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His Game: The First Time
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

23 of 220
His Game: The First Time
By Tirzah M.M. Hawkins

Trigger warning and crap content

Rachel's your average teenage girl, fresh out of high school, excited about the secret trip her boyfriend surprised her with. She's been waiting forever for him to pop the question.

However, John isn't your average teenage boy. And his idea of a fun trip is far from a proposal.

John's growing into his tastes. Tastes for things unmentionable in polite society. Read this coming-of-age story about how a violent artist got his start.
Each book in the His Game series is a standalone story and can be read in any order.

So I read His Game: The woods as an arc a while ago and I just needed to read this one too this is how John starts his game and it’s a pretty twisted tale. This is not for everyone it’s graphic and dark. It’s always hard to say I liked these kind of books but when they are well written and provoke a response that the author sets out to achieve then they are worth the read.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
82 of 220
Savage Monarchs ( Nocturnal Academy 4)
By Margo Ryerkerk and Holli Hook

Escaping the academy was just the beginning.

I've made it out of Nocturnal Academy.

No longer do I exist to please the vamps. Now, as a member of the Winter Court, my job is to execute them. But maybe my new standing is no better than being a courtesan. Now I am to become an assassin for the King of the Winter Court. The rules of the game might've changed, but I'm still a pawn.

If the King of the Winter Court thinks that I'm going to turn into a mindless soldier after everything I've been through, he's in for a rude awakening. I'm going to do this on my terms while keeping a wall around my heart at all times.
I will not be vulnerable again.

Life, however, has other ideas. Like throwing in a friend from my past and worse, Thorsten, a handsome jerk of a vampire who has messed with my mind and feelings one too many times.

I might've left Nocturnal Academy, but I'm far from safe.

Best one yet I think. Onyx finally has some answers and revenge on her mind. Looking forward to what she does now.
The Streets (The Pines Trilogy #3)
The Streets (The Pines Trilogy #3)
Robert Dunbar | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stick with it!
Firstly - the formatting of the Kindle edition is pretty terrible. Half of sentences are missing, some are cut in half by paragraphs, words are missing and strange gaps appear where they shouldn't be. Hopefully these issues will be rectified soon.

If you are looking for a cheery, easy bed time read then this is definitely not it! The tone of the book is rather dystopian and gritty. It's certainly not suitable for younger readers!
I wasn't aware that this is the last installment of a trilogy. Although prior knowledge of the other books probably adds more layers to the story and characters it can be read as a stand alone. The first two books do not seem to be available yet on the Kindle.

It took me a few chapters to 'get' the style of writing. It starts off with a huge bang and then slows down considerably. The way the author writes creates a pretty tense, claustrophobic atmosphere that doesn't let up at all throughout.

One character is both the centre of the story and absent for the majority of the time. There are various sub plots that all lead to the same ending. The author deals with these well and it's rarely confusing, especially when you get to know the characters a bit so you automatically know which plot line they are in. Unfortunately the formatting issues I brought up at the beginning of the review can cause confusion. That is not the authors fault, though, so my rating is not affected by those issues.

It is rather disturbing at times and deals with an awful lot of taboo and hard hitting subjects. Some people will probably find it too much but I felt that, although sometimes they are hammered home a little too often, the author deals with them on the right way.

Some of the characters are pretty much impossible to identify with but I feel that is kind of the point! I can't really say that any of the characters are completely sympathetic because they all have a darkness around them - sometimes due to their overt actions and others just because of their complicity in certain situations and events. Again, though, this seemed to be the authors intention.

Can I say that I enjoyed this novel? I'm not sure. It is very bleak, extremely uncomfortable at times and I found myself thinking about certain events that happened whilst doing everyday things. So enjoyment isn't the right word but it is very well written, intense and I am planning to try to get copies of the two earlier books. That in itself shows just how much the story got into my head and is proof of the authors skill
Raven's Fall (World on Fire, #2)
Raven's Fall (World on Fire, #2)
Lincoln Cole | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Raven’s Fall, the second book in Lincoln Cole’s World on Fire trilogy, picks up shortly after the ending of Raven’s Peak. Bristling with action, the book delves right into the heart of a new dilemma: the trial of Abigail Dressler for treason against the Council – a top-secret organization whose purpose is to protect the world from the supernatural forces that exist in the shadows.

I don’t have a whole lot to say about the characters that I didn’t say before. Although, there is a new diverse aspect of this book which makes me love Cole all the more: a gay main character. The best part? He’s not an embodiment of the flamboyant stereotype that we see so many homophobic individuals mocking. It simply exists, and that’s perfectly alright – the way things should be.

The plot is still pretty fast-paced. Coming in at a little bit shorter than the first big, Raven’s Fall is a quick read. It took me two sittings and that’s only because I fell asleep halfway through the book when I first sat down to devour it.

Naturally, I’ve already delved into the third book in this trilogy and I definitely look forward to reading more. My rating for this one is the same as the first book. If you’re interested, the series is available on Kindle Unlimited.

KittyMiku (138 KP) rated Amazon in Apps

Mar 23, 2019  
Lifestyle, Shopping
8.9 (262 Ratings)
App Rating
Easy to help compare prices while shopping (0 more)
Great to have
This application really helps me when I am shopping in a store. I often find exactly what I am looking for in the app instead of trying to place an order at a store I may never return to. With tons of items available, I often am able to find what I need no matter where I am. It also allows me to check my wishlists so when I am unable to get on my computer, I can access them from the comfort of my phone or tablet. I also find this useful when I am surfing through Facebook and find a book for my kindle in my feed as it takes me straight to the app and allows me to read reviews, ge a gist of the book, or allows me to purchase it. The app also allows me to manage any subscriptions I have through Amazon, which makes life easy when I don't feel like booting up my computer. The only thing I don't like about the app, and the may just be my phone itself, is scanning in my credit cards, because it doesn't always appear properly in the app as it should. However it ito is extremely useful to use and easy to use on your mobile device.
Need to Know
Need to Know
Karen Cleveland | 2018 | Thriller
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A CIA analyst specializing in tracking down Russian sleeper agents in the US stumbles upon a file with photos of some of these. One of them turns out to be her husband. When she confronts him with the question 'how long have you been spying for Russia?' instead of denying it, he immediately replies, '22 years.'

This book makes you question how far you would go to protect your husband, your children and your life?

Even if you don’t typically enjoy spy or political thrillers, this is a fantastic read! It's hard for me to know what to say as I don't want to give anything away about the plot. Best way to describe is get in and buckle up for the thrill ride as more and more layers are peeled back and discovered.
We have here a strong female CIA Agent and a host of other well developed characters that add to the well developed boiling pot that is the plot.
Loads of twists and turns throughout. It kept me on my toes and on the edge of my seat. I literally found myself shouting at my kindle at times!!
Highly recommend reading this.

* Thank you to Random House UK for my 'wish for it copy' for which I have given an honest review in exchange*

Holly (1 KP) rated Pestilence in Books

Jul 17, 2018  
Laura Thalassa | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grey morality (2 more)
Narrative voice
Provoked tears
The cover makes it seem like a dime a dozen romance (1 more)
Never addressed possible Stockholm syndrome
I downloaded this book to my kindle thinking it would be a quick mindless read for my daily commute.

It was not.

This is as a book that moved me to tears on said bus, hoping no one would see me and think I was crazy.

The author has created a world in which you find yourself torn between hating and caring for a mass murderer. She uses the idea of the Four Horseman to highlight both the redeemable and the irredeemable facets of humanity. The writing was very enjoyable, and overall this was a great read possibly because I was expecting a trashy romance and instead got death and disease.

There is still romance in the plot, but I’m on the fence about how about it. If you have an issue with overly possessive men who have no boundaries or idea of how much the human body can take, then I wouldn’t recommend it. I also feel as thoug Stockholm night play a lot in the heroines eventual love of Pestilence m, but it was never addressed or even hinted at.

If your looking for a slow burn romance, without the fluff, full of angst and darkness this is definitely worth a go.
Jane Austen and Food
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Over the years there have been a glut of 'Jane Austen and.....' books. She just far enough away for us to need some explanation of some of the things that her contemporary readers wouldn't have thought twice about and this is one of the things that this book does very well. Confused about service a la Francaise or a la Russe? Think the French Bread at Northanger is like a modern French Stick or not sure why Mrs Grant's Turkey wouldn't keep until Sunday? - this book will certainly help you there!

Of course, it goes a little deeper than that. Only on occasion are we given reference to very specific foodstuffs, so when we do, you can bet there is some greater significance to it. There is also the significance of female characters as 'housekeeper' and what this says about them. Mrs Jennings may at times be a comic character and have lower social origins, but sh is a good housekeeper, in contrast to Mrs Price, who really doesn't know what she is about.

I read this on Kindle and there could have been a little more in terms of proof reading. The book itself ends at about 80% in due to index, bibliography and an extract from another book - I mention it as it came sooner than I expected.
Daughter of Rage and Beauty (Berserker Academy #1)
Daughter of Rage and Beauty (Berserker Academy #1)
Amy Pennza | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DAUGHTER OF RAGE AND BEAUTY is the first book in the Berserker Academy series, and if this is any indication of what is to come, then I can't wait for book 2.

Elin is a half-breed, part Fae and part Berserker. She has been looked down upon by her father from birth, and now, at twenty-one, she is being shipped off to the Berserker Academy in a last-ditch attempt of her not 'sullying' the family name. Trouble is, Berserkers can be just as judgmental as her father!

I was completely engrossed in this story. I loved Hauk and the connection that grew between him and Elin. There are other characters that stand out that I hope will get their own stories. So many parts of this that I enjoyed, it's hard to narrow it down. One scene I will mention is the incredibly hot scene between Hauk and Elin. I think my kindle nearly melted. It was perfectly done, being sexy and sensuous without being gratuitous.

I found the pacing to be spot on with this, giving the reader enough time to enjoy each scene without it being stuck. The world-building was great and is one I hope to return to.

For a fun, sexy and adventurous Norse fantasy, then I have no hesitation in recommending this!