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Merissa (11822 KP) rated The Cryptic Prophecy (Etherya's Earth #6) in Books

Apr 7, 2022 (Updated Jun 26, 2023)  
The Cryptic Prophecy (Etherya's Earth #6)
The Cryptic Prophecy (Etherya's Earth #6)
Rebecca Hefner | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE CRYPTIC PROPHECY is the sixth book in the Etherya's Earth series, but the first one that follows the children of our favourite characters! This time, it's Callie -- the daughter of Arderin and Darkrip, who is also the starring character in an Elven Prophecy that alienates her from her peers, leaving her wide open for being used by others.

Although other characters are in here, the focus is on Callie and Brecken, plus their families. No worries though, because that also includes Callie's parents (in case you were having Darkrip withdrawals!). He's a bit of a one here when he goes in 'I'm your father and I know what's best for you' mode, but Arderin and Callie soon shake that notion from him. Those scenes were so much fun to read!

Brecken is the sole male in his family, his father having died years before. He adores his mum and will do anything for his sisters, including writing the most beautiful love letters to Callie, on behalf of someone else! I don't want to talk about 'the other man' though - he doesn't deserve the page space!! Brecken is well-deserving of his nickname Shakespeare and made my heart melt with every letter!

Tatiana plays a bigger role and finally picks a side, which opens up the way the following books will go. I did wonder where we'd be going next, but now, I'm fully on board and (once again) can't wait to read more.

Callie and Brecken are steaming-hot, whilst also being caring, loving, and romantic enough to make anyone's cold, dead heart beat again. I have absolutely adored this series but I think Callie and Brecken are my new favourites.

Oh, and that prophecy? It's fulfilled but not in the way you suspect, and that's ALL I'm going to say. If you want to know more - read the book!!! Just remember to start at book one though, so you get the full experience. Trust me, you won't regret it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 5, 2022
Tortured Dreams (Dreams & Reality Series #1)
Tortured Dreams (Dreams & Reality Series #1)
Hadena James, Christy Lynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Managed 17%
*Spoiler Alert*
It's really uncommon for me to start a book and just give up on it. I always endeavor to finish everything but this time I just couldn't!

I found everything about this story excruciating. The writing is all over the place, pretty much 0 description of anything. None of the characters were sympathetic in any way, I really could not have cared less about the lead character. Dialogue is stilted, not natural in any way and the actions of people were as natural as Dolly the cloned sheep.
Even though I only read 17% of the story certain thoughts, and even whole sentences, had already been repeated.

The main character is a sociopath, something that is hammered at over and over again, yet the author presents her in a totally unrealistic way.
"She couldn't have PTSD because she had no feelings for others". That is utterly wrong. PTSD has nothing to do with empathy or feelings for others - the clue is in the name.
I have a friend who is diagnosed with sociopathic personality disorder and it is a fallacy that sociopath's have no apparentlysympathy nor empathy for anyone. The way they process it is just different. They can be very dampened down, yes, but they exist!
Apparently another character - who is a psychopath - managed to somehow beat all of the psychological testing and is part of the FBI! This character apparently secretly gives the sociopathic character money to live on. Why would a fully blown psychopath do that? There is nothing in it for him and it wouldn't even feed his narcissism as it's not a public spectacle.

Now our 'sociopath' character somehow manages to recognise serial killers/rapists from across crowded bars, they are magically drawn only to her, so she let's them follow her home and she kills them. Isn't that convenient?! Oh - she also has a serial killer stalker who writes her letters detailing all 200 of his murders.......

Then homeland security turn up - they somehow know all about her and her magical murdering skills - and need her to help in a case that involves mediaeval torture. Luckily she owns an extremely rare book that answers their most burning question's so she is asked to join a taskforce. Which just happens to be made up entirely of emotionally and psychologically damaged men.
Because that is what every law service desperately wants.

I could go on but I'm just getting annoyed again as I write about it! Honestly, save your time and money and get something more realistic. A comic book of Tom and Jerry perhaps
An American Marriage
An American Marriage
Tayari Jones | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Roy and Celestial have been married for almost two years when their relationship takes a hit no one could ever anticipate. As they are in rural Louisiana visiting Roy's family, he is wrongly accused of a crime he didn't commit. Sentenced to twelve years in a Louisiana prison, the time they have spent married will be much shorter than the time they are about to spend apart. Will they both be able to survive the predicament they are in? With Celestial in Atlanta trying to continue to live her life and Roy in Louisiana, writing letters back and forth and having sporadic visits, will their marriage survive?

Thank you to NetGalley and Algonquin Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I enjoyed this book from start to finish. One of the best books I have read so far this year. This has also been selected as an Oprah Book Club Selection.

Can you imagine what you would do if one night you and your husband were asleep in a hotel bed, enjoying some time away from home visiting family. When all of a sudden, your door is ripped open and you both are snatched out of bed. Your husband is being charged for a crime he couldn't have committed. An earlier act of kindness, now turned into something it is not. Then he is tried for the crime and convicted and has to spend twelve years behind bars. How will your marriage survive this? Are you going to pick up the life you have built in one state to move to another and be closer to him, even though you can only see him once a week? Will you continue to live your life and make that journey? Or will you leave him to his own devices in jail, there is nothing more you can do for him and the wait is just too much to bear? What would you do?

Celestial, has not had an easy life. On the outside, her life looks pretty incredible, with parents who had made something for themselves and live in a wealthy part of Atlanta. Roy, though he didn't come from much, had graduated from college and proven himself in the professional world. This is the type of couple you always would think, nothing like this could happen to them. But things like this happen every day. Hundreds of men and women are in prison now for crimes they did not commit.

A heart breaking and compelling story about love, marriage, and life and how we all try our best to survive it one day at a time.
Matronly Duties
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a new ice age, the inhabitants of the world have gone underground, hiding from the freezing temperatures on the surface and as always happens in this type of situation, those in control become power crazy at the expense of their nation.

The premise of the story is well developed and is a very believable kind of future. This being said, it gives it a familiar kind of feeling when you're reading. The idea of humanity being restricted and having to survive in a relatively small space is something familiar in futuristic stories, but that's not saying this book is cliche, Kendall includes just enough unique twists to keep you on your toes.

As for characters, Beth is a good lead. She's level headed, naive but a very engaging kind of character. The reader is as naive in this world as Beth, and so it is excellent to learn vicariously through her as Howard opens her eyes to the injustices of the world in which she lives. Howard is very attractive to read, not just in looks, but in his personality which seems to ooze from the pages and infect the reader with their own desire to do something to make their own world better. All the intrigue and mystery is an excellent hook into the story, with the letters to one another being a useful tool to move the story on and develop their relationship.

The plot has a good pace, all be it a little slow to begin with, but it does develop smoothly as the story develops. It has a traditional kind of 'snowball down a hill' approach, with the revelations coming thick and fast as the characters are hurled into the next issue to deal with. Personally, I'd have liked to have seen a little more detail in the ending as it felt a little rushed. The epilogue did help to tidy some loose ends, but I do feel like there was more to discover there.

In conclusion, this books was a very good read, it captured my attention and held it, and is a book I found very enjoyable. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a romance with a difference. I am looking forward to reading more from this author, and I do hope this group of characters are explored again in the future as there are definitely legs left in this universe.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review and although it has taken me a while to read it, I have really enjoyed the content and style of the information provided.

This book gives a very in-depth and detailed re-telling of the Battle of Gettysburg, and more specifically the charge of Barksdale himself. A battle and time that will live forever in history, Phillip Thomas Tucker weaves the death and grim reality of war with insightful quotes, maps and ideas about how this battle really occurred.

There are several outstanding aspects of this book, however first I feel it is necessary to warn any potential readers that this book is not that easy to read. I am a frequent reader of non-fiction books, and more specifically historical non-fiction, and this is amongst one of the hardest I have read, but the effort is well worth it. At times, it is just a little over loaded with details such as names, positions in the armies etc, and with the same names appearing in both sides of the battle as well as within the same units, it can get a little hard to keep track of everyone!

On a much more positive note though, the detailed research the author must have done truly does shine through on every page. The quotes from letters, the pictures and the maps, to name but a few things, really do add a whole new dimension to the book. Personally, it made it all seem a lot more real, helping me to engage more with the trials of those poor men (and horses) stuck in the mud and terror of that day. Although knowing all the names did get slightly confusing at times, it was a great touch in helping 'bring home' the reality and enormity of the loss at that battle.

In addition, the pace with which the events were told was pitched just right. Although packed with detail, the book still had a great pace and a pull to it. The action of the battle really does pour through the pages and come alive. It's written with great skill and is one of the best 'battle recounts' that I have read in a long time.

In conclusion, I can only praise this book for summarising one of the pivotal battles of the American Civil War. Detailed, at times a little too much so, and a compelling, engaging and at times emotional read that I would recommend to anyone who has an interest in this period of history, or who is studying this.
Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Jenny Han | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really nervous to read this book after reading the second one. It almost felt like there wasn't much of the story left to go. The letters have found their way back to Lara Jean, she's made her decision and she's sticking to it. What I loved about this book is that it was more about growing up than anything else.

Lara Jean is plagued with this thought about college and her future and what it means for her relationship and what her mom always said, "Never go to college with a boyfriend." The story evolves from one about Lara Jean falling in love for the first time and turns into her growing and learning to choose that love and to fight for that love and to follow her heart, even when it's hard, even when people are telling you to do the opposite, even when it might not make the most sense, you have to be true to who you are and it's nice to watch her grow and learn all those things.

I'm happy with who she ended up with and surprised at how much I enjoyed the ending. I will say that I was disappointed that she didn't ever lose her virginity but I also don't feel like it was crucial to the story. I think it would've just been nice because she loves him so much and for her to have sex, it was like that was sealing it - not that it needed to be sealed, but I guess in some ways it did. I'm not sure how to describe it without giving too much away.

I think this is the perfect trilogy to read in high school and I wish I would've read it sooner. It's interesting to read stories about people in high school and have so much to relate to and then read about them stressing about college and think idly to yourself, "you have no idea, kid."

Overall, I think this series is really well written. I love the plot and the characters, I love the development, I love the progressive undertones and the way that you can just tell that it was so obviously written by a woman of color. I think those types of stories are always the best. I could live in Lara Jean's world for a long while so I'm bummed to say goodbye but I'm excited for the final two films to come out and I'm hoping that they're every bit as good as the books.
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    Mini-U: Logic

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