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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 30, 2020  
Today's special guest on my blog is Teddy Jones, author of the literary fiction novel SLANTED LIGHT! Read her fantastic guest post about her writing journey, and enter the giveaway to win these fantastic prizes:

Grand Prize: $25 Amazon gift card and signed copies of both books in the Jackson's Pond, Texas Series by Teddy Jones
Two Winners: Signed copy of Slanted Light by Teddy Jones

Teddy Jones’s earlier novel, Jackson’s Pond, Texas, began the saga of the Jackson family. Now, Slanted Light continues their tale.

Claire Havlicek’s late night call brings her brother Chris Banks from his home in New Mexico back to the town that bears their family name, Jackson’s Pond. She’s collapsed under the weight of threats to her thirteen-year marriage that have undermined her confidence and her will. Her husband, J. D., responds to seduction by a woman in need; theft and the threat of a forced buyout jeopardize Claire’s two medical clinics; drought imperils their ranch and cattle business; a teenage daughter turns to bulimia.

When Claire admits her limits, her grandmother, Willa Jackson, and the other members of her family help her learn that being human, weaknesses and all, can be a source of strength and joy.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Sorority in Books

Mar 20, 2019  
Genevieve Sly Crane | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Too weird for me
The girls of the sorority house are a close-knit--if not particularly happy--group. That is until Margot's death. When she's found dead in the house, it changes things, and each girl must deal with Margot's passing and its aftermath in her own way.

Well, this was a weird one. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. We are introduced to the sorority girls in the first chapter by a "chorus," who tells us who lives in each room and a small bit about each one. Except for Margot's room, we're told; Margot is dead.

Then the following chapters detail a snippet of time in each girls' life. Some chapters may take place before Margot's death; others take place after. I was really glad I was reading a hardcopy, because at the start of each chapter, I had to flip back to that first chapter about all of the girls and find that girl's little paragraph or so blurb that introduced them. I could never keep any of them straight--perhaps because there was so many or maybe because most them didn't really stand out to me.

Because yes: I didn't really love this one. The short bits of time spent with each character make it hard to get attached to anyone. While we are technically following the thread of Margot's death, there's really no arc to the story. The book probably speaks to some higher meaning that I just didn't get. Instead it's a bit disturbing (some of the chapters are really awful), and no one is happy at all, which was really depressing. Sure, some of these dark glimpses into people's lives can be a little oddly fascinating, but honestly, it was often horrifying too. For me, it felt like the book was trying to be literary and clever and it just didn't work for me (or, more likely, I'm just not a good candidate for literary, smart books, ha).

For instance, was this one praising or mocking sororities? I really don't know. Margot's death seemed so pointless, so it certainly didn't seem to be doing the idea of sororities any favors. A lot of the book didn't seem to show the sisterhood in a good light. Yeah, I just didn't get it. I'm not sure exactly why I slogged through it, except that the full details of Margot's death aren't completely revealed until the end. I actually liked Margot the best, but she was dead, and yes, that probably sums up this book the best for me.

Overall, this one was too weird for me. I can do dark, but dark, strange, no real plot, and few characters with any redeemable value--it just didn't work for me. I'm sure it is enjoyable for others, especially those that don't need a real plot arc. And I do feel the need to point out that there's a trigger for self-harm, suicide, and eating disorders in this novel.
I’ve been anxiously awaiting the sequel to my new favorite five-star series for about a year now, and it was well worth the wait. The Darkest Edge of Dawn lived up to my expectations and continued the story left in The Better Part of Darkness.

Charlie is still probably my favorite literary heroine. She’s sarcastic and just a little obnoxious, she’s a tough as nails, kick @$$ kind of girl. She loves her daughter—I especially liked the part with her and her daughter at the end! That was sweet—and she would do anything for the people she loves. That of course includes her Siren partner, Hank, who she is definitely in love with (like me) but won't admit it (unlike me). crazy girl.

I like the writing style of Gay's series: the sarcasm mixed with the seriousness of the situations keeps the story easy to read and not too stressful, though it is intense at times.

With action, mystery, love, and betrayal, The Darkest Edge of Dawn is a great sequel, and I will continue to be a faithful reader of Charlie Madigan's adventures.

Content/recommendation: Just as the last book, I wouldn't recommend this one to anyone who can't stomach some violence, is easily offended by language and some sex or sensuality. Ages 18+

Click here to enter a contest at goodreads for a copy of The Darkest Edge of Dawn.
The Dark Game
The Dark Game
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ten writers are selected for a summer-long writing retreat with the most celebrated and reclusive author in the world. Their host is the legendary Roderick Wells. Handsome, enigmatic, and fiendishly talented, Wells promises to teach his pupils about writing, about magic, about the untapped potential that each of them possesses. Most of all, he plans to teach them about the darkness in their hearts.
The writers think they are signing up for a chance at riches and literary prestige. But they are really entering the twisted imagination of a deranged genius, a lethal contest pitting them against one another in a struggle for their sanity and their lives. They have entered into Roderick Wells’s most brilliant and horrible creation.
The Dark Game.

Wow! What a story!! The Dark Game caught my attention from the very beginning and kept me hooked throughout the story.
This book was unique and fun to read.
The atmosphere is set right from the start.
The dynamics between the characters is clearly set out from the beginning. You can plainly see all the distinguishing characteristics and traits of each one as they are introduced.
I love the setting and atmosphere of the house.
In my opinion this was a perfect horror story with many developed layers to unfold.
This is one of his best stories yet to date! Janz keeps getting better!
Highly Recommend!!

Thanks to NetGalley and Flametree Press for my ARC copy.
Crimson Sky (Dark Sky, #1)
Amy Braun | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first novel I have read from Amy Braun, but it is certainly not the last. While I appreciate other genres beyond romance and erotica, it has to really be something to grab my attention. Crimson Sky had me from page one. Not only did it blow me away, I became obsessed, having to know what happened next and not being satisfied until I finished the novel.

Crimson Sky is an action packed novel that is hard to describe. Braun is such a talented writer, she easily incorporates multiple genres into one. It can be classified as steampunk, horror, action, romance, and dystopian all in one. I appreciate that Braun could easily show so many themes without having to shove it down our throats. She does such a good job of showing, there is no need for telling.

This novel is an intense roller coaster ride that begins from the very first page. Filled with complex realistic characters in a terrifying world, Braun weaves a story filled with twists and personal growth that keeps you hooked until the very end. It’s been a long time since I have been this obsessed with a novel that didn’t qualify as erotic. Even now, I am stuck in literary limbo because nothing seems to match up to the intense emotions this novel pulled from me. I can’t wait to read more.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Mystic Summer in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Mystic Summer
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maggie Griffin seems to have the perfect life - she has a good teaching job at a private school in Boston, even if some of the parents can be a little trying sometimes. She has a loving boyfriend who wants to move in with her. Her best friend is getting married and Maggie is co-maid of honor. She even has a supportive family back in her hometown of Mystic, Connecticut. But when things start to unravel in Boston, Maggie finds herself back in Mystic. She tells herself it's just because her best friend, Erika, is getting married there, but once Maggie arrives back home, she isn't sure she wants to leave.

This book started out a bit slowly, but it quickly grew on me. Maggie is a slightly frustrating character at times, but she's also endearing and sweet. She's still finding herself, so you have to cut her a little slack. It happens to us all as we near thirty, right? The novel is certainly a bit predictable, but Maggie's character, as well as some of the supporting characters -- mainly her high school boyfriend Cameron -- keep it from being too silly and saccharine. It's not a literary masterpiece, but it's a fun, quick read: perfect to toss into a beach bag for the summer.

I received a copy of this novel from Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 6/7/2016.

Adam Green recommended track This Springtime by Turner Cody in 60 Seasons by Turner Cody in Music (curated)

60 Seasons by Turner Cody
60 Seasons by Turner Cody
2007 | Metal, Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

This Springtime by Turner Cody

(0 Ratings)


"He's also an anti folk artist and a friend. He's super underrated. For me there could be an alternative universe where Turner Cody is considered to be like Neil Young or Townes Van Zandt. He totally deserves that. His catalogue is as good as theirs, people need to wake up and hear it. This album is a good starting point to explore Turner's work. It's from the period of his life where he almost began to become the young Arthur Rimbaud. It's a very literary folk record, and he's also the most romantic anti folk songwriter. A lot of anti folk uses humour and satire, but Turner's stuff has always been deeply romantic without being particularly funny which sent him apart from the more punky stuff that went straight for your throat. He's a romantic, mystic poet who makes music. The title track actually paints New York City as an anthropological creature that's going through the processes of change. He really taps into corruption and decline and the surrounding elements that led into the financial crash, Occupy Wall Street, Brexit and Donald Trump. I feel like Turner understood these things were going to happen. If you listen to this record and his next one, Who Went West, it's all about what's happening now, yet he was just a 19-year-old who felt what would come. The lyrics are all prophetic in n that way, he understood what would happen in the world."


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Dec 17, 2020  
Sneak a peek at the literary fiction novel RIVER, SING OUT by James Wade on my blog! This book sounds so good! (Check out that gorgeous cover too!)

“And through these ages untold, the river did act as the lifeblood of all those things alongside it.”
Jonah Hargrove is celebrating his thirteenth birthday by avoiding his abusive father, when a girl named River stumbles into his yard, injured and alone. The teenager has stolen thousands of dollars’ worth of meth from her murderous, drug-dealing boyfriend, but lost it somewhere in the Neches River bottoms during her escape. Jonah agrees to help her find and sell the drugs so she can flee East Texas.
Chasing after them is John Curtis, a local drug kingpin and dog fighter, as well as River’s boyfriend, the dangerous Dakota Cade.
Each person is keeping secrets from the others—deadly secrets that will be exposed in violent fashion as all are forced to come to terms with their choices, their circumstances, and their own definition of God.
With a colorful cast of supporting characters and an unflinching violence juxtaposed against lyrical prose, River, Sing Out dives deep into the sinister world of the East Texas river bottoms, where oppressive poverty is pitted against the need to believe in something greater than the self.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Camino Winds in Books

Aug 20, 2020  
Camino Winds
Camino Winds
John Grisham | 2020 | History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a typical Grisham quick read. It builds on the first book, but focuses mainly on Bruce. We see little of Mercer, a main character in book one, which was unfortunate. But Bruce is a blustery star, who can easily dominate both in his life and a novel. He has a huge group of friends, literary and "normal" alike. One is Nelson Kerr, a former lawyer with a big firm in San Francisco. He ratted out a client, a defense contractor who was illegally selling high-tech military stuff to the "bad guys." Nelson settled his case and fled to the island after a divorce. He's been working on another book and we learn quickly that his work may have gotten him killed.

It's easy to feel the storm and its tension through Grisham's picturesque writing. Leo hits quickly and the devastation that follows is bad. The post-hurricane feeling on a nearly abandoned Camino Island seems oddly aligned to the pandemic--at least when I read this in May--or it's easy to read that sense into everything I read.

Still, despite the hurricane and the murder and other various killings, this is actually a fun read. Grisham gives us an engaging mystery, and I love his "good versus evil" formula. It always works so well for him and this is one of his breezier presentations. While there isn't much depth, it's a fast read with interesting characters and a snappy mystery. 3.5 stars.
The Protector (William Falkland #2)
The Protector (William Falkland #2)
S.J. Deas | 2022
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second - and, to date, last - of S.J. Deas's William Falkland series (after The Royalist, at the end of which, and having discharged his investigative duties to Cromwell, William Falkland returned home in search of his wife and family.

As this starts, he has yet to find them.

It's into far into the novel before Cromwell again pulls Falkland into his orbit, offering his (and, by extension, Parliament's) help in discovering just what happened to Falkland's family and where they may be (perhaps in Oxford, the King's new capital?) as the First Civil War draws to a close - help that is, of course, contingent upon Falkland again carrying out an investigation for Cromwell: this time into just what happened to the sister of a prominent supporter of Parliament who has disappeared (abducted?): one Anne Agar, this sister of John Milton.

Yes, that John Milton. The author of Paradise Lost. Although that is never once mentioned here - I think (am nearly sure that) the setting here may be before he wrote that poem.

Once again, the narrative is told in the first-person view, with - once again - a warts-and-all picture given of life at the time, and with Falkland being both incredibly astute and incredibly blind at the same time! In other words, coming across as a 'real' person rather than as a literary construct.

I'm now going to go on record as saying: more, please!