Wanderwords: Language Migration in American Literature
How do (im)migrant writers negotiate their representation of a multilingual world for a monolingual...
Li Mengyang, the North-South Divide, and Literati Learning in Ming China
Li Mengyang (1473-1530) was a scholar-official and man of letters who initiated the literary...
Beyond Sight: Engaging the Senses in Iberian Literatures and Cultures, 1200-1750
Ryan D. Giles and Steven Wagschal
Beyond Sight, edited by Ryan D. Giles and Steven Wagschal, explores the ways in which Iberian...
Spatial Perspectives: Essays on Literature and Architecture
Terri Mullholland and Nicole Sierra
This interdisciplinary collection explores the dynamic relationship between literature and...
Literature and the Experience of Globalization: Texts Without Borders
How does literature represent, challenge and help us understand our experience of globalization?...
Salvage Work: U.S. and Caribbean Literatures Amid the Debris of Legal Personhood
Salvage Work examines contemporary literary responses to the law's construction of personhood in the...
Postcolonial Parabola: Literature, Tactility, and the Ethics of Representing Trauma
Postcolonial Parabola: Literature, Tactility, and the Ethics of Representing Trauma interrogates the...
Archives of American Time: Literature and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century
American historians have typically argued that a shared experience of time worked to bind the...
Philanthropic Discourse in Anglo-American Literature, 1850-1920
Frank Q Christianson and Leslee Thorne-Murphy
From the mid-19th century until the rise of the modern welfare state in the early 20th century,...