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Meet the Fockers (2004)
Meet the Fockers (2004)
2004 | Comedy
7.4 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Meet the Fockers is a less subtle, and far more slapstick affair than the first film, and it's just not as tight. It's comedy relies a little too much on callbacks to Meet the Parents and a lot of the characters are extremely cartoon-y, however, and perhaps most importantly, it's still a good time.
Barbara Streisand and Dustin Hoffman are welcome additions as the Focker parents, and their liberal lifestyle works at odds with Jack Byrne's uptight nature. It provides the bulk of the funny moments this time around.
The plot is essentially the same as the first film, just set in Miami, and as such follows a predictable beat, but it's a safe one that provides an easy watch, backed by some reliably pleasant Randy Newman music.

An inferior sequel then, but one that serves its purpose. An easy re-watch option for when you've been scrolling through Netflix for far too long.
Facing Fears (Kiss of Leather #7)
Facing Fears (Kiss of Leather #7)
Morticia Knight | 2017 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
i can't fault this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Book 7 in the series, and you REALLY should read the others first, they work so much better for you, if you do!

We met Master Hunter and Tobey in the previous book, but it wasn't clear they had any scenes, of anything. In this book, Tobey has run home because of something Master Hunter said. And when Tobey decides that home is NOT Idaho, but in the company of those who live and breathe the lifestyle, he knows he has to face Master Hunter again. He just doesn't know if his heart can stand it!

What I particularly enjoyed about this one was, that Master Hunter and Tobey already had their getting together, they had their feelings grow and develop, and this is about them getting back together! And, also, *don't die of shock, here folks!* there is very little sexy time! Yes, yes I know, I KNOW I usually like my books with lots of sexy time, and this whole series has been amazing for that, but this book?? Not needed, at all. Cos what it's about is really two men, getting their act together and telling each other how they really feel! When Tobey gives Master Hunter a chance to explain his comment, well, lets just say, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (and pass the bucket! ? )

The whole saga around Corey's kidnapping takes another turn, and it isn't Corey in danger this time, it's Liam. And Master Neal's world comes crashing down around his ears when he realised Liam is gone.

I mentioned Cruella (working in Master Neal's tattoo studio) in my review for book 6, but thinking back on it (I had already read book 7 before writing that review) I don't think they don't appear til this book. But I stand by what I said, Cruella and Ray would make an excellent edition to this series, even if they aren't in the lifestyle in any way. Cruella is quite the character, and I do love the quirky ones.

I have book 8 to read, but I don't wanna! I don't want this series to end!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a stay-at-home mom myself, partly by choice and partly by default, I didn't realize how much I needed the lift this book provided until I finished it. While SAHMs are gaining in support, thanks to the wonders of the internet, the effects of the feminist movement are hard to undo, and I still find myself feeling bad for not "running the hamster wheel."
This book is really about praising and uplifting SAHMs in every way, from giving advice on how to transition from working outside the home to becoming a SAHM, how to deal with naysayers, the impact of being a SAHM on the marriage, the children, and the woman herself, and the struggles that a SAHM goes through. Nearly every page features quotes from SAHMs who have contacted Dr. Laura with their opinions, experiences, questions, and wisdom, and these women all have unique living situations to fit any mother's lifestyle, even the ones who have been through a divorce because the husband does not support the idea of the woman becoming a SAHM. Dr. Laura dispels many notions and myths that run rampant about the type of woman that decides to be a SAHM, and what would make her choose such a lifestyle. Many of the women she quotes have college degrees or left great careers to become a SAHM. Others go on to degrees and careers once the children have grown and "fled the nest." Some of the best parts of the book were the stories that SAHMs related about the wonderful perks and unforgettable moments of being a SAHM, such as being able to cook healthy meals from scratch for their family and not missing all of those important milestones with their children.
This book helped me to change my perspective on my role in my family's life, as the heart of the home, to focus on the good things of what I have committed to, and to appreciate my husband and children, not as sandbags on my own personal improvement, but as buoys to lift me up and save me from my own destructive self-involvement.
The Illusionist's Apprentice
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An incredible story brimming with suspense, illusion, questions, romance, sacrifice, and redemption. Spanning the course of Wren's life, we jump around quite a bit as her story and character unfolds, but it is easy to follow. We also get to see the world through a few different viewpoints which helps to draw your heart into the world of vaudeville.

LOVE - LOVE - LOVE Elliot. He is protective and gentle, yet firm and carries a strength that Wren needs, although she denies it. Wren is such an incredible person. I fell in love with her from chapter one. With her eccentric style and lifestyle, a performer, giving the public the illusion of grandeur...when in reality, her lifestyle is quite simple. A woman with a past that tears at her soul, longing for freedom, but not knowing where to turn. When Agent Elliot Matthews bullies his way on to her stage, her life takes a dramatic turn and the impossible becomes possible.

Wren struggles to forgive herself for something in her past that she has been led to believe is her fault. We follow her on a journey of realization that forgiveness is not just an illusion, but something very real. That it penetrates the very heart and soul of who we are. It shapes and molds us. And that we can be free if we choose to be. But if we spend too long believing in an illusion, it will distort our view of reality.

So, embrace the truth. Let Papa God open your eyes to see yourself as He created you. To see your gifts, your strengths, and the forgiveness that He has poured out on you. Take a step back in time to the Jazz Age. Step into the world of Harry Houdini and Wren Lockhart in the center of vaudeville. Let them dazzle you with a story of truth, forgiveness...and illusion.

I received a complimentary copy of The Illusionist's Apprentice through BookLook Bloggers and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Review originally published at
The Simsâ„¢ FreePlay
The Simsâ„¢ FreePlay
9.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
It's addictive! (2 more)
It's a great game to play.
Lots of choice in terms of tasks that need to be done.
You have to pay for lifestyle points if you want to finish a task quickly. (2 more)
It can take a long time to gain simoleons
You have to have friends to complete the social tasks
Lots of fun to be had!
The sims freeplay, is a great game....

I was hooked instantly the first time that I played it.

There are a few says that it is freeplay, however, you have to pay for certain things or wait a long time to accumulate simoleons, which can be frustrating. I also like the fact that there is different tasks on a weekly basis, which definitely keep the game interesting.

Also, you need to have friends in order to complete the social tasks, which I feel takes away part of the fun of the game. You have to have a "social media" account to be able to complete the tasks.

Overall though, I love this game, It never gets boring!!
American Psycho: Picador Classic
American Psycho: Picador Classic
Irvine Welsh, Bret Easton Ellis | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
this novel is majorly complex and detailed and offers a commentary on materialism, money, power, capitalism, and the mind that is still incredibly relevant today (4 more)
a startling question you have to ask yourself once you approach the end is if any of the narrative was reliable, and this is a question that remains unresolved even after completing the novel
the book goes into monotonous & excruciating detail, not only in its gore but also in its everyday: this can become tedious to read but this is the point as it its pointless, mundane nature that emphasises the futile, self absorbed lifestyle Bateman lives
unnerving character development with elements of the unreliable narrator making you want to reread the whole novel again, but the disturbing nature of the novel's content seems to prevent me from doing so
a book to be disgusted by, but mainly in terms of being disgusted at yourself for finding the whole thing so intriguing
incredibly difficult to read in many places simply due to how disturbing the content is (0 more)
Only The Brave (2017)
Only The Brave (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama
You need to see this...
The true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots is compelling in every way and should not be missed.

Their triumphs and tragedies make for enriching, adventurous drama as well as seat-gripping adventure.

Jeff Bridges has the quote of the film saying : "If you're looking for sympathy, the only place you're going to find it is in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphilis."

The bravery of these men running into fire while the rest of us run away should make us average folk not so worried about our cell phone batteries or what you are having for dinner tonight.

The film is not only about the men, but their relationships, families and the hard choices they must make in order to be a part of this daredevil profession lifestyle.

I loved this film.

P.S. How does Jennifer Connelly keep getting more beautiful ? I looked it up and she's actually older than me and I look like a dried up turd. Unbelieveable!


Nicholas Atkinson (0 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 18, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
Well first it's a next gen rockstar game so the graphics are on point and look amazing. The gameplay itself is pretty fluid and gunplay is really fun. Missions are fairly unique. (0 more)
The controls can get buggy from time to time and make your horse act weird or make it hard to run and jump on your horse. (1 more)
Sometimes i had to restart a at a checkpoint because it wouldn't progress on the story. The first chapter is horrid and takes 10 years to finish.
Pretty good but lacking
All in all it was a decent game but I wish they would have cut down the hand holding they do in the first chapter to like the first mission and let you do what you want from the start. It was the same way when online multiplayer dropped they made you do what they wanted you to do for like the first 2 hours. With that being said I loved the graphics, the missions were fun, being in the wild west lifestyle was fun, I would definitely recommend giving it a play.

David McK (3233 KP) rated Dead Beat (The Dresden Files, #7) in Books

Jan 28, 2019 (Updated May 10, 2020)  
Dead Beat (The Dresden Files, #7)
Dead Beat (The Dresden Files, #7)
Jim Butcher | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
<2020 update>

Sue the Zombie T-Rex :-)

That is all.

<2016 update>

This is the Zombie-themed one, that ends with Sue the Tyrannosaur and also (I think) has the first appearance of Waldo Butters as one of the main players. In this, Thomas is also now lodging with Harry, who has now found out his relationship to the former, with Thomas trying to change his lifestyle. Karen Murphy is also absent for most of the novel, off on holiday with Kincaid.

<2011 notes below>

Magic - it can get a guy killed

Book number 7 in Jim Butchers Harry Dresden series, this is one where I think it is highly advisable to have read the previous entries first, as it ties several plot lines from those earlier novels into the events of this one.

Having said that: this is, as always, a good read, but maybe not the best in the series so far (which, to use an over-coined term, seems to be getting progressively 'darker' in tone)
The Stepfather (2009)
The Stepfather (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery
6.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I liked it......
I have watched this film many times before, I personally enjoy it as I love a good messed up fight to survive kind of film and this family goes through alot.

The film starts out with the main guy. It shows him with his step family that he has just brutally murdered and how he changes his looks name and lifestyle to find the next family. It's good and bad in my eyes, good because you see how he slowly unravels and you see how messed up he is and how the family slowly start to realise the danger they are in. But bad because it would have been nice to just see the film not knowing he was a complete maniac and the son could have worked it out through the film and could have been interesting in that kind of twist. But all in all this broken family had something missing, the mum finds a partner who is very sketchy and slowly turns from a loving father figure to a complete murderous nightmare. Definitely worth a watch.