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20th Century Ghosts
Joe Hill | 2005
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This turned out to be an ideal read for the Halloween season. While many of the short stories here have a pretty "literary" feel, and some don't necessarily qualify as horror, they each have a haunting quality about them. The characters are always engaging, and I found myself caring for most of them, which is quite a feat given how few pages some were given in which to develop. And don't mistake my earlier comments to mean there is nothing scary in this book. There are quite a few tales here that left me creeped out enough that I will likely remember them for some time to come. This collection isn't perfect, but it really shows the promise of just how great a storyteller Mr. Hill would ultimately evolve into.

David Lowery recommended Roma (2018) in Movies (curated)

Roma (2018)
Roma (2018)
2018 | Drama

"Why not see this movie twice? Even if you don’t like it, it’s worth revisiting. Films like this don’t come along that often, or perhaps ever. Granted, I suspect that it’s far more exciting for filmmakers than for general audiences, just because Cuaron did with this movie what we all wish we could do: he took his time. It’s easy to make comparisons to Proust, except that the film isn’t really Proustian; it isn’t fluid enough, it doesn’t resemble the memories it’s based on but the real events that begat them. It’s closer to Knausgard in that regard, but let me dispense with literary comparisons because this is a movie with a capital M: it’s been declaring itself so very loudly all fall, and I’m happy to join the chorus."


"On Christmas of 1994, I was fifteen and had just come out to my family. I was also an aspiring writer who adored Virginia Woolf. I put Chloe Plus Olivia on my Christmas list, not expecting anyone to actually seek out an anthology of lesbian literature and buy it for me. But my dad did: he made a special trip to the University Bookstore in Seattle; he wrapped it and put it under the tree for me. I devoured the book, took it to college with me years later, then moved into my first apartment with it when I was twenty. It’s long gone now (lost in another move), but I still remember it fondly as a formative literary text, and as a sign that my dad loved and supported me without hesitation."

The Reapers are the Angels (Reapers, #1)
Alden Bell | 2010
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're going into this book thinking you'll find an action-packed, zombie-mauling good-time, you're in for a surprise. THE REAPERS ARE THE ANGELS is literary zombie fiction (yes, you read that right), although it's not too literary it feels pretentious and stuffy, but it's not a totally light read either. There's violence chock full of blood and gore, a semi-solitary road trip, and God. Does it work? Yeah, in a way. The book was serious but there wasn't much depth and it didn't impact me as much as it probably should have. The plot is basically an odyssey, in which many diverse characters appear and we see how the main character, Temple, relates with them. One of these struck me as odd and took me out of the story. Before, the book showed realism and grit, then it came to giant mutants and turned into a sci-fi horror show. Frankly, it was just weird and didn't correlate with the rest of the story. Temple was an interesting character who told the tale well but was a contradiction; she's illiterate but knows words that few people do. Since she's always lived with "meatskins" and has never known the world before, her background doesn't support this and I found it didn't fit with her character at all. I got her but didn't care about her.

Honestly, I don't have much feeling for this book, I liked it but that's all, and while it's a good read, it's not great. If you like a thinking zombie story with philosophy and a stream of Christianity running through it, although it's not too deep, than you just might enjoy this book.
The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus #4)
The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus #4)
Rick Riordan | 2013 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay this book was without a doubt the best in the series to date! I absolutely cannot wait for the final book in the series...but I'm not looking forward to the idea that the coming novel may mean the last the literary world gets to hear from Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, & the rest of their friends. This book bounces back & forth between Percy & Annabeth's harrowing journey through Tartarus & the rest of the 7 as they venture through the ancient lands to try to find the Doors of Death on Earth. The book was in fifth gear from page one & didn't let up, even at the end so be prepared. Just like in the third book, the fourth one is left VERY much hanging. Riordan has turned himself into a master of suspense with his cliffhanger endings in this series! Kudos

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Engleby in Books

Aug 20, 2017  
Sebastian Faulks | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disappointing new book from Sebastian Faulks
I usually admire author Sebastian Faulks, who is a literary hero, especially for his lyrical and beautiful prose so I was definitely disappointed with the plot of this story. No doubt, it is well written, but the protagonist is so odious that I wanted to stop reading this. He is a pretentious, arrogant snob, and as you'll read, he also has a fair few demons. And I understand why he has been written as such because you'll hate him even more in the end. But it's borderline between having to read to the end and just wanting it to stop. So I'm not completely convinced.

There is an element of exploring mental illness and what makes a psychopath, but it is covered up by the self-serving first person narrative. Very cringe-worthy indeed.
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018)
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018)
2018 | Drama
Slightly curious true-life tale of literary forger Lee Israel (McCarthy) and her accomplice Jack Hock (Grant). Somewhat unevenly pitched between cheerily amoral caper comedy and downbeat, naturalistic drama exploring big ideas about creativity and authenticity, but the story is well told and fairly involving.

I'm not entirely sure how the two stars have both managed to swing Oscar nominations, for this particular movie at least - it's not as if either of them is actually bad, but they're both essentially delivering variations on their standard performance (McCarthy: abrasive, acid-tongued loudmouth; Grant: pantomime dame). It's hard to shake the impression that McCarthy has managed to get herself Oscar nominated mainly for putting on a wig, but there is a long if somewhat ignoble tradition of the academy rewarding actresses for being brave enough to de-glam themselves on screen. So it goes.
Station Eleven
Station Eleven
Emily St. John Mandel | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
There's a good reason this book has been appearing on so many of this year's best lists. It tells the tale of our world in the not too distant future, after a major flu outbreak has all but wiped out humanity, something which is all too possible and portrayed here with frightening realism. A few survivors are followed throughout the story, as they struggle to survive, both before and after the catastrophe. The prose is beautiful and the characters wonderful, the plot may seem to meander at times, but it all comes together in the end, to show how the actions of one can have an effect on so many, and even the most seemingly inconsequential events can have such great meaning over the course of time. A literary masterpiece, and easily one of the year's best books.
Tiger's Curse (The Tiger Saga, #1)
Tiger's Curse (The Tiger Saga, #1)
Colleen Houck | 2011 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars. I have read this book multiple times although it has been a while. I still enjoy the characters although the love aspect is a little trite to me. Kelsey is a great character full of emotion if a little naive and stubborn. Yes, there are somethings that happen too easily for her and she is a bit more go with the flow than one would really expect however it doesnt distract from the whole of the story. As a world building book i found it quite enjoyable and a pleasant read. Even if romance isn't your thing (it's not mine) the cross-cultural mythology is fantastic, literary licencing or not. Also some of the side characters are a little more than stereotypes which is a reason for the half star. The imagery is wonderful.

Julia Holter recommended Have One on Me by Joanna Newsom in Music (curated)

Have One on Me by Joanna Newsom
Have One on Me by Joanna Newsom
2010 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I just love that record. It was so beautifully done on every level - the arrangements are really incredible. Her writing, the storytelling is wonderful - she captures these scenes. She has a very casual way of expressing herself and it's very romantic: romantic in a literary way, like the romantic writers. She uses these long descriptions and paints a picture really well. But I think what really got me was the arrangements. The arrangements are so incredible, they're so economical; every instrument comes in when it's needed and then steps away. The texture is always changing. You know how arrangements can be kinda blocky? That's never the case here. I think she worked on them with Ryan Francesconi. They're sometimes very sparse, the percussion is incredible. I don't know how to explain it… I don't know, even the packaging is beautiful. Yeah. Love it."
