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Colin Newman recommended Tamatebako by Cuz in Music (curated)

Tamatebako by Cuz
Tamatebako by Cuz
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was 60 in 2014, and we had moved to Brighton. It was the first move that was about lifestyle more than anything else. London has changed quite a lot. Everything interesting that’s happening is happening in the East. Even the central part of the city is dead now. It’s a danger period. I don’t know what effect Brexit is going to have—probably not a good one, because it’s unaffordable now. It’s problematic for the culture of the city and the country. That’s part of how we ended up in Brighton and got to know the Go! Team guitarist Sam Dook, who’s also based there. Cuz is a project from Sam and Mike Watt; Mike sent a bunch of basslines to Sam and then he worked out pieces using the basslines. It’s quite far from something that Mike would develop by himself, it’s more Sam’s world. It’s a really fascinating record, especially the song “Houdini.” Sam is someone that Malka and I play with now. We haven’t done much together yet but we are friends and we are developing something."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Witness (1985) in Movies

Feb 21, 2021  
Witness (1985)
Witness (1985)
1985 | Crime, Thriller
Very classy romantic drama-thriller. When a young Amish boy witnesses a brutal murder, it leads to detective John Book uncovering widespread corruption in his own department. He is forced to hide out amongst the Amish, and finds he is drawn to their way of life almost despite himself.

This is a classic movie, but also one of those films which looks deceptively simple and straightforward: there are no staggering plot twists, no big set pieces (except for the one where some people build a barn) - it's one of those very brave films with the confidence to take its time and let the characters and story grow and breathe. The contrast between the ugliness of the big city and the quiet consolations of the Amish lifestyle is carefully achieved; Harrison Ford seizes the chance to lead the movie and give a proper acting performance (this got him his Oscar nomination). A great film; didn't quite make me want to go and live on a farm, but a close thing.
The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert (1994)
The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert (1994)
1994 | Comedy, Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"[It] would have to be up there for sheer enthusiasm. I love it for a million reasons. It’s just such a celebration. But I think I also — god not to sound like too much of a shrink — I grew up in a family with lots of divorces and things. Growing up, the first couple I knew that were really, truly like Disney movie in love and devoted to each other was a gay couple. And then one of them died — of AIDS — and I remember I was so young; I was in junior high when it happened. It was still at a time when gay culture was so judged and so reviled in so many places. The movie was such a celebration of song and dance, but also of a gay lifestyle, and it was a beautiful thing to see at that point in my life. For there to be something out there in pop culture that was celebrating and not apologizing [for] all of that — I just thought it was brilliant."

The Uninvited Corpse
The Uninvited Corpse
Debra Sennefelder | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You Are Invited to a New Series
Food and lifestyle blogger Hope Early is settling back into her home town of Jefferson, Connecticut, and she is enjoying reconnecting with family and friends. One chance to do that is at her friend’s garden party to celebrate that friend’s new gardening book. However, Peaches McCoy, an ambitious real estate agent, crashes the party. Peaches isn’t well liked in town, but Hope is surprised to find Peaches’ body before the event is over. With the police zeroing in on Hope’s sister, Hope sets out to find the real killer. Can she do it?

This book doesn’t waste much time before jumping into the garden party. That’s both good and bad since it means it isn’t long before Peaches dies, but it also means we meet the suspects and series regulars in a hurry. It took me a little time to keep them all straight, but as their personalities came through, I was able to remember who they all were. The plot does slow down in the second half, but everything comes together for a great climax. This looks like the start of a fun series.
The Leopard (1963)
The Leopard (1963)
1963 | International, Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is proof that despite the difficulties it is possible to make a wonderful film from a wonderful but very long book, in this case Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s The Leopard, which describes the dissolution of the great Sicilian ruling families during the 1860s. Set in the magnificent and sometimes crumbling palaces of Palermo and the arid Sicilian summer countryside, the film shows us the privileged but largely pointless lifestyle of the ruling elite, threatened by political change and their own inertia. One shot in the film encapsulates the message: when the central family arrives at their country estate exhausted from the grueling journey there, they enter the local church and sit in their family pew, along the length of the nave. The camera tracks across their faces, exhausted and gray with dust. The reference is unmistakable; they resemble those mummified bodies held in catacombs under the Capuchin monastery of Palermo, held upright in endless rows, many still in their nineteenth-, even eighteenth-century clothes, rotting and collapsing, covered in the dust of centuries. It is a beautiful example of how much can be said in a single camera shot when used by a master."

Forever (The Abandoned, #1)
Forever (The Abandoned, #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

Where to start...?

I'll start with Kate. I wasn't her biggest fan. As Hain described her she was just a "spoilt brat" and I have to agree. I'll admit that she started to mellow the further we got through the book but not much. Yeah, I get that being told you've been reincarnated for the past god knows how long would be hard to accept but to be such a bitch to everyone?

As for Kev, he seemed to be a bad boy but he was doing his best to get out of that lifestyle and I liked him for that.

The storyline was interesting. It kept me reading, which is always a good thing. I was thrown off by her not having that mark but that bit at the end...a nice revelation that has me intrigued enough to want to continue this series.

One thing that did wind me up a little. The fact that Kate could say "f*ck" but would use every other word possible for the word "sh*t", such as "faeces" and "excrement". I didn't understand that at all.
Little Treasure He Hides (Little Paws Haven #1)
Little Treasure He Hides (Little Paws Haven #1)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabai is a shifter who owns a BDSM club, somebody has been targeting a room that's special to him so he asks for help from the alpha of his local wolf pack. She sends her second in command Asher and a love story is born.

This story considering what it contains is a very gentle love story about learning to trust each other and not cross boundaries.

Some of Asher's heartbreak is absolutely horrific and the way he has been treated in his past is disgusting! Nobody deserves that treatment nobody! I am glad to say things do pick up for him though and he is able to learn to trust people which had me going woohoo to myself.

I know I keep saying it but it is a very gentle story, don't get me wrong there are sex scenes involved and a bit of the BDSM lifestyle is mentioned, but I personally didn't feel uncomfortable with anything that was written. I enjoyed that the authors switched between the characters' perspectives so you knew what each emotion the main characters were going through.

Recommended by me. An intriguing read 4/5
Cleopatra and Frankenstein
Cleopatra and Frankenstein
Coco Mellors | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has divided opinion on Goodreads - I’m coming down on the “I enjoyed it” side. I like a book that has absolutely nothing in common with my life: the vulnerable, arty Cleo, and the quick, excessive Frank may as well be from another planet with their lifestyle, excesses and impulsive marriage.

There are a fair few vulnerable characters in this novel: Cleo, Zoe (Frank’s sister), Quentin (Cleo’s gay best friend) and Eleanor. Actually Eleanor comes late to the story, and I could have read so much more about her. She’s funny, has an interesting family and simply has a lot of interesting things to say.

I’ll just add that there’s an attempted suicide in this, and both Cleo and Frank have some pretty serious mental health issues. Whilst I think they were sensitively and well dealt with, they may be upsetting for some readers. And then there’s the Flying Squirrel incident. I’d be more than happy to never have to think about that again.

So, if you like reading about complicated relationships and self-destructive behaviour, then this will be the book for you. It’s certainly a book that I’ll remember.

Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated Hurt in Books

Jun 24, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am going to try to avoid spoilers as much as I can in this book, but I'm afraid there will be some. I'd also like to say that this book includes a lot of graphic details and references to rape and suicide.

At first I felt that Mathéo was a bit too in love with Lola - he's only seventeen, and his adoration for her was bordering on sickly. But then I suppose young love does feel as all-consuming and important as Mathéo made it out to be. Lola, his girlfriend, was a beautiful young lady who moved into Mathéo's rich town. Unlike him, her house is small and cluttered and comfy - very different to his strict and orderly lifestyle.

First, Mathéo's rich-boy lifestyle is too much for him; he's not happy. But then his memory of the most awful night returns, and things get a whole lot worse. After a diving accident (Mathéo is expected to win an Olympic gold medal in a year's time) and a couple of near-death experiences while on holiday, I really thought Mathéo's life couldn't get any worse. But it did. Oh god, it did.

I will not give away the ending, but it honestly made me cry. Maybe it just hit a little too close to home, or maybe the contrast of such a lively, bright character with such a dark event was just too much for me. Either way, the ending was so unexpected and so, so sad. But I liked how the epilogue sort of tied things up, without being too sappy or "feel-good". I felt like this was a brutally honest story. Not to mention that the events/themes in this book are incredibly important to talk about - I really appreciated that this focused on a male rape victim. 

Although I kind of felt like Suzuma had written the openening this book with a theosaurus on hand, seeing how many new words she could include, I got sucked in really quick. I really wanted to know more about what had happened, what was going to happen, and I really got emotional for Mathéo. His relationship with his little brother, and the development of their relationship, was really nice. And the epilogue... God, it's sad, but it's honest. Most people don't stay in touch after school. Most people do move on and forget each other.

The ending was fantastic, so I'm going to have to give this 5 stars.
The Truth and Other Lies
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Henry Hayden is a best selling author in Germany. He and his wife live a somewhat modest lifestyle. He is adored by women and envied by men. Henry is in the process of "writing" his next great novel, when his editor gives him some disturbing news. This news sets off a chain of events that will forever alter the lives of everyone who knows Henry.

The Truth and Other Lies, had me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning. Henry Hayden is a character you love to hate. I was afraid of him from the start and very glad he is not someone I would ever have to come in contact with. With a friend like Henry, who needs enemies.

Everyone loves Henry, but why? He's not really good at anything, including the writing that has made him so famous. He's not especially nice to anyone, least of all his wife. He love her, that is for sure for without her, he would be nothing. But he struggles to remain faithful and to treat her in the same manner she treats him.

This is one of the best books I have read so far this year. Highly recommended.

**I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**