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CHILLFILTR (46 KP) rated Dancing by Slow Skies in Music

Jul 11, 2019  
Dancing by Slow Skies
Dancing by Slow Skies
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
It works as an invitation, to both understand and let go of the need for understanding. We leave our bodies be the moment, our feelings to be the logic. We move in perfect consciousness. But perhaps we are not all of us looking at the sky.

“You will see people
Who don’t even think of
The way their bodies shape themselves”
— Slow Skies

Karen Sheridan, known in Dublin and increasingly around the world as Slow Skies, invites us all to take a minute and breathe. With her single Dancing, in a voice that for a moment reimagines Nora Jones, Sheridan asks the listener to 'to think about whatever it is that makes them feel good'. We like the lazy guitar strumming, the ice-cream-soft voice, and the variated Hey Mickey drum beat.
Destiny Binds (Timber Wolves #1)
Destiny Binds (Timber Wolves #1)
Tammy Blackwell | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A decent read
Scout Donovan is a girl who believes in rules, logic, and her lifelong love of Charlie Hagan. Alex Cole believes in destiny, magic, and Scout. When Alex introduces Scout to the world of Shifters, men who change into wolves or coyotes during the full moon and Seers, women who can see your most private thoughts and emotions with a mere touch, the knowledge changes everything and everyone Scout thought she knew.

<strong>A decent read</strong>

This was Twilight without the vampires only better written. Don't get me wrong I like the twilight books but this just had the edge. It felt a little but rushed in places but for a first in the series it definitely made me want to continue reading.

Love triangle that ends in tragedy!



Sarah (126 KP) rated Evil Genius in TV

Aug 14, 2018  
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
2018 | Documentary
7.5 (24 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
I found the beginning of Evil Genius to be truly, jaw-droppingly astonishing. Being in the UK, I don't remember ever actually hearing about this taking place. Having never heard or read anything about the case - or read any "blurb" about the series - I was genuinely shocked when witnessing the footage of what happens to Brian Wells. I honestly expected that things would "fizzle out", he would walk away with the police and the investigation would begin from there. Unsurprisingly, I spent the next few minutes with my eyes wide open, my mouth agape at what I had just witnessed.

Sadly, the documentary seems to go downhill from there.

The narrator/interviewer isn't particularly engaging in his commentary.

The story is somewhat disjointed, going from story to story, from suspect to suspect, without any real sense of flowing or logic. As such, at times it can feel a bit like you lose track of where you are and what has gone on, particularly when a thread is dropped only to be picked up later on, with additional information introduced but no logic to the way it has been brought in.

As something that seems to be a truly one-off type of crime, this should be such compelling viewing. Instead, after the initial shock-factor, it really does seem to fizzle out very quickly, and the only thing that compels you to keep watching is to find out what happened - and even that is something of a let down, as not all information seems to be followed up or confirmed.

Overall, it is an extremely interesting story which, unfortunately, has been let down by the way in which it has been put together.