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A Spark Of Light
A Spark Of Light
Jodi Picoult | 2018 | Contemporary, Crime
8.0 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
A thought-provoking, emotional novel
My first Jodi Picoult book, and what a way to start. This has had some extreme reviews - people who really enjoyed it, and others who hated it and considered it to be too 'preachy'. I didn't feel that way about it. I felt that it gave a measured representation to all sides of abortion: pro-choice and anti-abortion/ pro-life.

It showed that those who have abortions don't see it as a lifestyle choice, but as a last resort. That those who are pro-life believe that they are fighting for what they strongly believe in. And both of those views are valid. There will always be people who will not have abortions for religious reasons, and there will be those who have abortions because they believe it's the only option open to them - and this is well described in this book.

We also see the desperation of fathers who will do anything to protect their daughters - whether it's taking hostages in an abortion clinic, or trying to talk that same man down.

This book hasn't changed my stance on the subject, but I can see that both sides of the story have people who believe that they are right in what they do (even if that means killing people to save a life not yet begun) and Picoult represents them both well. The Authors Note at the end of the book is really interesting as well, and I would urge the reader to read this part. It goes in to her research, the people she talked to: she spoke to a lot of people, watched abortions and made sure that she spoke to those who represented all sides of the story.

I can see why Jodi Picoult has so many fans, her writing is so good - this is well worth reading and is very thought provoking.

Many thanks to Smashbomb for providing me with a copy of this book in their giveaway competition. It was a prize well worth winning!!
Nourishment not Deprivation!

Have you ever thought you struggle to lose weight even when you don’t eat properly? What about not being able to live without your tea, coffee or chocolate fix on a daily basis? Are you always saying how exhausted you are?

More than likely you have said something along these lines, but did you know that these complaints are often down to a hormonal imbalance?

The Balance Plan by Angelique Panagos tackles how to deal with all those issues and more, whilst offering practical advice, and suggestions for overcoming things like always feeling hungry but never feeling satisfied, or constantly feeling bloated.

Split up into four parts there are recipes, meal plans and full on explanations about how to optimise your hormonal health. To achieve this Angelique has created a six-step method (the six pillars of balance) which include; nourish (eating correctly), balance (stabilising ourselves by planning ahead), nurture (looking after ourselves), cleanse (cleansing our bodies), move (exercises) and restore (pampering).

In addition we hear about how hormones work and what exactly they are, through “The Sassy Six” and how to recognise what is happening to our bodies. From PMS, toxins, to stress and the menopause — major transitions in a woman’s life — it’s all covered.

This is an empowering book which highlights how we should celebrate our feminine cycle, by learning to understand and support our hormonal balance through a journey of gentle consistent lifestyle changes. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit hippy-ish, but it’s not at all. The Balance Plan helps to show us how we don’t need to reach for the pills for a quick fix, only to gloss over what is really happening to our bodies.

This is a thoroughly educational read, that should be on every woman’s bookshelf. Imagine if you can sleep better, enhance digestion, elevate energy levels, lose weight, reduce stress and feel happier. This book plans to help you do just that!
5 Stars _____

If I could give everyone a copy of this book to read, I would. Whether you are vegan, vegan curious, vegetarian or omni, this book is a must read. It just might change your life and also save many others.

<i>A person's "right" to eat whatever they want ends where another's life begins.</i>

<img src=""; alt="cute_cow_pictures_15_360x277" border="0">

I'm currently going through some lifestyle changes which include removing meat from my diet and reducing the amount of diary I consume considerably. My reasons for doing this is (1) for the animals and (2) for health reasons. I was introduced to veganism through my mum's partner and his brother, for this I am very grateful.
When it comes to veganism I knew the basics, not consuming any animal products, that was pretty much it...and to be honest I thought that was all of it. Oh how wrong I very very wrong...and you know what? I'm glad I was wrong as I have learnt so much more. I learnt how being an ethical vegan includes not just animal rights but human rights as well, including racism, sexism, homophobia and feminism.
I feel that it's really important that we're exposed to how things work behind closed doors, how animals are really treated, rather than being lied to by the media. Oh here's an advert featuring a happy, that is NOT a happy cow. That is a cow whose whole life purpose is to produce milk and end up on a plate.

<img src=""; alt="25118785_Grunge_rubber_stamp_with_text_No_Meat_vector_illustration_Stock_Vector_1080x380" border="0">

This is a very well researched book which has been well thought out, the references are well organised which allows you to do further reading into veganism and best of all it's not preachy, it's factual.
In conclusion, if you were to read any book this year please make it this one.

<img src=""; alt="go_vegan_for_the_animals_i_14138563044114138520_x_20_w_520_m_1" border="0">
The Reddening
The Reddening
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
One million years of evolution didn't change our nature. Nor did it bury the horrors predating civilisation. Ancient rites, old deities and savage ways can reappear in the places you least expect.

Lifestyle journalist Katrine escaped past traumas by moving to a coast renowned for seaside holidays and natural beauty. But when a vast hoard of human remains and prehistoric artefacts is discovered in nearby Brickburgh, a hideous shadow engulfs her life.

Helene, a disillusioned lone parent, lost her brother, Lincoln, six years ago. Disturbing subterranean noises he recorded prior to vanishing, draw her to Brickburgh's caves. A site where early humans butchered each other across sixty thousand years. Upon the walls, images of their nameless gods remain.

Amidst rumours of drug plantations and new sightings of the mythical red folk, it also appears that the inquisitive have been disappearing from this remote part of the world for years. A rural idyll where outsiders are unwelcome and where an infernal power is believed to linger beneath the earth. A timeless supernormal influence that only the desperate would dream of confronting. But to save themselves and those they love, and to thwart a crimson tide of pitiless barbarity, Kat and Helene are given no choice. They were involved and condemned before they knew it.

I was lucky enough to have a signed limited edition brought for my birthday first off the art work is just brilliant. After trying my hardest not to devour it within two days I made it last and enjoyed it so much. The imagery was just fantastic helped along with pictures posted by Adam showing his inspiration while writing. Chapter 21 all I can say is poor Steve. You felt everything these two women experienced from Helene's swim to Kat's captivity. The one thing I didn't like while reading was my kids and husbands need to keep interrupting me!! Thank you Adam for another fantastic book!

Julie &amp; Julia (2009)
Julie & Julia (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Julie & Julia’ is an intertwined tale based on the two true stories of cooking legend Julia Child (Meryl Streep) and that of author Julie Powell (Amy Adams). It is a story of non-traditional mentoring and the value of hard work and dedication, covering the process Child went through creating the 1961 classic Mastering the Art of French Cooking alongside the tale of Powell who was made famous when she blogged her way through Child’s book.

The films leads do nothing but deliver. Amy Adams, sporting a spunky new haircut, creates a character that is both soul searching and fun to watch. Meryl Streep amazingly transforms into Child, having perfected the subtleties of her personality so well that I found myself remising back to my single digit years.

The costumes are delightful and manage to seamlessly separate the two women’s tales while uniting them into a bigger story. The use of color and pacing make this a film that displays not only a change in time and lifestyle, but also the uniting human values that are entirely timeless.

A story of relationships and personal growth, combined with moments of laughter and hardship, I found myself in the mood I enjoyed through ‘Chocolat’ and ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’.

The film could have used more food imagery and I felt like the character of Eric Powell (Chris Messina) could have been better developed. But the delightful relationship between Julia and her husband Paul Child, played by the ever-enchanting Stanley Tucci, made this film a wildly entertaining journey.

On top of being a well-told tale, ‘Julie & Julia’ has that je ne sais quoi which make it a truly exceptional piece of film, and I know this because even my action loving husband enjoyed it. Well worth the price of admission ‘Julie & Julia’ is a time traveling felicity that is sure to win your heart, as it has mine.
Mr. Popper&#039;s Penguins (2011)
Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)
2011 | Comedy, Family
A loosely based modern retelling of the beloved 1939 classic book by Florence and Richard Atwater, Mr. Popper Penguin’s tells the story of Tom Popper (Jim Carrey) a successful New York real estate developer, who is focused on becoming a partner in his company.

One day Tom finds out his father has passed away and left him a gift. To his surprise he inherits six penguins (Captain, Loudy, Bitey, Stinky, Lovey and Nimrod) from his father. With a serious case of resentment towards his father’s absent role in his life and the hindrance it puts on his lifestyle and work.

Mr. Popper tries every avenue he possibly can to get rid of the penguins. Once the flock is introduced to his children, he realizes he has no choice but to keep them. As the movie progresses on, we see Mr. Popper bonding with the penguins, teaching them how dance, going to the potty and also learning from them how to be a better person. He realizes that there are more important things in life than work, money and power. He begins spending more time with his children and tries to rekindle his relationship with his ex wife, Amanda (Carla Gugino) and less time focused on work.

I tend to see a common thread in some of Jim Carrey’s characters; he plays a guy who neglects the people he loves because of his work, for example, Liar Liar and Bruce Almighty. In this movie, Carrey is back with his usual physical slapstick comedy, however Mr. Popper’s Penguins is definitely a toned down version of Carrey’s ever so hilarious Ace Ventura: Pet Detective role. You can’t help but laugh at the shenanigans and charm of these amazing penguins as well as Jim Carrey’s ability to find the humor in the most uncomfortable situations. If you can get past Mr. Popper’s assistant Pippi (Ophelia Lovibond) and her positively unpleasant practice of perpetually trying to use words that start with the letter P, there are some great laugh out loud moments the whole family will love.
No Sleep &#039;Til Hammersmith by Motorhead
No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith by Motorhead
1981 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I first this record I thought, ""What's wrong with the singer's voice?"" The second time I heard it I thought, ""Fuck, that guy looks like he's a savage killer!"" By the third time I'd heard it and seen the video, I thought, ""I like these guys…"" You need the right amount of exposure to these kinds of possibilities. People have certain prejudices against certain bands based on how they look but unless you're open-minded, you never know what you're missing out on. On top of the actual music, Motörhead embodied a lifestyle too. If you looked at Phil 'Philthy Animal' Taylor, may his soul rest in peace, he looked like a punk. He was the embodiment of cool. The only other guy who ever had that for me was when Chris Cornell had long hair! You just thought, ""That guy has got it going on."" Looking at Lemmy, who looked like a badass biker, and then Fast Eddie's darkness, Motörhead was all so cool. People ask me so often to comment on Lemmy's death and I always try to switch it to a comment on his life. How about we celebrate his existence? I saw a picture of him the other day and I found myself just staring and missing him a lot. Lemmy never hurt anyone or anything as far as I know. He never had to back up that dangerous attitude with anything else, like some of the things you're seeing on the internet just now with people shouting offensive things from the stage. That's an interesting breed of frontman and Lemmy was never like that. He knew who he was. It's hard when you can't understand when someone you know is gone. They're here, then they're gone and it's final. One of the most important lessons in that is to love people that are important to you and just be nice to people. You never know how long they'll be around."


Johnny Marr recommended Bert Jansch by Bert Jansch in Music (curated)

Bert Jansch by Bert Jansch
Bert Jansch by Bert Jansch
1965 | Folk, Singer-Songwriter
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Well, speaking of authenticity, if you are going to be authentic then you really have to do it right. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum, what Bert Jansch was doing as a young man was deeply authentic and was genuinely very weird. Bert was a young person very much of his time but was making music that almost sounded ancient. From the guitar-playing point of view, he was innovating on an acoustic guitar in a way that was as powerful as Pete Townshend with electricity in The Who and as intricate as what Jimi Hendrix was doing with his space rock-blues. Vocally, Bert was almost punky and in the way he and his peers went about their lives, he was one of the very first lo-fi musicians - and that was 40 or 50 years ago. Bert was one of my few real heroes. I got to be friends with him for about ten years before he died. He was an amazing person and because we were friends I got to find out that the lifestyle choice of the folkies in Soho in the 60s was a very deliberate and radical. They made certain choices and the fact their music was not in the charts was no accident. In Bert's case, he was the king of the UK beats as a result of the beat poet influence on his generation. Also, he was tuned into the political climate of the time and things like the CND movement and the radical student scene. Bert was a lot more than an earnest folky with an acoustic guitar. I particularly like his second record. The album before it [1965's Bert Jansch] is more revered and held up by most journalists as being the seminal one, but I think the songs are better on It Don't Bother Me, particularly the title track. The fact that they were both recorded in a kitchen at his mate's house is another reason why it has never dated."


BookInspector (124 KP) rated Mine in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
Clare Empson | 2020 | Crime, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
There are two protagonists in this story, Alice and Luke, and the story is told from their perspectives. Alice is Luke’s biological mother, and Luke only recently found her. Alice integrates into this family really quickly, until Luke realises that something is not right. Alice is sharing her story with the reader, her life in the seventies, when she was a young art student, that had a beautifully heartbreaking relationship, that caused her to give up Luke for adoption. I really liked Alice’s parts of this story, it was very absorbing and romantic. Luke’s parts were less interesting to me, even though that was were the mysterious events were happening, I found it a little slower paced. I think the author allowed me to connect with the protagonists through their thoughts and all the challenges the characters had to endure.

The narrative has a nice contrast between the past and the present, and this combination made this read more intriguing and absorbing. As I mentioned before, this novel breaks the barrier between genres, we have a romantic story and a domestic thriller mixed together, and I really enjoyed this way of storytelling. The plot had tendencies of kind of plodding along sometimes, and I would have liked a little more pace and twists added to it. It is a really emotional read, filled with depression, wishes to belong, secrets, abusive parenting and many more.

I liked the author’s writing style in this novel, it was creatively written and well delivered. I enjoyed the research done for this book in the music and arts industries, it was intriguing to read about the music bands lifestyle. The setting of this book constantly changes between seventies London and present day, and I really liked the ability to learn more about the past. The chapters had a decent length and didn’t drag to me. I really loved the ending, it left me shocked and nearly in tears, I really wasn’t expecting it.
Doctor Sleep
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King | 2013 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Doctor Sleep is the sequel to ‘The Shining’. Following the life of Dan Torrance (the little boy from The Shining) the book quickly covers what happens after the events at the Overlook Hotel where Dan finds his lifestyle copying that of his alcoholic farther. His life starts to turn around when he arrives at a small town in New Hampshire where the now middle aged Dan finds a number of things; Help with his alcohol problem, A job in a nursing home, good friends and, with the help of his Shinning a child in need of help.
Doctor Sleep Focus’ on the power of the Shinning, what it can do and how it affects not only the people with the power but others around it. Unlike the first book ghost’s do not play a major part in most of the story, there is a bit in the beginning which ties up events at the Overlook but, although ghosts are mentioned they have been (Mostly) replaced by a group called The True Knot, a group of vampire like beings who feed off the Shining instead of blood. As Dan finds himself caught up with The True Knot he finds that he is being pulled back to the site of the Overlook.
A big part of the book is about how you can’t escape your past and that, until you accept your mistakes you will never really be able to move forward. It is also about acceptance and the fact that you are never really alone, that other people have experienced what you are going through and that they can help you get through life if you let them and it is about family, accepting the one you have but also find a new one, finding people who will accept you as you are but it is mostly about psychic Vampires and the power of the Shining.