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Suvi's Revenge (Dark Warrior Alliance #6)
Suvi's Revenge (Dark Warrior Alliance #6)
Brenda Trim, Tami Julka | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
152 of 250
Suvi’s Revenge ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 6)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Suvi is the youngest of the Rowan triplets and prefers high heels to combat boots and parties to battles. Unfortunately, lately, she finds herself fighting more than she does drinking martinis. If she isn't rebuilding the business she shares with her sisters, she's searching for their archenemy, Cele. The way Suvi sees it, they've done their part and it's time for a celebration, but that isn't in the cards for her. The moment she has dreamt of her entire life happens when she meets her Fated Mate, yet she isn't able to plan the party of the century. Instead, she and her sisters have seventy-two hours to investigate a murder, locate a rogue vampire, stop an evil witch from stealing their powers and save her mate from a death sentence. She wants nothing more than to spend her days and nights in sensual oblivion with her vampire, but the clock is ticking. Caine DuBray's world is upended when he wakes up next to a human female that has been drained dry. As the only vampire on scene, her death is immediately pinned on him. He believes he is innocent, but the problem is that he can't recall the details of their date. Rather than executing him immediately, the Vampire King takes pity on him and gives him three days to prove his innocence. He discovers that one of the witches he is directed to is his Fated Mate. Their passion sets him on fire and leaves him desperate for the chance to spend eternity with the sexy witch.

This was a pretty good short bordering 3.5 stars. It’s good to see the sister are now al mated. I’m a bit unsure the Cele is really dead though as she was planning a clone! I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her it seemed to easy! I do love our little visits to the realm!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
22 of 230
Ferns Decision ( sisters of Hex Fern book 1)
By Bea Paige

Death is a lonely place, silent, or so everyone thinks... Fern is no stranger to death, or the singing that accompanies it. She has always known when a person is about to die, for the singing foretells it. Her mother passed it off as an oddity never to be discussed, so she learned to tune out the voices until they disappeared for good. Or so she thought. Then one day, as she fights to bring back a dying baby in the hospital where she works, Fern hears the familiar melody once more. Except this time the voice belongs to a man with ice-blue eyes and black angel wings. As the baby takes its final breath, the angel sings his last note. For this isn't an angel who gives life, it is one that takes it. One year has passed since that encounter, and just when Fern is beginning to believe it had all been an illusion, the angel returns, and this time he's not alone. For now there are three Angels of Death and Fern appears to be their next victim.Fern's Decision is the first book of Fern's trilogy and continues the Sisters of Hex story. Although this is the start of a standalone trilogy, to get a full picture of the overarching storyline you might wish to read Accacia's trilogy first.***TRIGGER WARNING - This book contains content that some may find triggering***

I loved the first set of Hex sister books so I was looking forward to this set. I wasn’t disappointed in the first book at all I really enjoyed it although the first few chapters were extremely hard to get through with it being so close to my own heart of losing my own baby a few time I cried thinking I need to push through. It was well handled and I’m glad I pushed through a good start to the new trilogy and sister. I would recommend but with a caution of possible trigger warning if you have lost a baby.
Taste the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
38 of 230
Taste the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book 1)
By Nicola Rose

I never meant to fall for another bad boy... let alone two.

My name is Jess. I don't know what I am, with my random magical outbursts, but I do know that getting tangled up with deliciously deadly vampire brothers is going to get me in trouble.

There’s Zac — brooding and mesmerizing. Tormented by an ancient legacy he refuses to fulfill. Fighting the darkness within, balancing on the line between light and dark, living in the grey of morality. Drawn to my blood with ravenous need thanks to a fated sanguine bond.

Then there’s Alex —disarmingly playful, evil wrapped up in a pretty package. Zero boundaries. Takes what he wants, when he wants. Crawling under my skin like an unwelcome itch that I need to scratch.

Never one to shy from adventure, I find myself right in the middle of their century-long feud. Zac’s touch feels like the very thing I’ve spent my life chasing. But if he’s so right for me, what is this haunting desire that burns inside for Alex?

With everyone against us, from the ruthless vampire government, vampire hunters, and even our own friends — will I even come out of this alive? Just how far will my insatiable appetite for all things dark and dangerous take me?

2 vampire brothers at war enter a human girl and a new toy to fight over! Sound familiar? The big difference between them and this was Jess and omg she is one sassy,bitchy,slutty, crazy bitch and absolutely brilliant! I did wander at half way whether the story was going down a road of whinny relationship crap but nope! It was pulled back. I always measure a book on how it makes me feel at the time and this had me caught up in all the emotions at one point or another. One of the better vampire books I’ve read in a while. If you’re looking for smutty vampire action this is the book for you.

Merissa (11925 KP) rated Lucien (Fueled By Lust #4) in Books

Apr 7, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Lucien (Fueled By Lust #4)
Lucien (Fueled By Lust #4)
Celeste Prater | 2014 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am absolutely loving the Fueled by Lust series by Celeste Prater. Before Lucien, I thought that Cato was my favourite. Everyone's best bad boy made me go all gooey inside. But along came the Emperor and changed all that.

Lucien has been an interesting character in the three previous books - a warm, caring father obviously still grieving for his lost wife. Well, with this being his book, we get more chances to see what makes him tick. He is simply wonderful. He has a sense of humour that had me chuckling as I read his witty comments. He cares about his guards and basically all the people of his land. Does this make him a sap? Not at all. Does this make him perfect? A big fat no! I have been chuntering "dumbass" to my Kindle more times reading Lucien than I have with the three previous books. He thinks he is doing the right thing but I just want to kick him.

Luckily, he has some good friends, including unexpected ones, to sort him out and then it's down to him to try and sort things out with Tana (which I won't go into detail with as you REALLY need to read this series for yourself!).

So many things to mention in this book but I will limit myself to a very short comment. Ulixes and Kallon!!!! Oh my!!!!

I'm thinking my house must be a tad dusty at the moment because my eyes have leaked on more than one occasion during the reading of this. I wasn't crying though, honest. It was dusty, yep, dust got in my eyes.

Lucien is sinfully sweet with smokin' hot scenes. Definitely the best Sci-Fi series I've read in a long time! And to answer the question at the end of the Synopsis - I definitely want one of these males!!! Love them
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
December 18, 2018

Merissa (11925 KP) rated Severus (Fueled By Lust #2) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Severus (Fueled By Lust #2)
Celeste Prater | 2014 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am LOVING this Fueled by Lust series. Drusus started off with a bang (quite literally), Severus has more of a gentle build-up. This is because Cassie and Severus have already met and spent some time together, thereby negating the need for a quick pesky 'get-to-know-you' session. Cassie is already attracted to Severus although she's been trying to put him off as she thinks he is too good for her. Severus already knows that Cassie is something special but refuses to think that it could be anything else and he's too damn stubborn to put his necklace on. Yeesh, that man had me shouting at my Kindle!

Cassie has been through the mill and found a wonderful and true friend in Lina, the likes of which you look after and treasure if you're smart which Cassie is. Seeing Lina with Drusus makes Cassie yearn for the same thing but is convinced that with all the baggage she carries no one will be good enough - or too good.

I won't give away any spoilers but I will say this - one thing I really loved about this story was Marcus. He is Cassie's ex-boyfriend, the one she mentioned at the beginning of Drusus. He could have been a real 'nasty' character but instead, Celeste turned him into a likeable, heartfelt hero who, although I wanted Severus and Cassie to be together, I now want Marcus to get his HEA too.

This book has everything you could wish for - amazing characters, wit and humour all the way through, a 'baddie' that you may or may not see coming but even if you do, you won't care as the story is that good, and steamy scenes that are "out of this world" (sorry, I couldn't resist!).

Book 1 was brilliant and I really enjoyed it. Book 2 stepped up to the bar, ordered a double and raised it. I can't wait for Cato's story.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 2, 2016
Bound (The Caelian Cycle #2)
Bound (The Caelian Cycle #2)
Donnielle Tyner | 2015 | Dystopia, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I said in my review of Lost that I needed to read book 2. Well, I have, and now I NEED to read book 3!!! This is a doozy of a book that just keeps on giving, with twists and turns that you won't see until it's too late, and things that won't make sense until the author decides it is time for you to know. Donnielle Tyner wraps up a fantastic story into a neat little bundle, presents it to you and then sits back whilst your emotions get ripped to pieces!

We stay with Sadie as she lives in the Underground, training in preparation to take down her grandfather, Miles Koenig. Kian doesn't agree with her decision, but he still supports her in her training. Sadie is one kickass main female and I love her to bits. Kian, well, he's just Kian! Dreamy, protective, stubborn, I could go on. The supporting cast is still as funny and heartwarming as before, although we don't see as much of them due to Sadie's living arrangements. When we do though, it's wonderful. She does make a new friend in Luca though, and their relationship is just as strong as the ones from the orphanage.

There is plenty of action in this book that will leave you gasping and, yes, even crying. I was on more than one occasion and I'm not ashamed to say it. THIS - this is how an author drags you into a story and makes you care about what's happening! There are two shocking events in this that tore me apart, but I will leave it to you to find out what they were.

With a cliffhanger ending that almost had me throwing my Kindle against the wall, this still manages to finish in the right place. Totally engrossed from page one, I can't wait to read book 3! Highly recommended!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 26, 2015
Hellbound Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #8)
Hellbound Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #8)
Brenda Trim, Tami Yulka | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
188 of 250
Hellbound Warrior ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 8 )
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Rhys O'Morda finds himself at the mouth of Hell after swearing he would never go back. When the archdemon, Kadir, steals the Goddess' powerful Triskele Amulet, Rhys is left with the fate of the world resting on his shoulders. Cursing his birthright, he sets out to tackle the nine circles of the Underworld. Facing rivers of fire, freezing rains, soul-sucking creatures and his inner weaknesses is nothing compared to coming face to face with his Fated Mate. His biggest challenge isn't passing the tests of each circle in Hell, but trying to win his mate's heart. In a cruel twist of fate, his other half isn't bound by the same force and has to consciously choose him. Problem is she loathes demons. Will he be able to win his angel over or be forced to let her go and live for eternity without her? Illianna has every reason to despise everything related to demons and the Underworld. Once an angel of happiness, she has been a prisoner in Hell for a hundred years, forced to perform vile acts that leave a dark stain on her soul. Her prayers fall on deaf ears day after day and she is on the cusp of giving up when the sexy, impossible and arrogant cambion, Rhys, rescues her from his father's clutches. She will do anything to get back to heaven and her wings, even partner with Rhys and his fellow warriors. Yet, her attraction to the exquisite Dark Warrior challenges every barrier she has set. Having the passion she craves comes with a high price tag, including complete and unconditional surrender.

I really enjoyed the boys trip to Hell and I think Illianna is my favourite mate yet! I love her and can just picture those beautiful wings!
This series is great if you like Dark Hunters crossed with the Black Dagger brothers.
We are on book 8 and can’t wait to see what book 9 brings.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
54 of 230
Breathless (Scarlet Suffragette book 2)
By Nicola Claire

Nicola Claire's captivating new Gothic romance series continues with a dark and sinister London City at the end of the nineteenth century - brightened by a fearless and talented heroine and a loyal and secretive police inspector...

Determined doctor? Interfering busybody? Fearless fighter?

The London of Anna Cassidy's memories is not the London she faces today. Having proved her worth as a physician, Dr Cassidy finds herself pitted against the stolid attitude of a male-dominated society.

But it's not only society she has to contend with.

A criminal mastermind has set themselves up in London, England; chosen the dirty streets of Whitechapel and Lambeth as their stage. Competing against a devious and cunning opponent sets Anna and her closest friends off on a dire adventure, which could culminate in a loss so great Anna may never recover again.

Steadfast police inspector? Loyal guardian? Caring lover?

Anna, however, is not alone. Or, at least, she won't be once Inspector Kelly finds her. Facing the ghosts of his past, Andrew Kelly rushes to face Anna's enemies and protect the woman he loves.

But Anna is not unable to defend herself.

Proving she needs him is a task Inspector Kelly would gladly undertake. But the city of Andrew's birth is more in the grip of evil machinations than it has ever been, bringing to mind memories of a dark London, ripped to within an inch of its life by a devil known to most simply as Jack.

Andrew knows otherwise. For his secrets are unravelling and within their shadowed corners lies a murderer, a poisoner, and a villain so deceitful that nothing is what it appears to be.

A gritty, twisted, and authentic Victorian romantic suspense, sure to rip you apart... just like old Jack.
Read preview >

This was so good I love the era and the references to Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes. It has fabulous characters both good and bad. The story kept you wanting to read more. I’m not one for huge relationship storylines but this I loved. Highly recommended if you like murder mystery set in a gothic Victorian era.
152 of 230
Echoes of her Soul (Soul Tenders book 2)
By Serena Lindahl

Megreria is a Kingdom built upon order. Each citizen receives an assigned House based on a test of their skills and an assigned Soul Match, the other piece of their soul as seen by the mysterious Soul Tenders.

A week ago, Kiarra didn’t believe in Soul Matches and she couldn’t master any ability well enough to test into a House. When her beloved brother becomes a Soul Tender, the traumatic experience begins a chain of events which will challenge everything she has ever thought or believed. Kiarra has five Soul Matches and a Fate much greater than any House occupation. As she struggles to navigate the attention of five different men, she must also adjust to her new role in the Kingdom of Megreria. When she and her matches discover a diary written by a long dead ancestor, Kiarra realizes there is more at stake than just her own destiny. Her path will affect not only the future of their Kingdom, but other Kingdoms as well.

Join Kiarra, Mason, Ian, Sebastian, Clay and Reed as they discover their history, grow their soul bonds, and struggle to defeat an evil force intent on destroying everything and everyone they love.

It was ok! So the first book I admired the strength in the story and how they didn’t rush the main character into mad sex scenes with her 5 chosen men (although we are only about a week or two in lol) Then in this one we have 50% of the book all angsty and sexual tension, to so many discussions and then a full on orgy!! I mean full on. I was grateful for the not over analysing of it after but it then left 2 chapters of the remaining story and action to develop which felt so rushed. Now I understand why the author needed to develop the characters relationship but it seemed drawn out a touch. Overall it was an ok book but I just wasn’t feeling overly happy with it by the end.
Reclamation ( Shadowed Wings book 3)
Reclamation ( Shadowed Wings book 3)
Ivy Asher | 2022
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
162 of 230
Reclamation ( Shadowed Wings book 3)
By Ivy Ash

The last place I ever wanted to be was in the middle of someone else’s war. Too bad fate doesn’t give a fuck.

When I first woke up in the land of the Gryphons, I had one goal...getting back home.

I was so focused on figuring out how to leave that I got myself exiled from the Hidden, captured by the Avowed, and managed to claim not one, but three mates. Although I had no idea about that last one until it was too late.

Oh right, and then I almost died.

I thought having my throat slit from ear to ear was going to be the worst of my problems. But my asshole mates make coming back from the brink of death look like a glide through the sky compared to dealing with them.

I’m ready to accept my fate and right the wrongs of the past. I just wish I had some idea how to keep the pricks I’m bound to from fighting long enough so we can find the help we need.

I’m supposed to awaken all that I am in order to finally free the Gryphons, but will I find the key to unlock all the answers in time?

War is breathing down our backs, and if we can’t figure out how to come together...we’re all going to die.

So I was left reeling after the last two chapters in book 2 so I was thinking all sorts going into book 3. I just loved this book I think Falon is just brilliant she just does not give a f**k. She finally stands up to the 3 meat heads she is mated too and that scene I was just laughing. She finally finds her place in the world and does it with such a filthy mouth, there’s no holding her back. She reminds me so much of a person in my life. Definitely a series I’d recommend I think I need to start the series before this one as the ending has me believing they are lin