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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Bad Samaritan (2018) in Movies

Oct 3, 2018 (Updated Oct 3, 2018)  
Bad Samaritan (2018)
Bad Samaritan (2018)
2018 | Horror, Thriller
David Tennant (0 more)
Tacky jump-scares (1 more)
Constantly asks you to accept huge leaps of logic
What A Waste
Bad Samaritan is a movie that I really should have liked. I am a huge fan of David Tennant, I love a decent thriller movie and the trailer for the movie teased an intriguing plot as well. Unfortunately, I didn't like much of it, in fact it really annoyed me how little I liked when watching this thing.

Let's start off with the cast. David Tennant is, - as he always is, - absolutely fantastic in this role. In any other better movie, he would be in with a shout for an award for this role, unfortunately he is surrounded by absolutely overwhelming amount of trash. Robert Sheehan does a serviceable job with what he has given, but some of the lines he delivers are just too forced and cheesy to be taken seriously. The actor playing his best friend is just playing a stereotypical nonchalant small time criminal. Kerry Condon plays the hostage that David Tennant is keeping in his house and she also does a decent enough job with the shoddy material she has been given to work with.

The only other positive that I can think of other than Tennant's performance, is the way that Tennant's character systematically ruins Sheehan's character's life. He makes him lose his job, he blackmails him via social media, he attacks his girlfriend and he wrecks his car. The way that this sequence played out reminded me of Frank Miller's Daredevil story Born Again, where Kingpin learns Daredevil's real identity and destroys his life piece by piece via the people he cares about. Don't get me wrong, it is done far better in Born Again and Born Again is a much better story overall than Bad Samaritan, but it was the only element of this movies plot that I liked other than what we already saw in the trailers.

Now that we have discussed the few positives that this movie has, let's go through everything else. First of all, I have never heard a more out-of-place, inappropriate score to go along with what is happening onscreen. It genuinely felt like a temp score that was put in preliminarily until the proper one was put in and then they just left it in and didn't bother going back to improve it.

Then there was the cheap jump-scares, Although they are mostly consigned to the first act in the movie, they are still far too frequent and totally unnecessary. The last one that I remember happening was so egregious, (when David Tennant was standing behind the detective outside the house,) it actually bordered on parody. There was no story justification for it whatsoever, why would this guy who is trying to appear normal and as if nothing is wrong, creep up behind a detective who is investigating him and just stand there like a creep to give him a fright? It makes absolutely no sense. To be honest, the movie is abundant with things that don't make any sense and you are almost constantly asked to make huge leaps of logic when watching it.

There's also the fact that this movie has no idea what it wants to be. Dean Devlin who directed this, also directed last year's Geostorm. Now Geostorm was a steaming pile of shit, but at least it knew what it wanted to be. The tone in Bad Samaritan is totally all over the place and doesn't work in any way or flow well at all. This movie also plays like a check-list of thriller movie clichés. Everything from cheesy flashbacks showing the villains messed up past to the detectives not believing the protagonist's claims even when he has photo evidence on his phone.

Overall, this film is a huge waste. David Tennant's fantastic performance that he puts in here as an unhinged, genuinely scary villain is wasted in this trash movie. The trailers showed us a potentially thrilling plot that could have really been exciting and engaging only to totally waste it on a flick full of mediocre production elements and a half baked storyline. The only reason that this scored 4 was because of Tennant's brilliant performance, if not for that, this movie would have scored a 2 at best.
Ace of Shades (The Shadow Game, #1)
Ace of Shades (The Shadow Game, #1)
Amanda Foody | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Prim and proper Enne Salta is looking forward to her graduation from finishing school when her adoptive mother goes missing in New Reynes, otherwise known as the City of Sin. In an effort to find her, she must rely on the help and street smarts of gambler Levi Glaisyer. I think that it is safe to say that the blurb of this book caught me by the nose and I couldn't wait to read it so moving into a new house where there was no internet to distract me seemed as good an opportunity as any.

This book starts pretty slowly, or rather it tries to be interesting while still explaining the quite complex world and history since the Great Street War (which we actually know very little about) as well as introducing all the different characters and their blood talents and split talents. Even writing that sentence has made my head spin a little, and I've read the book! However, at about page 200 or 250 it really starts to pick up. Suddenly all the information and repetition (more on that later) starts to fall into place, and the plot and characters get SO much more interesting. Until that point though, it's all a bit meh.

With the exception of Chez, I have to say that I loved all the characters. I liked Levi pretty much from his first chapter, the villains were very cool, manipulative and all round imposing even without being in the book that much and all the rest of the characters got better as the book progressed (most notably Enne who becomes a complete badass). There's even a sequel, so perhaps Chez will grow on me after all. I would just like to add here that I love Jac and I want to have his babies.

The atmosphere, for the most part, was very meh. A lot of it was kind of bland and non-descript, which is not really something that you'd expect from a place called 'the City of Sin'. That being said, when Foody really goes for it on the atmosphere, she gets it pretty well spot on! The atmosphere during the second fight with Chez, the basement in the House of Shadows and pretty much any scene with Torren are all winners. It's just a shame that it wasn't that way for the whole book because Foody has proved that she can do it really well.

The writing style was good on the whole, but there were definitely two things that irritated me with it. I mentioned earlier that the first 200 pages have a lot of repetition, but it goes beyond merely parroting things that we already know. Sometimes whole sections of text are repeated from other chapters which I would be completely behind if it was used to offer a different perspective, but it wasn't. Reading these bits just felt like they had been copied and pasted, so it became redundant and annoying. The other problem which became hugely distracting (and which I have seen other people commenting about) is the use of 'muck' or 'mucking' instead of actual swearing. This is a young adult book with drugs and prostitutes in it and where words like 'piss' and 'ass' are used pretty commonly so when 'muck' appears (often said by a Street Lord), the reader can't help but groan. The sort of swearing and sort of not just really doesn't work. Pick a camp and stick to it!

As with the intrigue of the book, the plot got much better as it went along, with new twists and turns and plot points added to it along the way. Unlike the intrigue though, the plot was good from the beginning.

The logic was pretty good most of the time, but there were some notable moments (all heavily for the plot) that I just did not buy. This also kind of ties in with the whole 'muck' thing as well. It just takes you right out of the world.

All in all, I did enjoy this book, and I have to say that my biggest disappointment is that I have to wait another year for the sequel to come out.

Characters: 8/10

Atmosphere: 7/10

Writing Style: 7/10

Plot: 8.5/10

Intrigue: 7.5/10

Logic: 7.5/10

Enjoyment: 8/10
Silver Tomorrows
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Silver Tomorrows was a beautiful romance with wonderful characters. Emily is a modern day woman who's never felt at home in her time and is sent back to 1882 Colorado. She meets two men, Teigue and his nephew, Royle. While Teigue adopts her as his daughter and believes she's a good person, Royle refuses to see the good in her and is suspect.

I picked this up after reading a Civil War time-travel and wanted another set in the same era. Even though I'm somewhat organized, I still have books scattered around and the only time-travel romance I could find was set in post-war time, so it would have to do. I am so glad that I had this around to read!

The story unfolds marvelously and I love how logical Emily is, it's really refreshing change from a lot of romances. She doesn't try to convince them she's from the future, and really, the time-travel plays a very little part in the book. Royle is pigheaded in ignoring his feelings for what he thinks he has to do, but of course he can't fight forever (although it might seem so at times) and the chemistry between him and Emily is sizzling. I loved what Teigue added to plot and the direction the story went. I don't want to give too much away but I loved every second of it - a lot was covered, from mining in Colorado to a bit of society in post-war Williamsburg, Virginia over the course of six or so months.

For some reason I'm holding back on a perfect rating, the only thing I can think of is that I didn't get to read it in one sitting. The more I think about it though, the more I appreciate the book and how the author brought everything to life. Even if you don't like time-travel, I would recommend this because it's not an issue in the book, except for Emily finding a home and her logic. The romance is just lovely and that's why romance lovers should read it.
4.5 stars

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated What They Had (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
What They Had (2018)
What They Had (2018)
2018 | Drama
What They Had is what I wanted from The Leisure Seeker, it ends up being a touching look at how Alzheimer's can affect the family unit. That being said, it is still just an average family drama that has a great cast.

All four of our leads bring something special to this film, for me though, Robert Forster was far and away the best of them. His progression throughout the film makes for such a powerful moment at the end when he finally sees the reality of his situation.

There's no denying that if you take out these big name actors you've just got another Lifetime movie. It needed some more punch in the other areas to bring it up, but I honestly don't know how it could have done that. It is what it is, there isn't a lot to play with apart from a more dramatic storyline.

The main story does flow well but the side stories are rather forgettable. When we get to the end and they're all neatly tied up I wasn't overly bothered. Even with these great actors in all of the scenes nothing was particularly tugging at my heartstrings.

Blythe Danner really came into her own towards the end of What They Had. The sequence of events that takes place brought more than the odd tear to my eye. There's some beautiful logic from Ruth and if I'd been in her daughter's position in that moment I would have been snotty crying.

We also need to acknowledge the elephant (or in this case, turkey) in the room. We've had Ruth's emotional scenes, we get the last bit of the story sewn up in possibly an overly sweet scenario and then... a turkey... literally. I honestly didn't get it.

Sadly, although I enjoy it and I wasn't bored I think this is going to quickly be cast into the "oh yeah, I remember that film" pile.

What you should do

If you enjoy family dramas then this is one of the better ones recently and is certainly worth a watch.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I quite liked the look of Nick's bar, I wouldn't mind getting my own one... it would be movie-themed of course.
The Paris Mysteries
The Paris Mysteries
Edgar Allan Poe | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crime fiction stripped bare - all tell
"Show, don't tell" is the mantra of many authors. It means give the reader the information so they can decipher the plot at their own pace, with various tidbits of information scattered throughout a book. It doesn't mean long rambling sections of exposition.
This phrase was clearly coined after Poe's demise, as he doesn't seem to have ever heard it.
Yes, he is undoubtedly the first and most important writer of detective/crime fiction. This by no means suggests it is any good.
The three stories are really just a setting out of a mysterious crime with some facts/suspicions, with a lengthy monologue where C August Dupin solves the mystery. That's it. No suspense. No character development. No real scene setting. Just a slightly puzzling crime followed by a smartarse giving the solution.
The main thing to take away from these three Poe stories is that the police and detectives used to be rubbish and looked for the wrong evidence, or were sidetracked by what they wanted to see. There are many crimes and stories with apparently impossible solutions which can't seem to be unravelled. This idea absolutely was the genesis of the rich and varied crime genre we have today. The idea that a strange set of circumstances can arise where an apparently normal crime can be committed but with the evidence so obscure and tangled that unravelling it would take a genius.
Sadly, Poe didn't put the story around the bare bones of these crimes. So all we have is three exam questions with a know-it-all giving the answer, with no charm, no suspense, no thrilling conclusion. One of them barely even concludes the murderer, just spends an age picking holes in the logic applied by various newspapers in trying to document the crime.
I might be interested in reading a retelling of these stories (except the one where a letter has simply gone missing and is found my looking somewhere obvious), where someone actually weaves a narrative around the bare bones.
I appreciate Poe's efforts because of what followed, but not for what they themselves are.
Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
2013 | Action
Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are back in “Fast & Furious 6” the latest chapter in the hugely popular “Fast & Furious” series. This time out the renegade crew is enticed from their comfortable and no-extradition lifestyles with the promise of full pardons by Agent Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson). Hobbs is willing to meet the team’s high demands due to the international threat posed by a team of drivers who are headed by a former military specialist named Owen Shaw (Luke Evans).

A rough first encounter and pursuit through London not only proves just how dangerous and skilled Shaw and his crew are, but brings Dominic (Vin Diesel), face to face with Letty (Michelle Rodriquez), who was thought to have been killed years ago. Battling conflicting emotions with finding Letty not only alive but also on the team he’s trying to bring down, Dominic must get the crew into shape to discover where Shaw will strike next. Thankfully Brian( Paul Walker) is able to use his skills from his law enforcement days in order to get a much needed lead despite the peril it costs him to do so. In a race against time, the crew must risk it all to thwart Shaw who is the most skilled and dangerous foe they have encountered to date. What follows is an action-packed, adrenaline-fueled all out romp that is a solid action film.

The movie requires you to take great leaps of logic and faith even for a film of this type and while it does not work as well as the previous two entries, Director Justin Lin knows his audience and delivers what they want. There is plenty of racing and action and the film does use plenty of actual stunts rather than CGI and the Fast & Furious crew throw themselves into the highly physical roles. The cast works well with one another and seem to be having a good time being back with one another, which is a good thing as the jaw-dropping after credits scene promises that the series still has enough gas in the tank to thrill audiences.