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Building Empires(MidKnight Blue #1)
Building Empires(MidKnight Blue #1)
Sherryl D. Hancock | 2017 | Crime, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Law Enforcement Thrill Ride
This book is a spin off of another series that Sherryl D. Hancock writes but slightly different in that the primary characters are not lesbians. That said you will see some of those characters in this book because all is intertwined in the world Hancock creates.

This is the in depth introduction to Midnight Chevalier. As always Hancock does a fantatstic job creating characters and Midnight does not disappoint as the tough, no nonsense female protagonist. There is more violence in this book but that is indicitive of the life Midnight lives. It is also what you would expect from this character and her motley crew of unlikely heros.

I love everything Hancock writes because she focuses on allowing the character drive the story and her characters are amazingly developed. I have already recommended the MidKnight Blue series to friends who love crime stories and romance and action andjust good writing. Pretty much anyone who likes to read.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated The Insider in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
The Insider
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a aurprisingly great read! I love reading books by authors that I've not read previously. I got into the book with the hope of finding a new favorite author or at least someone whose books I want to continue to watch for. On the downside, that has also lead to reading books that just don't even some close to fulfilling that place.
This one is not one of those books though, I'm thrilled to say! I am a HUGE fan of Steve Berry & David Baldacci & Reese Hirsch has come as close to anyone else in mathcing their writing style, plot twists, & wonderful character development. For an author I'd never heard of until picking up this book, I'd say that is pretty high praise.
This books tells the story of Will Connelly. A newly minted partner in a large corporate law firm in California. He decides to go out to celebrate his newfound partnership & unbeknownst to him, finds himself in the cosshairs of some ladder climber Russian mafia wannabes. This leads to investigations targeting Will by the SFPD, SEC, & DOJ among other law enforcement agencies. The characters are well developed & believeable. The plot twists & turns without becoming to weighed down by all the legal jargon or government agencies.
I look forward to more by this author!
The Perfect Husband
The Perfect Husband
Lisa Gardner | 1997 | Crime, Thriller
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Research (1 more)
The Characters
The Perfect Husband is a perfect novel
I have an admission to make. I am a true crime buff.

I love reading about unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries and everything between. I read books, listen to podcasts, and belong to several amateur sleuth blogs. Yes. I even belong to the Hunt A Killer curated box mystery. There. I've admitted it.

In the world of true crime my biggest passion is serial killers. Cliche, perhaps, but it's true.
I, like many, always asked myself about the family that surrounds serial killers; both before and after they are caught. Most importantly, what about the wives of serial killers? Lisa Gardner attempts to answer this question.

The thing I love most about Lisa Gardner's work is that she takes the time and effort to research before she even puts words to page. It is clear by the lingo that she uses and the characters that she builds that Gardner talked to actual law enforcement officials, and really listens to what they do.

The main character is the abused and traumatized wife of a sadistic serial killer. She is attempting to learn to protect herself and in so doing turns tot he meanest mercenary that she can find to teach her. She wants to learn to fight and shoot so that she can handle the man that law enforcement lost, the husband who is obsessed with killing her.

I absolutely adored this book, and immediately went out and bought three more of her novels.

The main female character is suffering from battered woman's syndrome. She is trying her best to cast off the mental and physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her narcissistic and criminal spouse.

The mercenary she turns to...has issues. He is, in his own way, as broken and screwed up as our heroine. But, through her, he begins to give a damn again.

The killer, our heroine's former husband, is so fantastically well done that it is almost too easy to picture him on the front page of a newspaper, or scattered across social media blogs.

It's fantastic. I recommend this to anyone who likes female protagonists, serial killers, or thrillers.
Messages From Henry
Messages From Henry
Rebecca Scarberry | 2012 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Evelyn Bury is kidnapped, her abductor is unaware that Henry, her friendly homing pigeon, is able to track her. As law enforcement track the criminal down with Henry's help the poor victim is moved from place to place.

This is told from the point of view of Tammy, Evelyn's neighbour who first realises that Henry is carrying messages from Evelyn and Henry does come out as the hero, defying the odds to save his mistress.

A short story for younger readers (but not too young due to the subject matter which at times could be distressing for them) this will especially appeal to animal lovers. The story is written to be both sympathetic and dramatic and having Tammy narrate as a friend to the hostage works well.

The story flows at a good pace and the reader will be waiting for Henry to arrive almost as much as Tammy and each time hope that Evelyn is finally rescued.

A good read for those just under the target audience for most 'young adult' stories and short enough that it doesn't seem a chore to read.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Déjà Vu (2006) in Movies

Jun 12, 2020 (Updated Jun 12, 2020)  
Déjà Vu (2006)
Déjà Vu (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Expect The Unexpected
Deja Vu- Is a movie, that you have to watched more than once to fully understand whats going on/happening. Their are alot of twist and turns thought it until the very end. You expect one thing to happen, than boom anethor thing happens. Expect the unexpected. Deja Vu is a twisted movie with psychological espects, suspense, thrills, sci-fi and drama.

The plot: The team of top-secret program brings ATF agent Doug Carlin (Denzel Washington) into its midst to capture the terrorist (Jim Caviezel) responsible for a ferry bombing that left hundreds dead. Its amazing technology lets the team fold time four days backward and see the madman's movements as he plots to kill a woman who could give him away. Doug realizes that the technology could allow him to do what law-enforcement officers dream of -- go back in time to prevent the crime.

Its a really highly entertaining movie, full of twist and turns and make you question alot of things until the very end and still when that happens you still have unanswered questions and more questions.

Highly reccordmend watching.
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
2019 | Crime, Documentary
An interesting look into the mind of a killer
This Netflix original details the killing spree enacted by Ted Bundy and his downward spiral. Very interesting for those curious about the actions of serial killers. Some of the details are pretty hard to swallow, as would be expected of any story where murders are committed. I think one of the most interesting parts to the show was being able to see his mannerisms, arrogance, and even his voice as he denied his guilt despite tantamount evidence against him. Ted Bundy was a killer who completely flipped profiling on its head; before him there were common misconceptions that a serial killer was an unattractive, uneducated, and socially inept person but after his atrocities were exposed, it forced members of law enforcement to look deeper into the kinds of people who committed such crimes against humanity. It was also very interesting to see the effect the trials had on his mother and her tearful pleas to avoid the death penalty. I didn't feel that it incited any sympathy for Bundy but it kind of opens your eyes to the destruction of a family, regardless. A testament to a mother's love, even to those we don't feel deserve it.
Richard Jewell (2019)
Richard Jewell (2019)
2019 | Drama
Richard longs to work in law enforcement, but his eagerness to make the best impression doesn't endear him to his employers or the people he's bound to protect.

As the Olympics come to Atlanta he manages to get a job working security, he's keen and overly vigilant but when he spots a suspicious package he acts without hesitation. He's the hero and his actions saved countless lives. Looking for any new angles to report the story a local paper identifies Jewell as the main suspect in the case and his life is suddenly turned upside down.

Looking at the state of the media today, films like this highlight just how long people have been suffering for the sake of a story. Innocent until proven guilty doesn't always matter in the court of public opinion when what we're fed is presented as fact. But that's a whole other story we could debate on for years.

This film was made by its actors. Paul Walter Hauser in the lead gave a stellar performance. The naivety and trust he managed to get across had a sincerity that really helped you connect with the film.

Inter-personal relationships also added so much to it overall. His back and forth with Watson Bryant (Sam Rockwell) is amusing without breaking the seriousness of what's happening, this odd friendship borders on a brotherly bond and Rockwell's acting gets across the feat, exasperation and determination when we need to feel it.

Kathy Bates may well have been my favourite though. Bobi Jewell, the loving mother torn apart by the actions of the press and police, and literally having her dirty laundry aired in public. the journey of emotions she goes through is striking and again, it's such a genuine feeling that I was completely taken aback when she broke down.

There's also strong talent in the support cast. Olivia Wilde as Kathy Scruggs giving us a rollercoaster too. She shows us the determined journalist who's willing to stowaway in cars for the chance of an interview, to a more vulnerable and redemptive investigative journalist. Her confidence to doubt was well handled by Wilde and the moment she breaks is understated but touching.

The locations and wardrobe give the perfect setting for the film, to actually film in Centennial Park must have been a challenging but motivating opportunity.

Paul Walter Hauser gets a powerful moment near the end of the film that really brought Jewell out of the cocoon we saw in him throughout the film, it was a great end to a wonderfully acted piece of cinema.

While I've praised a lot here it's a film that feels a little heavy at times, the way that law enforcement pile on Jewell every time they interact makes it a tense watch, I don't think there was really any way to lighten that, and actually, I don't think I'd have wanted them to if there was.

Originally posted on:
Death Note (2017)
Death Note (2017)
2017 | Drama
Netflix has done a damn good job with its house produced movies and shows – except for Death Note. This movie is complete and utter trash. For those of you that don’t know, I ran a site that focused largely on anime for several years. The site was called Project Otaku and served as a press outlet as well (I was able to attend Japan Expo as press and one of my writers attended NYCC). So naturally, I’ve seen the anime and I had high expectations.

First, it should be noted that with this film, Netflix joined the ranks of the Hollywood studios that have white-washed and bastardized several remakes of Asian horror films. From Oldboy to The Grudge to Ghost in the Shell (and countless others), it’s like these companies have an aversion to actually remaining faithful in any degree to the source material. (There’s rumors that my favorite Japanese horror flick, Audition, will soon fall prey to this too.) Honestly, they should just stop.

This version of Death Note takes place in Seattle, thus localizing it to the US. There is also no second notebook, which in the anime and manga are used to misdirect law enforcement. Because there’s only one notebook, there’s no Shinigami Rem, either. There are plot holes out the wazoo in Netflix’s adaptation, including modification of rules for no apparent reason (such as the days the Death Note can be lost).

Overall, I regret watching this. It was a waste of my time.
Kristen Ashley | 2017 | Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
romance, angst, drama (0 more)
Good small town, law enforcement romance
Contains spoilers, click to show
Complicated is classic Kristen Ashley! Lots of alpha male action that you either love or hate at times, but ultimately love because he's our hero.

Hixon Drake and Greta Dare begin their story with misunderstanding and hurt feelings. After a night together, Hix brushes Greta off like a one night stand and drives off. Greta, a kind-hearted and generous soul, does not know how to hold a grudge, though, so when Hix gets another chance, she lets him in.

Both characters have issues: Hix is a newly single dad with a slightly unstable ex-wife. Greta is responsible for the care of her mentally disabled younger brother (made so by an accident caused by their self-involved mother.) Both have to overcome their hang-ups and interfering third parties in order to finally find their HEA.

Outside of family drama, Hix is the county sheriff investigating a murder in a town that hasn't had a homicide in decades. Greta finds herself attacked by a stalker, which leads her to seek Hix's help.

Ashley is well known in the romance world for crafting swoonworthy alpha heroes and kickass heroines. Complicated is one of her rare standalones, and is not connected to any of her other books.

I really, really LIKED this book, but I can't say that I LOVED it. I'm not sure if I can put my finger on why. I am a huge KA fan, and LOVE many of her books; most of which I've read more than once.
***NOTE: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

Crazy Mountain Kiss takes place in the Crazy Mountains of Montana. The corpse of a young girl who went missing months earlier has been found in the chimney of a rental cabin. The sheriff and her team, along with Sean Stranahan, a private detective, investigate to discover where the girl has been since her disappearance, and the events that lead to her death.

There are almost as many people trying to impede the investigation in some way as there are individuals trying to locate Cinderella's trail. A mix of law enforcement, ranch people, and other colorful (and at times unsavory) characters keep the story interesting. The author does a good job of casting suspicion first one way and then another, keeping me guessing all the way through. I like mystery novels that manage to keep me from figuring out who the culprit is too soon in the story, but that haven't kept some important detail hidden up to the end. This novel is like that. You are privy to every detail Sean Stranahan uncovers as he questions Cinderella's family and acquaintances and searches for clues.

I did feel a little confused at the main characters relationships near the beginning, but since this is the fourth book in a series (but the first one I have read) that isn't too surprising. The author does let you in on what is going on with the main characters, but I think I might have liked the story more and the characters might have mattered a little more to me if I had started at the beginning and had more backstory for them.