Shooting to Kill: The Ethics of Police and Military Use of Lethal Force
Terrorism, the use of military force in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, and the fatal police shootings...

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America: Including Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom
Never in history have 1,322 words held out such extraordinary determination to be free as those...

The Evolution of International Arbitration: Judicialization, Governance, Legitimacy
Alec Stone Sweet and Florian Grisel
The development of international arbitration as an autonomous legal order comprises one of the most...

The Jewish Enlightenment
At the beginning of the eighteenth century most European Jews lived in restricted settlements and...

Cinco by Jim Gaffigan
A dry and clever standup comedian who's hateful toward Hot Pockets and proud to be pale, Jim...

A Medieval Woman's Companion: Women's Lives in the European Middle Ages
What have a deaf nun, the mother of the first baby born to Europeans in North America, and a...

The Business of Sports Agents
Kenneth L. Shropshire, Timothy Davis and N. Jeremi Duru
Successful sports agents are comfortable with high finance and intense competition for the right to...
The Ethical Kaleidoscope: Values, Ethics and Corporate Governance
Douglas G. Long, Zivit Inbar and Lawrence E. Mitchell
The study of corporate governance is a relatively modern development, with significant attention...

The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries
Candace Jones, Mark Lorenzen and Jonathan Sapsed
The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries is a reference work, bringing together many of the...

Advances in Cyber Security: Technology, Operations, and Experiences
D. Frank Hsu and Dorothy Marinucci
As you read this, your computer is in jeopardy of being hacked and your identity being stolen. Read...