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Transformist of the Heart and Soul
Transformist of the Heart and Soul
Melinda George | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique design and compact. (0 more)
Needs more/better prompts (0 more)
Wonderful Self-help poetry journa
Transformist of the Heart and Soul by Melinda George is a self help journal mixed with a poetry book.

 Follow one woman, possibly yourself through a discovery of self-love. Find acceptance and move on from damaging relationships with the aid of twelve heartfelt poems from someone who appears to have felt the same pain.

 Once you feel ready the journal side of the book asks readers to write their thoughts in the form of poetry and to create daily mantras. For those wanting more you can create a 24 day gratitude list and write love letters to yourself. For the final aspect of the journal readers (or should I say writers) can glue or tape in images or since the squares are black use a white colored pencil to draw in ideas.

 The poems are touching and probably relatable for a large number of people, as sad as that is. I also enjoyed how compact the book is, it is small enough to fin in a purse, backpack, or suitcase without taking up too much room. This book is more of a journal than an actual book. Only twelve poems are found in the 79 page book. The back of the book dose say it is a self-empowerment journal inspired by poem, but I wish there were more poems in it. It also would have been nice if the journal had some more specific writing prompts in it.

 This book is directed mostly towards women. Specifically it seems to focus on someone leaving or recovering from a bad relationship. Readers should be prepared to or have a need to expose their hear and soul at least to themselves, which can be a painful process. I rate this book 3 out of 4. Over all the book/journal is very nice. I just with it had more poems and better/more specific writing prompts. The size of the book is nice for people on the go so they can write whenever they feel the inspiration.

Transformist of the Heart and Soul | Book| Austin Macauley Publishers USA
A Thousand Ships
A Thousand Ships
Natalie Haynes | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
How could it be anything other than ‘Epic’ when it’s Greek Mythology involved?
A Thousand Ships is the story of the Trojan War as experienced by the women. Greek mythology is always centred around the men - after all, it was men who original myths down (The Iliad and The Odyssey both having been written by Homer). Women are side characters who have things done to them, rather than them being the ones doing things - unless they’re a goddess or a witch. Although witches and nymphs don’t seem to come out of these stories particularly well either 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’ve always loved reading Greek myths and legends, and I’m really enjoying the resurgence of these tales. Told with a modern eye, they can tell us something about ourselves today. We still experience war and loss (there has clearly been no learning experience over the time span between Troy and the modern era), and women are still the ones who shoulder the worst outcomes during and after a war.

It was fascinating to learn about these women, and I particularly liked Penelope’s letters to her husband Odysseus, relaying information about his unbelievable voyage and rather circuitous route home: all information gleaned from bards and their songs. A sensible person would want to know how the singer got the information to write the songs!

The Trojan women sections were really where the true heroes were. These were the women who had lived through a ten year siege, lost their husbands, brothers, sons and families, and were shared as slaves amongst the conquering Greeks. And that includes the poorest as well as the richest of women - Hecabe, Queen of Troy, amongst them.

This book was on the shortlist for the Women’s Prize 2020, and it deserved to be there. I loved reading this, and I now need to read the book written before this (The Children of Jocasta - it has sat patiently waiting on my bookshelf!) to get ready for Haynes’ book about Pandora and her jar!

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery
It is 1934, and our moustachioed detective has just solved a theft in Jerusalem. He looks forward to resting in Istanbul, but his break is interrupted with the news that he must return to London for a case. It seems like Poirot's luck is in, having just met his friend who is director of the Orient Express.

Once on board Poirot catches the attention of the businessman, Samuel Ratchett. Ratchett has received threatening letters, and wishes to hire the detective as his bodyguard during their journey, but the offer is politely declined.

That night an avalanche derails he train and the passengers are stranded. In the morning Ratchett is found dead, stabbed a dozen times. Poirot and Bouc, the train director, investigate the passengers as repairs begin. Poirot discovers a partially destroyed note connecting Ratchett to the kidnapping of Daisy Armstrong, a child who was abducted from her bedroom and held for ransom. After the ransom was paid, Daisy was found murdered. Ratchett is identified as John Cassetti, Daisy’s kidnapper and murderer.

First off, let me address the elephant in the room... that'll be Kenneth Branagh as Poirot. David Suchet will always be my Poirot, he's perfect. Branagh, for me, has an overacting issue. And that moustache, it's just ridiculous. That's not even taking into account the scene where Poirot is laying in bed and he doesn't have his night-time moustache cosy on. Crazy.

Agatha Christie's tale has definitely been given the Hollywood treatment. It's gone from the quite dark Suchet version, to something quite farcical in comparison. I can understand remaking some things, but when you have such a definitive portrayal of a character why would you recast them?

Having just rewatched the 2010 version I will say that the story line in the movie is probably easier to understand. It's also more suitable for a younger audience.

As a passing comment to everyone who was surprised to hear they were going to do Death On The Nile next... no shit, Poirot! It was dropped in at the end of the film.

ClareR (5620 KP) rated The Familiars in Books

Jul 14, 2019 (Updated Jul 14, 2019)  
The Familiars
The Familiars
Stacey Halls | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Thriller
8.7 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fact that this book is based on true events makes it all the more harrowing, in my opinion. When people ask “What era would you like to visit or live in?”, I pretty much always answer “I’m fine just where I am. I rather like the antibiotics, general freedom and option not to be hung and/ or burned as a witch, thanks very much”. I do however, very much like reading about the past, and this gives a fascinating insight to the Pendle Hill Witch Trials.

Fleetwood is seventeen years old and pregnant for the fourth time. Her three previous pregnancies have all resulted in stillbirth or miscarriage, and she has found letters from a doctor to her husband, saying that she will not survive another. She meets Alice Grey, who is a midwife, by chance. Alice promises to help her give birth to a living child, and assures her that she will survive the birth.

The fact that Alice is a midwife leaves her vulnerable to accusations of witchcraft, and accused she is. Fleetwood is adamant that she will save her as she is her friend and the only person who will be able to save hers and her baby’s lives. No one takes Fleetwood seriously though; when they do take her seriously, they expect her to go home and knuckle down to the more womanly pursuits of child bearing and being a wife.

Fleetwoods frustration is described so well - no one will listen, and no one will help. It’s such a tense atmosphere - Fleetwood just wants to help,her friend, and there are so many obstacles in the way. Even her social standing is no deterrent if someone were to accuse her of witchcraft if she becomes too troublesome (there’s the example of Margaret Pearson in the story, whose maid accused her of having a toad as a familiar, and spent time in the stocks before being imprisoned)

I really enjoyed this book, and I’ll be waiting for whatever the author writes next (I’m on the mailing list!).

Many thanks to Readers First for my copy of this book.