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A Sundered Moon (Legends of Elessia - Shadows Over Garm #3)
A Sundered Moon (Legends of Elessia - Shadows Over Garm #3)
Luís Falcão de Magalhães | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A SUNDERED MOON is the third book in the Legends of Elessia series and should be read in sequence as this one starts not long after the other finishes.

Lucius and Memphala are recovering from their battle with the Blood God. Oskar is looking for his crossbow. Hilda returns to Gotthilf. And Donata is helping heal the wounded, which just never ends.

Told from many perspectives (including a fruit fly!) you get a fully rounded picture of what is happening to all of the characters. I loved the interaction between Lucius and Memphala. The changes in both of them were brilliantly written. The rest of the characters, barring one, didn't change much, just continued to act as they had which was perfect.

Donata is the one character who changed the most and I was both thrilled and disappointed. Thrilled - because it showed that the Lady of the Pines wasn't uncaring about the war going on with her people. I loved the trials Donata went through and the strength her character had. Disappointed - because after everything, her story just fizzled out. I could understand her resentment towards both Lucius and the situation, but it became bitter. It seems even the Gods of Elessia can't overlook some things and get help from unusual quarters, even if their world is at risk.

A full-on action book that takes you from one crisis to another. I found this to be a wonderful addition to the series and loved the epilogue with Lucius, Memphala, and Silas. This definitely needs to be read as a series or you won't understand a single thing. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
April 7, 2023
The Herlequin (Pitch & Sickle #6)
The Herlequin (Pitch & Sickle #6)
D K Girl | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE HERLEQUIN is the sixth out of eight in the Pitch & Sickle series and I honestly fall for these guys more with each story. You need to read it as a series, otherwise, it just won't make sense and you'll be missing out.

They have to leave Bess' Sanctuary and race across country to try to evade the big bad. Of course, things are not that easy, and to read it made me feel exhausted! Pitch and Sickle are so much stronger when they are together but circumstances don't always allow for what you want. I love how their relationship has changed from the beginning and how, even when things are dire, they grab every moment they can - even if all they get up to is spending the night in each other's arms. There are sexy moments but only where they should be and fitting with the story.

Speaking of the story, one thing that has stood out to me from the beginning is the care and research this author has done into local legends, before weaving them into her own world. I loved how Black Annis was brought into Book 1, and this time we have Sherwood Forest. I'll let you guess the myth because you won't guess how it works in this world. I was amazed and loved it.

This is a dark series, with this one no exception. My eyes were full of tears on more than one occasion - which I loved because it meant I was completely immersed in the story and with the characters.

My only complaint is I've got to wait for the seventh book to come out! I can't wait until they are all released and I can buy them and have them sitting pretty on my bookshelf! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 1, 2023
2015 | Ancient, Card Game, Mythology
Greek Mythology has ALWAYS been a fascination of mine. I remember rewinding and replaying the original “Clash of the Titans” movie over and over on VHS. It’s super warped today but I still enjoy it now digitally. When I saw Elysium was coming out several years ago I knew I had to take a look at it, and I’m glad I did because it shot up my Top 100 Games of All Time and even spent a while in my Top 10. Not so much anymore, but I still love it. Why, you ask?

Elysium is a set collection card drafting game for two to four players. Each player will be attempting to complete the greatest collection of Legends written and subsequently transferred to their Elysium (Ancient Grecian version of heaven) for Victory Points. Whomever weaves the greatest Legendary tapestry will emerge victorious and really have a story to tell.
To setup, follow the instructions in the rulebook, but a three player game should look similar to what is pictured above. Players will receive their own player board, starting VP tokens and gold, and a set of columns. Cards from five different Grecian families will be shuffled and displayed in The Agora (middle of the board and the place to draft the cards). Once setup the game may begin.

Elysium is played over five Epochs (rounds) and each Epoch is divided into four phases. Phase I is Awakening, which is simply setting up The Agora for the new Epoch by removing all existing cards there and revealing more. Phase II is Actions, where players will be using their columns to draft cards from The Agora (as long as the color of column matches one of the icons on the card) and taking at least one Quest tile (also denotes player order for the next Epoch). Phase III is Writing the Legends, where players will redistribute the player order discs, receive gold and VP per their Quest tile, and transfer any cards from their Domain – active holding area – to their Elysium for VP at game end. Phase IV is End of Epoch, where players will perform basic cleanup tasks to prepare for the next Epoch of play. Play will continue in this fashion until the end of the fifth Epoch and players tally their final VP to determine the greatest Legend-crafter in all the land!

I know this is a VERY brief summary of what is done during the game, but Elysium has many card effects and combos to consider that I just cannot detail here for fear of readers falling asleep or my fingers falling off.
Components. Elysium has simply an incredible aesthetic. The non-card components certainly radiate ancient times and the art on the cards is breathtaking. Every piece is very high quality, which is something I have grown to expect from Space Cowboys games. The columns are fun to hold and move, and as a whole is just visually stunning. I love playing this game and seeing it all out on the table.

Obviously we place our ratings on the very first graphic you see so it is no surprise by the time you read down here, but I love Elysium. Like I mentioned in my open it was in my Top 10 for quite a while, and for very good reasons. First, I love games that simply LOOK good. Is that shallow? Maybe, but it’s what I like. Second, I love the card interplay and combo potential in Elysium. Chaining together cards to build small engines is always fun and provides so much replayability by never really being able to experience every card combo in the box. Finally, it has great components and a theme that speaks to me and my personal interests. It feels like a game that was meant to be played by me specifically. When you find a game like that you have to give it high ratings.

So if you are at all like me and enjoy games with a great theme, excellent art and components, and intriguing replayability, then certainly grab a copy of Elysium. Purple Phoenix Games gives it an Olympus-sized 11 / 12. So many Ancient Greece themed games exist and Elysium is simply one of the best.

Sheridan (209 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider in Video Games

Sep 27, 2018  
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
2018 | Action/Adventure
Graphics are incredible (2 more)
Gameplay is flawless
Story is engaging and interesting
Bug in Achievements which only allows you to get the game to 98.92%, even though you've done everything (Xbox One) (0 more)
A Visual Masterpiece
I'll do my best not to gush too much, but holy mother of - this game, you guys - this game is utterly phenominal. The graphics, oh wow! The trees, the water, Lara's hair! It's all totally on point. Amazing all round, I spent the first ten minutes just looking around because let me tell you the graphics are just beautiful. The gameplay is similar to the other two Tomb Raider games but with a few new interesting ideas, the skill tree gives you a bunch of great perks that *really* help when you get further into the story. The collectibles are interesting and at some stages challenging to find, I honestly can't remember whether or not Rise of the Tomb Raider had the GPS caches but they've done away with that idea in SotTR and gone with Survival caches which are great for upgrading. They've also got a new idea where you find monoliths which give you a rare survival caches if you can solve the riddle ;) Another new feature are Crypts which are like mini challenge tombs, once you complete it you recieve an outfit which you restore at your base camps, and wearing those gives you extra game perks (they're also pretty which is fun too). The challenge tombs are great fun and give you perks in your skill tree, you can't get unless you complete them, so it's worthwhile doing them. Once you've finished the game, you have the option to have another crack at it in New Game +, you keep all your skills, outfits and weapons (at the moment I'm a bit of the way through this with the game on 'One with the Jungle' which is the hard setting). The story is really interesting and based on Mayan legends, which I won't spoil for you, needless to say it's fantastic :) TL;DR: It's f**king phenominal, get it, you won't be disappointed :)
You Got My Heart - Single by Charlotte Morris
You Got My Heart - Single by Charlotte Morris
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Charlotte Morris is a singer-songwriter based in New York. Not too long ago, she released a lovely sunshine-pop tune, entitled, “You Got My Heart”.

“I don’t always know what I wanna say when I look at you. And every time I think that I’ve made up my mind, you do something new. When I spend the whole day wondering if you’re ever gonna call, you never do. But as soon as I decide that I’m walking away, then I hear from you.” – lyrics

‘You Got My Heart’ tells an interesting tale of a young woman who is head-over-heels in love with a guy who she shares a long-distance relationship with.

But she wants to know if her beau loves her the same way how she loves him. Also, the answer to that question kinda bothers her deep down to her soul.

Later, she admits that she doesn’t know if their relationship will last because she doesn’t know if she really has him as a committed partner.

‘You Got My Heart’ contains a relatable storyline, pleasing vocals, and guitar-driven instrumentation flavored with sentimental elements.

“‘You Got My Heart’ is a sunshine-pop take on the struggles of long-distance relationships. This isn’t your typical summer song about falling in love, but it has the upbeat, bop-along groove while expressing something that can be difficult to face. Instead of wallowing in a sad ballad, this became my pump up jam as I figured out where to go next. ‘You Got My Heart’ is a great song for summer, windows-down road trips, and anyone looking to find the silver lining in a less-than-ideal situation.” – Charlotte Morris

Charlotte Morris draws inspiration from many of her favorite artists including Delta Rae, Brandi Carlile, Christina Perri, and folk legends like Peter, Paul and Mary, and Simon & Garfunkel.

Her songs, which are mostly auto-biographical, also reflect her years in the theatre. Also, when she’s not writing and releasing music, Charlotte can be seen performing in theatrical productions across the country, playing with dogs, and eating cheese.
Danny Dirks and the Heir of Pendragon
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ebook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Danny Dirk is and ordinary fourteen year old boy with a passion for baseball, however as he approaches his fifteenth birthday peculiar things begin to happen.

Beginning with the arrival of the new foreman for their apple farm, Danny begins experiencing the impossible. Eventually, Grandfather Pendrake, a surname not unlike Pendragon, reveals that Danny comes from a special lineage, one typically assumed to be a myth; and explains that a particular mythical beast is, in fact, very real.

S. A. Mulraney begins his young adult novel with an interesting prologue that leaves the reader with a range of questions. Firstly, the characters are referred to as 'they' resulting in a feeling of suspense as the reader has no idea whether they are good or bad. It turns out that 'they' are Mr Brennan and his standoffish daughter Kara. However the original use of 'they' leaves the question as to what they are, which is heightened by words such as 'scales' and 'wings' as well as the suggestion that they can communicate with dragonflies.

Danny Dirk and the Heir of Pendragon is an exciting novel. Although it felt a little slow to start, the story picks up towards the end and concludes on a cliffhanger leaving the reader eager for the next book.

Although the main character is in his mid teens, the writing style is suitable for boys and girls in their earlier teens and upwards, however there are some scenes that are more appropriate for readers with a maturer outlook.

This novel will attract a range of interest particularly for those who prefer a book that is quick and easy to read. It should also attract the attention of those with a preference for the fantasy genre, especially about dragons, and also those who enjoy myths and legends, in particularly the legendary king of England, King Arthur.

Mulraney's adaptation of the history of King Arthur is original and intriguing, and his version of dragons are very creative.

This review uses a rating on the basis on personal preference but it is sure to be loved by the intended target audience.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Hellboy (2019) in Movies

Dec 31, 2019  
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
I know the original Hellboy films didn’t do well critically, but they got a fairly decent fan following and I personally loved them, so I really didn’t see why they wanted to remake it. And after watching this disaster, I definitely cannot understand why they bothered to remake it!

I’ll start with the good bits, which won’t take long as David Harbour and Ian McShane are pretty much the only decent things about this film. Ian McShane seems to be playing his usual charismatic, crazy old man character (very reminiscent of Mr Wednesday) and I’m not complaining, as this is exactly what I love about him and he’s a rather good less nice version of Professor Broom. And David Harbour is a good Hellboy and gets the very few laughs there is in this, although I think he’s very let down and not able to shine properly because of the dodgy script and just general terribleness of this film. There’s also a decent rock soundtrack accompanying the fight scenes and a fairly fun amount of gore.

And now the bad. There’s far too much cgi in this and it isn’t always good, and they should’ve toned this down a lot. The plot and progression of the entire story is just bizarre, it was just downright ridiculous. They seem to have decided to try and fit in a strange assortment of folk tales and historic legends, like the Pendle Hill witches and King Arthur, and this is alongside the already crazy (but just about believable) origin of Hellboy himself and the Nazis. Even the bad guys in this are cheesy and not particularly threatening - Milla Jovovich with a horrendous English accent and a pig creature with a Scouse accent?! I know Stephen Graham is from Liverpool but that accent on that particular character was possible the most bizarre and frustrating thing I’ve ever seen. And also despite the main lead up being slightly different, the end result to Hellboy personally is exactly the same as the original. Why not try and come up with something completely different to avoid yet more negative comparisons to the original?

This is one film that should never have seen the light of day.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Jan 1, 2020

I was so so disappointed with this. I was hoping it would one of those films that everyone hates, but I still find something to love, but sadly not. Apart from DH of course


Hazel (1853 KP) rated Slaying Alven in Books

Mar 29, 2020  
Slaying Alven
Slaying Alven
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2020 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slaying Alven is the latest fantasy novel by the versatile author, Jordan Elizabeth. Set in two different worlds, the story merges contemporary life and Dutch mythology. The Van Nuys family were gradually getting on with their lives six years after the murder of Vader (father). Unfortunately, a reluctant trip to see Aunt Annetie turns their world upside down once more.

There are several key characters in the story. Femmitie is about to finish high school and has just got her first boyfriend, Max. Tanneke, who witnessed Vader's death, has not spoken a word since. Sitske is growing up to be a strong, independent girl. Their mother, Catharina has remarried to a man named Xie with whom they have a son, Harvey. And then there is the Wittewijven ...

According to Dutch mythology, a Wittewijven was a wise woman or herbalist who took care of people's physical and mental ailments. When a Wittewijven died, their spirit remained on earth as "elven" beings, helping or hindering the people they met. The Wittewijven in this story, Wit for short, had turned to dark magic before her death hundreds of years ago. She is responsible for Vader's death and now she wants to destroy the rest of the family.

The story takes place between modern-day America and a world made for the Wittewijven, which can only be accessed by touching the words of a specific book. Over the years, Wit has trapped many people in her world and now the Van Nuys' family are her next targets. The only way Wit can be stopped is to be killed by a descendent, which, as it transpires, the Van Nuys are.

Jordan Elizabeth brings a new subject to the fantasy world in the form of the Wittewijven. Although the mythological character has featured in Dutch literature of the past, the legends are virtually unknown in the wider world.

Although the key characters are in their teens,Slaying Alven is more suited to mature readers due to some of the subjects implied. Overall, it is one of Jordan Elizabeth's best novels.