feelings start to change. Francesca gets a freedom she never thought she'd get while being a part of The Outfit - the mob. Wolfe is going to allow her to go to college and get a job.

I cried like a baby near the middle of this. Wolfe was a little rough with Francesca and though he instantly regretted it, I had tears pouring down my face at the scene that was playing out in front of me.

This is definitely a bit of a tit-for-tat type story both in regards to the romance, and in the political power plays going on between Wolfe and The Unit. One does something, the other retaliates.

They do finally work things out - and thank God for that! - but not without a lot of ups and downs. I do feel the story finished quite quickly, not the epilogue parts but the last chapter before.

I'm going to keep an eye out for more of the authors books.
QUEST: First Snow Book 1
QUEST: First Snow Book 1
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 25%

This starts with Jemma at school, disappointed that her friend is sick and isn't there to keep her company through the day. Instead the rich (mean) girls of her school take notice of her and ask her to join them at lunch. Jemma is wary but goes with them. Fast forward a week or so and she's at the Darkening Ball (I think that's its name anyway) where the rich farmer families get together to celebrate the days getting shorter (or something like that) and is bullied into wearing a ring by the bitchy Veronika, which ends up transporting her to another dimension/world.

This book was almost 400 pages on my kindle. As I've mentioned in previous reviews, long books are not my favourite unless I get pulled into the story. And I really didn't with this one. It was very... slow. I get the world building and getting to know some of the characters but I'll be brutally honest: I was bored. The description made it sound rather intriguing but the pace of it all was dragging along at it's own sweet pace. It was taking way too long for anything to happen and in the end, I just gave up at 25%.

Up to that point, there had been very little romance in the story. Jemma had a crush on Aaron - and had done for a while - but Aaron hadn't really shown any particular feelings for Jemma (yet). As a romance reader, I did feel like it was lacking in that respect.

One thing I feel I should be cheering was that it was set in Yorkshire. Woo! Think this is the first book I've read that's been set in my lovely county.
A Dragon&#039;s Heart
A Dragon's Heart
Terry Bolryder | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
183 of 200
A dragons Heart
By Terry Bolryder

A mate worth fighting for…

Tor and Perry are Dragon shifters, powerful protectors of their region and the people and shifters in it. With the world only getting more evil, Tor and Perry know there’s only one thing to do. Find a mate, one brave enough to be gifted with a third dragon power to join their triad. They just need to find someone brave. Too bad the only woman they seem to be interested in is their curvy secretary, a woman they found hiding under a desk…

Lexie knows she’s no hero. Always the first to run, she is just grateful the dragons found her when they did and rescued her from a bad situation. She’s fine just being their secretary, as it gives her a safe place while they try to track down the people that are still after her. Even if being around tall, dark and handsome Tor and graceful, elegant Perry is starting to do funny things to her lady bits.

As the three work together in close quarters, sparks fly between Lexie and her dragon employers, threatening to ignite into a blaze. But though they know they can’t be together, they can’t resist stoking the flames, and when trouble catches up, all three will have to decide just what they are willing to lose, and what’s really worth fighting for…
Read preview >

Ok so I’ve read a few of Terry Bolryders books now and they follow a pattern and are decent reads, after finishing the Tiger box set this was added to the end and I found myself getting emotional god knows if it’s just me but this story was one of the best! I absolutely loved the Tor! These books are fabulous for those that love the shifters!
Walters Rifle (Haunted Collection #2)
Walters Rifle (Haunted Collection #2)
Ron Ripley | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
45 of 250
Walters Rifle ( Haunted Collection book 2)
By Ron Ripley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

The gleaming muzzle of a rifle burns with an insatiable desire, and its new owner is all too happy to comply....

Haunted items are traversing the country, and their ghosts are wreaking havoc on their new owners. At the center of the chaos is an old rifle possessed by a blood-thirsty specter, who dreams of massacres at every turn. Meanwhile, lurking in a nearby mailbox is an antique novel possessed by a monster who takes pleasure in agonizing, heart-stopping torture.

Stefan Korzh's plan is unraveling flawlessly, and he can't imagine a better way of seeking revenge on the world. But Victor Daniels and Jeremy Rhinehart won't let that happen. Recovering from their grisly encounters with the dead, they're more prepared than ever before. They work on finding the sources of bloodshed and imprisoning the crazed collectibles.

With murderous ghosts continuing to raise the death toll, Victor and Jeremy have their hands full. They race against time to stop the mayhem and save innocent bystanders. Fueled by their quest for revenge, each step brings them toward the culprit behind all the horror. But as they get closer to catching this madman, they discover how dangerous Stefan Korzh truly is....

So I’m such a drip and didn’t realise it was an ongoing series so that answers the end of my review of the first book! So more haunted objects are sold into the world with horrifying results. It’s getting a little more personal and now he has little Annie back. Also Stefan has seriously pissed off daddy! I still think it was very rushed like the first book. Walters rifle could have featured a little more. Still a decent horror read.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Wakenhyrst in Books

Apr 5, 2021  
Michelle Paver | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Paranormal, Thriller
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wakenhyrst had me gripped from the first page - well, technically I listened to it, so lets say in the first five minutes.
There’s an underlying feeling of menace and claustrophobia running through this. Partly because of the restraints on Maud because of the fact that she’s female, young and upper class in the Edwardian period; partly because of the ever-present Fen and the mysterious atmosphere surrounding it; partly because we know from the first chapter what is going to happen - and we are heading to that end.
Themes of obsession, superstition and madness run throughout, and it’s not just the uneducated working class fenland men and women who are preoccupied with witchcraft and demonic possession.
Maud’s father Edmund, is translating and researching the book of Alice Pyett, a woman who lived four hundred years before the book is set. She was supposed to have heard the voice of God, but if you ask me, she longed for chastity because she had had a ridiculous amount of children and needed a break.
The deeper Edmund gets in to the translation, the stranger his diary entries become. ANd when he stumbles across a painting in the graveyard of his church, his behaviour becomes even more unhinged. To be honest, the descriptions were such that I thought I was seeing the demons along with him!
This book has been sat on my kindle for quite a while now, and I decided to use my Audible credit and listen to it - which was a cracking idea. The narrator, Juanita McMahon, really brings this story to life - and makes it all the more haunting.
This isn’t a ghost story, at least it didn’t seem like one all the way through, but it certainly gave me the chills! I loved it. If you like a chilling, gothic tale, this will suit you down to the ground.