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I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

I enjoy brain teasers, mysteries, and puzzles. I enjoy the satisfaction you get when figuring something out that made you have to think. Too often, we just Google an answer and do not have to figure it out for ourselves. 60-Second Brain Teasers Pencil-Free Puzzles: Short Head-Scratchers from the Easy to Near Impossible by Nathan Haselbauer makes you think and is not a book to read in one sitting. Your brain would hurt too much if you did.

Haselbauer includes an array of puzzles that involves logic and some thought to figure out the puzzles. Some of them stumped me. None were too easy.

The puzzles varied in difficulty and process to solve them. Some are logic-based; others involve math. Either way, they are a fun way to use your brain and pass the time.

This book is reminiscent of the Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games I enjoyed so much while growing up. It would be perfect for a road trip or a family gathering.

Several reviewers suggested it helped their children start using their brains again to get ready for back to school.

It is part of a series of 60-Second Brain Teasers published by Fair Winds Press.

This 200-word review was published on on 9/15/20.
Gilmore Girls  - Season 7
Gilmore Girls - Season 7
2006 | Drama
The reunion of Luke and Lorelai - I cannot stress how much I love this coupling. (0 more)
Rory made the biggest mistake of her life in my opinion. (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Rory not marrying Logan. WHY? I don't understand her logic of saying no.
The writers are ever so cruel to Lane, she finally becomes her own person and BANG she's pregnant. She finds out when shes like 3 weeks pregnant too, hmmm.
Chris and Lor marrying? Ughh what a waste of time.
Amoung the negativity there is however, some AWESOME moments.
Ended how it began, the kiss, (finally!!), rory finally makes friends other than Paris and Lane (again, finally) and Paris's work has paid off.
Ending was good but again, Rory saying no wasn't the right choice in my mind.