
Josh Light
(0 KP)
Last Active: Mar 10, 2018 
Dean (6927 KP) rated Happy Death Day (2017) in Movies
Jul 13, 2018 (Updated Oct 30, 2021)
Groundhog Slasher
A light hearted tongue in cheek take on the Slasher genre. Featuring a Groundhog day angle of living and dying the same day over and over. It has its funny moments and Jessica Rothe is great in her role. Mixed with a bit of a Whodunit? twist with plenty of suspects. Don't expect a violent gorefest and you should like this quite a bit.

Andrew Foster (5 KP) rated The Devil's Rejects (2005) in Movies
Jun 11, 2018
Horror Masterpiece
I love horror movies. This is one of my favorites for the sheer brutality, originality and excellent directing. Rob Zombie has always been a great artist in my mind whether it's his music, artwork or movies. This sequel was light-years better than the first movie, imo. Good job, Rob.