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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (101 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

Okay, so I'd been wanting to read The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky since I heard about the film. Everyone went on about how great the book was, and I knew that I had to read it. There was one major thing that bothered me, but on the whole I loved it!

Charlie is a freshman in high school and is a little bit of a geek. This is the coming of age of Charlie as he writes letters to unknown friend. Together, we experience the highs and lows of one year of his life in which he does a lot of firsts and finds out some important information about himself.

I like the title of this book. I really do. Our main character is a big time wallflower, and he does discover that it has its perks. Therefore, the title really explains the books. I also think it's quite an original title and an interesting sounding one at that.

The cover of this book is quite simple yet it just kind of works. I think that if there would've been more on the cover, it would've lost its appeal.

Chbosky did an excellent job with the world building. Reading this book, it took me back to my high school days. I thought the author did a great job in capturing the essence of high school kids. I also love how the narration of the story was told through letters.

I thought the pacing was spot on. I would've finished this book in less than a day if real life hadn't have got in the way! I devoured every word, and I couldn't wait to find out what Charlie would experience next.

As for the dialogue, I thought it did sound like a bunch of teenagers talking to one another which is was supposed to. However, the way Charlie spoke bugged me a bit. His dialogue (both internally and to the other characters) made him sound like he was either really young or a bit slow. Perhaps this was done on purpose, and I'm missing the point completely. There are references to sex, drugs, and the like so please keep this in mind when deciding if this is the book for you as I know some people might not like reading about that. As for swear words, I think there may've been only one, but it wasn't a bad swear word.

As stated in the previous paragraph, I felt that the character of Charlie seemed to be either slow or really young. I'm not saying that he was a poorly written character because he wasn't. He just came across as too naive on most things to feel believable a lot of the time. He is meant to be 15 year old, yet he acts, speaks and thinks more like a 10 year old. Maybe this was just me, but that really bugged me! However, I did love Sam and Patrick. I loved how feminine and sweet Sam came across as, and I loved how big of a personality Patrick had. I would have to say that Patrick was probably my favourite character in the book.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower was definitely an enjoyable read for me. I think if Charlie would've acted more like his age, it would've been a tad bit better.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 14+ that enjoys reading about the ups and downs of life as well as those adults who want to remember their high school years.
Never Look Back
Never Look Back
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For Quentin Garrison, his podcast, entitled Closure, is truly about just that--closure. It centers on a series of murders in the 1970s committed by teens Gabriel LeRoy and April Cooper. The victims included Quentin's mother's little sister and his grandmother. As a result, Quentin has spent most of his life raised by a neglectful, drug addict mom. For Robin Diamond, a columnist, the podcast causes only confusion. When Quentin contacts her about it, asking specifically about April Cooper and tying her to Robin's own mother, Robin is bewildered. But the more she delves into the murders, the more she starts to wonder. Then there's a terrible home invasion at her parent's house, killing her father and leaving her mom unconscious. What exactly happened back in the '70s--and, now, in the home invasion?

This was an excellent thriller that had me hooked from the first page. It's dark, gritty, and utterly mesmerizing. When I started it, I was thinking to myself, not another podcast mystery, but little did I know... this book is totally addictive and brings in the podcast element in a seamless, fresh way.

It's told from the perspective of several of our main characters--particularly Robin and Quentin. We also get excerpts from a school assignment of April's when she was fifteen: letters to her future child. These slowly reveal what happened during the killings, and they are told in a spot-on voice of a fifteen-year-old girl. The way everything is woven together is perfect: I found myself completely captivated and read basically the last half of the book in one breathless setting, staying up past my bedtime to finish it.

We learn that both Gabriel and April died in a fire at the site of their last attempted murder. So when Quentin receives a tip claiming that April Cooper is still alive, it changes everything, including the focus of his podcast. When he starts to believe that Robin's mother is April, things get even more interesting. I loved the suspense--constantly wondering if April was alive and if she was, who she could be. And then, there's the aspect of was April "good" or "bad" during the killings. So many people blamed her for the deaths of their loved ones, and nothing is black or white in this book.

Even Quentin. Since his past is strongly affected by the murders, we find ourselves wondering if we can trust him, too. Quentin's grandfather basically gave up raising his daughter, Kate--Quentin's mother--after the death of his wife and young daughter. As such, Quentin's own mother wasn't much of a parent to him. Quentin's own bitterness and anger shines through--a strong theme in the book. Can we rely on someone so angry, we wonder? I felt for him, and his devoted husband and loving best friend and podcast partner. So many of the characters are intense, and each is so well-crafted and unique. Each flew off the page.

This is often a dark book, and there are many scenes of violence. But, for me, it was the emotional scenes that were the toughest to read. There are many touching moments, too, and I found myself attached to several of the characters. Reading young April's letters was quite a feat. Gaylin is such an excellent writer, and she just pulls you into the story so effortlessly--you feel as if you are there with her characters. Throw in some great twists and turns and this is an excellent and suspenseful novel.

The ending was a tough one, but I get it. Overall, I really enjoyed this dark psychological thriller. I am just loving Gaylin's recent books and need to go back and read some of her previous works (there's a little Brenna Spector shoutout in this one for those of you who are fans). Definitely recommend! 4.5 stars.

Midge (525 KP) rated The Next to Die in Books

Feb 17, 2019  
The Next to Die
The Next to Die
Sophie Hannah | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original And Very Unique
Five well deserved stars! This is such a good book for me - the witticisms, the sarcastic put-downs, as well as the hilarious musings and anecdotes, all help this book along for me. It’s nothing like any other novel that I can recall reading before and it is especially refreshing for a crime novel.

I love novels that feature out of the ordinary protagonists, so this one fitted right into that category. The story is actually told from the points of view of two people - stand up comedian, Kim Tribbeck & DC Simon Waterhouse.

Quirky Kim Tribbeck has a dark side, and I really enjoyed the insight into her world as told through her POV. Her contribution is told through an autobiographical book called “Origami.” DC Simon Waterhouse, the other protagonist, is inspired, well respected, and talented as a detective and he doesn’t like public speaking. The story is also told via a number of newspaper articles and random emails.

The chapters vary between different characters, excerpts from “Origami”, the emails, newspaper columns, short stories, and letters. In addition to the burning question, “Who Is Billy Dead Mates?” (the nickname of the killer who appears to be targeting pairs of best friends), there is an obsessed journalist who claims the victims have been murdered by a mad misogynist. Before they die, each of the victims is given a small white book.

I particularly loved the chapters that were told from Kim’s point-of-view. For me, Sophie Hannah’s portrayal of Kim was brilliant. She turned this novel into something much more than a police procedural. In THE NEXT TO DIE, Hannah managed to combine a wonderfully clever and complex plot with some extremely unforgettable characters.

THE NEXT TO DIE by Sophie Hannah is a highly recommended, layered mystery with a surprising and fulfilling ending.

{Thank you to Edelweiss and William Morrow for the free copy of this novel and for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review.}
The Cheerleaders
The Cheerleaders
Kara Thomas | 2018 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating mystery with some heartbreaking, dark undertones
There are no longer cheerleaders allowed at Sunnybrook High School. It's been that way for five years, ever since five members of the team died within a short span of each other. One of those girls was Monica's sister, Jen. Jen committed suicide after four of her fellow cheerleaders died--two in a car accident and two in a brutal murder at the hands of a fellow Sunnybrook resident. That man is dead, killed by the police. Still, Monica doesn't understand why her confident, beautiful sister killed herself. And now she's finding strange things about Jen's death that don't add up: her phone, left behind in her stepfather's desk, weird letters in his drawer, and more. What really happened five years ago? And are people done dying?

This was my first book from Kara Thomas, but it won't be my last. While this is billed as a YA novel--and there are definitely some aspects--it's also dark and twisted. I found it to be a compelling mystery that kept me guessing the entire time. Thomas does a wonderful job of painting suspense and unease as Monica slowly unravels more and more details surrounding the cheerleaders' deaths. It's impossible to trust anyone in this novel, which makes it all the more delightful. From one page to the next, I was convinced someone else was the culprit.

There's a varied set of characters in this one, but Monica is definitely the star. She's a strong narrator, even she doesn't always make the best decisions. Again, this isn't a sweet, touchy feely YA novel and neither is our narrator. She's made some bad choices (and been through a lot), but she's also feisty and determined.

Overall, this has a Pretty Little Liars vibe at times, but it's also a captivating mystery with some heartbreaking, dark undertones. It will keep you guessing and engaged. Plus, there's that wonderful, twisty ending. 4 stars.
Furiously Happy
Furiously Happy
Jenny Lawson | 2016 | Biography
8.7 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Made me almost fall off the bed giggling (2 more)
Hilarious descriptions about bizarre situations
Revealing what's going on in her head lets other people know they're not alone
Hysterically funny
How do you even begin to explain a Jenny Lawson book? Known as The Bloggess on the internet, Lawson is one of the most laugh-out-loud, hysterically funny, off-the-wall-crazy-pants writers I've ever come across. From her antics with taxidermied animals to the bizarre arguments she has with her husband to the weird tangents her brain goes on, Lawson is one of the most entertaining people on the internet. In Furiously Happy, she explores her lifelong fight with mental illness, from depression to anxiety to a number of manias, and she does so in a lovely, non-judgmental way. She does get serious - she talks about her "folder of 24" - 24 letters from suicidal people telling her that she, and the community she's built, are the reason they're still here. Lawson tackles the topic of depression head on, and by writing down the bizarre things that go through her head, lets people know THEY'RE NOT ALONE, and that's incredibly important.

As the subtitle of the book says, it might be a book about a serious topic, but oh. my. is it funny. Between sneaking a taxidermied ecstatically happy raccoon into view of her husband's video conferences, and trying to snuggle koalas in Australia while dressed in a full-body koala costume, Lawson also talks about waking up in the middle of the night thinking her arms have fallen off, and being stalked by carnivorous swans. Lawson's blog is hilarious, and this book is one of the most insanely funny things I've ever read, and now I have to track down her other two books. (Let's Pretend This Never Happened and You Are Here)

You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Darling Blue in Books

Jul 30, 2018  
Darling Blue
Darling Blue
Tracy Rees | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A little light reading.
Set in the 1920's, the Darling Blue of the title is the main character in this book and follows the lives of not just Blue, but that of her family and friends. Blue's father, on the eve of her 21st birthday party, makes an announcement that Blue will marry the man who sends her a letter that she can fall in love with. She goes on to receive three letters, and some of the novel is about this search for a husband.
Blue also helps to save a woman, Delphine, from drowning in the Thames. She learns that she is in fact escaping an abusive husband. Blue's family take her in and help her. Everything seems perfect until, of course, it isn't.
It's a very bright and breezy book, filled with the hope that everyone must have felt after World War 1, but it all seemed contrived to me. Even the unpleasant 'stuff' seemed glossed over and hurried, and it didn't seem to be taken very seriously. The characters, particularly Blue's father, seemed to have very progressive opinions on certain things. Very modern, late 20th century opinions, in fact. I wonder if a character such as his would really have existed? He seemed to be very understanding of one particular plot twist which involved him and his wife, which I feel that even a man (or anyone else for that matter) today would have really struggled with. And the ending was just far too rushed and 'happily ever after'. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed the only other Tracy Rees book I've read (Amy Snow). I'll probably have to have a look at the other two books she has written between Amy Snow and this one, and see whether this is a blip. I hope so, because Amy Snow really did show promise.
Thanks to The Pigeonhole and to the author for a chance to read along with her.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated An Amish Second Christmas in Books

Aug 30, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
An Amish Second Christmas
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In When Christmas Comes Again, Kathleen and her four children are having their first Christmas without a love one. Kathleen starts to see an English man around the town. She receives a package at the door. There some photos in the box. There more to this story and quite a few twist and turns. There seems to be a mystery about this man. The man seem to know what or how some of the feeling of the family. Do they need help or will Kathleen mislead the what going on with her children?

In Her Christmas Pen Pal, Joy has to deal with her boyfriend who want to see other women. She starts to write a letter to her cousin. Though it happens it sent to the wrong person. The mystery man writes back to Joy. The Cabinet maker and Joy send letter back and forth with each other. There are twist and turns in this story and has a good mystery in the story as well. Do Noah and Joy get together? This grandmother starts talking to Joy about her grandson. Will Joy find out that the woman was talking about?

In A Gift for Anne Marie, Anne Marie wondering about the changes that are coming. She finds out about her mothers letters. When she does she finds out that her mother is getting re-married and they are moving. Anne Marie does not like it at all. She start to feel the changes between her and Nathaniel. Nathaniel does not like the fact that Annie Marie may be moving. Is there anything either can do about it?

In The Christmas Aprons, Easter Glick is a nanny for her cousin until her cousin can deal with her baby. While here Easter receives her mother recipe that every popular. She learns what she want to to be accepted for herself and not though the pies she bakes. Will she learn about Love?

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Unsheltered in Books

Nov 21, 2018  
Barbara Kingsolver | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think that this is another ‘marmite book’ - you either love it or hate it. There is no in between. Well, I loved it. I like a meandering tale. Some people look at a really thick book and think “Oh no!” - I think “Let me at it!”. What’s more, I like a book that takes its time and is thoughtful. There’s a lot to think about here.
This book is set in two different eras: modern day Vineland, just before and after Trumps election, and 1870s Vineland, just after Darwin’s groundbreaking novel “Origin of the Species” was published.
Both families live in the same house, and both families are experiencing a house that is crumbling around them. The house seems to represent the political and environmental issues in the modern era, in my opinion, and in the past, a community that is failing.
I really enjoyed all of the family dynamics: an elderly Greek father-in-law who rails against the immigrants and blacks (not for one moment seeing the irony); a daughter who is an eco-warrior/ realist, a son whose wife dies, whilst he is left with their newborn; a wife and mother who becomes the primary caregiver to a tiny baby and her infirm father-in-law; and a father who struggled to retain a post as a university lecturer.
In the past, a modern thinking science teacher battles against a headteacher/ principle (principal?) who will not hear of evolution (angel bridges are mentioned - who knew they were a thing?!), and meets Mary Treat, a biologist who really existed and became well known. She exchanges letters and shares information with Darwin and other famous scientists of the time.
This story had so many layers - I loved it. I could feel the frustration of the characters in their respective times, as they had obstacles which seemed insurmountable to them. However, they weren’t, there were ways around their problems. The ‘getting there’ though, was quite a story!
Klaus (2019)
Klaus (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
To my knowledge, 'Klaus' is the first Christmas film to combine the magic of Father Christmas with the everyday work of a postman - bringing heart-warming results. This movie succeeds on every level; the animation, the music and the script fuse to create a film that deserves a place in everyone's Christmas catalogue, no matter what age.

The concept of this film is extremely touching - a young man spoiled by his father is sent to a remote island with the goal to deliver 6000 letters in a year. There, he meets Klaus, an old toymaker who lives in a wooded part of the island, out of sight of the townspeople. Together, they create Christmas for the island with the help of the resident schoolteacher and foreign settlers. The result is magical, as children and adults alike who have never experienced Christmas, get to soak in the wonders of the season.

The artwork featured in the film is somewhat disproportionate which really builds the tension, especially when Jesper first steps foot on the island. Colour-wise, the whole film is quite dark and drab which perfectly emphasises the change when the island is transformed into a Christmassy wonderland at the end. Together, these elements really help to convey the moods in the film, and the audience really goes on the same journey as Jesper.

This film cleverly sheds light through the use of music in several scenes. For example, when Jesper's attitude changes towards the island and his task, there is a wonderful moment where he transforms his workshop to the sounds of a popular 80s song. I couldn't help but smile as I find that era of music very infectious.

As a postwoman myself, I loved this film because it has made me look at my job in a different way. Especially at this time of year, I help to deliver lots of presents to households which will make people's Christmasses the best of their lives. I bring joy to people, just as this film brought lots of joy to me.
Tender Buttons by Broadcast
Tender Buttons by Broadcast
2005 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Even just thinking about this song, I can feel the beginning of tears in the backs of my eyes. It's such an astonishing piece of lyric writing. It's like that Linton Kwesi Johnson track - the narrator of the song, and their emotions, are so believable. Both songs are about letters, funnily enough. “The imagery is so gentle but it's still significant and it's recognisable of a different world; just the idea of a typing pool now is absurd - it's something that belongs to a different decade. And then the imagery of the paper and the ink drying and there's a confession, but we don't know what the truth is. She's talking about telling the truth in this letter she's written, but we don't know whether she's confessing to something she's done or to the way she truly feels. “Either way, it's definitely a story about the end. 99.999% of people who've loved in their lives will know how that feels, what it's like when love ends and this is one of those songs that just gently captures the hugeness of that kind of situation. It's sung and worded very softly, but what it's describing is incomprehensibly massive. It's communicated with that image of the page being wiped clean, while the landscape remains unchanged. Absolutely astonishing. “Trish Keenan’s death is a story of tragedy in itself, because she was so unique. I know you shouldn't try to relate the personal story of the performer to the piece of music, or the writing, or the play, but you can't help but do it in this case because so many Broadcast songs are in that vein. When you communicate emotion in a song the reason it works is because, as a listener, you recognise something you've experienced before, and so Trish's writing doesn't just remind you of loss - it reminds you of the loss of her.”"
