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The Diary of Pelly D
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book while browsing at my local library. i tried reading it once, and it seemed so trivial and unimportant. i returned it and forgot about it.

a year later, i saw it again and thought "what every happened to Pelly D after she got kicked out of her holo-pool and lost her street-side friend?" so i borrowed it again and read it through in a few hours.

i got a lot more out of it the second time, i'll say that much right away.

this book has a lot of hidden messages in it, and it's not something you can really say in words, let alone out loud. so the author used this book to paint a picture of something. it's more than fiction, it's a statement. like Orwel's <i> 1984,</i> or Harper Lee's <i> To Kill a Mocking Bird </i>. it's main focus isn't Pelly D, it's actually judgment, prejudice, and politics.

but, it also has the lighthearted addition of a teenage girl who really couldn't give a rat's poo about anyone but herself.

i won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it, but i will recommend it. i'll also say this: the ending is good, but it doesn't wrap up the story like most books do. it's well written (aside from the missing letters, which is part of the futuristic style of speech and writing used in the book. example: "v" instead of "very" or "cd" instead of "could.") and the characters are very real.

take a step forward, go onward and upward, and plunge into a very deep book.

Sam (74 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must be starting to enjoy fantasy and YA because in my past few reviews I’ve put my normal “I don’t usually read…” in front of my review because they’re not my genres. But… something must have changed because I’m finally starting to like them.

Caraval is the fantasy I never knew I needed in my life. It’s fast-paced, magical and gripping, and nothing like I expected. I got my copy for Christmas in a Book Matchmaker package. I don’t think if I’d have seen this on a shelf that I would have gone for it because as I’ve said, it’s not my usual type. But I was nicely surprised.

The novel opens with letters from Scarlett to Legend about Caraval as she’s always wanted to see it because of the stories her grandmother told her when she was younger. After years of trying to get an invite, Legend replies and the story begins.

Scarlett is thrown into an adventure with her sister Tella and a sailor, Julien. They all take part in Caraval – a magical game where nothing is ever as it seems – and compete against other players to win a wish from Legend.

I was a bit unsure where the book was going to go in the beginning because it took off quite slowly, but once the action started I couldn’t put it down. It was truly gripping and I was completely obsessed to the point I was reading it in whatever spare time I could find just to finish it.

It finishes with a bit of a cliffhanger but that just means that I absolutely cannot wait for the second book!

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Delta in Books

Apr 4, 2019  
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2019 | History & Politics, Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suitable for anyone who wants to enjoy a short story, Delta is the latest novella by the versatile Jordan Elizabeth. Based on an historical event but with purely fictional characters, the author weaves real life and paranormal/fantasy together to create a gripping tale.

Set in the years leading up to the time a small village was flooded to create Lake Delta in 1917, the short story focuses on the Madison family who believe the plans will never come to fruition. As the years pass, neighbours begin receiving eviction letters but the family remain steadfast in their belief that their land won't be affected.

Meanwhile, the protagonist Lottie is given the task to deliver daily baskets of food to her Aunt Flora, a lady housebound in a cottage in the woods, however, Lottie is forbidden to ever enter the house.

As Lottie grows up with the threat of the flood becoming more of a reality, she begins to question why her parents are so convinced that all will be okay. In the months leading to her 17th birthday, she overhears her parents speaking of magic, but surely magic isn't real? She is soon to discover the painful truth and learn that she is not who she thinks she is.

Delta was quick to read and the ten year storyline sped by. The fast pace makes readers eager to reach the conclusion, a conclusion that is in no way predictable.

Whilst short, Delta is definitely worth reading. It is perfect for those moments when you need something to do but can't commit to reading a longer novel.
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Natalie Daniels | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love thrillers. I chose this one because I thought it would start out all light-hearted, heart-warming and fluffy. And it was a tale that included friendship, but the friendship the book is really about is not the one you’d expect.

After the prologue, Connie wakes up in a mental illness institution, and her dissociative amnesia means she has no idea why she has such deep cuts in her wrists, or why she has clumps of hair missing from her head. She is visited by only one family member and the reader is left wondering why.

As the book progresses, you learn about Connie’s friend Vanessa, and how she gently edged her way in to the life of Connie and her family. A friendship and closeness that led to Connie’s ruin.

Throughout the book, Connie is completely disinhibited. Connie’s therapist is Dr Emma Robinson, and Connie meets her with wise-cracking wit and banter. The press is against Connie, but Dr Robinson is quite taken with her, seeing her strength and her despair. A friendship forms.

There is an unexpected twist in the tale about the halfway mark, and another twist at about the three-quarter (no spoilers!)

By the end of the book, Dr Robinson uses hypnotherapy and Connie has a break-through. Dr Robinson succeeds in her work, and the events of that fateful night are unabashedly told.

Connie does not recover though, and in her letters to Dr Robinson, Connie reveals that the crux of the matter was never friendship after all, but something else entirely (no spoilers!)

I was very entertained by this book and found the ending thought provoking.
Day Of The Accident
Day Of The Accident
Nuala Ellwood | 2019 | Mystery, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on my blog:

When Maggie wakes up from a coma, her whole life has changed. The nurse tells her that she has been in an accident, her little daughter is dead, and her husband sold the house and left her.
Maggie doesn’t remember a thing.

With no home, no family, and no memory, she has to find a way and discover what happened that day.

A thriller that will uncover the greatest of secrets everyone could have. A nail-biter, this one, I tell you.

The character of Maggie was so well formed, that love between a mother and her little daughter is expressed in such a lovely and caring way. A book that will be definitely hard to read for all the parents out there, but a very good one.

I especially loved the part with the letters – it was such a unique way to present …
… present what?
I am not telling you. Go and read it, duhh!

The scenes are so vivid and realistic and the little Virginia Woolf Easter eggs thrown across the pages of this book were so precious. Thrilling story and plot that keeps you on your toes. I haven’t read anything this good in a while!

If you are looking for a book to keep you up at night – this is the one.
If you are looking for the great plot twist – there isn’t only one plot twist…

I highly recommend it to all of the mystery lovers that are reading my review.

A masterpiece.

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Books UK, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
Green Book (2018)
Green Book (2018)
2018 | Drama
This generation's Driving Miss Daisy
The 2018 Academy Awards were interesting. On one hand, I was very happy boring, pointless Roma did not win Best Picture; however i was really pulling for The Favourite to win. Neither happened and Green Book snuck in and captured the top prize instead.

The modern Oscars are free of epics like Ben-Hur, The Sound of Music or West Side Story. Instead, character-driven stories seem to be in favor recently.

In this true story, recently unemployed Italian bouncer Tony "Lip" gets hired to drive an African American genius concert pianist throughout his fall tour of the deep southern United States in 1962.

As the two men get to know each other, they are exposed to the very different worlds and set of values the each possesses. Initial hesitation is replaced by eventual respect as the men grow a bond throughout their southern adventure as they confront racism in various threatening or nonchalant forms as is happens.

Tony comes to the aide of his client, Dr. Donald Shirley, several times revealing his bigotry and denial for his race has begun to wane. Dr. Shirley as well begins to understand Tony's rough exterior and even delights Tony's wife Cyrano de Bergerac style assistance in writing verbose and eloquent letters to her.

The acting is thorough and top notch by both Viggo Mortensen (one of the great working actors today) and Mahershala Ali (hot off of Moonlight) with a screenplay to match. The characters are flawed, vivid, well-rounded and interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed this memorable film and well deserved of the big prize.


Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Chain in Books

Jun 30, 2019  
The Chain
The Chain
Adrian McKinty | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The premise to this book is fairly simple but disturbing and frightening and every parents worst nightmare. I am of an age where I remember the chain letters (of the pen and paper variety!) doing the rounds when I was a youngster, I never took any notice and no harm ever came to me (yet!) but "The Chain" is in a different league all together and is not something that can be ignored ... ever!

The Chain is a gripping, psychological thriller that starts with a bang, levels off in the middle and rises again at the end. The characters, although interesting, didn't really ingrain themselves into my psyche for some reason and I struggled to connect with them to the point where I wasn't particularly bothered what happened to them however, I liked the writing style which was easy to read and loved the unique story. There is also the underlying warning regarding social media and the ease at which seemingly innocent information can be collated and used against you and your family - people really need to be taking this more seriously.

I would happily recommend this book as its something different and overall enjoyable despite the middle being a bit "meh" and the characters being a bit flat; it kept me reading to the very end.

This is the first book I have read by this author but it won't be my last so thank you to the publisher, Orion Publishing Group, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review and once again, for introducing me to another new author to look out for.