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Fortitude  - Season 2
Fortitude - Season 2
2016 | Drama
Not as good as the first
The problem with the second series of Fortitude is that it seems to want to outdo the first, and in many respects it does. Its even weirder (which I didn't think possible), a lot gorier and seems to have a lot more going on. The issue is that it appears to be too much, and although it's still a good series, it doesn't quite reach the standards of the original.

There are some great additions to the cast - notably Dennis Quaid and Robert Sheehan - but then there's also some not so great. For some reason I couldn't quite stand Ken Stott's Erling Munk and there are others that seem to be thrown in just to kill off. There's also a few surviving characters from the first series that have disappeared without a single mention.

The plot itself is a little convoluted, but on watching this series again recently I have appreciated the plot line more and it is quite entertaining, although the shaman aspect is possibly a little too much. There is a lot of dry humour in this though, especially with Petra which is absolutely hilarious at times.

My main issue is that there's just not enough Dan in this. He's by far the best character and although he's more present towards the end of the series, it's not quite enough. Richard Dormer plays this version of Dan brilliantly though and he's still the best thing when he's on screen.

Intrigued to see how they wrap this up now in series 3.

Wayne Coyne recommended Wizard of Oz by Judy Garland in Music (curated)

Wizard of Oz by Judy Garland
Wizard of Oz by Judy Garland
1939 | Pop, Soundtrack
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Last summer we were playing some versions of Dark Side of the Moon that were more like our versions, that we did with my nephew [Star Death and White Dwarves] and Henry Rollins and Peaches. This summer we're playing another version that has some of the Wizard of Oz themes and ideas running through it, so that'll be a lot of fun. It's just great emotional music. Judy Garland, when they picked her to be the singer, and the embodiment of that longing... she's so perfect for that Dorothy character. There are bits on the Wizard of Oz soundtrack CD that I have - and it's an old CD, maybe 15, 20 years old - when you take the movie away and just hear her singing, and there's a song where she cries. I've put it on to a room full of people and they tear up, it's so real. There's not many pieces of music that can do that. She's so perfect, but it's not just the singing - she's an actor. She's on camera at the same time, she's wearing this ridiculous costume, there's fake backdrops behind her, there's a lot of elements that have gone into this thing, and so for her to be so pure, so potent: it's uncanny. That's why that movie is so good. There's a lot of fantastical, ridiculous, musical movies out there that, to me, are nauseating. Wizard of Oz should be one of those - out-dated, overdone, with horrible music – but it rises above what it's made of. It's unbelievable."

The Beatles (White Album) by The Beatles
The Beatles (White Album) by The Beatles
1968 | Pop, Rock
9.0 (14 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"We're keen on the White Album because of the way we're making a lot of this music now. I feel like they had a lot of music, and they weren't that worried about the very nuanced production they had delved into with George Martin. It's one of those records that's kind of sloppy, recorded in strange rooms. It has this weirder, drug-damaged vibe about it. For me, I think that The Beatles could not be any greater of a group without a song like 'Revolution 9'. I wouldn't have embraced them as much. Even though I was very young I always thought 'Revolution 9' was just as valid, just as listenable, just as perfect as 'Strawberry Fields Forever', something that has a lot of structure, melody, lyrics. I didn't realise until later how retarded that was. When we started writing songs and learning how to produce records we started to see what a strange, disturbing collage it is. Luckily, that was what I built my world of creating music on: thinking anything that you wanted to do was possible. They'll have these experimental moments, and even Paul McCartney, who's perhaps not as artistically experimental, there's that thing, [sings] "Can you take me back where I came from" [the fragment that follows 'Cry Baby Cry']. [It's] Thirty seconds of him not really having a song. Listening to that when I was young, somehow, is the cornerstone to me remembering that anything's possible - that you don't have to worry about thinking everything through before you do it."


Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Inkheart in Books

Jul 10, 2019  
Cornelia Funke | 2003 | Children
7.6 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
A bit too drawn out children's fantasy.
I don’t read a lot of YA but if there's one thing that’s sure to get me to pick one up it’s…… bookclub pressure! I haven’t read a lot of fantasy recently so I did go into this looking forward to a change of pace and I certainly got that.

The premise for the book is interesting with the crossover of fictional characters into our world being enabled by those able to read them out. However the fact that this was something that was stated in the blurb but didn’t really get covered until well into the book I think speaks to the drawn out nature of this book. I really think it would of been better if it had been condensed. When a character gets captured for a second time I was all “oh no not this again” rather than feeling tension and excitement.

Perhaps a function of this being a translated work, I never really felt I got into the flow of this book. I didn’t like Meggie the 12 year old protagonist, although that may just be a dislike of stubborn annoying 12-year olds in general. I did however love the Elinor character (and not just for the solid name choice!) She’s a no nonsense full on book nerd. I did however find the books general and constant attitude of people that love books are far superior to everyone else to be a bit patronising.

I’m sure I would have enjoyed this a lot more when I was 12.

Kaz (232 KP) Jul 10, 2019

I totally agree with you about the pacing of this book. It was so drawn out that it lacked any drive. I didn't mind Meggie, she came across as a typical teenager. Great review!


Emma (519 KP) Jul 11, 2019

There's also two more sequels of the same length.

Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen, #1)
7.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Hmm… I felt slightly disappointed after reading this, and that was knowing that it was going to be in two parts. I think it was the fact that we never actually learnt anything of importance about Amy. We see flashbacks of what made her run in the first place but it’s not enough to make us understand why and the bigger: what happened?

I must say I was seduced by one Liam Stone almost from the first encounter. Girls, he is hot! He just had this way about him that was incredibly sexy, a lot of the time in the bedroom, but sometimes outside of it too. At this point I think I should warn you, it contains quite a lot of sex.

Then there’s the mystery of Jared. Where does he fit into it all? He’s another hot one girls! We don’t see as much of him as we do Liam but there’s something about him too, that I like. Some mystery surrounding him, too.
There’s a lot of mystery and intrigue in this story and it gets worse (can’t think of a better word choice) throughout when things don’t work out how you expect and you are constantly wondering how it’s all going to come together.

The only real let down for me was not finding more out about Amy’s past but I’m sure it will be covered in the second, Infinite Possibilities, due out later this year.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Elevator Pitch in Books

Sep 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 22, 2019)  
Elevator Pitch
Elevator Pitch
Linwood Barclay | 2019 | Crime
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Terrifying concept (0 more)
Poorly developed characters. (0 more)
Not for those living the high rise life......
Well I made the mistake of reading this while on holiday in Vegas and having to deal with a lot of elevators!!! When an elevator accident in Manhattan is followed by more on following day it soon becomes clear there's more going on than a simple malfunction and the incidents are terrifyingly portrayed.

Along with the elevator incidents a number of other violent crimes are occurring and Elevator Pitch sets out to take you on a twisty tale to see how these things are all connected or not. Unfortunately the path was a bit too twisty for my liking; constant and numerous POV changes made it hard to really get much of a feel for the characters leaving them all feeling a bit flat.

I did love the core idea and story line of elevators being used as a way to terrorise a city and the little stories around the hapless victims and the incidents themselves were very vivid and tense. However the numerous side threads / red-herrings that added so little to the story made it a bit of a drag in places. No real surprise on the bad guy but I do read a lot of crime books so it takes a lot to throw me. Very interesting concept just didn’t quite hit the high I hoped for.

My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
touching love story (0 more)
sad scenes (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
So I am a pretty emotional human being. Sad movies and depressing people are usually the type of things I stay away from. I don't believe I cried over a book ever in my life until I read this one. I kid you not, I sat in a CVS parking lot crying and the poor guy in the car next to me didn't have any clue why! Overall I really enjoyed this book.
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.9 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not so amazing
I'm not sure we really needed this re-boot so soon after the other films! It seems to stay faithful to a lot of the ideas behind Spiderman and therefore some scenes are just like the first film, which makes me think why not try something totally different?! It's a good film though and the action and SFX are very good, overall I think it missed some of the charm of the recent first film.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Hmm it's ok I didn't think it was as good as the first. A lot of drama and not enough action for me. The pace of the film felt too slow and the comparison to Romeo & Juliet is overplayed. Some ok SFX, pity didn't get to see more of the bad vampires. One girls will like more than the guys, especially with all the topless guys showing six-packs stomachs. Hope the 3rd is more action packed.
SEAL of trust
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
i freakin loved this.... the characters were grown and amazing and their feelings were raw and real... it was perfection for me. this might be one of my favorite of this series so far.. there was love... a bit of drama and angst... and a lot of amazingness between characters lol.. the writing as always was perfect.. i love this authors work and look forward to most of their stories. i am glad i got to read it