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Saw V (2008)
Saw V (2008)
2008 | Action, Horror
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ok so another review for another Saw film (with 4 more to go), it would be easy to just write 'more of the same' but that's the good thing about the Saw movies, they give the viewers what they want, more games and more gore. but they also expand on the law and the characters.
The previous two films have focused on Amanda (The Pig) and an John (Jigsaw), Saw V concentrates on Mark Hoffman, the first copy cat killer and (I think) the first pig.
As with the previous few films, Saw V tells Marks tale in the present and via flashbacks and manages to weave Mark into the events we have seen in the other films. All the whilst we have another 'Game' being played out. However this time around the game is almost irrelevant where as the games in the other films normally end up being part of the ongoing story in Saw V it's just something else that is happening. The police don't even seem to know or find out about it being more interested in if there is a traitor and who it is.
Saw V does go back to it's roots whilst pushing the franchise forward, there are flashbacks to the previous films, showing how Mark was involved, all though they did seem to almost totally ignore Amanda. There is a small nod to the film 'Seven' which was an inspiration for the first film when Johns wife receives her inheritance.
The Biggest problem with Saw V is that the time line is getting too complicated to follow and seems to interfere with the events in Saw IV but that doesn't cause to many problems.
We never did get to find out what was in the box though, maybe in Saw VI.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated Bones to Pick in Books

Apr 18, 2021 (Updated Apr 18, 2021)  
Bones to Pick
Bones to Pick
Linda Lovely | 2017 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m Glad I Picked This Debut
Vegan chef Brie Hooker hadn’t planned to start working on her aunt Eva’s goat farm and dairy, but when Eva needs help, Brie is happy to step in. That’s before a pot-bellied pig turns up bones – human bones. The skeleton turns out to be Eva’s husband, who disappeared four decades ago. There was no love lost between Eva and her husband, but Eva didn’t kill him. However, he has too many relatives in the area who are willing to blame Eva, so Brie starts investigating, hoping to clear her aunt. When another dead body turns up, Brie finds herself in trouble with the law as well. Are the two dead bodies related? Can she figure out what happened?
The characters drew me into this book right away; they are fully developed and fun. Their teasing and Brie’s creative meat and cheese curses added a level of humor that I enjoyed. The book was hard to put down with plenty of events to keep me engaged. Unfortunately, I did feel that the events took the place of the investigation moving forward, which frustrated me. However, the climax resolved things and upped the stakes in a major way. This book is a bit edgy for my normal reads, on the border between PG and PG-13, thanks in part of the teasing Brie gets about her love life. Yes, this book does introduce a love triangle. While I am getting tired of them, I do like both of the guys here, so I hope it doesn’t get dragged out for very long. Overall, I enjoyed this book. If you enjoy humor in your mysteries, you’ll be glad you picked up this book.