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David McK (3361 KP) rated Wildtrack in Books

May 27, 2023  
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bernard Cornwell, as an author, is perhaps better know/more associated with historical fiction as a genre.

Yet I was aware he had also written a couple of other, more contemporaneous set, novels and mainly concerned with sailing.

I had never read any of those until recently (they held little appeal), when I came across Sea Lord on offer on Kindle, and decided to pick it up. I did feel it was not as good as his more 'usual' sort of novel; not as good as the Sharpe books or those of The Last Kingdom, for example.

So I wasn't really on the look out for any more of his so-called 'sailing thrillers'.

Having said that, when I came across this one - which I have since learnt was the first of his sailing thriller novels - also on sale, I never-the-less thought I would give this style of work another chance.

As before, I found that - while an enjoyable enough read - this does NOT live up to the standards set by the likes of the aforementioned Sharpe or Uhtred novels.

This is set in the I-assume-then-present 1980s, and follows Falklands hero Nick Sandman who, as the novel starts, is in hospital after having his spine shattered by a bullet. Whilst there, he makes himself a promise that, once better, he will sail his beloved boat Sycorax to the other side of the world, but finds that this will be easier said than done once he discharges himself from the hospital and finds that his ex-wife has sold his berth to TV personality Tony Bannister and left the boat to rot, who - in exchange for his help in refitting Sycorax - want Sandman to help navigate his own boat Wildtrack to victory in an ocean race. The rest of the novel then deals with the fallout from this devils bargain, especially as Bannister has powerful enemies of his own ...

So, yeah, enjoyable enough but not Cornwell's best.
The Fall ( The Reluctant Romantics 1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
87 of 235
The Fall ( The Reluctant Romantics 1)
By Kate Stewart

Dallas He was the beginning of my heart . . . and the end of it. I was only fifteen years old when he claimed it and twenty when he took it with him. They say what is meant to be will find a way. But when you have changed to the point of no return, how can anything ever be the same? Seven years later, Dean Martin waltzed back into my life in hopes of resuming what I had fought so hard to forget, but he was in for a wake-up call. I was no longer the naïve woman he had left . . . and I was no longer his. I met the love of my life and my soul mate when I was fifteen. I knew that; he knew that. He wanted that girl back. I wanted to forget she ever existed.

Dean What I thought was my pre-destined path was very much an illusion. Living seven years with regret, I realized too late that I was broken, and that I only had myself to blame. I thought love could wait . . . but it didn’t. We’d had it all those years ago, and then I foolishly left it behind. She was all that mattered. She was all there ever was. There was no life without Dallas, no reason . . . except her. No matter how hard she tried to convince me, I knew I had to once again make her mine, to make her remember . . . the fall.

I’m not really a big fan of romance novels unless they include a little bit of the paranormal but I did end up quite liking this one. There were a few slow parts which is why it’s a 3 ⭐️ and not a 4. The last 5 chapters were so good and it also threw in a little curveball to set you up for the next book.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
206 of 235
The Echo Killing ( Harper McClain 1)
By Christi Daugherty

When a murder echoing a fifteen-year-old cold case rocks the Southern town of Savannah, crime reporter Harper McClain risks everything to find the identity of this calculated killer in Christi Daugherty's new novel The Echo Killing.

A city of antebellum architecture, picturesque parks, and cobblestone streets, Savannah moves at a graceful pace. But for Harper McClain, the timeless beauty and culture that distinguishes her home’s Southern heritage vanishes during the dark and dangerous nights. She wouldn’t have it any other way. Not even finding her mother brutally murdered in their home when she was twelve has made her love Savannah any less.

Her mother’s killer was never found, and that unsolved murder left Harper with an obsession that drove her to become one of the best crime reporters in the state of Georgia. She spends her nights with the police, searching for criminals. Her latest investigation takes her to the scene of a homicide where the details are hauntingly familiar: a young girl being led from the scene by a detective, a female victim naked and stabbed multiple times in the kitchen, and no traces of any evidence pointing towards a suspect.

Harper has seen all of this before in her own life. The similarities between the murder of Marie Whitney and her own mother’s death lead her to believe they’re both victims of the same killer. At last, she has the chance to find the murderer who’s eluded justice for fifteen years and make sure another little girl isn’t forever haunted by a senseless act of violence—even if it puts Harper in the killer’s cross-hairs…

This was really good I enjoyed it. I did catch on to the killer early on but it was still a really good read. Characters were interesting and the storyline was good. Looking forward to more.
Dissent ( Rise of the Iliri 7)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
106 of 220
Dissent ( Rise of the Iliri 7)
By Auryn Hadley

Even before Sal joined the Black Blades, they were the best of her country’s elite forces, bred to be ferocious predators and trained to be deadly soldiers. They think as one, feel as one, yet possess their own special abilities--and Sal is their center. Their deepest secret, that the Black Blades are all crossbred iliri, is now out in the open. With the addition of Sal, a purebred iliri, they have become the most deadly creatures on the continent. Now the country that disbanded them needs them to defeat the invading Terrans. Sal desperately wants to defeat the Terrans and their leader, who will stop at nothing to wipe out the iliri. Ironically, saving the country that enslaved her people is the only way to save them.

As the strain begins to show, Sal is trying to let herself lean on the Blades, a band of brothers, some of whom share her bed – and it’s getting really crowded in the bedroom! The more of them there are, the more adorable these guys get, like puppies piled up around a warm fire. Although some of the human males in Sal’s world aren’t quite used to the reverse harem model of family life the iliri favor, the smoking (but tasteful) sex scenes are guaranteed to please readers.

Have you ever read a series that hooks you in from the first word to the last? Where all the books are consistently brilliant? This is mine!! Iwill forever rave about this series. It was never going to be easy going back home especially when she was about to turn it upside down. Sal is an amazing character the love these people have for her is just a joy to read. The world building is brilliant, the characters are so well thought out. I will recommend this series to every fantasy reader it’s just so good.
Moonville ( Gold Prophecy 1-4)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
40 of 220
Booksirens arc
Moonville (Gold Blood Prophecy 1-4)
By K.J Devoir

Please check Trigger warnings

Psycho gets the girl.

Leena Sperling has fallen into darkness. Darkness has a name...


He’s larger than life. He’s also a deeply dangerous, twisted soul, a textbook psychopath. But, somehow...she makes him feel.

"You can run, Leena. But I will find you."

Leena: When I arrived to the City of Souls, the tiny cemetery town wrapping the Bay Area foothills where Moonvine Manor is located, I had no idea what to expect or how insane my life would become after moving into the former, Queen Anne, funeral home that belonged to my missing sister. I should have known that being greeted by a tombstone-shaped granite welcome sign was either a sick joke or a bad omen. But I could never have predicted that I would fall in love with the darkness.

Zand: I don’t want to ever stop making her cry. Her tears are full of human feelings, and I love the taste. She makes me feel, but part of me wants to end the human in her that brings out the human in me. In a heartbeat, I could make her nightmares infinitely darker. I'm a bad man, trying to be good.

Ok so this premise was good it gave me very much Morganville vibes but a little darker and steamy. The characters were ok and certainly lived up to the dark paranormal romance vibe.
But I had a few issues and I can only be honest. There were bits of the book that didn’t quite add up and there was something really off about it all. A few times I wanted to stop reading. It just wasn’t for me.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Please check Trigger warnings
Blood and Ruin ( Book 1)
Rumer Hale | 2024
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
96 of 220
Blood and Ruin (Book 1)
By Rumer Hale

Six years ago, my world was ripped from under me, and I was taken to Cardinal Three. A place where pain has been my endless companion.

Witches, demons, shifters and humans all live under one rule.


What he says goes.

So, trying to get the hell out of here hasn’t been easy.

No one leaves without his permission.

In fact, no one leaves at all...That is, alive.

But I have a plan.

One chance to get out of this nightmare once and for all.

One month is all I need.

One month to stay off King's radar and get the last few items needed for the spell I’ve been working on.

Shouldn’t be that hard...right?

But turns out King has his own plan. One that involves trading me off to the five shifters of Manhattan.

With King's ultimatum, I have no choice but to go through with it. But I’m still getting out of here, no matter what.

Or so I thought.

Turns out the five shifters are my mates…

And also, the boys I left behind six years ago.

Ok I’m not going to lie the first 10 chapters of this I actually kept rolling my eyes thinking it was going the same way many others in this genre go which is not a bad thing at all it’s just don’t think my mind was in the mood for it. BUT! Something said keep going and I did the last half of the book was just so good and maybe because I was a little distracted by what I thought would happen I just didn’t see it coming. Really good read in the end. I will say there are some pretty brutal things happening with the main MC so please check triggers.


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Keep Me Still (Keep Me Still, #1)
Keep Me Still (Keep Me Still, #1)
Caisey Quinn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, Medical & Veterinary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy freaking cow. This book sat on my Kindle app for the longest time. Many nights I scanned over it, couldn’t remember if I read it or not, so just avoided it all together. Lately, the eBooks I have downloaded are dwindling, so I got desperate and clicked on practically every book I owned and either hadn’t read or just couldn’t remember reading. I skimmed through a few and just wasn’t feeling it – you ever get that way, start reading the first couple of chapters in several books and just know it’s not what you’re in the mood for? Finally, I clicked on Keep Me Still, though I still couldn’t recall whether or not I had read it. The Kindle version I read had all 3 parts of Keep Me Still. Only after a couple of pages in Let You Leave (part 1), I immediately knew I hadn’t read it and that it was what I was looking for.
From the beginning, I was intrigued with Layla. At first, it sounded as if she had come back from dealing with depression or something of the sort, so I was drawn to figuring out why she felt the way she did and how she overcame it. Then I met Landen; reading his mother beg him to not get into any fights piqued my interest. Who doesn’t love a bad boy, eh? During the first few chapters, if I’m being honest, I was only interested in finding out why the school treated Layla like a pariah. Being a victim of bullying, there was an instant connection with her on that level and I was curious to figure out what could have happened to earn her the nickname “Freaky Flaherty”. Somehow, without my knowing it, that mystery fell to the wayside as I watched Layla’s guard slowly crumble enough to allow Landen in. I’m a sucker for a good romance, it’s pretty much the only thing I read, so their spark inflamed the fire of curiosity within me. I like to guess at what the catalyst will be when it comes to these kinds of stories. There’s always one and I tried my best to figure out what would tear them apart. Watching them come together, watching Layla allow Landen to tear down her walls and show her love, was amazing. Of course, then my heart got crushed when that catalyst occurred.
Immediately, I read the second part, ‘Keep Me Still’, almost with desperation. I needed them to get back together, I needed them to reconcile and let their feelings for each other obliterate all the insecurities and fears they were holding onto. To my delight, there wasn’t much of a fight when they finally came back together, but again, I was waiting for the catalyst – which was a lot more obvious this time around. The end of that section made me ecstatic, but the novella came after and I couldn’t ignore it.
The novella, Hold Us Close, slayed me. Practically from the second or third page, it took my heart and tore it into little tiny pieces, then proceeded to stomp all over it with every heart breaking moment, back to back to back. Many times I had to hold my breath, several moments left me staring at the screen in horrified shock, more often than not, I was shaking my head and mentally berating both Landen and Layla (though Landen got the brunt of my scolding). The ending – the final ending – scared the living daylights out of me. I didn’t know how it would turn out; it was shaping up to be a story without an HEA and I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Before the last page of their story, before reading Landen’s letter, the ending left me in tears. I don’t remember when I downloaded this eBook, but I do know I’m beyond grateful for all those sites that tell you when Amazon is giving them away for free – that’s the only way I could have owned Keep Me Still, because I would remember if I spent money on it, but I’m certainly appreciative to whichever e-mail I received with this title listed for free.

*PS: I really love Corin. She's amazing. Is there a novella with a little more of her and Skylar's story??
Cherish Me (Banger Triolgy #3)
Cherish Me (Banger Triolgy #3)
Donya Lynne | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
get the tissues ready, you'll need them!
I AGAIN stress my point: You NEED all three before you start!! Seriously, DO NOT attempt these books til you have all three (book one is currently free Jan 6th 2018)

Book three picks up right where book two leaves off, with that devastating revelation that leaves both Kathrine and Greyson heartbroken. And me, to tell you the truth!

That bawling your eyes I mentioned before?? Here, in flipping buckets! Make sure you have tissues!

It is emotionally draining, reading about what really happened to Greyson dad, and to Katherine's mum. What happened to push his dad to do what he did. What pushed HER dad to do what he did. It's vague, I know, but I work hard NOT to include spoilers! It's just one big mess!

And there, front and centre are two broken hearts. Two people who cannot deal with all this at the moment, but they HAVE to. Two halves of one whole that NEED to be back together, but still there are walls. Walls around her heart, his heart too, that need to be broken down for them to be really happy!

And while it IS heartbreaking reading, it is also amazing watching them both, deal with what's happened. Having their breakdown, and pulling themselves out of that funk and fighting for what they want. Greyson, especially pulls no punches in going after the one thing, the one PERSON who totally makes him whole.

And of course, there are a couple of dramas along the way, that were sprung outta nowhere, and throw everything about, but its great watching Katherine overcome those.

And they do, finally, in a most awesome way, get their happy ever after.

I read this one in one sitting, 90 minutes again!

I'm annoyed with myself, you know?? Because I WAS going to buy these books when they were originally published in 7 parts, and I never got round to it, and I could have had all this awesomeness on my kindle way before now.

So, I can only give this third book the same as the rest,

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The House of Mountfathom
The House of Mountfathom
Nigel McDowell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Family, Adventure and Magic
Family, adventure and magic. A perfect combination for this middle grade book. The House of Mountfathom is set in Ireland during times of unrest. The Driochta, always peacekeepers, must choose a side to survive.

My favourite aspect was how alive the house felt as it was so full of magic. The House of Mountfathom seemed like another member of the family almost like it had a mind of it's own. There was so much time given to explaining the house, magic and family though, that it reduced the actual plot to the second half of the book.

The House of Mountfathom has a strong focus on family. The Mountfathom family are the protagonists of the book. The Order of Driochta are another kind of family. There's no romance subplot which was a big plus point for me.

Another thing was that the house was in Ireland. I cant think off the top of my head another book I've read based in Ireland. The introduction of both historical aspects and folklore was great. There's also a distinct discussion about class systems. The 'big houses' aka the upper class in Ireland are in trouble, including the Mountfathom house, even though they're trying to keep the peace.

A problem I had was the format seemed odd, I assume it would be best in a printed book. My kindle seemed to push everything together and it was difficult to discern between chapters. The illustrations would have also worked much better within a book. Since this was an e-ARC though, I wouldn't take that into account.

Another problem is the book doesn't seem quite finished. Understandable as Nigel McDowell passed away in February. Although the ambiguous ending does give something towards the mysterious aspect of the book as a whole.

I really enjoyed how McDowell described the hows of magic. The first part of the book follows Luke as he grows up and learns magic. The five principles are distinct in how Luke learns them. I would compare The House of Mountfathom to Lemony Snicket and Neil Gaiman's Coraline. It was a bit dark and creepy in places. Full of intrigue and magic.