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Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Story (3 more)
Unexpected twists
It's long? (0 more)
This Parasite gets under your skin...
I will try not to spoil anything, because I really enjoyed watching this movie unfold. It's the kind of film where you can't really guess where it is going, because where it is going is so strange...

Based on the director, I expected sci-fi or horror. This movie isn't either of those genres: it is basically a human-level character study, but in a universe with slightly-cartoonish logic.

I know that doesn't make much sense, but if you watch the movie you might agree.

The main family is broke. They have no money for food and their neighbor recently put a password on their wifi, so they don't even have phones that work. When the son gets the chance to become a tutor to a rich girl, even though he isn't qualified, he jumps at the chance. And, slowly but surely, he and his family plan ways to get all four of them hired on at the rich owners' house.

That's all I will say, because discovery is important for this movie to work. There is a lot of drama and real-life class struggle, but the movie is often punctuated by humor that takes a second to register. It might be a physical sight gag; it might be a turn of phrase; it might be a facial expression; but I found myself laughing out loud, even as uncomfortable things were happening.

If you don't mind subtitles, I strongly recommend Parasite. It is as good as the reviews say.
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
403. The Invisible Man. One of the most uninteresting versions of this tale I've seen. It should be called The Woman that fled the Invisible Man, well he's not invisible during the actual fleeing, which is right at the start of the film. Cecilla wakes up in the middle of the night and books it from the compound, um, home, that she and husband Adrian share, because he's a controlling abusive dick, this has all happened at this point already. So with the help of her lawyer sister she escapes her psychopath boyfriend by stashing her with a cop friend James and his teen daughter. So they are totally safe here, I mean Cecilla can't go outside due to crippling fear, and the teen girl,are perfectly safe and can take care of themselves if Adrian, the psychopathic, rich genius could never get at them while policeman James is at work. But then, Adrian kills himself, and leaves Cece 5 million bucks. Yay she's safe. Then for the next hour, she stares into corners and hears things, and thinks Adrian is there but invisible, because he's a rich genius and has a thing in his basement that looks like you can strap a person into it! But when this invisible Adrian starts killing people and guess who's going to get blamed? Elisabeth Moss did great with what she had to work with, which wasn't much. Lots of logic goes out the window with this one. And the trailer for it, is literally the whole movie! Watch a few a those stringed together and save yourself 2 hours! Filmbufftim on FB
On the Lamb
On the Lamb
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bonfire Body
Spring is in the air in Ocean Crest, New Jersey, and with it, changes. Lucy Berberian has gotten her own place, and it’s near the beach and her family’s Mediterranean restaurant, which she manages. The worst part is dealing with her landlady’s nephew, Gilbert, who is determined to get his aunt into a retirement home so he can get his hands on the valuable piece of land. A rare Saturday night to enjoy a bonfire on the beach ends when Lucy and her friends find Gilbert’s body in the sand. Lucy’s friend Melanie becomes the prime suspect, and she begs Lucy to figure out what is going on. Can she clear her friend?

It had been a while since I read the previous book in the series, but it wasn’t long before I was caught up with Lucy and the rest of the cast again. I was happy to see relationships and characters continuing to grow. The mystery is good, with several viable suspects and plenty of secrets for Lucy to uncover. The climax was logical and suspenseful. I did have some problems with logic in other places, like character’s ages. I can make it work, but it would have been nice having things like that actually spelled out for us. I would love to visit Ocean Crest if it were real. Even at the down time of Spring, when this book is set, it sounds like a fun town. We get another three delicious sounding recipes at the end of the book. If you’ve enjoyed the previous entries in the series, you’ll be happy you to catch up with Lucy and the gang again here.

Jean-Pierre Gorin recommended Playtime (1967) in Movies (curated)

Playtime (1967)
Playtime (1967)
1967 | Classics, Comedy

"The critics and the public wanted the pathos of M. Hulot’s Holiday and Mon oncle. They got Playtime, a comedy entirely devoted to space, in which Tati, as Hulot, hovers at the periphery of his own creation and has the elegance, which very few comedians share, not to put the spotlight on his own mug. The public and the critics turned against Tati. They were of course wrong, and the film is one of those few that get better by the year. It’s a silent film with sound; its color scheme is in a narrow band between gray and blue that aggressively underscores the painterly logic of Tati’s conceit. The film gives itself the luxury to reinvent choreography and as such dazzles with the megalomania of its enterprise and the diabolical precision the filmmaker had to conjure up to pull it off. There is ultimately so much to see, so many discrete pockets of activities in such a large canvas, that Tati has ensured that his film can be revisited time and again and each time seem different and new. It is a monumental film, literally and figuratively, that in its humorous take on modernity retains a form of hope. Alienation, but alienation light, and still the hope that the strategic social planning of architects and designers has cracks and will allow folks to run for daylight for the reassertion of their humanity. And, yes, a detail: the exquisite quality of this transfer is one of the reasons we spend our allowance on votive candles for the altar of Our Little Lady of the Criterion Collection."

The Necromancer's Prison
The Necromancer's Prison
Alec Whitesell, Craig Bonacorsi | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daring adventure with realistic teens
**I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review**

I will admit I was a little hesitant to read this book. Science fiction and I have a love-hate relationship. I tend to get bored if the book is too logical, so it's always a gamble for me. Luckily, this book was right up my alley. It's science fiction that verges on the cusp of fantasy. It's logical, but it doesn't get bogged down by too much logic which I appreciated.

The Necromancer's Prison is a daring adventure book that is sure to keep you turning the page. I loved seeing the interaction between the main characters, and I loved the bickering & comradery they had as well. Each character was there for a reason, and I liked that they acted like teenagers. They had a great connection to each other, and even as an adult, I could connect with them.

Something else that I loved about this book is the plot and how fast-paced it was. Once I got into the story, I devoured it. The plot was intricate and engaging. It also had some twists & turns, which kept me guessing as to what was going to happen next. Though I will admit, the present tense threw me for a loop. It took me a bit to get into the book, but once I got into the meat of the book, I enjoyed it.

All in all, this book left me satisfied, and I'm looking forward to the next in the series. I recommend this book to anyone that wants a quick-paced science fiction that verges on fantasy.

Merissa (11797 KP) rated Druid's Moon in Books

Sep 20, 2022  
Druid's Moon
Druid's Moon
Deniz Bevan | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fresh spin on an old classic.
DRUID'S MOON is a Beauty and the Beast retelling, set in Cornwall and an archaeological dig that finds a manuscript that may have more answers than questions. As an archaeologist, will Lyne believe the superstitions and coincidences, or will she side with logic?

This was an interesting and well-told story that flowed nicely for the majority of the book. There were some points that felt a bit disjointed, where we move from one scene or time to another without notice. There were also characters and situations that weren't explained fully and so felt redundant. I would have preferred a bit more background on the families (especially Lyne's) and how they all tied in with the curse. I don't know if there is a second book to come but I would also love to know more about the mysterious Council and what their involvement was.

Saying that though, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Frederick and his fight with the Beast, and how it affected him. I was unsure if Lady Cockerel was the Mistress for quite some time before it became clear to me.

On the whole, this was a fresh spin on an old classic. I think it shows lots of potential and I look forward to reading more by this author. Recommended by me for all Fairytale Retelling fans.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Portrait of Mr W.H.
The Portrait of Mr W.H.
Oscar Wilde | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick read. Great insight into the Victorian fin de siecle . Great suspence. (0 more)
Too quick. I wanted more. (0 more)
. As a paradox to the realism and ethics of the period, decadent writers, artists, and poets challenged a society that strove for a standard in public discourse.
First published in 1889, Oscar Wilde’s The Portrait of Mr W.H., is a short story about the efforts of three characters trying to discover the identity of Shakespeare’s Mr W.H. ; the dedicatee of his many sonnets. Wilde’s novel is a prime example of decadent literature and aestheticism, which, as a result, challenges the Victorian ideals of moral decency and public rectitude. The author uses paradox in the novel to present a theory that contradicts the conservative critics of Shakespeare’s sonnets.

Wilde presents a subjective interpretation of Shakespeare’s sonnets that portrays homoerotic sexual desire as the force for creative inspiration. Foremost, through the character Cyril Graham, the author demonstrates that art is ‘an attempt to realise one’s own personality on some imaginative plane out of reach of the trammelling accidents and limitations of real life’, (Wilde, p.111).
Taking from a hypothesis in the previous century by Edmund Malone and Thomas Tyrwhitt, the character of Cyril forms a theory in which Mr W.H. is a young actor named Willie Hughes, employed by Shakespeare and who is the muse to which the sonnets are devoted. Cyril investigates each poem and pieces together a theory he believes to be true.

On the surface, Cyril’s theory derives from feeling and beauty rather than logic and instruction.
The withholding of facts in Shakespeare’s sonnets energises Cyril. He scours the poems to find a clue that harmonise with his own feelings. Cyril believes that Shakespeare influences his readers by guiding them to Willie Hughes.

Cyril, spurned by the moralistic interpretations of previous critics, becomes enthralled by Shakespeare’s muse.
An Officer and a Spy
An Officer and a Spy
Robert Harris | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Dreyfus Affair was one of the biggest miscarriages of justice that France (and possibly the world) has ever seen and this book presents the story through the eyes of Colonel Georges Picquart.

Towards the beginning, I was a little disappointed in the book. The writing style is brilliant and how faithful it is to actual events is great but in some ways, this is also its downfall. The conspiracy went on for years which makes the pacing very slow in parts and incredibly quick and exciting in others. All the characters in this book, even the tiny bit characters, were real people tied up in the affair; however, none of these characters has any real development until the very end and only for a short amount of time. As someone who favours character-driven story arcs rather than plot-driven ones, this was very frustrating for me to read as they all seemed to be very one dimensional (with the exception, perhaps, of Henry) and it doesn't really make any of them terribly likeable.

All that being said, I did very much enjoy the last two hundred or so pages where the pace really picked up and became exciting as everything seemed to come together rather than people sitting on files and information - but this is, of course, the nature of courtrooms and trials.

Although I probably won't read this book again, I am glad that I did as it introduced me to an interesting army conspiracy in France that I will definitely be doing more research in to.

Characters - 6/10
Atmosphere - 9/10
Writing Style - 8/10
Plot - 7/10 (score majorly affected by pacing)
Intrigue - 6.5/10 (as above)
Logic - 10/10 (real events so difficult to score lower)
Enjoyment - 6.5/10 (again pacing and lack of character development)

Score average - 7.8/10

Deborah (162 KP) rated The Tudor Rose in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
The Tudor Rose
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was written over 50 years ago, so I suppose we must make some allowances for light that has been shed on past events between now and then, but still, there were a number of silly errors in this book which didn't help its credibility: the pre-contract was with Eleanor Butler (nee Talbot) and for some odd reason the book gives her given name as Joan, and Edmund Tudor died of the plague and not in battle.

Overall the book follows a somewhat traditionalist stance, although Henry Tudor comes across as pretty cold and unlikeable. I wasn't convinced by some of the internal logic and some of the characterisation though. Anne Neville, for example. She is a figure we really don't know that much about, but it's hard to conceive she could be as simple and naive as she is portrayed here! Barnes does try it on a bit with trying to make us wonder if 'Perkin' is really Richard of York (and here the historical novelist has licence, because we really don't know!), despite having Bess keep adamantly stating that she knows her brothers are dead. We're also told that Elizabeth Woodville believes they died, which might lead one to question why she would have a finger in a rebellion against her daughter as queen consort? And if everybody really believed this, why did Sir William Stanley lose his head for saying he wouldn't fight against 'Perkin' if he was really a son of Edward IV - and that is in the historical record as well as this novel. There's an awful lot about Bess believing both Richard and Henry have potentially been culpable in acts of murder, but she herself in this novel is guilty of an act of treachery that is at least as bad!

Not a badly written novel, but I found it frustrating overall!
The Hidden Face (Fifth Unmasking #1)
The Hidden Face (Fifth Unmasking #1)
S.C. Flynn | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After a period where it became quite tired and unimaginative, fantasy writing over the last decade or so become a good vehicle for interesting story telling. The Hidden Face is no exception for this, being in the epic fantasy mould but with some fresh ideas thrown in.

The premise is that every few hundred years the god Akhen manifests in human form and reveals (unmasks) itself, resulting in a huge shift in the balance of power between nations. If someone could know ahead of time who was the vessel for Akhen then whoever controlled them would wield enormous power. And there are certain parties who want that power at all costs.

Standing in their way are Dayraven, former hostage and son of a famous hero, and Sunniva, daughter of a scholar and archaeologist. Between them they must solve scattered clues and prevent their enemies discovering the secrets that they know.

There is a lot that is conventional here, but there are some nice twists that avoid the usual fantasy cliches. It is also refreshing for there not to be some all pervading evil that must be defeated. Here the simple lust for power is enough to create entirely suitable adversaries. Also there a lot of factions, all with their own motives and allies, some of which change of the course of the book.

The writing is strong, with some great characters. Special mention must go to The Twister, one of the most interesting personalities I've come across with his own internal logic for his often bizarre actions.

A terrific start to a new fantasy series that looks to be something well worth reading. There are certainly plenty of mysteries still to be revealed in this fascinating world.