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The Secret Countess
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Countess Anna Grazinsky had it all: riches, jewels, palaces, English nannies, everything. And then the Russian revolution came along. Now in 1919, Anna and her family are penniless in London so she decides to get a job as a housemaid to the newly engaged Earl of Mersham.

This is the third Eva Ibbotson book that IÕve read this year and, whilst I have enjoyed them all, I canÕt help noticing that the characters are basically all the same. Heroine who seems completely perfect and has no flaws, love interest who is complex and often broody (also the most well rounded character in the book) and the obvious villain who spends the whole book being obviously villainous. All that being said, I do really like these characters. I could relate to Anna despite her perfectness, I understood RupertÕs problems regardless of how blind he was being at times and I enjoyed just how horrible and ruthless Muriel could be. I also loved the side characters. Ollie was adorable, Lavinia was hilarious and Baskerville was strangely well fleshed out for a dog (seriously, Ibbotson gives him a whole personality where most authors wouldnÕt have bothered). Yes most of the characters were simple without huge character arcs but I liked them all the same.

IbbotsonÕs writing style is easy to slip into and nice to read, if a little over fond of commas. However it is the atmosphere that really lets this book down Ñ there isnÕt really too much of it. There are a moments where a small amount is created, and those passages are certainly the most memorable, but there are unfortunately few and far between. ThatÕs not to say that the general feeling is bad or uncomfortable to read when it shouldnÕt be, but I would liked to have seen more of...well, something.

In a similar vein to what I said about the characters earlier, most of IbbotsonÕs young adult literature seems to follow a similar structure. Girl leaves family to do something or be someone that they often donÕt approve of, meets a misunderstood man, they fall in love but he is unavailable (or she thinks he is) and she leaves him without a word but donÕt worry, they are reunited and they all live happily ever after. However, if it ainÕt broke, donÕt fix it. While the main skeleton structure is used for most of her work, each of IbbotsonÕs books have a difference and a charm that stays with you and is memorable. There are plenty of little surprises and some twists and turns.

While this review may seem mixed and sound negative, I did really enjoy this book. I have kept it on my shelves with my other Eva Ibbotson novels for a reason and IÕm sure I will return to it.

Character: 7.5
Atmosphere: 5.5
Writing Style: 9
Plot: 8
Intrigue: 8
Logic: 8
Enjoyment: 8
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Special Effects (1 more)
The force is weak with this one...
You've either already seen "The Rise of Skywalker" or you probably don't care too much about it. I won't go into major spoilers, except to say this: this movie is swiss cheese. It has so many holes and unexplained plot points that it would be futile to try to list them all. But here are a few:

We are told in the very beginning that the Emperor is still alive. Why? How? The last time we saw him, Darth Vader was throwing him over a railing to a definitive death. But they don't bother to explain it, other than some vague "This isn't the logic you're looking for..." hand-waving.

Apparently there are tons of new Force powers that nobody knew about. Like, for example, how Kylo Ren can not only see what Rey is seeing, but he can actually physically reach into her physical space and grab something. Even though he's not really there...? And if you think "Sure would be nice for a Jedi to be able to heal things. It could have saved so many characters over the years!" then you're in for a treat when Rey learns to heal a giant worm. How? Who knows? Cuz she's a badass chick, that's how! Shut up, misogynist!

There's this knife, see, and it contains a map, just like the doubloon in The Goonies, and the map points to one of only two thingamabobs that somehow lead to the secret hidden Sith planet. Don't ask why someone made the knife. Or why it was hidden where it was. Or how they knew where the thingamabob was. Or why they hid the map to the Sith planet that sounds like "Icicle" when people say it but is actually something like "Exegol."

Han Solo is dead. We know that from The Force Awakens. Except here he is, except not really, but possibly he is. He's at least talking to Kylo Ren. Or is he? Is he in Kylo's head? Is the guy hallucinating? "Don't know, don't care," say the writers. Just be happy you can see Harrison Ford's face again!

Apparently thousands of Sith have been hiding on a planet building hundreds (thousands?) of old-school star destroyers. How did that work? Where did they get the material? How many people does it take to build and run those ships and with that many people, how did they feed themselves? What resources do they have on Icicle to make clothes, weapons, etc.? It looks like a dark, empty, lightning-filled place and I didn't see any grocery stores or McDonald's. But somehow those millions of people are there and they survive ... somehow. Don't question it.

I think that's enough. You get the point. This movie is fun to watch, but it is a mess. You have to turn off your brain to enjoy it.