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Redesigning Fate (The Revive Series, #1)
Redesigning Fate (The Revive Series, #1)
A.M. Wilson | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book will take you on a stellar journey, not all of it nice, but all of it completely gripping. Marlena left her boyfriend three months ago after things made a turn for the worse. She has made the decision to get her life back under her own control, no one else's. One of the ways in which she does this is to make a major move to a new home, new city, new job. She starts her new job and literally falls for Elias, after she has walked into him! Marlena has a journey of discovery to embark upon as she has to learn to trust herself, and others, which trying to avoid getting hurt, if at all possible.

I loved this book! You get it from the points of view of Marlena and Travis, who, I have to say, is an incredibly well-written villain. I don't like him, not one bit, but he is completely three-dimensional. He is a true brute and I can't abide him. Elias, Sin and Shelby are all intriguing characters and let me just say, I nearly threw my kindle at the wall!! To get so close to finding out their story and then for the book to finish... well, yes!

For those of you that like your stories with a darker edge (like abuse or stalking for example), then I can highly recommend this story. A.M. Wilson reminds me of Alex Grayson for some reason, although I don't know why. Perhaps it is because they've both written exceptional stories in a hard-hitting genre. Whatever the reason, this book rocks!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 8, 2015
48 of 235
The Taming of Ilona ( Vampire Memoirs 2)
By Nicola Ormerod

Ilona lives a simple life in the seventeenth century. She is the youngest daughter of a farming family and is the apple of her father's eye. Then her world is turned upside down when her father sells her hand in marriage to an older wealthy businessman. Cut off from her family, raped and abused, Ilona struggles to cope with the hand she has been given. She befriends a local businesswoman and friend of her husband, Katrina, who teaches her how to fit into higher society. When she falls pregnant, she tries to see it as a blessing and tries to make the best of her new, brutal life. But Ilona is desperate to know what it is like to be held tenderly and, in her hour of need, turns to her friend and asks her to arrange one night, one night where she will know love and passion. She is introduced to Redvick. He is tall, dark, and gorgeous. Un-natural sparks fly between them, their passion is undeniable, and Redvick is forced to reveal his true nature. Their love is forbidden, but they are soul mates, connected in mind, body, and spirit, but how can they ever overcome their impossible situation and be together.

I absolutely devoured this book in 1.5 hours. It almost broke me in the middle been a while since a book made me cry! Maybe the mother in me. This is the story of Reds mother and how she dealt with her life and believe me it was hard! I thought the first book was good but this just was brilliant! I classic vampire love story was entwined with the tragic life of a 15 year old new wife. Loved it!
52 of 230
The Jackal Prince ( Wild Rites Saga book 2)
By Anna McIlwraith

Book two of The Wild Rites Saga takes you to a hidden stronghold in the heart of Egypt - a kingdom on the edge of ruin, ruled by fear and forgotten magic.

Sounds like a great place for a vacation, right? Emma Chase isn't exactly thrilled by the idea, but the jackals will do anything to get their claws on her, for she is the Caller of the Blood, a human woman destined to command the magic of all shapechanging races - which is a teensy bit more complicated than it sounds. And while Emma and her weird assortment of friends, allies and protectors are safe on an enchanted farm in the California Mountains, the Jackal Prince's invitation is too dangerous to refuse. Problem is, accepting it could be just as deadly, especially since Emma's going to need the help of a powerful ancient with an unbreakable - and totally unfair - grudge against her.

Emma's got a few tricks up her sleeve, but she's human, and she can be broken. Somehow she'll have to get her friends out of the jackal kingdom alive before the jackals kill her first — or worse, find a way to claim her power for their own.

So I wasn’t expecting much from this book due to how much I struggled with book 1 but this really surprised me. I really enjoyed it, the Egyptian links were so good and it all just made so much more sense. I’m absolutely in love with Fern I think he’s just brilliant. The thing with this series it has or mentions shifters we don’t normally come across, like tarantulas and crocodiles were mentioned. I love something different. Push through book 1 and I’m sure like me you won’t be disappointed with book 2!
216 of 230
The Replacement ( A Culling of Blood and Magic book 1)
By K.M. Rives

She was never meant to be a member of the Culling. He was never supposed to find his mate. Fate stepped in to ensure both.

There was only one reason the bond would choose Emery Montgomery. Her twin was dead. As soon as the silver band of the Culling appeared on her wrist, binding her to the vampire prince himself, her world turned upside down.

Forced to compete for the heart of her enemy in an archaic version of The Bachelor, Emery had only three things on her mind: Keep her witch heritage a secret, find her sister's murderer, and above all, don’t fall for the sinfully handsome prince.

August Nicholson wanted nothing to do with the pompously groomed women in his Culling, that was, until Emery showed up. She was unlike any other, calmed the dark twisted side of him few knew existed.

Instantly drawn to her, August must struggle against her intoxicating presence, because while he may want her for himself, he needs her to play her part to protect his family more.

Together, Emery and August must fight their feelings and find the culprit behind her twin’s murder, because if the Montgomery women were being hunted, Emery was next.

Took me a while to find a flow with this book but once I had it was really good. It had this strange feel of medieval castle with Kings and Princes mixed with the modern world very strange world building but I really liked it. The characters are fun and you find yourself fully invested towards the end. Highly recommended.
Air Born (The Guardian book 3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
60 of 230
Air Born ( The Guardian book 3)
By Rayanne Haines

Quinn Taleisin hates secrets, and shadows, and subterfuge. Which is why she still can’t believe she agreed to become a member of the Guardians, an elite force of immortals tasked with keeping the balance between good and evil in the world.

Sounds great, except, to be a guardian you must agree to live in secrecy. Quinn is a wind elemental. Being caged in by secrecy is worse than death for someone like her. She can’t imagine a worse fate—until she’s asked to work with Lachon Findel, the man she holds responsible for her mother’s death and her father’s insanity.

Lachon is the oldest living elemental in the world. Known as Lachon the Law, he’s an earth element; a man who sees the world in black and white, right and wrong. So maybe once, briefly, a hundred years ago she thought he was a good guy. She knew better now. No way would she fall for his savior of the world shtick.

When the dangers of the past catch up with them, Quinn realizes the only way either of them will make it out alive is if she can put the ghosts of the past behind her and finally trust the flesh and blood man in front of her.

You know when a book just catches you by surprise and get to your emotions you know it’s a good book. So this one I was coasting through thinking it maybe wasn’t the best in the series but it was ok then BAM! By the end I’m full invested and my emotions are haywire. I have loved Quinn since book 1 and I love her even more now. Definitely recommend this series.
Bitter Falls (Stillhouse Lake #4)
Bitter Falls (Stillhouse Lake #4)
Rachel Caine | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
113 of 230
Bitter Falls ( Stillhouse Lake book 4)
By Rachel Caine

She’s investigating a cold case no one else could—by going places no else would dare.

In spite of a harrowing past still haunting her, Gwen Proctor is trying to move forward. Until a new assignment gives her purpose: the cold-case disappearance of a young man in Tennessee. Three years missing, no clues. Just Ruth Landry, a tortured mother in limbo. Gwen understands what it’s like to worry about your children.

Gwen’s investigation unearths new suspects…and victims. As she follows each sinister lead, the implications of the mystery grow more disturbing. Because the closer Gwen gets, the closer she is to a threat that looms back home.

In a town that’s closed its ranks against Gwen; her partner, Sam; and her kids, there’s no bolder enemy than the Belldene family—paramilitary, criminal, powerful, and vengeful. As personal vendettas collide with Gwen’s investigation, she’s prepared to fight both battles. But is she prepared for the toll it could take on everyone she loves?

Another brutal trial for the Proctor family! Threats , kidnapping, taking in strangers and all the drama again. I absolutely love this series and I’m hoping Gwen , Sam and the kids have got something good finally coming their way. It’s been a tough few years for this family they just attract trouble. I get so emotional reading any Rachel Caine book especially these that were written when she was struggling with her health and it’s sad knowing the next one in this series is the last she wrote. If you haven’t yet picked up this series I high recommend it.
170 of 235
Ta’alo’s Tribe: Project Armageddon (The Marvel-ous Mates of Artaxa prime 1)
By Remy Cavilich

When the UGH taps Dr. Celeste Ballatine to run a space junk retrieval mission with a higher-than-normal commission and very few restrictions, she doesn't hesitate, and neither do her crewmates, Jax and Yuri. There's just one problem--there weren't supposed to be survivors on Artaxa Prime, but there are. The only hope for survival is to make contact with the natives and hope for the best.

Celeste stumbles across a tribe of primitive alien hybrids with the strange ability to understand her, but they want something in exchange for their help, something she's not sure she's willing to give.

They want her to take an alien mate.

With their literal lives on the line, Celeste must make the ultimate sacrifice--herself--to save the guys. As if things weren't bad enough, her crewmates are rather attached to her, and the idea of adding a fourth to their balanced triangle doesn't sit well with them.

The longer she stays on this planet, the more her collection of mates will grow. Turns out there are many alien races on the planet, and all of them will want to stake their claim on the new human female.

I don’t know how I stuck with it at first the 2 “human males” at the beginning really put me off and I’m not sure of it was meant to make us think that human men are all leaches maybe? But I stuck with it and I actually liked the idea of these alien lions. It was definitely ropey in places but I’m intrigued to see where it goes.
Open Your Eyes ( Chosen Fate book 1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
94 of 230
Open your eyes ( Chosen by Fate book 1)
By Aspen Winters

Gods are vanishing; their only salvation is bonding to a human soul.

My name is Clara Daniels. I was your average New Yorker with a degree in business and a need for a job. Everything in my life was normal; well, as normal as it could be with an overbearing mother obsessed with the Lord and trying to find me a man. Not to mention, dealing with the many chauvanistic men that dominate the business world of New York.

Then one day, I ran into Fate - literally - and my entire world was changed. Now, my normal is being the human soul for four, overpowering, disturbingly hot gods. Think Zeus, Aries, Hades - see where I'm going with this. Turns out all that mythology was true. Now, I'm the only chance these four gods have to continue to live and soon they'll become my only chance.

Unfortunately, there's a group of people that don't agree with this and I just became their next target.

Can I trust them to protect me? Or will they let me down like so many others before them? Only Fate knows...and she's not telling.

I almost DNFd this a few times but something in me wanted to see how it played out. Now I’m not into author bashing and I’m not about to start now. This had some major plot holes and a few cringy parts. The mother is just instantly dis likeable I mean she is absolutely vile. There are bits that make you think why?. There are some ok bits and towards the end it came together. The story had good foundation so I think it why I stuck it out.