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The Inexplicable Logic of My Life
The Inexplicable Logic of My Life
Benjamin Alire Saenz | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Over the past couple of years, social media, particularly Tumblr, has been raving over Benjamin Alire Sáenz’s multi-award winning novel, <i>Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe</i>. As a result, I have wanted to read this book to see what the fuss is about. Unfortunately, libraries and bookstores in the UK do not appear to stock any of Sáenz’s novels.

When I saw an ARC of <i>The Inexplicable Logic of My Life</i> was available for request on NetGalley, I took the risk, having not read any of Sáenz’s work, and requested a copy. And I am truly glad I did. What, from the blurb and book cover, could result in a mundane Young Adult novel, turned out to be a thing of true beauty. The prose is almost poetic and full of emotion; it not only tells the story, it makes you feel it too.

The narrator, Salvador “Sal”, is beginning his final year at El Paso High School with his best friend Sam. Normally, the first day of school is something he looks forward to, however he feels differently this year. Something within Sal has changed, something indescribable but there all the same. Something that makes punching someone in the face an automatic reaction.

Sal’s dad is gay. Although not his real dad, Vicente adopted Sal into his extended Mexican American family after the death of his mother when he was three years old. He could not have asked for a better parent, but something is niggling in the back of his mind: who is his birth father?

Whilst Sal soliloquizes about his feelings, the reader is introduced to best friend Sam – a girl who, despite an erudite vocabulary, is not afraid to cuss and swear. Sam also understands what it is like to not truly know who you are, as does Fito, another friend, with terrible relations. Tragic events pull the three together, giving them a new chance at being part of a family despite not being blood related.

Sal, Sam and Fito try to help each other through their problems, ruminating together over their pasts and contemplating the unpredictable future. Despite each character suffering from grief, their friendship gives them a purpose and the encouragement to carry on.

<i>The Inexplicable Logic of My Life</i> covers so many themes it is impossible to categorize. Sam, Fito and Vicente are all encumbered with something that could ostracize them from society – their sexuality, race, drug addict parents – but they never let this get in their way. Sal, on the other hand, struggles somewhat, believing he no longer knows who he really is. He questions everything: how does he fit into the world around him? What right does he have to graduate and go to college?

With great efficacy, Sáenz explains through Sal’s voice, the importance of believing in yourself, letting yourself be loved, and accepting things for what they really are. All the main characters are trying so hard to belong; they do not realize that they always have belonged.

<i>The Inexplicable Logic of My Life</i> is a story of grief, death, family, friendship, fathers and words; a graceful, almost lyrical, narrative that gets to the heart of human existence and uplifts the spirit. The expressive language has a great emotional impact on the reader – have your tissues at the ready – and resonates within the soul. With quotable lines that you will wish you had written yourself, I guarantee you will love this book.
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Awix (3310 KP) rated Mother! (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Mother! (2017)
Mother! (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
Palpably insane fantasy psycho-horror from Darren Aronofsky that seems intentionally designed to alienate and repel mainstream audiences. The presence of Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem seems calculated to lure in innocent passersby for this unhinged tale of... of...

Well, look, Lawrence and Bardem live in a lovely house in the countryside; he is a noted poet, she is his wife, and to begin with all is well. Then mysterious strangers start appearing and dark events threaten to disrupt their idyll. Things get extreme. At points they get extremely extreme.

If this movie was your pet it would attack your furniture and howl at the moon, then fetch you your slippers with a 'who, me?' look on its face. If you're a stickler for things like naturalism and coherence, then it is probably not for you; but Aronofsky creates the fractured sense of living through an unfolding nightmare, with all the non-logic that suggests, rather well, and the stars are all on full power. It's still very nearly the proverbial movie with something to offend everyone, but you can't fault the technical expertise with which it has been made, or the director's success in realising his (highly peculiar) vision for the film.
Show all 6 comments.

Joe Julians (221 KP) Feb 11, 2018

To be fair to them, it was a very difficult film to market. Not sure what else they could have done.


Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 11, 2018

Yes, hard to say what it is about without giving it all away.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Dracula in TV

Jan 4, 2020  
2020 | Drama, Horror
6.1 (14 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Somewhat predictably, the Sherlock team's take on Dracula proves to be a studied piece of unfaithfulness - although, given just how well-known and iconic this particular story is, it's hard to see quite what else they could have done. It starts off looking deceptively faithful, turns into a bizarre inversion of an Agatha Christie-type murder mystery, and then really goes for broke with a third-act twist the likes of which have not been seen since AD 1972. Guaranteed to upset purists, but hey - at least they were still allowed to cast a man as Dracula.

Claes Bang is indisputably very good as the Count, mixing cool flippancy with genuine menace. The rest of it is a bit of a curate's egg, with brilliant moments mixed thoroughly with things that don't quite work. If you like Moffat and Gatiss' approach to scripting - sketch show and conjuring performance in equal measures, with big set pieces and reveals taking precedence over logic and cohesion - then you will obviously enjoy this. Otherwise, then the sound of Dracula is not so much the music of the children of the night, as that of the writers winking at the audience non-stop for four and a half hours.