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She Loves You, She Loves You Not...
She Loves You, She Loves You Not...
Julie Anne Peters | 2011 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Julie Anne Peters was the first books I heard about that dealt with lesbian issues. The ideas of being disowned and confused are common. In She Loves You, She Loves You Not Alyssa is cuaght with her girlfriend by her father. The girlfriend plays dumb and blames Alyssa. Dad sends Alyssa away to live with a mom she hardly knows. Sadly this stuff really does happen. Even though there is some real "cheese" in this book and it does lend to some stereo typing it is a good read especially for teens who are begining to figure out who they are. This is a good book to let young LGBTQ people know they are not alone.
The Summer I Wasn't Me
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book reminded me, in the beginning at least, of the movie But I'm A Cheerleader. Just this book wasn't a comedy. After Lexi's dad dies her mom finds out she is gay and sends her to a de gayifying program. Lexi goes along hoping not to lose her mom even if she has to lose herself.

This book made me mad. I enjoyed it but the fact that this REALLY does happen to kids is horrible. The growth we see Lexi have throughout the book is incredible. Unfortunately she has to go through so much emotional pain and self hating to get there.

I would recommend this book not only to any LGBTQ person but alsothose family that may not be so accepting.
Lies We Tell Ourselves
Lies We Tell Ourselves
Robin Talley | 2018 | History & Politics
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
History was well written (0 more)
The relationship between the characters felt forced like it had been added last second (0 more)
Lies we tell ourselves review
Lies we tell ourselves is a book of rights. Not just those of black individuals but also a hint of rights for those in the LGBTQ community. This takes a hard look at what integration in a school in the south looked like for 8 kids just trying to get what they should be entitled to. I say it's so so because I feel the relationship that was in this book is a bit forced and took away from the rest of the story which made me not super interested in finishing this book. I am glad that I did though.