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Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Dexter, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"What can any of us do? Helpless as we all are, in the grip of our own little voices, what indeed van we do?"
I love Dexter! I love Jeff Lindsay! I started watching this series several years ago pretty much by accident and loved it. So, imagine my delight to learn it was based on a book. And not just one book, but a series! And written by a Florida author. Being the book nerd I am, I immediately bought the first one & it was promptly buried in my To Read stack. Here I am 5 years later finally reading it. And I find myself asking, "what the hell took so long?"
The story is fascinating and creepy but just believe able enough that you find yourself looking at people a little differently, wondering if there's a Dark Passenger in there somewhere. Lindsay is a gifted writer with a great ability to write just the right thing at just the right (or wrong time depending on how you feel about dexter and what he is.) Dexter is hands down one of the most fascinating characters in contemporary literature. He's so likable, but at the same time leaves the reader sitting on their couch thinking, "How can I possible like & even *gasp* root for a psychopathic killer!?" Believe can and it is surprisingly easy.
Reign Of The Wolf
Reign Of The Wolf
Dianna Hardy | 2017 | Erotica, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An outstanding end to the series.
I believe that if it’s a good book, I’ll read it. I don’t care what genre it falls in to. There’s good literature in every genre, and if you stick to just one type, you’re missing out (potentially, but hey! Read what makes you happy, thats the most important thing!).

I can’t believe this is the final book!! I admit, I’ve left off reading this for as long as possible, because I knew it was the last one. This was action packed! The final battle between the Wolves and the Trident couldn’t have been more exciting. Secrets of Lawrence’s family come out, we find out more about the Trident, and there’s the Egyptian connection too (which I love, by the way). It’s an end of an era! The story is left in such a way as there is the possibility of spin-offs, though. I know the author has written one and is writing another. I can see at least one more avenue that I’d like to see explored!
Just a warning to those of a sensitive nature: there’s a fair bit of sex in this novel, sex in all it’s many varied forms. Don’t read it if you don’t like smoking hot books ?
And yes, I really did just say that.
The Lottery and Other Stories
The Lottery and Other Stories
Shirley Jackson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been wanting to read this collection of stories ever since I finished Jackson's @We Have Always Lived in the Castle . The Lottery was a shocking story (apparently) at the time of it's publishing.

The first section was, by far, my favorite, because I could relate to it the most. It consisted of stories of people in plain site that were often ignored, or felt like they didn't belong anywhere. Because I found I could relate to the stories so well, I was completely unnerved that someone could put those feelings into words.

The other sections of stories were mostly domestic/family oriented, which I have no interest in. Nothing bores me more than a stories about children. So, yawn, and that's why I haven't rated this higher.

Finally, The Lottery; now, I can understand why it may have been shocking at the time... Now, not so much. Obviously, with the release of such books that take inspiration from it, i.e., The Hunger Games, it didn't seem new or disturbing. Even South Park had an episode taking inspiration from it; the Britney Spears ep that came out in 2007.

So, loved the first section, and the other sections were just ok. It was kind of cool to see the genesis of future literature that was inspired by "The Lottery".
The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #6)
The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #6)
C.S. Lewis | 1955 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chronologically the first Narnia book, this was actually the last book written in the series, and goes back to how the magical land of Narnia (going by publication date, first visited in [b: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe|100915|The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1)|C.S. Lewis||4790821]) came to be.

As such, who says that the concept of prequels is a new invention??

Personally, I think I approached this from the wrong perspective: when I hear the word 'magician' mentioned (as in the title of the book) I tend to think either of the likes of Paul Daniels, or (going by literature) of Gandalf the Grey/White.

That, however, is not how the magician is portrayed here: rather than a benevolent, kindly old character, we instead have a selfish, greedy older man, who is responsible for sending the two children protagonists (Digory and Polly) into the magical woods between the worlds, and eventually into the land that will become Narnia.

If I'm honest, it's also not a story that I was overly familiar with: sure, I'd read (as a kid) that more famous previously mentioned entry and (more recently) have even watched a few of the movies, but this one? Not so much.
Never Dare a Duke (Sons of Scandal, #2)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I do enjoy unwinding with an historical romance and I know they are not generally examples of great literature, but I found this particular book to be a pretty weak offering. At times I found myself skim-reading over passages...

Abigail Shaw, daughter of a newspaper owner and potential journalist herself, with a little help from her friend insinuates herself into a house party at the home of the Duke of Madingley in the hope of uncovering a scandalous secret from his past, publishing it in daddy's newspaper and thereby saving it from ruin. That's put quite bluntly, but for me it made the 'heroine' seem pretty unattractive in character! I found it really difficult to see what on earth the hero saw in her, especially as he didn't trust her. OK, she didn't fawn over him, but her actions were pretty underhand.

Most of the supporting characters are pretty weak and underdeveloped too. Lady Gwen appeared tainted by the deception of her friend and the whole ghost hunt sub plot was a bit childish.

The 'scandal' when finally revealed seems a bit odd, as since witnesses seemed so keen to come forward, surely no one would have been able to keep it so totally under wraps for ten years?!

Not a winner for me; I won't be rushing to pick up another by the same author.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Bell Jar in Books

Mar 18, 2020  
The Bell Jar
The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
A worthy classic
The Bell Jar is one of those well known classic books that pretty much everyone has heard of, but yet for me I hadn't a clue what the story was actually about. The story centres around a young woman's mental breakdown and descent into depression, and her subsequent slow path to recovery. It's not in the slightest what I was expected, but this is actually a rather good and worthy classic novel.

I wouldnt say Esther is a particularly endearing protagonist, there's a lot about her tale that doesn't make sense or seems a little lacking but I'm guessing this is because it's meant to represent her rather unhinged state of mind. It can get a little frustrating when things aren't explained properly, but for the most part the plot and story is very interesting and I struggled to put this down. It's well written without being pretentious, and it seems to be a very realistic tale about mental illness. The metaphor of the bell jar itself is a rather wonderful term despite the subject matter and one of the best metaphors I've ever come across in literature, as it's so true.

Overall this is a great classic and whilst it may seem a little dated, it's a really good study on mental health.