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The Comeback Cowboy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book starts out with much promise, as Ty and Adele have instant chemistry. Even though both have reservations about their relationship, it is obvious to the reader that the pair are good for each other, both romantically and on the ranch.
Ty is easily a rather likable guy, as he is able to humble himself enough to seek help for his career, as well as put aside his own competitiveness for the sake of the concerns of others. Adele, on the other hand, never really seems to mature beyond who is she is introduced in the beginning as. She uses the demise of her parents' marriage and her mother's promiscuous behavior to validate her avoidance of Ty, and later, her lies to him. Even when her mother comes to make amends and change her lifestyle, and she learns more about her parents' marriage, Adele still continues in her own bad behavior. Her behavior is also rather hypocritical from what she claims to want from life.
The ending was a disappointment simply because Adele never really changed her behavior - she only did what she was supposed to thanks to her meddling grandpa. If she had actually managed to make herself stop telling lies without being cornered into it, I likely would have liked her more.
Whispering to Horses (Amish Horses )
Thomas Nye | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Whispering to the Horses could be a bit longer. The author could get quite a few ways with this. It would be great for a series. I would also enjoy learning more about Eli and Matt. This is a good introduction of how it important to be Amish in your community. You can even learn from each other as Matt and Eli did. They seem of made a fast friendship.


It was nice to see it from another viewpoint as of Matt a business man. How he starts to understand what the Amish do and how they go about life. How our world may be more difficult because we make it that way. We should probably take a look at our neighbors and learn from them if they are Amish or not and try and make life simpler is better and making the family more important.

Eli shows what hard work is and how a nine-year-old can be more mature than any other nine years old. For he takes on responsibly like a man does for a family. He does not show or act like no other normal nine years old in the modern day. As the Amish can learn from us, we really can learn from them and their lifestyle.

Gail (4 KP) rated Fisher of Men in Books

Jun 4, 2018  
Fisher of Men
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fisher of Men by Phoebe Alexander

Four Stars

What an interesting read. I was not expecting the twists the author put in this story. The main character Leah was a pain. The whole I'm a good girl act was just tiring. She used her “faith” as an escape and it was annoying. I know we shouldn’t judge how people choose to live but it just seemed so reckless. I did however keep an open mind about it. This book was full of things that were out of my comfort zone. The story was well written. The characters were flawed and it seemed like something that truly happened to someone. Cap was a mystery to me. I couldn’t figure him out. Did he want the lifestyle or did just want Leah. I was truly confused on the end game for them both. She was always running away and getting mad. It’s not like the man didn't say what he was into. Anyway if you choose to read this book keep your mind open. And don’t judge how some people choose to live and they do what makes them happy. We all need to learn how embrace our differences and just live.

Jonas Carpignano recommended Faces (1968) in Movies (curated)

Faces (1968)
Faces (1968)
1968 | Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When you see A Constant Forge, you realize that Cassavetes was living his films at all times. That’s something I definitely tried to do with my past two films—I wasn’t just going somewhere to make a film, I was really living it and making it a lifestyle. There’s sort of an inherent sloppiness that comes with that, but I love it because it feels like the result of just trying to capture what’s happening as opposed to constructing what has happened. I love Cassavetes in general, but Faces in particular has to be one of his most honest and real films, and it definitely feels like it has a maturity to it that you don’t find as much in Shadows, even though Shadowsis incredible. Rossellini always said the shot doesn’t need to be pretty, that for him the first thing is to keep the audience close to the characters and to follow the characters. And in Faces, there are a ton of out-of-focus shots, and it’s anything but pretty. It’s not a film that strikes people because of the magnitude and beauty of its images. It’s more about the relationships and the real life that you feel in it."

Nomadland (2020)
Nomadland (2020)
2020 | Drama
Frances McDormand is an interesting character actress to watch, one that uses her character actress looks to disguise the fact that she is, in fact, a strong leading actress that draws our attention to her in whatever project she is in. This facet of her on-screen personae is going full throttle in her new film NOMADLAND.

And, thank goodness it is, for without McDormand on the screen, this “slice-of-life” pseudo-documentary disguised as a feature film would be almost unwatchable as McDormand’s character floats through “slice of life” after “slice of life” in what is referred to as the “Nomad Lifestyle”.

Earnestly Directed by Chloe Zao, NOMADLAND tells the tale of Fern (McDormand) who loses her life, her job and her husband during the recession of the late 2000’s and starts to float through life - and experiences - as a “Nomad”, a person with no permanent address who goes from place to place, catching on to the random odd job and living her life in her van.

Zao and McDormand spent years filming in actual Nomad communities with the others in this film often times not realizing that McDormand was an actress playing a part. For McDormand, it had to be the ultimate acting challenge - living in the real world as a character - and she brings a watchable, lost Fern to the screen and she genuinely and earnestly interacts with the real-life characters she encounters. She is very watchable and is a pleasant character to spend the time with.

Most of these real life people she encounters open up about their lifestyle and the movie took on the feel of documentary with Fern as the interviewer/narrator of the story. This made for an intriguing glimpse into a heretofore unknown world (at least to me), but not a compelling film does it make.

Zao does try to drive a narrative as the only other notable actor in this film - David Straitharn - shows up as a fellow Nomad that develops a crush on Fern and is interested in leaving the Nomad life and invites Fern to join him.

This is the only real conflict in this story as we spend an hour-forty-five watching Fern flit from place to place and person to person not really trying to find herself, but letting the wind blow her to wherever the trail takes her next.

An intriguing (enough) slice of life, with a watchable central performance by McDormand, but not substantial enough to engage me as a feature film.

Letter Grade: B (I applaud the attempt)

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)
Madam Tulip and the Serpent's Tree (Madam Tulip #4)
Madam Tulip and the Serpent's Tree (Madam Tulip #4)
David Ahern | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to be honest, I miss these characters, they are so theatrical, pompous, but at the same time so realistic and cute. The protagonist of this story is Derry, and the book is told from her perspective. Derry has this “luck” to get herself into craziest situations, involving rich and famous, she knows most of their secrets, and always gets into trouble. I like Derry and her crazy parents, and I enjoy their craziness in every book, including this one.

I was very impressed with the plot of this book, it is funny and entertaining, but at the same time more serious and solid. I liked the way the author unravelled this mystery, it was interesting to read about the music band’s lifestyle, mysterious shaman, and plenty of interesting history of Dublin. The narrative starts quite slow, but it has enough action and intense moments as well. Even though this book is a part of the series, it can be easily read as a stand-alone.

I liked the setting of this novel, the author describes Dublin and surrounding areas very picturesquely and I really liked that. I enjoy David Ahern’s writing style, I think he improves with every single book. The chapters are quite short, so the book didn’t drag for me. I loved the ending of this book, I think it rounded this book really well.

Merissa (11800 KP) rated A Little Christmas: Blake in Books

Dec 19, 2022 (Updated Dec 19, 2022)  
A Little Christmas: Blake
A Little Christmas: Blake
Wendy Rathbone | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS: BLAKE starts off the A Little Christmas series for me. In it, Blake is left in a dire situation through no fault of his own. Luckily for him, a Christmas miracle called Eliot makes everything just right.

The thing I loved so much about this book is that neither of them were really in the lifestyle. Neither of them knew for sure, not until they were together and then it clicked. My heart broke for Blake as he recounted some of his experiences of being laughed at, whilst my heart melted (and broke) for Eliot and everything he wanted and needed to do, plus his poor dad. I'm really hoping these guys show up in future books, just so I can find out about his dad.

The pacing is perfect, the focus on these two characters, and the story flowed, keeping my attention from beginning to end. Low angst but high feeling. This was a sweet and loving story that gives you the warm Fuzzy's. I loved every word and have no hesitation in HIGHLY recommending this book.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Wulfgang (Bad Oak Boys #3)
Wulfgang (Bad Oak Boys #3)
Erin M. Leaf | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Silas needs a break from the rock n roll lifestyle of Bad Oak, so he decides to go back to his teaching roots for the summer and leave all the werewolf madness behind him. What he doesn't realise is that Wulfgang is about to make an appearance in his life, and that means a BIG change, in more ways than one.

I loved the fact that Silas is a calm character who accepts who he is and what has occurred. Too many times, the story is taken over the with angst of changing, whereas this story was able to concentrate on bringing a broken pack together and making it stronger, the politics that Bardulf is dealing with, and the dangers of aconite to the wolves.

This is a smoothly-paced and exceedingly well-written story, full of love, humour and angst, with characters that are well-rounded and delightful. If I had one warning about this book, it would be not to read the last few chapters in an airport, where people look at you strangely when you start crying! Absolutely and definitely recommended!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 15, 2016
Final Girls
Final Girls
Riley Sager | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
Final Girls by Riley Sager is yet another title with far too much hype, much to my chagrin. I expect thrillers to have a bit more of an edge to them, but this book is more of a slow simmer. Much of the guessing is conveniently cut out by the blurb which I feel to be more of a spoiler than most reviews.

The story focuses on Quincy’s day to day life, then her struggles with Sam when she shows up to disrupt Quincy’s lifestyle in the wake of Lisa’s death. During this time period, flashbacks riddle Final Girls. This element is one I hoped to find exciting, but it only serves the purpose of helping the story drag dreadfully.

In some ways, I think Final Girls tries too hard to be something it isn’t. I’m aware many readers devoured this book and even my idol, Stephen King, sings its praises, but it simply doesn’t sate my own hunger. There’s too much left wanting and far too many things that seem to be more for the sake of convenience. I also felt there are loose ends that were never truly wrapped up – such as the manipulation of Quincy’s mind. I definitely would not categorize this as horror.

I would like to thank Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book. My review is unbiased and written freely of my own will.
The Fourth Courier
The Fourth Courier
Timothy Jay Smith | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you a Crime Fan or even a detective Fan? Well you may be missing out on another amazing book. This book is called “The Fourth Courier” by Timothy Jay Smith. I enjoyed this book once I got into it.

The setting is set in Poland. You will learn a bit of the lifestyle. I never been dropped into Poland in a book setting or any historical fiction book. This author does this and I can see myself walking along the sidewalks.

The author does wonderful for his crime and detective of this book. It even got a thriller to it. I just love the way this book grabs you and take you for a ride. I am now wanting to learn more about Poland and it effects on it people and landscape.

Amazing and riving is my way to describe this book in all. Though I suggest children be at least aware that there a murders and a murder and some sex scenes in it. Nothing to bad but I would suggest children be at least the age of 14 and up. It up the parents to decide for there own children though.

We got a adventure with and FBI agent and an agent that in the embassy in Poland. Will they find the missing bomb and it Courier? Will they be able to stop and save Poland from an Atomic bomb or will be the end of their new world?