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    Smart Plans - Multi Planner

    Smart Plans - Multi Planner

    Business and Productivity

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    SmartPlans is a flexible project planner and task manager. It's "Smart" because it manages the time...

The Wolf and the Rain
Tanya Lee | 2018
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Voluntary honest review after receiving a free ARC.

An excellent book and fun read, if a bit of a bumpy beginning. It takes a little time to get into it.
After a collapse of civilization due to climate change. The North and South of a country has split into opposites. Divided by a heavily militarized border. The North is chaos and almost anarchy where the only authority are the elite compounds or the gangs there are many ways to die in the harsh living conditions. The people are ruled by superstition and fear. Most of the citizens are illiterate and disease is rampant, even if you go to a "stitcher" it is just as risky or riskier as doing nothing. In the South there is order and an almost totalitarian society where the government uses science and logic asking for complete obedience in return. And that you fill out a form for almost everything, even when choosing a sexual partner.

Samarra (Sam) is the main character. She has made a new home in the North after escaping from the South. She has a job as a carrier to one of the compounds that inhabit the North. Felling guilty about taking the place of a former teammate and daughter of a friend. She becomes obsessed with trying to find out what happened to the missing (possibly dead) girl.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Vice (2018) in Movies

Jan 31, 2019  
Vice (2018)
Vice (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Adam McKay's attempt to reinvent himself as a sort of non-documentarian version of Michael Moore is not so much a hatchet-job as a machete-job - no, make that a chainsaw-job - on the reputation of Dick Cheney, Vice-Prez under Dubya. Christian Bale vanishes under layers of make-up and the Cheney who emerges is a disturbing, totally unprincipled monster, consumed by the acquisition and use of power, responsible for (amongst other things) the invasion of Iraq and the rise of ISIS. Potentially quite heavy stuff going on, then, but McKay takes care to cheer things up (relatively speaking) by including big performances from Sam Rockwell and Steve Carell, along with a few Monty Python ideas repurposed for this movie.

Highly entertaining in a ghastly sort of way, and illuminating with respect to the twisted logic employed by the Bush administration and the role they played in facilitating the current civic nightmare engulfing the USA. Unlikely to appeal to the Republican base, for obvious reasons, but the film inevitably has some jokes to make about its own liberal bias, too, as well as being smart enough to allow Cheney the chance to justify himself, which he does in a disturbingly persuasive way. Still probably a bit too partisan for its own good, but still very impressive and a lot of fun; thought-provoking too.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jan 31, 2019

great review

The Resistance
The Resistance
2018 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Science Fiction, Spies / Espionage
Quick Gameplay (1 more)
Enjoyment is super dependent on who you're playing with (0 more)
Hit or Miss
I was introduced to this game by a friend, and completely forgot about it until it appeared on Wil Wheaton's Tabletop.

The first time I played it, it didn't leave much of an impression. Felt like a more lightweight version of Werewolf.

After watching the Tabletop episode, I gave it another chance and had a much better time. Like a lot of lightweight party-style games, The Resistance lives and dies on the specific people playing it. If you have even just one or two players that have a little bit of buy-in, or what to really get into the scheming and accusations, it can be immensely fun.

However, sometimes you end up with a group of players that eschew the seat-of-the-pants gameplay implied by the quickness and lightweightedness of the game, and by the third mission, the game has become less about being sneaky and playing against people, and turns into a kind of logic puzzle.

Have had some real fun games, have had a few dull ones. Definitely worth a play if you're looking for something light and fast while you're waiting for the one guy in your gaming group to make heads or tails of the rulebook of the big box game he just bought.
    Zoo Train

    Zoo Train

    Education and Games

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    Zoo Train features 5 different educational games plus sticker rewards for kids 2-5. Award-winning,...