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9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delightful romance.
So I’ll admit. The only reason I picked this book up is because the second book in the series, Her Royal Highness, looks like an adorable lesbian romance and I thought I should start at the beginning of the series. I’m glad I did, because Royals is a delight. Daisy is a spirited, no-nonsense teenager who doesn’t get the appeal of all this “royal” stuff, and she’s not one to mince words for the sake of appearances. As you can imagine, that ruffles a LOT of royal feathers! Add in a posse of noble ne’er-do-wells trying to get in trouble, and you’re in for some fun.

Interestingly, I’m torn now on whether to read the second book! Rachel Hawkins is a fantastic writer, so I have no doubt she’ll write a great second book, but the love interest in the next book, Princess Flora, did not make a great impression on me in this book. I was glad she only made a short appearance. It doesn’t sound like the next book is told from her point of view, though, so maybe it will be okay. The series definitely has a lot of potential, as there’s still several members of the Prince’s posse to tell stories about!

I do enjoy a good royal romance, and these are interesting in that they’re contemporary, so the royals are concerned with their reputation, and treated like massive celebrities, but have lost a lot of their intimidation factor and power when it comes to normal people. Daisy sees it more as an inconvenience than anything else, it seems.

One content warning – there was a scene with an unasked-for kiss that could have been called sexual assault if Daisy had been less charitable about it. It wasn’t malicious. But it was questionable. So beware if that’s something you want to avoid.
The Devil and the Muse
The Devil and the Muse
Mandy Jackson-Beverly | 2017 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The immediate threat is over and happy to live in Italy with Gabriel and her family, Coco is getting more comfortable with her gifts. But when a concerned friend and her paintings highlighted the plight of teenage girls, Coco knows that the Allegiance has got to step in. However, with the team have to split up to cover two missions, things go from bad to worse.
Due to the majority of the characters already known to us, the book seemed to flow a lot quicker and the story was fast paced. Whilst Coco still had a major role to play, the story concentrated on some of the other characters and we learn a lot more about Pelayo, an El Salvadoran vampire and Sabine, a doctor who fights for the vulnerable. Also helping the Allegiance was a vampire with a surprising background. Whilst the main mission concentrates on the missing girls, Prudence has her own mission and it gives us the chance to meet some of her ancestors and learn more about her life. Whilst we know that Kenan is behind the trouble, the story goes further to explain why he is the way his.
Due to the nature of the subject matter, this story came across a lot darker than book 1, but this just helps enforce just what Coco and company are up against. As I mentioned it was a faster pace due to the fact there was always something going on. The art still played a big part in the story and the picturesque descriptions of the paintings enable you to imagine them as you are reading.
A good addition to this fantasy series and I am looking forward to reading The Immortal Muse which came out on 31st March 2019
Illuminae: The Illuminae Files: Book 1
Illuminae: The Illuminae Files: Book 1
Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman | 2015 | Children
9.2 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
First after reading this I gave it 5 stars - I still truly enjoyed this book and reading it in paper format this time was a definite plus - but for some reason it didn't hit the 5* for me, perhaps it was reading it so close together, but I wanted to complete gemina and obsidio this month so I decided to re-read ... ah well, live and learn right? I still highly love this book

I loved it I loved it I loved it - this is a must read book. However, my only complaint was that I read this in ebook format and I felt like it lost a lot of its luster. Reading it on my ipad I got half of the effect of reading it on the webpage version of the ebook. How is that possible? the blacked out words were not blacked out, the blacked pages were not black, a lot of it was messed up with formatting there, but webpage seemed a lot better. If anything, I say pick up a hard copy of the book, which I will be doing very soon!

How can you feel for an AI like this - for some reason I was on a rollercoaster of emotions with this book, I both wanted to hug it and punch it at the same time - or throw it across the room - but I'd break my precious ipad.

This book was laugh out loud funny - for real, there were parts where I could not stop laughing - and there were parts where you just wanted to cry.

Such a well written book, such a great book - I cannot wait to read book 2!!!!!!! In book format this time........get the full effect.
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I read the first three books in this series a few months ago and got drawn into it quite quickly. The trio of friends grew on me a lot and I liked how they pulled Tori into their ranks and protected her from whatever dangers seem to follow them all around.

This one was no different with all the Guilds being put on a high alert after a warning of a loose demon in the area. Every member is given tasks and go out hunting for the rogue creature. As this one seems to be taking place around Halloween and Tori seems to find herself organising a Halloween Party she needs to head out and pick up some food she's ordered, only to find herself and Ezra being hunted by the demon. Only it seems the demon wants Ezra more than her anyone else...

I won't go into any more detail as that would totally ruin the story but we learn a lot more about Ezra in this. He takes a lot more of the spotlight and I enjoyed seeing more of him. It's definitely a bit of a surprise but he's still the gentle, sweet Ezra unless you royally pee him off

This has got a slight romance arc in it. She got together with Aaron in the second book, I think?, but they went their separate ways in the last one. She's always had a connection with Ezra and that grew in this one with them having a few moments where something flared.

I will definitely be reading the next one to see what other trouble this quartet get up to and to see if anything comes of her growing feelings for Ezra.


JT (287 KP) rated Bridesmaids (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Bridesmaids (2011)
Bridesmaids (2011)
2011 | Comedy
This was quite a nice change of pace from the regular rom-coms we have seen. The dull and somewhat boring 27 Dresses, Runaway Bride and Bride Wars as examples all try to leave you feeling fluffy and emotionally satisfied.

Bridesmaids is simply The Hangover for females. With brilliant ad-libbing and standout scenes it only lets itself down by trying to fill the humour gaps with a genuine romance for Kristen Wiig‘s Annie. Beneficial to the film is producer Judd Apatow who has brought us some fantastic comedies such as The 40-Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up to name a few. Each with a collection of colourful and extremely funny characters – Bridesmaids is not a lot different.

Here he almost certainly lends a helping hand in making sure this misfit group of women can cause as much havoc as possible, and they do. Laugh out loud moments such as a trip to the bridal shop after some rather dodgy food is a disgusting but hilarious highlight, as is the plane trip to Vegas in which a nervous Annie mixes pills and scotch and tries to slip into first class.

One of the highlights was the supporting role of Melissa McCarthy as Megan, almost a female version of the loveable Zach Galifianakis‘ character Alan in The Hangover . She nearly steals the show, but if not for a great performance from Wig. Given the film’s high budget it did very well to profit such a huge sum worldwide so it must have hit the right notes with film goers.

Overall I enjoyed Bridesmaids a lot. The actresses not following the the script and add-libbing takes a lot of skill, more so to make the scene funny, so hats off to that.
    Flashcard Hero

    Flashcard Hero

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Stuart Braithwaite recommended Frigid Stars LP by Codeine in Music (curated)

Frigid Stars LP by Codeine
Frigid Stars LP by Codeine
1990 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's a huge, very personal, very absorbing rock record. I love it to bits. I heard them on John Peel, he was a big Codeine supporter… I think they were ahead of their time, because if you listen to them stylistically, it doesn't seem anything particularly different, because there's a lot of bands that make slow loud music, but this was incredible and unique. The songs are why they still maintain the interest. It was really moving seeing them at ATP I'll Be Your Mirror, and you can tell the band were quite touched as well. I was a big John Peel fan, and when we started the band it was an ambition to get played on John Peel, it was an ambition to get a Peel Session, so I think that it kind of went from being a fan to seeing him as some kind of way to let the world hear your music. It worked on different levels. Getting to meet him, he was a really wonderful person too. Even a lot of bands before my time, you'd get to hear them because they'd done Peel sessions, those grey 12". It was a seal of approval that the band were worth checking out because they'd got to do a Peel Session. I think he had a big influence on a lot of the bands up here because for a long time no-one really paid much attention to the music in Scotland apart from John Peel. If you got a session with him you got a few hundred pounds which could be used to play some gigs outside Scotland, so he almost acted as an arts fund for supporting Scottish musicians."


Jonathan Higgs recommended Electro-Shock Blues by Eels in Music (curated)

Electro-Shock Blues by Eels
Electro-Shock Blues by Eels
1998 | Indie, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was a big fan of Mark Everett ever since I heard ‘Novocaine For The Soul’; I heard it once on the radio and bought the album the next day. It was perfect, almost like a Nirvana that were still alive. Little did I know that was their only song that was really like that, but I still fell in love with them, I loved Beautiful Freak. I guess I was following them so closely and thinking about his various woes so much and then this record came out. It was set in a hospital and a lot of things seemed to be set in a hospital for me, musically, at that time - The Bends had a lot of those themes on it too, for example. On the one hand there was this idea of the monotony of being in a hospital, the absolute depths of his misery, but at the same time he can’t seem to stop himself writing these theme tunes for happier scenes, like ‘Susan’s House’. He’s just got these terrible, heart-breaking lyrics but attached to these jovial little songs. There’s also loads of really cool sampling and the musique concrète stuff he does, particularly on Electro-Shock Blues, where there’s lots of ambience and you don’t know what instrument is playing what. It’s got a kitchen sink sort of vibe. “Arrangement-wise too you’ll get really unusual stuff happening; lots of bass and then something weird with no drums. He broke a lot of rules for me when I was starting out and I started thinking, 'Well, you don’t have to have that in your song if you don’t want...' You could just have the beeping from a heart monitor and sing over that."

Player's Handbook (Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition)
Player's Handbook (Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition)
2014 | Adventure, Book, Fantasy, Game System, Roleplaying
Everything you need to get started (2 more)
Plenty of information
Great for people who haven't played before
Can be a little difficult to sift through and find the information you want (0 more)
Makes the whole thing a little less daunting
I first tried playing dungeons and dragons years and years ago with a small group and it was a complete disaster. Only one member of the group had played before and their knowledge was limited, at best. We didn't have access to any books or character sheets and the entire session turned in to a frustrating stream of questions which led to more confusion.
I started playing again recently with another small group, all of us complete beginners, and owning the books made all the difference. There are a LOT of books available but this is the best starting point if you're new to the game or want to get the basics covered. Of course a lot of the information is also available online but the dungeons and dragons official site doesn't include everything and if you go looking elsewhere you have to trawl through different sites to find everything.
The book lays things out fairly clearly and though there's a lot to get through, it does break things down quite nicely.
It includes character sheets (though you can also find apps for these on your mobile) and covers all of the basics that you need to get started; character creation, dice rolling, battles, equipment, NPCs, spells, animals and so on. It also includes a 'quick build' box for characters to get you started if you're in a hurry.
I'd recommend the book to anyone looking to get started on a campaign, especially if you're without a seasoned player / dungeon master. It was a life saver to our group of newbies and we still refer back to it even now.