Experimental Design for the Life Sciences
Graeme D. Ruxton and Nick Colegrave
The careful design of experiments lies at the core of good research. Experimental Design for the...

Introduction to Instrumentation in Life Sciences
Prakash Singh Bisen and Anjana Sharma
Instrumentation is central to the study of physiology and genetics in living organisms, especially...

Innovation, Regional Development and the Life Sciences: Beyond Clusters
The life sciences is an industrial sector that covers the development of biological products and the...

An Introduction to Statistics with Python: With Applications in the Life Sciences: 2016
This textbook provides an introduction to the free software Python and its use for statistical data...

Excel 2016 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems: 2016
Thomas J. Quirk, Meghan H. Quirk and Howard F. Horton
This book is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master...

Mathematics for the Life Sciences: Calculus, Modeling, Probability, and Dynamical Systems
Mathematics for the Life Sciences provides present and future biologists with the mathematical...

The Science of Beach Lifeguarding
Mike Tipton, Adam Wooler and Tara Reilly
The World Health Organization's recently published Global Report on Drowning found that drowning is...

People Behind the Science Podcast - Stories from Scientists about Science, Life, Research, and Science Careers
Are you searching for great stories to ignite your curiosity, teach you to perform better in life...

Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science
In An Appetite for Wonder Richard Dawkins brought us his engaging memoir of his first 35 years. In...

Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in Space
What happens to you when you can't walk for a year? When you can't have sex? Or smell flowers? What...