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Hutch (9 KP) rated Batman (1989) in Movies

Jun 17, 2019 (Updated Jun 17, 2019)  
Batman (1989)
Batman (1989)
1989 | Action
Original and still the best
As good as Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy was, this is still my favourite and Keaton is still the best Dark Knight. Dark and broody and with eyebrows made for the role, Keaton delivers as both Batman and Bruce Wayne while Jack Nicholson hits the perfect balance of menace and camp with his Joker. Ps -Great soundtrack too
PPS - the Batmobile has never looked so cool
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Dark Knight (2008)
2008 | Action, Crime
Heath Ledger's performance (0 more)
Wanna know how I got these oscars?
directed, produced, and co-written by Christopher Nolan and Based on the DC Comics character Batman.

the second installment in Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy.
 Bruce Wayne/Batman (Christian Bale) allies himself with Lieutenant James Gordon (Gary Oldman) and District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) to reduce crime in Gotham, but are seemingly outsmarted by a criminal mastermind known as the Joker (Heath Ledger) who seeks test Batman's influence by creating chaos in Gotham.
 also Michael Caine reprises his role as Bruce Wayne's butler Alfred Pennyworth, Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes, and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox.

This was unfortunately Heath Ledger's final movie before his untimely passing and is considered his greatest portrayal, which won him the Oscar award for best supporting actor.

The Dark Knight grossed over a billion dollars worldwide, becoming the fourth film in history to gross more than $1 billion worldwide and the highest-grossing film of 2008.
The Shark Hunter (1979)
The Shark Hunter (1979)
1979 | Adventure
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The appearance of the sea knight in my beach movie was partly styled on Franco Nero in this film that is mostly forgettable. A heroic performance by Nero shows no end of energy and commitment. The only way I have seen the film is on VHS which, when transferred from the film to the video source, is out of order. Two reels were switched. A character comes back from the dead! Amazing."

The Dark Knight (2008)
The Dark Knight (2008)
2008 | Action, Crime

"Probably my favorite role of all time was Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight. That’s one of my favorites to this day. Just watching his performance in that is like… It never gets old to me. Sometimes I’ll just watch the movie, and I’ll fast forward, and I know exactly where his scenes are, and I’ll just fast forward to every scene and just watch them. So that’s another one."

Knight and Day (2010)
Knight and Day (2010)
2010 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
You’d be forgiven for thinking that a spy film with the likes of Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz could do no wrong, and indeed that’s the view I had, how wrong I was. Despite a fantastic performance from Diaz, Knight & Day falls well short.

There have been numerous comedy spy capers over the years, some of which have been fantastic, like Johnny English and Get Smart for example and others which have been less than stellar; Mr. & Mrs. Smith comes to mind. Unfortunately Knight & Day fits in between the good and the bad and comes out distinctly average.

Problems blight the film from the off stemming from wobbly CGI to ridiculous stunts and lazy direction choices, it seems like director James Mangold went into this project a little half-heartedly.

Tom Cruise plays spy Roy Miller and the film follows his adventures across the globe protecting the elusive ‘Zephyr’ battery which apparently never runs out of power. Needless to say Cameron Diaz plays the ditzy blonde who later becomes the love interest for the film. Whilst Diaz provides a fun and exciting performance, providing many of the movie’s best comedic moments, Cruise feels seriously miscast in a humorous role and he becomes tiresome to watch.

Alas, the issues don’t stop there. For an action film, it’s distinctly lacking in action and the set pieces that are there are lazily choreographed or rendered in shoddy CGI. Considering its less than modest budget (£120m), Knight & Day should’ve been a joy to watch, instead it’s like looking at a TV programme for 109 minutes.

Meanwhile the villains in the film are simply cardboard cut-outs as the writers haven’t given enough thought to fleshing out their characters. Cruise simply points and shoots and bang, they’re dead.

However, all of these problems could’ve been forgiven if the film had some great storytelling – it doesn’t. What should’ve been the best parts of the film are blacked out. The escapes, the fighting and even some of the ending are lost as Mangold decides to get around inexplicable plot events by drugging the main characters. Again, this is a lazy technique which doesn’t work.

It’s a shame, as there are many reasons why this film should’ve been at least a good summer action flick. In reality, Knight & Day simply becomes passable at best with some inexcusably lazy direction choices, dreadful CGI, bad casting and flimsy characters which all add up to a film which is left hanging on the merits of Cameron Diaz.
The Green Knight (2020)
The Green Knight (2020)
2020 | Action, History
Interesting...Intriguing...and Weird
You have 2 choices when choosing to view the Arthurian tale THE GREEN KNIGHT.

1). Brush up on the 14th Century tale (writer unknown) about Sir Gawain (of Knights of the Round Table fame) and The Green Knight

2). Go in “blind” and let the film wash over you.

I did #2 and while I got the “gist” of what was going on, I missed some of the subtleties (or the attempted subtleties) that I now know since I went on-line and brushed up on the story/poem (no, I did not read the 14th century poem - a google search synopsis of plot of the poem was sufficient).

Starring Dev Patel (more on him later) THE GREEN KNIGHT tells the story of a would-be Knight of the Round Table, Gawain, who accepts a challenge of THE GREEN KNIGHT and now must stand up to the consequence of his deeds while heading off on a quest.

Dev Patel (SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE) has really grown into a fine actor and he is perfectly cast as the courage-challenged Gawain. He walks through this film with a slight look of fear in his eyes and I was finding myself yelling at him (in my head) to “stand up and do what’s right” (which is the point of the film/story) when he would make the wrong decision.

Alicia Vikander (who I have not seen on screen since 2018’s TOMB RAIDER) and Joel Edgerton (LOVING) are 2 of the people that Gawain meets along the way and they bring strength and star power to the middle part of this film - they came along at an opportune time, for this film was beginning to sag under it’s own weight at that point, but these 2 help propel Gawain (and the film) to the climax.

Director David Lowery (A GHOST STORY) has crafted a fantastical film that reminded me very much of the work of Terry Gilliam - and I mean that as a compliment. He heightens every scene with imagery that’s just “off” (again, I mean that as a compliment) that symbolizes the “quest” that Gawain is on.

He also does something that will either encourage or discourage a viewer (and that is the strength and weakness of this film) - he explains nothing.

For example…at the beginning, Gawain is sitting at a round table with a King and Queen and a bunch of other Knights (or would be Knights). One would assume that this is King Arthur, Guinevere and the Knights of the Round Table, but Lowery never calls them by name. “The King” pulls out his sword and hands it to Gawain for his contest with the Green Knight. The crowd reacts with gasps - one would assume that this is the fable sword Excaliber, but it is never stated.

So…knowing these things (and some of the other aspects of the Gawain) story, might further enrich this experience, but Lowery chooses to not spoon feed the audience and since I did not really know the Gawain story, I just sat back and enjoyed the quest, the imagery, the weirdness (and there is some VERY weird moments - I still don’t know what to make of the scene with the Giants) and was rewarded with a film experience that is rare nowadays, one that just unfurls without telescoping what is happening or what is to come.

This film is not for everyone - it does have a rather languid pace to it - but for those of you that can sit in the stillness, marvel at the imagery and revel in the weirdness/unknown, then THE GREEN KNIGHT is, ultimately, a rewarding film experience - one that (now that I know the story) am eager to revisit.

Letter Grade: B

7 Stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Batman the Killing Joke
Batman the Killing Joke
Brian Bolland, Alan Moore | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, [b:The Killing Joke|96358|Batman The Killing Joke|Alan Moore||551787].

Commonly cited as one the best Batman stories (after [b:The Dark Knight Returns|59960|Batman The Dark Knight Returns|Frank Miller||1104159]), The Killing Joke is, in reality, an origin story.

However, rather than being the origin story of a Superhero, this takes the somewhat unusual idea of being that of a villain instead: in this case, how did the most Notorious (and deadly) of Batman's foes - The Joker - come to be how he is?

This also draws parallels between The Joker and Batman himself, depicting them each as, if you will, two sides of the same coin - both have had a very bad day, but each have reacted to it differently (or have they?).

Personally, I feel that the origins of The Joker would have been better left to mystery rather than detailed as in this story; however, that's not denying that this is a good (if short) read in its own right.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Batman: Arkham Knight in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Batman: Arkham Knight
Batman: Arkham Knight
Playing as Batman never gets old for fans of the Caped Crusader and in the latest video game offering Arkham Knight from Warner Bros Interactive and Rocksteady Studios, fans can once again climb, soar, and now drive through the streets of Gotham City to make the world a safer place.

After the Scarecrow has launched an attack on the city, it is up to Batman to save the day as the mass exodus caused by the attack has left Gotham a shell of its former self and allowed more of the seedy underbelly of the city to come to ground.

As Batman investigates he encounters all sorts of foes ranging from Poison Ivy to the Arkham Knight who stand in his way. Of course there are legions of henchmen and goons for you to fight through and the free-form combat that has been established in the previous games in the series really shines as the action is as fast and smooth as you would want.

Driving segments played a big part in the game and while I loved racing through the city, I did find the vehicle combat a bit linear and repetitive for my taste, but there are some great side missions such as one in the sewers with the Riddler that will put your driving skills to the test.

What I loved about the game was that the city was a true living and breathing city. It is vast, complex, and something to enjoy when you’re gliding or rappelling your way across the rooftops.
The plot of the game is also a huge selling point as it is filled with twists and turns that will keep you hooked during the entire time that you are playing the game.

From the great graphics and action, the sound quality in the game really makes things come to life, especially the thuds of your fists hitting the next bad guy who was crazy enough to think that they could get away from Batman.

If you are a fan of the previous Batman games in the series, there is much to like about Arkham Knight as aside from the Batmobile issues, I had very little to complain about. The control system works well, the graphics, and sound are first-rate, and the storyline is gripping and engaging.

I look forward to playing the game again and focusing more on the side quests, but for now, let me say that Batman: Arkham Knight is a must own for fan of the series as it is on par with the amazing Arkham Asylum for the best Batman adaptation to date.
Batman: The Long Halloween
Batman: The Long Halloween
Jeph Loeb | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Of all the Superhero's around, I personally think that Batman has the best Rogue's gallery of villains: Superman, for instance, has Lex Luthor And (to a lesser extent) General Zod, while Spiderman has, what, Green Goblin? Dr Octopus? Venom?

Batman, on the other hand (and purely off the top of my head): The Joker. The Penguin. Poison Ivy. The Riddler. Catwoman (on/off as a villain). Scarecrow. Bane. And Two-Face.

Admittedly, some of those characters are now more famous than they used to be before due to the various Batman films, with the last four (And the first) mentioned in my list all appearing in the more-recent Christopher Nolan 'Dark Knight' series of Batman films. Of that trilogy, the second movie concerned itself principally with two main villains: The Joker, and Harvey Dent (aka Two-Face) and, in particular, the circumstances that led District Attorney Dent to become Two-Face.

Those circumstances are also the subject of this graphic novel, which also has a foreword/introduction by the director and writer of 'The Dark Knight', Christopher Nolan and David Goyer, in which they acknowledge the huge debt their movie owes to this novel.

This is also commonly cited as one of the better Batman stories, and is set during the early days of Batman's crusade against criminality in Gotham - there's no Robin here, nor Oracle (well, there is, but only as a baby), for instance.

As such, it makes a good intro (IMO) into the Batman mythos, not far behind the futuristic The Dark Knight Returns or the early-set Year One.
The Green Knight (2020)
The Green Knight (2020)
2020 | Action, History
It's now been three days since I watched The Green Knight and I haven't able to get it out of my head, it's strong combination of layered narrative and stunning visuals really leave an impression.
The themes running through the film are many. It presents itself as a coming of age tale, but is primarily about the conflict of pride and honour, and what one is willing to do to leave a legend in their stead. All of these threads are executed wonderfully under the skin of a fantasy voyage. The fantasy setting has a near constant feeling of dread running through it. There are moments here and there that flirt with horror, and are genuinely unsettling, thanks in no small part to a unnerving music score by Daniel Hart, a frequent collaborater of director David Lowery. His score draws you in to the point of not being able to look away, even when you want to.
As mentioned, The Green Knight is visually stunning, an unarguable feast for the eyes. The whole runtime is bursting with beautiful vistas, colourful fever dreams, inspired perspective shots, and some moments that are designed to stick in the mind, rent free. The whole aesthetic and world design feels unique, the titular Green Knight being a fine example.
It has a top tier cast just to really sweeten the deal as well.

All of these aspects combined make for an engaging Arthurian tale that is hard to forget. It surely won't be to everyone's liking, but as far as I'm concerned, it's an excellent piece of film making that absolutely deserves to be seen regardless.