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Kink (Vixen Bluff #2)
Kink (Vixen Bluff #2)
Catherine Black | 2018 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
99 of 250
Kink ( Vixen Bluff book 2)
By Catherine Black

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Molly I haven't been with a man in over five years. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. You're wondering if I have a couple dozen cats or if I have to sweep the cobwebs out before getting a Brazilian. But, ladies, I wanna let you in on a little secret... There is money to be made in what us working girls at White Light Sirens like to call 'non-penetrative fantasies'. That's right. You want me—Molly Wilder—to parade around the room dressed like a giant teddy bear while you touch yourself? Sure. You want me to paint your naked body, turning you into an impressionist's wet dream? I'm on it. But if you even think about sliding between my legs, I'll rip our contract to shreds and kick you out the door so fast your manhood won't have time to soften. Barrett Molly makes a snap judgment about me the second I walk through her studio door, but I'm used to it. Women take one look at this body, this face, and immediately label me. I can see the flashing sign above their heads every time. “Danger! Danger!” If they only knew... Molly thinks I'm a client—just another John—and that's fine. I'm content to play her game because when I break her rules, when I expose her secrets and have her on her knees, vulnerable and afraid, then she'll understand. But until then, I have a job to do, and my first order of business is to make Molly realize I'm a man worth breaking for. Whether she knows it or not, her dry spell is about to come to an end. Make it rain, Miss Wilder. Make it rain.

Haha this was just pure filth! I usually skip most sex scenes in some of these books but if I did that I would have about 50 pages to read! The only difference being this one I didn’t as it was well written! The only reason I haven’t gone with a 4 star as I think it lacked a little depth, I know it’s only a short book it took just over an hour to read I just can’t figure out what was missing. Not sure I’ll ever look at a jar of peanut butter the same way again though 😂.
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Midlife Magic (Not Too Late #1)
Midlife Magic (Not Too Late #1)
Victoria Danann | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
224 of 230
Midlife Magic ( Not Too Late Book 1)
By Victoria Danann

The day after my forty-third birthday, my husband announced he was trading me in. His words, not mine. The news was unwelcome at the time, but honestly? I needed a good goosing to get up and find my way to the door.

So. I was freed from the manual of expectations authored by my ex that had, over the years, grown into an encyclopedia of what a wife "should" be and do. The freedom was the good news. The flip side was less happy. Due to living in a state not friendly to discarded wives, I was also relieved of the financial 'security' I'd spent a lifetime accruing.

Starting over? I didn't plan on it. Didn't see it coming. But pulling a sheet over my head and waiting for the end didn't seem like my style. Granted. I wasn't sure what my style was because I hadn't thought about freedom of expression since I was twenty.

I'd never been a fan of optimistic adages like 'it's not too late', but that was before my life was divided into two parts; everything that came before the mysterious package and everything after. Fate shot me with a lightning bolt of attitude adjustment and thrust me head first into an adventure that was unforeseeable to say the least. If you'd told me what my life was going to be like, I would have used every synonym for crazy you've ever heard.

I 'inherited' a curious antique store in a tiny, picturesque English village where the world of fae magic lives side by side with the mundane. But that's far from all. Eight times a year, I receive magical dignitaries and magical lowborn alike and mediate their disputes; some comical, some deadly serious.

It may be too late for super shiny hair, going without a bra, or sleeping eight hours without a potty break. But it seems that it's not too late for navigating magical politics, expatriating, romance, and saving the world.

Perfect for fans of everyday heroines over forty.

I absolutely loved this book! It was just so much fun. The characters were all interesting and well written the story was just a joy to read. It was lighthearted and definitely a good book to read for the end of a crappy year. I think I smiled all the way through. It brings the magical and mundane altogether in a small English village. So worth a read especially if you need cheering up.
Steel ( Bracken Ridge Rebels MC book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
120 of 230
Steel ( Bracken Ridge Rebels MC book 1)
By Mackenzy Fox

Bracken Ridge Arizona, where the Rebels M.C. rule and the only thing they ride or die for more than their club is their women, this is Steel’s story

Steel: I’m not meaning to get involved, really it’s not my fault. I’m the Sergeant at Arms of Bracken Ridge Rebels M.C. and it’s my job to look out for the club, ensure ongoing safety and above all else refrain from violence, where absolutely necessary. I don’t do anything by halves. But that’s before Sienna Morgan waltzed into town acting like she owns the place, and now she does, well the clubhouse at least. One minute I’m sent to extract an offer to give us back what’s rightfully ours, the next she’s on the back of my sled and I’m about to lose my mind. I don’t do romance and I’m not looking for an ol’ lady, but that’s all about to change. I don’t mean to make her mine, but then again, rules are meant to be broken and I’m on the right side of wrong.

Sienna: He’s bad. He’s mean. He’s kind of hot in a 'don’t mess with me' kind of way. But I’m no fool, I know this town’s run by bikers and I have something they want, something they need. I just never thought it would come to this and I’d be in the middle of a mess I may not be able to get out of. The more I try to run the closer he gets. I don’t know if I can keep resisting but my own haunted past lurks in the shadows, ready to pounce if I let it. I fear Steel may become an addiction but I can’t let that happen, I can’t let him get too close because if I do, he may just break me in half for good.

I really enjoyed this it’s exactly as you expect it too be! I did fall in love with Steel from the start he’s definitely a character you’d want to find down a dark alley. The balance of story and spice was well written and you actually got brought into the world. I’m not used to MC books that don’t involve a supernatural element so this was a new one for me and I wasn’t disappointed. I’m already looking forward to finding out more about these men.