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Tales That Witness Madness (1973)
Tales That Witness Madness (1973)
1973 | Classics, Comedy, Horror
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Enjoyably (and appropriately) bonkers portmanteau horror movie based around the experiences of asylum patients. An imaginary friend turns out to be real, an antique bike turns out to be cursed, man falls in love with a tree stump, etc, etc. Kim Novak came out of retirement to play a slightly vacant literary agent who ends up eating her own daughter's flesh at a cannibal luau.

Not up to the standard of any of the Amicus portmanteaus, mainly because of a sub-par script - the twists to the various tales are either screamingly obvious, completely baffling or non-existent - but it's sort of campy fun anyway, with an interesting cast and reasonably good direction. Not remotely scary, though. The fact that much of it is totally ridiculous (the so-called Hawaiians look eastern European, and that's before we even get to the stuffed tiger or Michael Jayston going to bed wth a log) somehow doesn't detract from the entertainment value. Would have been nice to see more of Donald Pleasance, but you can't have everything.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Folk in Books

Jan 24, 2018 (Updated Jan 24, 2018)  
Zoe Gilbert | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An atmosphere that draws you in (2 more)
Beautiful prose
Interconnected short stories
Fairy tales for grown ups
This collection of short stories is set on the island of Neverness. All of the stories are interconnected and characters reoccur as adults after they were in a story as children. We see how an experience in one story then becomes a cautionary tale or a fairytale in another. I loved the atmosphere in this book: menacing, dreamlike, happy, sad - like a fairytale really.
The language used was really very poetic. If you're attracted to this as a Fantasy reader, the language is weighted more on the 'Literary Fiction' side. I like both, and this didn't even occur to me until I read another review on Goodreads! There are plenty of Fantasy writers out there whose prose can be lyrical!
I also liked how the beginning and the end of the book were connected. Very clever, original writing, this is a short story collection that didn't feel to me as though they were short stories. Well worth a read!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this gorgeous book!
On Chesil Beach (2018)
On Chesil Beach (2018)
2018 | Drama
Bleak British Repressed Sexuality a Go Go!
Handsomely mounted BBC film starts off looking like many another period-set literary adaptation, then turns into something rather different. Newlyweds Edward and Florence are on the brink of their wedding night; both are nervous, and struggling with the expectations society and their upbringing has placed upon them. (The fact that society hasn't bothered to educate them in the slightest about what can, or should, go on in the bedroom really doesn't help on this voyage into, or possibly out of, virgin territory.) Not all goes to plan; a small but genuine tragedy unfolds.

Not the kind of film you walk home from whistling, unless you're some kind of militant celibacy advocate, but an undeniably fine one (or so it seems to me): very good performances from the young stars, and well-judged direction. Initially the film seems like a slightly dark comedy-drama of manners (the excruciating scenes of people failing to have sex are very awkward to watch), but it develops into something profoundly moving and deeply sad before the end. Thank God for the permissive society.
Love...Under Different Skies
Love...Under Different Skies
Nick Spalding | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another fun instalment
As ive said before, Nick Spalding will never win any literary prizes for this series of books, he really does well to sum up real life situations and emotions. The writing is good but what really makes this story entertaining is the characters. Laura and Jamie are a very relatable couple and their diary/blog entries are so down to earth and realistic. I doubt anyone could read this book (or any others in the series) and not find a handful of comments, thoughts or situations that they’ve experienced in their own life. This story is also pretty funny and I found myself laughing out loud on many occasions.

It may not be the most thought provoking or insightful of reads, but this is a great fun and lighthearted story that is refreshingly short. There are parts in this book that are a little far fetched and scepticism does sink in at times, but I that’s really what you expect from a work of fiction. This kept me highly entertained when I had to get public transport into work this week, although I did have to restrain my laughter at times!
Struck By Lightning
Struck By Lightning
Chris Colfer | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A good quick read
Carson Phillips is a high school senior with big dreams. He is an outcast who is disliked by most of his peers. This becomes a problem when he decides to create a literary magazine in hopes of getting accepted into the college of his dreams. To get the submissions he needs from other students he blackmails those around him.
Carson is a main character that you will either love or hate. The book is wrote as his diary entries, so the reader gets an inside look at his life. This makes it hard to dislike him despite his questionable moral choices. He is a sarcastic and funny character who often times critical about high school life. He does experience some personal growth throughout the book, and the reader can't help but cheer for his success.
The other characters make for an entertaining cast. Many of them depict stereotypes, but they all prove to be more complicated than they first appear. This book isn't super long so it's a good weekend read. If you like stories about high school under dogs chasing there dreams then you should definitely pick this up.
Aliens: The Female War
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third book in Dark Horse's spin-off series of novels and comics to include Billie and Wilks, this also throws Ripley into the mix, and finishes the story first began in [b:Aliens: Earth Hive|343281|Aliens Earth Hive|Steve Perry||333628] and continued in [b:Aliens: Nightmare Asylum|20873|Aliens Nightmare Asylum|Steve Perry||22061]. Wheres the 1979 film 'Alien' had a single Alien stalking the crew of the Nostromo after they picked up the transmission, with the 1986 film 'Aliens' then introducing the concept of the Alien Queen, this extrapolates even further than that with the introduction of an Alien Queen Mother providing the deus ex machina for the plot.

Talking of the plot: this is maybe a bit slower than those previous two novels, with more emphasis on character development (I know, I know: is such a thing even possible in these types of books?).

As before, not going to set the literary world alight nor win any awards, but an enjoyable enough quick diversion for a day or two.
A Literal Mess
A Literal Mess
J. C. Kenney | 2019 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong Debut
Allie Cobb has returned home to Rushing Creek, Indiana for her father's funeral. While his death wasn't a surprise, it has still hit her hard. She's not prepared for tragedy to strike her small town a second time when the body of Thornwell Winchester is found. He was one of Allie's father's literary clients, and also the father of Allie's best friend, Sloane. When Sloane becomes the police's chief suspect, Allie steps in to find out the truth. Can she do it?

This book is more serious in tone than many of the cozies I read, but given what brings Allie home, that is completely appropriate. I never found that overwhelming, and the book doesn't dwell on it. After all, this is a mystery, and it isn't long before we are off meeting Thornwell and the potential suspects. I was intrigued by the red herrings and enjoyed the twists as we headed toward the logical climax. The suspects are strong, but I was really impressed with the series regulars. They have pasts and baggage that brought them to the page fully formed. I'm interested to see how that dynamic plays out as the series progresses.
Sprout Mask Replica
Sprout Mask Replica
Robert Rankin | 1997 | Biography, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I always use this book to illustrate just how off the wall Rankin's writing is. Purportedly his autobiography, he gets run over by a bus and killed halfway through. That really ought to give the reader some some of idea that this is not entirely serious.

Telling the "stories" of various family members then moving onto his own life this is less a coherent novel with a plot than the literary equivalent of an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus; a series of sketches with some recurring characters and ideas which don't behave according any of the accepted standards of story telling.

The result is an absolute hoot as a stream of consciousness experience, especially as Rankin re-uses his well-tested recurring gags. However it is by no means his best work; the lack of a plot means that the book just sort of ends and it does rely a little too much on knowing nods to previous works.

Not a bad read, and certainly worth a go if you like something that's unusual and bursting with odd ideas but there are better Rankin books to read.
Wonderful book. I was unsure about picking it up at first but fell in love with it within the first few pages. It ties other famous authors and locations from both history and well known fantasy worlds into a story all its own. At first I did not notice some of the references made in the beginning of the story but once I started paying attention, it was amazing just how much James A. Owen researched to provide readers with an amazing, one of a kind experience. The author writes so wonderfully that readers feel as if they were actually in the Archipelago of Dreams, a place that I am sure most anyone who loves myth and fantasy would like to visit at least once in their lives.
I am a part of a book club at my local library, and plan on recommending this book to my fellow members, most of who are teachers and would appreciate not only the literary references but the historical ones as well found in this book. I also plan on reading the rest of the series.
<b>This is a highly recommended book in my opinion.</b>
The Galaxy and the Ground Within
The Galaxy and the Ground Within
Becky Chambers | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve held off reading this book, even though I’ve had it since the release date, purely because I just really didn’t want the series to end. I love The Wayfarers series, and this last instalment is no different in that respect.

The Galaxy and the Ground Within is another look into the lives of a diverse group of people. Apart from a technological failure that strands the Five-Hops guests, nothing much actually happens in this novel (ok, something does happen about 3/4 of the way through, but I’m not saying what it is!), but what I really love about these books are the characters and how they’re explored and developed. The fact that they’re aliens is by-the-by. They have their own hopes and fears, cultural expectations and taboos.

Oh how i adore these books - it’s everything that I love in literature, be it science fiction, literary fiction or ANYTHING!

If you haven’t read The Wayfarers series (lucky you!), I’d say that you need to. And if you have and like me, you’ve been putting off reading the final book, it won’t disappoint you.